Advantages of iPad (digital tools) • Easier to develop ideas with the


Advantages of iPad (digital tools)

• Easier to develop ideas with the iPad because you have all the functions available instead of looking for materials.

• You have more options with digital tools and they are much easier to use. For example, it is easy to use transparencies with the software but harder with paper and pencil. In addition, it is easier to copy visual items

• I like that with the iPad I can undo and redo my work without worrying about errors and mistakes

• I can generate more ideas with the iPad, but simply they are drafts

• I found it easier to use colours with the iPad

• [iPad] Quite useful because of the control it has with colours, and how easy it is to use colours in comparison to paper and pencil

• The same happens with the colours I choose, I can delete them, use others, check which colours work better with each other [iPad]

• All the tools are available on the screen and you do not have to carry anything else with you

• The iPad is useful to help find things on the internet

• If I did not have access to traditional tools or I had to carry them around with me, then I would rather use the iPad

• The software on the iPad was flexible and allowed for many different choices when sketching

• I like that it [iPad] is portable and one does not need to carry brushes and inks all the time

• [iPad] it can be a useful tool specially if you want to present something and you are looking for paper and pencil

• It is nice and I like it. One of the reasons is that it is easy to control colours, it is easy to erase and correct elements of your work

• The iPad allows for the easy incorporation of other images

• [iPad] It makes it much easier to have early draft ideas when you do not have to carry all those things with you

• I do believe that the use of iPads can be useful for learning

• With a normal eraser is hard to undo on the paper, but the iPad you just have to select undo and it makes it much easier

• With the iPad you have access to more brushes and tools than working on paper

• It is easy to erase things on the iPad

• it has some good options. All the tools and brushes are available on the iPad, you don’t have to look for them

• I found it useful on the iPad that one can focus and magnify

• The fact that the work is digital on the iPad, it means that sketches can be used for other things such as to put them on a website, to animate them

• It is a nice tool the iPad but for drawing and sketching

• The iPad has many nice functions that allow for do and undo

• The good thing about the iPad is that it is digital and the work is easy to transfer to other media

• The iPad is closer to the way we work in the 21 st century

• However, it has advantages too. For example, in the software one can use layers and it is easy to do and undo. It is more interactive than paper and pencil

• However, with the iPad you can import other work, you can transfer files, it gives you more options like that

• Overall, I would choose the iPad because I think we need to move with the times

• I found the iPad useful because it forced me to work in ways that I never thought before. I couldn’t work the same way with paper and pencil

• It is an advantage that you can erase easy on the iPad, you can do and undo

• In 2-3 minutes I was able to create work on the iPad

• On the iPad it was easy to do and undo until I got the results I wanted

• However, the iPad is portable, you always have a set of brushes with you when you carry the iPad

• I like that it has many options for the selection of tools and also easy to select and use colours… It is easy…

• It is easy to use

• you have access to so many different brushes with the iPad

• The iPad is useful for fast ideas

• the iPad is digital and it has an undo option, it has layers, it allows for creative flexibility

• I prefer the iPad, it gives me flexibility, I can save the work and go back to it later. Also, the iPad allows me to combine different images much easier.

• I like all the options to use different brushes on the iPad. It is much easier to select a brush style on the iPad than use a real one

• Not so easy to use but allowed for fast results

• You can work fast with the iPads but not with a lot of detail

• it is better to work with it, if the task requires something simple, then I would use the iPad

• I like it as a tool, it is easy, it has many tools and options

• It is better than paper and pencil because it is so much more flexible

• I find it very useful, easy to use, different tools, it allows me to highlight colours, and I found it very useful

• I found it very useful, the same as paper and pencil

• You can always keep your work clean on the iPad, you don’t need to worry about making mistakes. This is one of the advantages

• The software allows you to change sizes of your images very easy. This is very hard and time consuming to do on real paper

• I got used to it easily, it is user-friendly

• It has more options than one gets with paper and pencil. The iPad has many different tools.

• I would choose the iPad because it is digital, the work is digital and this is a big advantage.

• It is an advantage that one can undo and erase without any problem

• I would choose the iPad because it is easier to keep your work and carry it with you

• But the iPad gives you other options such as shapes

• Although it is easier to work with colours on the iPad

• I like the way one can draw on the iPad. It is easy to use the digital pen, to zoom, to look at detail

• The advantage of the iPad is the ease of using colours, your artwork is always clean…

Advantages of traditional tools 

• I found it difficult, not easy to control, so I prefer paper and pencil

• I can control my drafts better on paper, and I am not enthusiastic about the iPad

• With paper and pencil I feel I have more control. I can control my lines easier

• For now I can’t do the detail that I achieve on paper. I have more control with paper

• I prefer to work with paper and pencil because I can achieve more detail that way

• All you need is a piece of paper and a pencil

• I can work faster on paper but I want to learn to use the iPad because I think that when I learn it then I can create better work than on paper.

• With paper and pencil, I have more control over what I want to visualize

• Still I prefer traditional tools because of the control I have

• I find it easier to have many ideas with paper and pencil

• I find it easier to work with paper and pencil. I can get more detail out of paper and pencil

• If it came down to choosing between the two, I would use paper and pencil because I find it easier to sketch

• You can have more detail with paper and pencil

• At this stage, I would prefer paper and pencil because I am more familiar with it and I need time to learn how to use the iPad

• Overall I find it easier to use paper and pencil

• In any case, I still prefer paper and pencil in the end

• I feel more secure with paper and pencil even though I like technology

• With a pencil I can achieve more detail, while I found the digital pen hard to control

• I need more time to learn how to use the iPad and this is the reason I would choose paper and pencil now.

• If I had more time, perhaps I would change my mind and use the iPad more

• I grew up with paper and pencil so we got used to it. It may not have any advantages over the iPad, but we are used to it

• I prefer to use pencil and paper because I can sketch with more detail

• I prefer paper and pencil because the digital pen is not easy to control

• I have more control with paper and pencil

• I am not good with sketching. I find it easier to use paper and pencil

• still prefer paper and pencil

• I can work faster on paper and pencil and I can achieve more detail

• On paper and pencil I can get more detail

• Paper and pencil are easy to use

• Overall I would choose paper and pencil because I feel I have more control with traditional media

• The pencil allows me to have more detail on paper

• I would still use paper and pencil because I can get more detail out of it

• I feel that paper and pencil is easy to control

• One can stick things on paper but not the iPad

• I prefer to draw and sketch on paper than the iPad

• Paper is easier for early drafts

• On paper I can get details that I can’t on the iPad

• I am used to working with paper and pencil.

• My sketches are better with paper and pencil, they come out more detailed

• I like to use paper and pencil more though because I can express myself better

• I am used to paper and pencil so I would still use them

• One of the interesting things is that with traditional paper and pen you can mix water with your inks, this is not something that can be done with the iPad

• I prefer paper and pencil for my early ideas because I am used to it, I learnt how to use them and it is hard to give that up

• with paper and pencil I can develop ideas faster

• I believe that paper and pencil can never be replaced

• I find it easier to have more detail on paper and pencil, to draw lines on paper

• I prefer paper and pencil

• I am used to paper and pencil

Disadvantage of iPad

• I found it harder in comparison to pencil and paper because I have never worked with a tablet before

• The weakness of the tablet is that it does not make it easy to achieve detail in sketching. It is harder to achieve detail with the iPad

• I don’t particularly like technology

• With the iPad I don’t feel I have direct connection to what I am creating, not as much as I do with paper and pencil

• At this stage, I would prefer paper and pencil because I am more familiar with it and I need time to learn how to use the iPad

• I need time to get used to the iPad

• There was nothing I liked about it [iPad]

• I need more time to learn how to use the iPad and this is the reason I would choose paper and pencil now.

• If I had more time, perhaps I would change my mind and use the iPad more

• It is not easy to draw and sketch with the iPad. I had to redo many of my ideas because I could not control it

• It was not easy to sketch on the iPad

• But with the iPad I did not have good control of my lines, of the detail

• I do not like it as much as paper and pencil

• the digital pen was hard to use and not easy to control, so I would still want to work with paper

• I found it difficult to work with the iPad

• I did not find the iPad to be helpful for drawing

• The big disadvantage is that it costs money and one has to buy it

• I didn’t find it easy to draw lines with the iPad

• but it is still hard to get detail

• Not so easy to use but allowed for fast results

• You can work fast with the iPads but not with a lot of detail

• This is the only disadvantage of the iPad, hard to achieve detail

• I did not find any advantages with the iPad

Time to get used to iPad/software/digital pen

• If I had more time to learn the iPad, then I might change my mind

• I have not worked with such a tool before [iPad]. One needs to get used to it and this requires time

• If I knew the software better, then I could do more
• I need time to get used to the digital pen

• I can work faster on paper but I want to learn to use the iPad because I think that when I learn it then I can create better work than on paper.

• The iPad needs to be learnt, it needs a lot of practice and this requires time

• I am not used to it [iPad]… I need more time to learn how to use the iPad

• If I had more time to work with the iPad, I might feel different about it

• although if one gets used to the iPad that would also help to get good work out of it

• I am used to a normal pencil and perhaps in time I could get used to the iPad

• Another disadvantage is that it needs time to get used to the iPad

• I learnt how to work with paper and pencil so perhaps in time I could get used to the iPad too

• But one needs time to get used to it

• It takes time to learn how to use the iPad and the software

• If I had more time then perhaps I can get better results from the iPad but it needs time to learn how to use it

• I need more time and practice with the iPad to get to learn how to use it

• One needs to learn how to use it

• The iPad needs time to get used to it

• but if I learnt how to use the iPad and had more time, I would change

• It is difficult to use, the digital pen. It is not easy to control, it does not give me what I want when I draw. •

The brush did not give me the details I wanted

• It is possible to learn how to use the iPad and then get used to it

• I think if one works with the iPad for a while then it is possible to get used to it. It was a first time for me and I found it a bit difficult

• One needs to get used to the iPad because then it becomes easier to control

• If I had a better pen and more time to practice I might choose the iPad over paper and pencil

Could work with both/it depends/conditional

• If I had access to both, then I would first use pencil and paper and then the iPad. It all depends on what access to different tools I have when the need arises

• It all depends what one wants to do

• I would use the iPad but for some things only, that do not require detail

I think I want to work with both. The iPad allows you to do things fast, you can sketch fast. To sketch on paper and pencil needs time, time to erase, and redraw. The tablet is more flexible, you can undo and redo very easy

• It is useful to have an iPad but I would use it only for some tasks, not all of them

• I find it as useful as paper and pencil

• For something simple I would use the iPad, but not for complex sketching and drawing

• I want to use both of them. I like the idea of moving between the two depending on the work that needs to be done. I am used to paper and pencil but I like to use the iPad too

• I am caught between the two because I also see advantages for using paper and pencil.

• I think the iPad in general can be a useful tool but one also needs to use paper and pencil

• I would like to combine them both

• I can work faster with paper and pencil but the iPad offers some good tools and options

Using the digital pen

• Would have preferred a different pen, one that allows for drawing lines easier

• You cannot get a perfect circle with a pen
• I found it difficult to control the digital pen

• The digital pen is hard to control and can’t be compare to a normal pencil and paper

• With a pencil I can achieve more detail, while I found the digital pen hard to control

• The digital pen was difficult to control

• I prefer paper and pencil because the digital pen is not easy to control

• the digital pen was hard to use and not easy to control, so I would still want to work with paper

• But the digital pen was difficult to get used to it

• It was hard to control the digital pen and I could not draw exactly what I wanted with it

Disadvantages of traditional tools

• With traditional tools you may not always have access to the materials you need for the task

• With traditional tools if you make a mistake or an error, then all your work is wrecked

• The problem with paper and pencil is that drawings and sketches can be easily damaged or torn

• Paper and pencil is harder to work with and to make changes

The software

• The software was a bit too simple and basic

• The software is good with selecting colours, it makes it much easier

• I found the software difficult to use, perhaps because it was the first time I used it iPad ease of use

• For this task, the iPad was easy to use

• It was not as difficult as I thought it would be to use the iPad

• It is easy to use the iPad, it is user-friendly

Previous knowledge with digital tools

• I prefer digital tools because I have already worked with them and have some knowledge


• I found it interesting and entertaining working with the iPad. It can’t be compared to paper and pencil because the experience is different

• It is hard to compare it with paper an pencil

• It was entertaining using it but it was not useful really for my work. It is good for entertainment
