2014 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY FRATERNAL EXCELLENCE AWARDS PURPOSE The Fraternal Excellence Awards provide an opportunity for an objective appraisal of a chapter’s annual performance. Through this program, chapters are recognized for excelling in programming, involvement and operations. ELIGIBILITY The Fraternal Excellence Awards evaluate five aspects of chapter programming, involvement and operations – Academics, Recruitment & Retention, Community Service & Philanthropy, Leadership Development & Campus Involvement and Risk Management. The 2014 Fraternal Excellence Awards submission should only include activities that occurred between January 2014 – December 2014. Activities occurring outside of this period will not be evaluated. If a chapter has been found responsible for a judicial violation during the award period, they will automatically be deducted one level of achievement. Award applications are due to the Office of Greek Affairs by 4:30 PM on Friday December 12th, 2014. LEVELS OF ACHIEVEMENT The Fraternal Excellence Awards have four levels of achievement – The President’s Award for Fraternal Excellence - Chapter receives 95% or more of available points. This is the highest award a chapter can receive. Dean’s Award – Chapter receives 85% or more of available points. Purple Circle Award – Chapter receives 75% or more of available points. Certificate of Merit - Chapter submits an award application, but does not achieve at least 75% of available points. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. All awards applications should be typed and put into three ring binders. 2. Each section of the application should be tabbed and clearly identified. 3. With each criterion, there is suggested documentation. To receive full points, this is the documentation you should submit. 4. General Information & Certification of Application must be submitted as the first page of your application. 5. A Values & Chapter Achievements Summary must be submitted with your application. GENERAL INFORMATION & CERTIFICATION OF APPLICATION Chapter: Contact Name: Chapter Office: Contact Phone Number: Contact Email Addres: Please have your chapter president read and sign the following certification. I have read this application and certify that the information is truthful and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signature: Printed Name: Date: Please have a member of your chapter’s advisory board read and sign the following certification. I have read this application and certify that the information is truthful and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signature: Printed Name: Advisory Board Position: Date: VALUES & CHAPTER ACHIEVEMENTS SUMMARY As a way for evaluators to gain a comprehensive picture of your chapter during the award period, please provide a one page summary of the following information on your chapter: Purpose, vision and goals of organization. Include ones of inter/national organization, as well as any that have been established by local chapter. Significant achievements by chapter that occurred during award period. Significant improvements made by chapter during award period. SECTION I – ACADEMICS 1. Chapter semester GPA exceeds all-university undergraduate GPA for Spring 2014. Provide a copy of the Office of Greek Affairs grade report with your chapter’s rank highlighted. If GPA is not above this average, an explanation of what chapter did to address the issue may be included for potential partial credit. 2. Chapter semester GPA exceeds all-university undergraduate GPA for Fall 2014. No documentation needs to be submitted. Report will be included by Greek Affairs once grades are finalized. If GPA is not above average, an explanation of what chapter might do to address the issue may be included for potential partial credit. 3. New member class GPA exceeds all-university undergraduate GPA for Spring 2014. Provide a copy of the Office of Greek Affairs grade report with your chapter’s rank highlighted. Note – If there is no spring class, points will be adjusted accordingly. If GPA is not above this average, an explanation of what chapter did to address the issue may be included for potential partial credit. 4. New member class GPA exceeds all-university undergraduate GPA for Fall 2014. No documentation needs to be submitted. Report will be included by Greek Affairs once grades are finalized. Note – If there is no fall class, points will be adjusted accordingly. If GPA is not above this average, an explanation of what chapter might do to address the issue may be included for potential partial credit. 5. Chapter semester GPA exceeds all-women’s or all men’s average for Spring 2014. Provide a copy of the Office of Greek Affairs grade report with your chapter’s rank highlighted. If GPA is not above this average, an explanation of what chapter did to address the issue may be included for potential partial credit. 6. Chapter semester GPA exceeds all-women’s or all men’s average for Fall 2014. No documentation needs to be submitted. Report will be included by Greek Affairs once grades are finalized. If GPA is not above this average, an explanation of what chapter might do to address the issue may be included for potential partial credit. 7. Chapter has a documented academic/scholarship program. Submit one to three page summary of chapter program. The following areas of the program could be discussed: o Academic Recognition Programs Individual recognition of members for academic excellence Individual recognition of members for academic improvement Offering scholarships to members from local chapter, advisory board, inter/national organization and/or alumni clubs o Academic Assistance Programs Programs for members who fail to meet academic requirements Procedures to monitor academic progress of members throughout semester Information, resources and strategies for improvement provided to members o Academic presentations that have been coordinated by, presented to, or attended by the chapter, including: Presentations given at chapter meetings Guest speakers chapter has hosted Special workshops chapter has coordinated On-campus academic enrichment events chapter has attended o Faculty Involvement Presentations that faculty members have given Academic mentoring/assistance provided by faculty Recognition provided by chapter to faculty members SECTION II – RECRUITMENT & RETENTION (PANHELLENIC) 1. Chapter recruits to quota during the Fall 2014 semester through Formal Recruitment and Continuous Open Bidding. Submit completed copy of New Member Report – Sorority found in Forms section. 2. Chapter is at/recruits to total (TBD) during the Fall 2014 semester. No documentation needs to be submitted. Report will be included by Greek Affairs once grades are finalized. Note – The grade report only includes members who are actives or new members. If you have additional women who were student teaching, interning, inactive and/or studying abroad that you include in your total count, please include a revised number that should be used to evaluate this criteria. 3. Chapter is at/recruits to total (166) during the Spring 2014 semester. Provide a copy of the Office of Greek Affairs grade report with your chapter’s information highlighted. Note – The grade report only includes members who are actives or new members. If you have additional women who were student teaching, interning, inactive and/or studying abroad that you include in your total count, please include a revised number with this report. 4. Chapter retains members who have been pledged through initiation. Submit completed copy of New Member Report – Sorority found in Forms section. Maximum points will be awarded for chapters initiating 90% or more of new members. Some points will be given to any chapter initiating at least 80% of new members. 5. Chapter has a documented new member program. Submit one to three page summary of the program. Information that could be included: o Length and format of program (e.g. weekly meetings, small group meetings) o Education provided on expectations of membership o Education provided on history and purpose of organization o Education provided on hazing and risk management o Information on mentoring programs utilized o Explanation of benefits of program to participants SECTION II – RECRUITMENT & RETENTION (IFC) 1. Chapter achieves recruitment goal for the Spring 2014 semester. Submit information on recruiting goal for the Spring 2014 semester. Include information on numeric goals, as well as desired membership qualities. Submit a signed letter from an advisor that states established recruitment goal and how chapter performed during spring recruitment All numbers submitted will be verified by the Office of Greek Affairs via submitted bid cards. Maximum points will be awarded for chapters recruiting 90% or more of their recruitment goal. Some points will be given to any chapter recruiting at least 75% of their recruitment goal. Note – If there is no spring class, points will be adjusted accordingly. 2. Chapter achieves recruitment goal for the Fall 2014 semester. Submit information on recruiting goal for the Fall 2014 semester. Include information on numeric goals, as well as desired membership qualities. Submit a signed letter from an advisor that states established recruitment goal and how chapter performed during fall recruitment All numbers submitted will be verified by the Office of Greek Affairs via submitted bid cards. Maximum points will be awarded for chapters recruiting 90% or more of their recruitment goal. Some points will be given to any chapter recruiting at least 75% of their recruitment goal. Note – If there is no fall class, points will be adjusted accordingly. 3. Chapter retains members who have been pledged through initiation. Submit completed copy of New Member Report – Fraternity found in Forms section. Maximum points will be awarded for chapters initiating 90% or more of new members. Some points will be given to any chapter initiating at least 80% of new members. 4. Chapter has a documented new member program. Submit one to three page summary of the program. Information that could be included: o Length and format of program (e.g. weekly meetings, small group meetings) o Education provided on expectations of membership o Education provided on history and purpose of organization o Education provided on hazing and risk management o Information on mentoring programs utilized o Explanation of benefits of program to participants SECTION III – COMMUNITY SERVICE & PHILANTHROPY 1. Chapter sponsors or co-sponsors at least one philanthropic event annually that results in the donation of funds to a philanthropic organization/cause of the chapter’s choosing. Submit information using Service & Philanthropy Report Form found in Forms section. Note – If chapter has exceeded the required amount of events, forms for additional events should still be submitted. 2. Chapter participates in at least one chapter sponsored service event annually that results in the donation of time to a philanthropic organization/cause of the chapter’s choosing. Submit information using Service & Philanthropy Report Form found in Forms section. Note – If chapter has exceeded the required amount of events, forms for additional events should still be submitted. 3. The chapter collectively completes an average of at least two service hours per member. No information needs to be submitted. Monthly service hours forms collected by Directors of Community & Internal Relations will be used to compile this data. 4. Chapter supports service and philanthropy events of other campus and community organizations. Submit a ½ page to 1 page summary of service and philanthropy events /activities your chapter has participated in that were put on by other organizations. A summary in list/bulleted format will also be accepted. SECTION IV – LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT & CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT 1. Members are involved in activities outside of the chapter. This involvement includes, but is not limited to, work, volunteer positions, student organizations and/or community groups. 2. Members hold officer positions in an activity/organization outside of the chapter. Submit information for Criterion #1 and 2 using Involvement Summary found in the Forms section. Maximum points on Criterion #1 will be given to chapters who have at least 75% of members involved in an organization outside of their chapter. Some points will be given to chapters who have 50% or more of members involved in an organization outside their chapter. Maximum points on Criterion #2 will be given to chapters who have at least 50% of members serving in an officer position. Some points will be given to chapters who have 25% or more of members holding an officer position in another organization. 3. Chapter is an involved and active member of its respective council. Submit a letter from respective governing council certifying meeting attendance. Maximum points will be given to chapters who have perfect meeting attendance. Submit a list of chapter members who have served as a council officer and/or on a council committee during the Spring 2014 and Fall 2014 semesters. Submit a ½ page summary of how chapter has participated in council activities. Include information on council programming that chapter has attended. SECTION V – RISK MANAGEMENT 1. Chapter has event-planning process. Submit one to two page explanation of the process chapter utilizes to plan events. Include information on timelines utilized, meetings held and/or resources that are consulted prior to event, during event and following event. Submit examples of planning documents chapter has utilized. 2. Chapter has anti-hazing policy and provides anti-hazing education to new and active members. Provide a copy of chapter anti-hazing policy. Include local and/or inter/national policies. Submit an explanation of what anti-hazing education chapter provides. 3. Chapter provides education on risk management policies and current risk management topics. Submit a one to two page summary of chapter’s risk management education programs. Topics may include, but are not limited to: Social Event Expectations, Mental & Physical Health, Sexual Assault Awareness, Healthy Relationships, Alcohol & Illegal Drugs, Fire Safety & Facility Security, Eating Disorders, Healthy Eating & Nutrition, and/or Current Legal Issues 4. Chapter has not been sanctioned by council judicial process. No documentation needs to be submitted. Information will be verified by Greek Affairs staff and council judicial officers. 5. Chapter sponsors and participates in alcohol-free programming. Events that could be include, but are not limited to: Week of Welcome, UPC After Hours, functions with other organizations, sisterhood and brotherhood events. Note – Philanthropies should note be included. Submit information via Alcohol-Free Programming Summary. FORMS NEW MEMBER REPORT - SORORITY Please list each pledged new member of your new member class in the following format. (Note - Please add additional rows as needed.) Name of New Member Method of Joining – Formal or COB Number of Fall 2014 New Members from Formal Recruitment Number of Fall 2014 New Members from Continuous Opening Bidding Total Number of Fall 2014 New Members Number of Fall 2014 New Members Initiated Percentage of Fall 2014 New Members Initiated Current Status – Initiated, Resigned (Left Organization), Continuing New Member, Inactive NEW MEMBER REPORT - FRATERNITY Please list each pledged new member of your new member class in the following format. (Note - Please add additional rows as needed.) Name of New Member Current Status – Initiated, Resigned (Left Organization), Continuing New Member, Inactive Total Number of Spring 2014 New Members Number of Spring 2014 New Members Initiated Percentage of Spring 2014 New Members Initiated Name of New Member Total Number of Fall 2014 New Members Number of Fall 2014 New Members Initiated Percentage of Fall 2014 New Members Initiated Current Status – Initiated, Resigned (Left Organization), Continuing New Member, Inactive SERVICE & PHILANTHROPY REPORT (Note - Please duplicate form as needed to report all service and philanthropy events.) Part I - Details of Event Title of Event Sponsoring Chapter(s) Date of Event Location of Event Event Type – Service or Philanthropy? Brief Description of Event Part II – Chapter Involvement Brief Description of How Chapter Members Participated in Planning of Event Brief Description of How Chapter Members Participated in Execution of Event Total Number of Chapter Members Participating Percentage of Chapter Members Participating Part III – Campus & Community Involvement Other Individuals, Student Organizations & Community Organizations Participating in Event Part IV – Beneficiary & Donations Please list how much money was raised through the event. (Note – This should be the overall sum of money raised. Do not deduct money taken out to cover cost of event.) Please list how much money was donated to the beneficiary. (Note – If there were multiple beneficiaries, please break down how much was donated to each organization.) Please list any items that were donated to the beneficiary. Please list any projects were completed to aid the beneficiary. Please provide any additional information on how program benefitted beneficiary. INVOLVEMENT SUMMARY Please list all member involvement in the following format. (Note - Please add additional rows as needed.) Organization/Entity The Alphabet Club Total Number of Members Number of Organizations Members are Involved In Number of Members Involved in Organizations Percentage of Members Involved in Organizations Number of Leadership Roles Held by Members Numbers of Members Serving in Leadership Roles Name(s) of Member(s) Involved & Role(s) Held Adam Alpha (President), Bill Beta, Gary Gamma (Social Chair), Don Delta Percentage of Members Serving in Leadership Roles ALCOHOL FREE PROGRAMMING SUMMARY (Note - Please duplicate form as needed to report all service and philanthropy events.) Title of Event Type of Event Sponsoring Organization(s) Date of Event Brief Description of Event Estimated Number of Chapter Members Participating Estimated Percentage of Chapter Members Participating Title of Event Type of Event Sponsoring Organization(s) Date of Event Brief Description of Event Estimated Number of Chapter Members Participating Estimated Percentage of Chapter Members Participating Title of Event Type of Event Sponsoring Organization(s) Date of Event Brief Description of Event Estimated Number of Chapter Members Participating Estimated Percentage of Chapter Members Participating Title of Event Type of Event Sponsoring Organization(s) Date of Event Brief Description of Event Estimated Number of Chapter Members Participating Estimated Percentage of Chapter Members Participating □ University Sponsored □ Greek Sponsored □ Chapter Sponsored □ University Sponsored □ Greek Sponsored □ Chapter Sponsored □ University Sponsored □ Greek Sponsored □ Chapter Sponsored □ University Sponsored □ Greek Sponsored □ Chapter Sponsored