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Рабочая тетрадь
по английскому языку для
специальности 060501.51 «Сестринское
на заседании ЦМК
общеобразовательных дисциплин
Протокол № 1
«3 » сентября 2014г
Председатель ЦМК
______________ Антихович О.Н.
Зам. директора по учебной работе
заслуженный учитель РФ
_____________ Цаплина Э.Г.
Автор: преподаватель иностранных языков высшей категории Антихович
Требования государственных образовательных стандартов к уровню
подготовки по иностранному языку.
- владеть лексическим (1200 – 1400 лексических единиц) и грамматическим
минимумом, необходимым для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных
текстов профессиональной направленности;
- обладать элементарными умениями общения на иностранном языке.
Требования к уровню подготовки студентов колледжа
по иностранному языку.
– студент должен знать:
- порядок слов в простом повествовательном предложении;
- порядок слов в вопросительном предложении с вопросительным словом и без
вопросительного слова;
- употребление предложений с отрицанием;
- спряжение глаголов ;
- спряжение и употребление вспомогательных глаголов
- образование количественных и порядковых числительных;
- склонение личных местоимений;
- образование и употребление пассивного залога;
- порядок слов в придаточном предложении (придаточные условные,
придаточные определительные, придаточные времени, придаточные причины,
придаточные дополнительные);
- инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты;
- степени сравнения прилагательных;
- парные союзы и их употребление в предложении;
- причастие I и II в роли определения;
- употребление модальных глаголов
- основные формы глаголов;
- повелительное наклонение;
- образование и употребление местоименных наречий;
– студент должен уметь:
- кратко рассказывать о себе, своей семье, своей учебе в колледже, задавать
вопросы своему собеседнику, читать и правильно переводить тексты
медицинского содержания с целью получения определенной информации;
- анализировать предложения и грамматические конструкции;
- беседовать по содержанию текста и отвечать на вопросы;
- пересказывать основное содержание текста;
- воспринимать речь на слух;
- связно рассказывать о состоянии своего здоровья, давать советы по
выполнению лечения, назначенного врачом, задавать вопросы о самочувствии
- описать выполняемую манипуляцию;
- самостоятельно литературно переводить со словарем
лекарственным препаратам, с целью извлечения информации;
- побеседовать с аптекарем.
На «5»
Студент должен знать:
- грамматические правила;
- лексический материал (слова, выражения, речевые образцы);
Студент должен уметь:
1) в области устной речи
- участвовать в несложной беседе на темы учебы, отдыха; поговорить с
иностранцем, которому внезапно понадобилась медицинская помощь;
выражать свои мысли в
устной форме по пройденным темам с
использованием активно усвоенных грамматических правил, а также по
темам, относящимся к будущей специальности в рамках определенной
лексики и профессиональных выражений;
2) в области аудирования
- понимать на слух речь преподавателя и своих товарищей, а также
фонозаписи, содержащие усвоенный языковой материал (допускается
использование незнакомой лексики, знание которой раскрывается на основе
умения пользоваться языковой догадкой);
3) в области чтения
- читать со словарем тексты, тематически связанные с профессией;
- читать со словарем тексты, содержащие диалоги по пройденной тематике
(не менее 400 п/зн. в минуту)
4) в области письма
- уметь правильно писать слова и словосочетания, входящие в лексический
минимум, определенный программой;
- уметь правильно выполнять упражнения, контрольные работы.
На «4»
Студент должен знать:
- грамматические правила;
- лексический материал;
Студент должен уметь:
1) в области устной речи
- участвовать в беседе на пройденные темы; объясниться с иностранцем,
которому понадобилось помощь; выражать свои мысли в устной форме
по пройденной тематике с использованием правил грамматики. В
вышеназванных умениях студент допускает незначительные ошибки в
устной речи;
2) в области аудирования
- понимает речь на слух, в том числе в фонозаписи, содержащую
пройденный материал, но допускает незначительные отклонения при
проверке понимания;
3) в области чтения
- читать со словарем тексты по пройденной тематике, скорость чтения
составляет 350 п. зн. в минуту
4) в области письма
- писать слова и словосочетания, определенные программой, допуская
незначительные ошибки.
На «3»
Студент должен знать:
- грамматические правила;
- лексический материал.
Студент должен уметь:
1) в области устной речи:
- участвовать в беседе на пройденные темы, объясняться с иностранцем,
нуждающемся в медицинской помощи, но иногда затрудняется полно
выразить свои мысли в устной форме, в беседе, обсуждении, в
монологической речи;
2) в области аудирования:
- не в полном объеме понимает на слух речь, в том числе в фонозаписи,
не развита языковая догадка;
3) в области чтения:
- читать со словарем тексты, тематически связанные с профессией, но
скорость чтения составляет 300 п.зн. в минуту
4) в области письма:
- пишет слова и словосочетания, входящие в программу, допуская в
упражнениях 1/3 ошибок.
На «2»
Студент должен знать:
- студент плохо понимает лексический материал, практически не знает
грамматические правила;
- студент с серьезными затруднениями участвует в беседе на темы своей
будущей профессии, не может выразить свои мысли в устной форме по
пройденной тематике;
- студент плохо понимает на слух речь, с трудом понимает ее в
фонозаписи (менее 50%);
- студент переводит со словарем тексты, но скорость чтения составляет
менее 200 п. зн. в минуту;
- студент неправильно пишет слова и словосочетания, допуская более
50% ошибок.
Задания к практическому занятию.
Тема Structural organization of the body
Запишите термины в словарь
Body- тело
Head - голова
Hair - волосы
Cheek - щека
Eye - глаз
Ear - ухо
Tooth-teeth – зуб-зубы
Finger – палец на руке
Toe – палец на ноге
Foot-feet – стопа-стопы
Forehead - лоб
Shoulder - плечо
Chest - грудь
Back – спина
Skin- кожа
Опишите внешность своего друга, используя следующие прилагательные:
Slender- stout
Broad shoulders
Healthy – sick
Rosy – pale
Tall- not tall
Curly - blond
Upturned nose
Продолжите предложения
I have ….
My eyes are …
Every hand has 5 ….
, every foot has 5 ….
We have 32 …..
This man has …
Тема The inner organs of the body
Выучите термины
gall bladder
small intestine
Подчеркните термины латинского происхождения
Рассмотрите рисунок и подпишите органы, относящиеся к пищеварительной
Тема In the anatomy lesson
Подпишите картинки
Заполните таблицу
Organs of digestive system
Organs of cardiovascular system
Упражнение . Прочитайте предложения, употребив нужную форму глагола.
1. It often …
in the winter (snow, snowed).
2.We …
our work two hours ago (finish, finished).
3. Did you …
to the cinema yesterday (go, went)?
4. Jim and Della
… well today (dance, danced).
5. We …
our teacher every Monday (see, saw).
6. I …
at 7 o’clock last Sunday (get up, got up).
7. I did not …
TV yesterday (watch, watched…
8. Bob always
… English songs. (sing, sang).
Тема Diet therapy
1Задания в тестовой форме: - найдите эквиваленты
вреден для глаз
негигиеническая привычка
Blink very often
Harmful to the eyes
в здоровом состоянии
Rinse the mouse
In healthy condition
часто мигать
unsanitary habit
полоскать рот
2 Повторение темы «Анатомические термины»
Anatomy is very important. Are you agree with me?
Вопрос-загадка « It is the flesh and bones and other parts of the men « - Body
Решите ребус
3Работа над грамматикой – перевести предложения в прошедшем времени
Он чистил зубы дважды в день. Я не ела много сладостей. Дети вымыли
руки перед едой. Я закрыла глаза на несколько минут. Ты прополоскал рот
после еды?
Соблюдение личной гигиены очень важно. Гигиена спасает от множества
болезней. Смертность была значительно снижена путем введения и
соблюдения простых правил гигиены.
Новая лексика
5Запишите в словарь и переведите
Mental work
Physical work
To consist of
mixed diet
aged people
digestive system
well balanced diet
low caloric diet
Работа над текстом (с 27-29)
1 Ответьте на вопросы:
What must the person do if he wants to be in good health? Who needs more food –
people of mental or physical work? What must a diet of healthy person consist of?
What diet is best of all to those who want to be healthy? Why the aged must eat
less than young people? What diet is given to the stout person?
2Скажите по - английски: белки, жиры, углеводы, смешанная диета,
несколько стаканов воды ежедневно, здоровое питание, важные факторы
здоровья пищеварительной системы, пожилые люди.
3 Вставьте вместо точек подходящие по смыслу слова:
A mixed diet of …
is best of all. If a person is stout
… is given.
Important factors of health
… are exercise well balanced diet. Your food must
… enough of vitamins. A diet must consist of …
4 Назовите из данных продукты, содержащие белки, жиры, углеводы:
Fish, meat, liver, kidney, cheese, eggs, milk, sugar, bread, potatoes, butter, nuts
Тема Diet in disease
1 Переведите на английский
Наша диета должна состоять из белков, жиров, углеводов, воды и витаминов.
Смешанная диета состоит из мяса, жиров, фруктов и зерновых. Смешанная
диета лучше всего для тез кто хочет быть здоровым. Важные факторы здоровья
пищеварительной системы – упражнения, несколько стаканов воды ежедневно,
регулярность принятия пищи. Низкокалорийная диета содержит много овощей
и фруктов.
2 Повторите правило
Отрицания в Past Simple.
Past Simple - простое прошедшее время
Время Past Simple используется для обозначения действия, которое
произошло в определенное время в прошлом и время совершения которого уже
истекло. Для уточнения момента совершения действия в прошлом при
использовании времени Past Simple обычно используются такие слова, как five
days ago (пять дней назад), last year(в прошлом году), yesterday (вчера), in
1980 (в 1980 году) и т.п.
Образование Past Simple
Утвердительные предложения:
I played
We played
You played
You played
He / she / it played
They played
Вопросительные предложения:
Did I play?
Did we play?
Did you play?
Did you play?
Did he / she / it play?
Did they play?
Отрицательные предложения:
I did not play
We did not play
You did not play
You did not play
He / she / it did not play
They did not play
Для того, чтобы поставить английский глагол во время Past Simple, нужно
использовать его «вторую форму». Для большинства глаголов она образуется
прибавлением окончания -ed:
examine – examined, enjoy – enjoyed, close – closed
Однако есть также достаточно большая группа неправильных английских
глаголов, которые образуют форму прошедшего времени не по общим
правилам, для них форму прошедшего времени нужно просто запомнить.
We saw your friend yestеrday.
Перевести в Past Simple
Я не ходила вчера в магазин и не покупала зелень. Летом нас не было в городемы жили в деревне. Ученые не сомневались в пользе смешанной диеты.
Заболевания пищеварительной системы врачи не лечили жаропонижающими
3 Составить диету –групповая работа
Wright a diet to the child after disease, to the grown up after fracture, to the student
during exams
Тема Vitamines
1 Дополните предложения изученными терминами по теме « Диета»
In hospital the doctor … must have.
Any patient with high t … . appetite.
must be fluid.
If a patient has high t … weak.
For weak patient we give … food.
Many diseases can be … by diet.
Тема «Витамины»
Заполните таблицу
Пищевой рацион должен включать свежие фрукты и овощи.
Причем он должен быть сбалансированным.
Слишком много витаминов может навредить организму ребенка, как и их
Работа над грамматикой:
Past Continuous – употребляется для обозначения действия, происходящего в
точно указанный момент или период прошлого (В прошлом году в этот день я
ехал на море- I was travelling to the sea at this day last year)
Перевести предложения
When I entered the room he was reading a book. At three o clock yesterday I was
reading a book. While my mother was reading a book I was playing the piano. At
the end of June I was preparing for my exams. When he came I was looking through
the book of his early sketches. While he was making tea she was watching him.
Тема «First aid»
1 запишите слова в словарь
First aid, save the lifes, bruise, bruised place, swollen, swelling, scratch, knee, put
iodine, to hurt, to wet cloth in cold water, to relieve the pain, emergency,
2перевести на русский язык:
- bruised place
- put iodine on the scratch
- wet some cloth in cold water
- will relieve the pain
- put the cold compress on the bruised place
3 SOS – save our souls
Ответьте на вопросы
- Why it is very important to know methods of giving of the first aid?
- What is the most important thing in an emergency?
- How must a person act when he gives the first aid?
- Do you know how to give the first aid?
4 Перевдите мини-диалог в Past Continuous:
- - Что ты делал вчера целый день?
- - Вчера целый день я готовился к экзамену.
- - Неужели целый день?
- - Честно говоря, я учил с 12 до 3х, все остальное время – играл на
Тема Bleeding
1Продолжите предложения:
When you fall on your knee you get …
The bruised place looks …
If you knee hurts you very much
2Тема: времена в английском языке.
Задание: найти сказуемое в изученных временах, и указать в каком времени оно
1) I am putting
2) He is putting.
3) We are putting.
4) She was putting.
5) They were putting.
6) I shall be showing.
7) He will be rending.
9) I do beating.
10) We shall tell.
11) He will tell.
12) I had gone
13) I have fit.
14) He has fit.
15) We shall have fed.
16) It will have fed.
Запишите в словарь
Новая лексика
а) Bleeding
To flow
Pad of sterile gauze
As soon as possible
To fasten
To breathe
Severe case
б) Переведите на английский
Остановить кровотечение
Опасное кровотечение
Кровь вытекает медленно из раны
Давящая повязка
Кровотечение из конечности
Холодный компресс на нос
Немедленно вызвать скорую
в) Переведите Bleeding can lead to a severe loss of blood. The best way to stop
bleeding is by direct pressure with a clean cloth. The artery bleeding is more
dangerous than vein bleeding because the blood flows very quickly from the wound.
Тема Fractures
1Работа над грамматикой. Past Perfect употребляется для выражения
действия совершенного к определенному моменту в прошлом
Формы глагола в past perfect
Ед. и I (you, he, she ,it
Had I (you, he, she I (you, he, she ,it
,we, they) had
,it ,we, they )
,we, they) had not
Past perfect употребляется:
а) для выражения действия, завершившегося до какого либо момента или
другого действия в прошлом (результат действия)
He had read the book by 5 o’ clock yesterday. ( Он прочел книгу до пяти
Bu eleven Cathy had finished all the work.
When Montanelli awoke the next morning, Arthur had disappeared. (Когда
Монтанелли проснулся на следующее утро, Артур исчез)
I had hardly read more than the first three chapters when my attention was
diverted by a conversation. ( Не успел я прочесть первые три главы, как мое
внимание привлек чей-то разговор.)
б) в предложениях, в которых одно действие завершилось до другого
действия, длящегося в прошлом.
He had read the book and was watching TV when I came. (Когда я пришел, он
уже прочитал книгу и смотрел телевизор.)
We had finished our work by 5 o’clock.- Мы закончили работу к 5 часам.
I lost money, which I had received.- Я потерял деньги, которые получил
2Выполнить упражнения
Упражнение 1 Переведите, подчеркните Past Perfect
I remembered that my sister had invited me to go to the theatre with her.
He returned to the country which he had left in his childhood,
By dinner time the young people had finished the inspection of the yard.
Our train had arrived at the small station by the afternoon.
He remembered that he had left his address on the table.
It seemed to me that I had never met such interesting people.
Упражнение 2 Прочитайте и переведите
He has been ill for three months. I saw that my friends had gone. By six o’ clock I
had learned all the words. I thought he had written to you. He did not think that
the boy had grown so much. She knew I had spoken to her father. She didn’t know
that the text had been changed. I could not remember what had been said about
3 Тема Fractures
Записать в словарь новые термины
to bind
to pierce
to immobilize
to prevent
put plaster cast
б) составьте словосочетания, используя новую лексику
открытый перелом
закрытый перелом
сложный перелом
жаловаться на боль
наложить щину
выше или ниже места перелома
предотвратить движение сустава
пронзить кожу и мышцы
сделать рентген и наложить гипс
Тема Fainting
Упражнение 1Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous
Last night I (have) a wonderful dream. This is what I (dream). We (take) a trip to
Hawaii. I (be) with my family and two of my friends. We (be) on ship and we
(travel) to Honolulu. On the ship there (be) a disco. We (sit) on nice comfortable
seats and we (drink) exotic cocktails. Lots of people (dance) and the music (play)
Записать в словарь
а) fainting
the cause
want of foof
lose consciousness
feel dizzy
to breath
ammonia water
б) Continiue the sentences:
- The cause of my fright is …
- In hot day sweat …
- I fell dizzy when …
- When the person has want of food …
в) Let’ s speak about the symptoms of fainting and the first aid
г) Make the sentences
- on, sweat, patient’s, the, appears, forehead
- the person, in, give, ammonia water, to breathe
- there, no wound, is, closed, in, fractures, a
- the person, in the place, complaines, of the break, of pain
- the splint, bind, with, to the limb, bandages, several
Тема Shock. Poisoning
Продолжить предложения – контроль д\з
The breathing is …
The pulse is …
In fainting the person loses …
The face of a person before fainting …
Blood doesn’t get to …
Give the person to breathe …
1 Записать и перевести новые термины
loss of blood
severe pain
pale face
rapid pulse
keep quiet
to empty the stomach
прочитать и перевести текст
Shock is very dangerous. Loss of blood can cause shock. Severe pain or strong
emotion can cause shock too. The face of a person in shock is very pale and the skin
is cold. Breathing is rapid and shallow. The pulse is rapid.
If you help a person who is in shock you must:
Lay him flat on his back.
Raise his feet a little.
Cover him with blankets to keep him warm
Give him a warm drink
Keep him quiet.
вставьте вместо точек слова, подходящие по смыслу
When the person is in shock his face …
The pulse and breathing …
If you help the person in shock lay…
It is important
… a person in shock.
определите правильные ответы на вопрос “ What are the aids for poisoning?”
1. Have the person to lay down; 2. Give the person four or eight glasses of water; 3.
Take off the person’s dress; 4. Examine the person’s mouth
Повторение грамматики
Упражнение 1. Поставьте вопросы к следующим предложениям, употребляя
нужную форму глагола.
I went to the cinema yesterday. –Did I go to the cinema?
Where did I go?
1. He lived in Paris.
2. They saw this film last week.
3. Ann ate cherries.
4. My mother read many books.
5. He spoke English.
6. I began to study French (live - lived, see – saw, eat – ate, read – read, speak –
spoke, begin – began).
Тема Sun stroke
1Запомните структуру
you should better + глагол =выражение совета- Вам бы лучше…
you should better go to bed- Вам бы лучше лечь в постель.
Переведите, используя You should better
you should better помазать руку йодом,
поднять ноги,
дышать через нос,
сделать рентген,
растереть кожу губкой,
накрыть его одеялом,
намочить ткань в холодной воде.
Переведите и дополните схемы
The first aid for poisoning is to empty the stomach. Do it as soon as possible. Give
large drinks of water: 4-8 glasses. Some poisons cause shock, other- asphyxia. In
every case the patient needs prompt medical care.
To empty
To cool
Заполните дифтаблицу по изученным темам
first aid
Работа над грамматикой
Past Simple or Past Perfect
Вставьте глагол в скобках в соответствующую форму
When I (arrive ) at the station, the train (leave ).
We ( light ) the candels because the lights ( go off ) .
When I ( come ) home, I ( discover ) that somebody( break into ) my flat.
The patient ( die ) before the ambulance (reach ) the hospital.
John ( eat ) all the cakes by the time the other children ( arrive ) at the party.
I (thank ) her for everything she ( do ).
When we ( get ) to the office, I (realize ) that I ( forget ) to lock the front door,
Тема Обобщающее занятие по темам разделов 4 и 5
Найти соответствия, что пропущено?
Остановить кровотечение
сold compress on the nose
Опасное кровотечение
call the ambulance
Кровь вытекает медленно из раны stop the bleeding
Давящая повязка
dangerous bleeding
Кровотечение из конечности
blood flows slowly from the wound
Холодный компресс на нос
bleeding from the limb
Немедленно вызвать скорую
Работа над грамматикой
Задание: указать тип предложения.
1) The car stopped.
2) Go on reading.
3) Love me, love my dog.
4) I was out when he came.
5) It seems that he was late for the train.
6) I don’t know how you do it.
7) He laughs best who laughs last.
8) The man sent a telegram yesterday.
9) Are you coming tomorrow?
10) The lad you have just talked to is my sister’s friend.
11) I’ve forgotten whom I gave the book.
12) I went to work, but she went shopping.
13) He said he would come in the evening.
14) A cold wind was blowing, a snowstorm began.
15) Never did he come in time.
16) His words that he wasn’t coming upset me.
Тема Hospitals and other medical Services.
Повторите употребление и образование Future Simple
число Утвердительная
I will ask. You ( he,
Вопросительная форма
Отрицательная форма
Will you ( he, she, it) ask? I’ll not ask. You ( he,
she, it) will ask.
We’ll ask. You (they) Will you ask?
will ask.
she, it) will not ask.
We’ll not ask.
Упражнение 1Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или
Future Simple
If the weather (to be) nice, we probably ( to go) to the beach.
If he still (to have) a cold and (not to feel) better, he (not go) to a disco.
If you (to decide) to forget about your diet, you (to eat) wedding cake tomorrow.
If I (to drink) too much champagne at my friend’s wedding, I (to get) a bad headache.
If they (to go) to California next year, they (to visit) his friend in San Francisco.
If she (not work) properly, her boss (to fire) her and ( to hire) my sister.
Прочитать и перевести текст
Bryansk regional station of blood transfusion
The Bryansk regional station of blood transfusion was opened in 1958 on the basis of
office of blood transfusion of regional hospital 1. The station settled down in the
wooden building, in seven rooms. Only 29 people worked there, donorship
promoting, creation of a certain reserve of donors without which the Service of blood
can’t exist was the main objective of the personnel. Doctors, average medical
employers of station together with activists of society of the Red Cross regularly
acted with conversations, lectures and movies. For the first year of work of station
about 950 liters of tinned bloodfrom1400 people were prepared. From 55 liters of
blood prepared solutions, the rest poured the needing. In1969 the Bryansk regional
station of blood transfusion moved into the new three-stored building and the new
eguipment was received.
Дать определения терминам Donorship,
medical employers,
station of blood transfusion,
society Of the Red Cross
Тема Policlinics.
Работа над грамматикой Future Simple – записать предложения в Future
1) The car stopped.
2) Go on reading.
3) Love me, love my dog.
4) I was out when he came.
5) It seems that he was late for the train.
6) I don’t know how you do it.
7) He laughs best who laughs last.
8) The man sent a telegram yesterday.
9) Are you coming tomorrow?
10) The lad you have just talked to is my sister’s friend.
Переведите слова и выражения
Hospital treatment
Medical treatment
surgical treatment
to prescribe treatment
incomplete ( complete) recovery
rubber bedpan
mustard plaster
to take arterial pressure
to give somebody a stomach
to give an injection
intravenous injection
intradermal injection
intramuscular injection
to review the temperature chart
to insert a thermometer to take temperature
Тема Departments and medical staff of a hospital.
Работа над текстом « Departments and medical staff of a hospital»
A. To identify those practitioners whose privileges make them eligible to admit
treat patients.
B. To orient hospital personnel to the resources available to assure that a practitioner
has been granted privileges to admit and/or treat patients.
C. To provide guidelines to hospital personnel on the procedure for obtaining
privileges for a practitioner who is not on staff, and requests the privilege to admit
and/or treat a patient in the hospital.
D. To identify classes of privileges and proctoring requirements.
This policy applies to all practicing medical staff members at Texas Health Harris
Hospital Southlake.
A. Practitioners who wish to admit and/or treat patients in this hospital must have
formally granted the privilege to do so, in accordance with the Bylaws of the Medical
Staff of Harris Hospital Southlake.
B. Members of the Provisional, Courtesy or Active Medical Staff or practitioners,
have been granted temporary privileges in accordance with the Medical Staff Bylaws,
may admit or provide medical or health-related services to patients in the hospital if
granted these privileges.
1. Members of the Consulting Staff do not hold admitting privileges. Allied Health
Professional Staff do not have privileges to admit. Psychologists, however,
may perform consultations.
C. To identify members of the Medical Staff:
1. The Medical Staff Roster is a resource available to identify members of the
Medical Staff. The Roster contains an alpha listing of all members of the
Medical Staff, including the office address, telephone number, specialty, staff
status and class of privileges. A current copy of the Medical Staff Roster is
distributed to all hospital departments and nursing units on a quarterly basis by
Policy Area: Administrative
Medical Staff
Name of Policy: Privileges, Admitting and Temporary
(Medical Staff
Policy :
Pages: 3 Effective Date: October 26, 2004
Reference: Revision Date:
the Medical Staff Services Office. Changes in the roster are communicated via
a typed memo from the Medical Staff Office.
D. To identify practitioners who have been granted Temporary Privileges:
1. Each time a practitioner is issued temporary privileges, a copy of the
temporary privilege form with the approved clinical privileges is distributed to
appropriate hospital departments and nursing units, if applicable. Each
temporary privilege form specifies the purpose for which the temporary
privileges were granted. This is done only once. Temporary privileges have an
effective date and they are issued for a specific period of time. If temporary
privileges are renewed, the renewal will be communicated to the appropriate
hospital departments and nursing units, if applicable.
Тема Work in a hospital.
Образование Future Continuous Tense
Будущее продолженное время (Future Continuous) обозначает будущее
действие в процессе его совершения, т.е. незаконченное длительное
действие. Future Continuous употребляется также для выражения намерения
совершить действие в будущем или уверенность в его совершении.
He will be writing a letter to his friend … at 5 o'clock tomorrow.
… from 5 to 6 on Sunday.
… when I come.
Он будет писать письмо другу
… завтра в 5 часов.
… с 5 до 6 в воскресенье.
… когда я приду.
Как всегда для описания грядущих событий вам понадобятся вспомогательные
глаголы will/shall. Плюс к ним добавляется глагол to be (без частички to) и
сказуемое с окончанием -ing.
I shall be driving
I shall not be driving
Shall I be driving?
You will be driving
You will not be driving
Will you be driving?
He (she, it) will
be driving
He (she, it) will not
be driving
Will he (she, it) be
We shall be driving
We shall not be driving
Shall we be driving?
They will be driving
They will not be driving
Will they be driving?
Ну и, конечно же, важно знать краткие формы, так как при произнесение фраза
легче воспринимается.
I shall = I’ll shall not = shan’t will not = won’t
Примеры употребления и перевода Future Continuous Tense
This time next week I'll be on holiday. I'll be lying on the beach or swimming in
the sea. - На следующей неделе в это время я буду в отпуске. Я буду лежать
на пляже или плавать в море.
Don't phone between 4 and 5. We'll be eating. - Не звони между четыремя и
пятью. Мы будем есть.
I’ll be waiting for you at 8 o’clock tomorrow. - Я буду ждать тебя в 8 часов
At 5 o'clock tomorrow, he will be in his office. He will be working. - Завтра в 5
часов он будет у себя в офисе. Он будет работать.
Мы можем ограничить момент времени другим будущим действием, при
помощи использования таких слов, как например when, while, before и т.д.
When I come, they will be playing. - Когда я приду, они будут играть.
While he's reading the book, I'll be watching TV. - Пока он будет читать книгу,
я буду смотреть телевизор.
Выполнение упр-ий на закрепление
Choose the right variant.
I shall go/shall be going to the party when my brother arrives.
Will you pass / will you be passing me the books from him tomorrow?
I’m sure Tom will give up/is giving up the job.
Jack isn’t free on Monday. He will write/ will be writing at home.
Jim is going to study from 7 till 10 this evening. So at 8.30 this evening he will
learn/will be learning new words.
6. While I shall read/ shall be reading this poem she will play/ will be playing the
7. When you call him he will sleep/ will be sleeping.
8. I hope the next mail will bring/ will be bringing news from home.
9. Her homework is not finished. She will work/ will be working at it.
10.At what time will you be/ will you being at home?
Работа над текстом
Lena, a student of our group, came to our medical school yesterday after a week’s
absence. “What was the matter with you?” I asked her. “I was ill. Do you remember
that our anatomy teacher sent me home last week? When I came home I went to bed
and took my temperature. It was high. I coughed and had muscular pains. My mother
called in a doctor and in a doctor and in the morning the district doctor came. She
said: “You will take the mixture three times a day before meal.You must take a table
spoonful of it. Shake the bottle well before using.
This is the prescription for a gargle. Gargle your throat six times a day. This is the
prescription for nasal drops. And these two prescription are for tablets. These tablets
are good for a headache. Take them twice a day. And those tablets are good for colds.
Take them four times a day after meal” I followed all her instructions and soon fell
better Now I understand that pharmacology is a very important subject and we must
play great attention to it at our studies.”
Тема Case Report
Повторение темы «Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий
Большинство наречий образуются прибавлением суффикса – ly к основе
Упражнение 1 Поставить прилагательные в соответствующую степень
Winter is (cold ) than spring.
Summer is ( hot) season of the year
Moscow is (big) city in Russia.
June is (busy) month for students.
Russian is (difficult) language in the world.
My brother is (tall) in the family.
My brother is (tall) than I.
He is my (good) friend.
2) Работа над текстом
One day my mother fell ill. You know she is a nurse and loves her work very
much. She didn’t tell us how bad she felt and wanted to go to her work. “But when
my father looked at her he said, “You will not go to your work today. You don’t look
well. What is the matter with you?”
“I have a bad headache and a running nose”
“Let’s take your temperature. Oh, your temperature is very high. I must call in a
In some hours the doctor came. He asked me mother:
“ What is the matter with you?”
“I am unwell. I have a running nose, a cough, a bad headache and a sore throat.”
“Well, I must examine you. First I shall feel your pulse. It is fast. Give me your arm. I
want to check your BP. Please be quiet or your blood pressure will go up. It’s 140
over 80. That is a normal BP for you. I’ll listen to your heart and lungs. Breathe,
please. Now make a deep breath and stop breathing for a moment. All right. Go on
breathing, please. Please, open your mouth and say “ah”. Show ne your tongue. I see,
you have a flu. You must stay in bed for some days.
I’ll prescribe you some medicine. Take it regularly. You are a nurse yourself and you
know it is necessary. Here is a sick-list for you. Come to me in three days if you feel
better. Good-bye.”
1Ответить на вопросы
Who was ill? What symptoms had the patient? How did the doctor examine the
patient? What diagnosis did she have? How was the treatment?
2Найти в тексте глаголы в будущем времени
3 Объясните подчеркнутые грамматические формы
Тема At the doctor
Работа над грамматикой
Упражнение 1. Используйте слова в скобках для образования предложений
в Future Simple. Обратите внимание, в какой форме должно стоять предложение
(утвердительной, вопросительной или отрицательной).
1) They _____ football at the institute. (to play)
2) She _____ emails. (not / to write)
3) ____ you____ English? (to speak)
4) My mother ____ fish. (not / to like)
5) ____ Ann ____ any friends? (to have)
6) His brother _____ in an office. (to work)
7) She ___ very fast. (cannot / to read)
8) ____ they ____ the flowers every 3 days? (to water)
9) His wife _____ a motorbike. (not / to ride)
10) ____ Elizabeth_____ coffee? (to drink)
Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Она будет занята. (to be busy)
2. Я не буду занят.
3. Вы будете заняты?
4. Они будут дома? (to be at home)
5. Его не будет дома.
6. Я не буду знать.
7. Они будут знать?
8. Она не будет знать.
9. Кто будет знать?
10. Никто не будет знать.
11. Он будет читать английские книги? (to read English books)
12. Они никогда не будут читать. (never / to read)
13. У неё будет квартира? (to have a flat)
14. У него ничего не будет.
Тема Diseases. Common symptoms
Запишите в словарь новые выражения
to have a cold – быть простуженным
To have a cough- кашлять
To have a splitting headache- голова раскалывается
To have a stomach-ache- болит желудок
To have a toothache- болят зубы
To have a sore throat- болит горло
To have a sore eye- болит глаз
To have a liver trouble- болит печень
To have a heart trouble- болит сердце
Прочитайте и переведите текст
Cold Symptoms
Running nose, sore throat, and cough are a few common symptoms of a cold. These
symptoms usually last from one to two weeks. Symptoms that last longer than this
may be an indication of allergies rather than a cold. In rare cases, cold symptoms can
lead to complications or to a more serious illness.
The common cold is a leading cause of doctor visits and missed days from school and
work. It is a minor infection of the nose and throat caused by one of several viruses.
These viruses are highly contagious, which means they are easily spread. On average,
adults get two to four colds per year, and young children get up to ten per year.
Cold symptoms usually begin two to three days after a person becomes infected with
a cold virus. The first signs often include sneezing, a scratchy throat, and/or running
nose. After one to three days, the secretions from the nose may become thicker and
turn either yellow or green.
Other symptoms of a cold can include:
Stuffy nose (nasal congestion)
 Sore throat
 Cough
 Headache
 Slight body aches.
These symptoms are usually mild and typically last one to two weeks. If symptoms
you think are from a cold occur often or last longer than two weeks, you might
have allergies rather than a cold .
Ответьте на вопросы
- What are the symptoms of a cold?
- How long can last a cold?
- What are viruses of a cold?
- Who has cold offer?
- When does a cold begin?
- What are the first signs?
- What is the preventing?
Тема Headache
Переведите новые слова
To occur, eye strain, hunger, to accompany, mumps, malaria, measles, brain tumor
Образуйте и переведите словосочетания
of many diseases
a doctor
перевести на русский язык
Опухоль мозга, частая головная боль, симптом усталости глаз, сопровождать
хроническую усталость, чаще бывать на свежем воздухе, обычная простуда,
профилактика головной боли, долго работать за компьютером
Повторение грамматики Past Progressive
Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1. What were you doing when your mother came home?
2. Were you watching TV yesterday from 7 to 9 in the evening?
3. Were you sleeping when your friend phoned you yesterday?
4. What were you doing 10 minutes ago?
5. Where was your mother going at 5 o’clock?
6. What was your sister (brother) doing at that moment?
7.Whom did you meet when you were walking along the street yesterday?
текст для дополнительного чтения
Pain in the upper portion of the head. Episodic tension headaches are the most
common, usually causing mild to moderate pain on both sides. They result from
sustained contraction of face and neck muscles, often due to fatigue, stress, or
frustration. Headaches are treated with aspirin, acetaminophen. Chronic daily
headaches are similar but more frequent. They usually have a psychological cause
and respond to certain antidepressants. They may also come from overuse of pain
relievers. Migraine and cluster headaches are vascular headaches. Headaches may
also be caused by distension of arteries at the base of the brain, from fever, hangover,
or an attack of high blood pressure. Headache can be a symptom of meningitis,
hemorrhagic stroke.
Тема Fever
Перевести на английский язык
Симптом многих болезней, обычная простуда, может сопровождаться, сильная
головная боль, советоваться с врачом, частая головная боль, опухоль мозга
Вставить пропущенные слова X-Ray, show, bothers, matter, wrong
What is the …
with you? I want to find out what is …
with me. …
place where it hurts you. This pain …
me at night. Take …
of your stomach.
Исправьте следующие предложения, если они неверны
- The symptoms of fever are slow pulse, pale face.
- A feverish person must go for a walk.
- During the fever the patient needs warmth.
- A nurse must replace damp bed clothes when the patient is sweating.
- When the temperature is down to normal the patient must stay in bed.
- A feverish person must drink much.
Заполнить таблицу
дополнительно- повторение темы «Артикли»
Упражнение 1 Put in a/an or the where necessary
1. I wrote to her but …letter never arrived.
2. Britain is …island.
3. Jane is …very nice person. You must meet her.
4. What is …largest city in Canada?
5. "What time is it?" "I don't know. I haven't got … watch."
6. When I went to Rome, I stayed with …Italian friend of mine.
7. Don't sit on …e floor. It's very dirty.
me the
8. "Let's go to …restaurant this evening." "That's a good idea. Which restaurant shall
we go?"
9. Can you turn on …radio, please? I want to listen to some music.
10. Tom is in … bathroom. He's having …bath.
12. We live in …old house near …station. It's two miles from the center.
Упражнение 2 Поставьте a/an или the, где необходимо:
1. Excuse me, can I ask …question, please?
2. Alan is … best player in our football team.
3. How far is from here to …airport?
4. Enjoy your holiday and don't forget to send me …postcard!
5. Have you got …ticket for the concert tomorrow night?
6. What is …name of the director of the film we saw last night?
Тема Pneumonia
Подчеркните только симптомы fever
Hunger, eye strain, severe headache, loss of appetite, pale face, aches all over the
body, quick pulse, swelling, poisoning, sore throat, running-nose, pain in the chest,
high temperature of the body
Выпишите в словарь
To confirm
плохо питающийся
Need oxygen
нуждаться в кислороде
Заполните таблицу
Продолжить предложения
Pneumonia is the inflammation of …
The cause may be …
Most pneumonias can be treated …
Pneumonia can be …
for weak child.
If the breathing is very rapid he may ….
Повторение темы Past Simple
Упражнение . Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму.
He wrote a letter. – He didn’t write a letter.
1. I drew a picture
2. We understood the story
3. The boy ate the ice – cream.
4. I saw your brother in the street.
5. Nick went to London every day.
6. The boy put his books on the table
(draw – drew, understand – understood, put – put).
Тема Cases from practical medicine
1 Поставить диагноз
A child is burning hot. He wants to sleep. His throat is sore, he can hardly swallow at
all. The tonsils are red and swollen. This is a typical case of …
. at a
The doctor prescribes a treatment that is effective and the patient gets better very
2Найти эквиваленты
плохо питающийся
To confirm
нуждаться в кислороде
Need oxygen
боль в груди
Pain in the chest
3Используя материал текста на с.45-46 составить историю болезни по плану
- Sex
- Age
- Complains
- Objective examination
- Subjective examination
- Past history
- Differential diagnosis
- Definitive diagnosis
- Treatment
4Дополнительно- перевести в будущем времени
- She will be working when you come to see her
- While he will be cooking dinner she will be watching TV.
- Will you be using this car this evening?
- I’ll not decide this problem
- He will not work in the garden.
Тема Систематизация и обобщение знаний по разделу «В больнице
1Перевести выражения
Постепенно, головная боль, подъем температуры тела, одеяло, менять влажное
постельное белье, боль по всему телу, усталость глаз, опухоль мозга, обычная
простуда, советоваться с врачом, потеря аппетита
2 Составление дифтаблицы
3Перевести выражения и составить с ними повествовательные предложения
Hospital treatment
Medical treatment
surgical treatment
to prescribe treatment
incomplete ( complete) recovery
4Прочитать диалог и воспроизвести его по ролям
- You are rather pale. Are you ill?
- I hope not. But as a matter of fact, I have a headache.
- Did you take your temperature?
- I did and I found out that I have a slight temperature.
- Let me have a look at your tongue and feel your pulse. Show me your tongue. It is
coated, and your pulse is rapid and irregular. Besides, you have a sore throat.
- I see, that’s why I’m feeling unwell.
- I think you have caught a bad influenza. You’d better to see a doctor
Тема Nursing as profession
Прочитать текст и выписать ответ на вопрос What abilities must have a
«Nursing as profession»
Unfortunately, the majority of youth has plans about a career to gain money, fortune,
and fame, mind with a prosperous life having no hassles whatsoever. For such
people, nursing is not a single profession, because neither it’ll give one a handsome
salary from the beginning, nor is it a hassle free 9 to 5 job, where one gets enough
time to relax and enjoy the life. Nursing is a fulltime duty, which a nurse chooses for
himself/ herself.
A nurse has the ability of critical thinking in a discipline manner. What makes the
thinking of a nurse different to a dentist or an engineer, or a Doctor is how she or he
views the type of problems that she or he deals with, the practice sessions, and
engagement in the client care. This is a specific thinking process of farmers, which
requires no learning content; concepts and theories of nursing along with ideas to
devil of their intellectual capabilities and skills, so that they become more selfdisciplined, and critical thinkers.
Critical thinking and intellectual process of applying skillful reasoning as a guide or
action is something that nurse has to learn during her career and studies. Critical
thinking is the decision-making process which enables a nurse to think in a
systematic and logical manner that all ends her mind to work on the multiple fronts
and answering many questions arising from different situations. This reasoning
process is used to ensure safe nursing practice, as well as the quality care .
Critical thinking includes the adherence to proficiency, intellectual standards, in
using the exact reasoning behind the specific situation or case , a commitment of
developing and maintaining habits of critical thinking and intellectual traits of mind,
and the competent use of the thinking abilities and skills of sound clinical judgments,
and a save decision-making
Запомните правило
Образование Present Perfect.
Утвердительная Вопросительная
I have worked
Have I worked?
He (she, it) has
Has he (she, it)
I have not worked
He (she, it) has not
Вопр-отрицател форма
Have I not worked?
Has he (she, it) not worked?
We have worked Have we worked? We have not worked Have we not worked?
You have worked Have you worked? You have not worked Have you not worked?
They have worked Have they worked?
They have not worked
Have they not worked?
Рассмотрим спряжение в утвердительной форме на примере неправильного
глагола go (идти, ходить):
I have gone (I've gone) - Я ушел
You have gone (You've gone) - Ты ушел/ Вы ушли
He has gone (He's gone) - Он ушел
She has gone (She's gone) - Она ушла
It has gone (It's gone) - Он/Она ушел/ушла (неодуш.)
We have gone (We've gone) - Мы ушли
They have gone (They've gone) - Они ушли
Тема Theories of Nursing. Henderson’s theorie
1 Найти предложения в Present Perfect
I do not read newspapers in the morning.
Has George done his work perfectly?
I must return the book.
Could you show us the menu please?
He likes that ball.
He is my closest friend and the closest I have ever had.
How many people are you going to meet tomorrow?
I don’t like baseball.
Why don’t we go to a club?
2 Перевести предложения, подчеркнуть Present Perfect
I have read this book and can give it to you, if you like.
Have you decided where you are going?
I have changed my mind.
How stuffy is it here! Haven’t you had a window open?
You have never told me about it
3 Заполнить таблицу образования Present Perfect на примере глагола to speake
Утвердительная форма
Вопросительная форма
Тема From the history of nursing. F. Nightingale
Прочитать и перевести текст
Florence Nightingale, 12 May 1820 – 13 August 1910) was a celebrated English
social reformer and statistician, and the founder of modern nursing. She came to
prominence while serving as a nurse during the Crimean War, where she tended to
wounded soldiers. She was known as "The Lady with the Lamp" after her habit of
making rounds at night. Early 21st century commentators have asserted Nightingale's
achievements in the Crimean War had been exaggerated by the media at the time, to
satisfy the public's need for a hero, but her later achievements remain widely
accepted. In 1860, Nightingale laid the foundation of professional nursing with the
establishment of her nursing school at St Thomas' Hospital in London. It was the first
secular nursing school in the world, now part of King's College London.
TheNightingale Pledge taken by new nurses was named in her honour, and the
annual International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world on her birthday. Her
social reforms include improving healthcare for all sections of British society,
improving healthcare and advocating better hunger relief in India, helping to abolish
laws regulating prostitution that were over-harsh to women, and expanding the
acceptable forms of female participation in the workforce.
Nightingale was a prodigious and versatile writer. In her lifetime much of her
published work was concerned with spreading medical knowledge. Some of her tracts
were written in simple English so that they could easily be understood by those with
poor literary skills. She also helped popularise the graphical presentation of statistical
data. Much of her writing, including her extensive work on religion and mysticism,
has only been published posthumously.
Найдите эквиваленты соответствующим предложениям в тексте
Найтингейл была выдающимся писателемФ. Найтингейл- основоположник современного сестринского дела.Ее называли « Леди с лампой» за ее привычку обходить палатки раненых.Это была первая сестринская школа в мире.Ее реформы касались улучшения системы здравоохранения для всех слоев
бриеанского общества.Ответьте на вопрос» Why F. Nightingale was a great woman in Britain»
Тема Work of the human heart
Запишите слова в словарь
heart and blood
wonderful organ
to strengthen from disease
take the pulse
in such a way
blood vessel
regular regimen
blood pressure
easy and useful
blood test
скажите по- английски - укрепить сердце, защитить сердце, контролировать
работу сердца, 70 ударов в минуту, пульс будет учащенный, пульс будет
нормальный, это достаточно, измерить артериальное давление, прослушать
сердце, несут кровь к сердцу
Выделите предложения, не соответствующие смыслу текста
1It is difficult to strengthen the heart.2 Blood has red blood cells and white blood
cells.3 Arteries carry blood from the heart. 4 After heavy exercises heart works faster.
5 About 6 litres of blood fill our arteries and veins. 6 Veins carry blood to the heart. 7
Today doctors can take pulse.
Сравните употребление страдательного и действительного залога
Passive Voice - Exercises on Form
Действительный залог
He often invites me to his place.
I asked to do it.
I pressed his suit.
The girl opens the door.
Страдательный залог
I am often invited to his place.
I was asked to do it.
His suit was pressed by me.
The door is opened by the girl.
Тема Heart disease. Blood pressure
Запишите в словарь новые термины
Blood pressure
arterial wall
check the BP
hypotensive drugs
take care of patient
often frighten
high BP, low BP
must calm
Придумайте предложения со словами: to take BP, high BP, to take BP, to
complain of, to prescribe, to frighten
Exercise on Passive Voice - Simple Past
Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.
1. She sang a song. 2. Somebody hit me. 3. We stopped the bus. 4. A thief stole my car. 5. They didn't let him go. 6. She didn't win the prize. They didn't make their beds. -
Перевод английских страдательных оборотов на русский язык часто
представляет трудности. В то время как в английском языке имеется только
один способ выражения страдательного залога, в русском языке существует три
способа его передачи:
а) при помощи глагола быть и краткой формы причастия страдательного залога.
(Этот способ аналогичен способу выражения страдательного залога в
английском языке.) Глагол быть в настоящем времени не употребляется: дом
построен, дом был построен, дом будет построен;
б) глаголами, оканчивающимися на -ся: дом строится, дом строился, дом будет
в) неопределенно-личным оборотом с глаголом в действительном залоге в 3-м
лице множественного числа: дом строят, дом строили, дом будут строить.
I was invited to the concert.
1. Я был приглашен на концерт.
2. Меня пригласили на концерт.
The goods were examined yesterday.
1. Товары были осмотрены вчера.
2. Товары осматривались вчера.
3. Товары осмотрели (осматривали)
A book was given to him.
He was showed the way.
The name was written in block letters.
He had been send to school in Munich.
The rule was explained by teacher to the students.
The telephone number is dictated to me.
Тема Nursing of patients with heart diseases.
2 Найти соответствия
calm the patient
prescribe drugs
the pressure of blood
complain of
боль в сердце
давление крови
головная боль
успокоить пациента
выписать лекарство
жаловаться на
Work of the human heart. Heart disease
Запишите в словарь
to depend
to pick up
Pulmonary artery
Прочитайте и переведите текст
Heart diseases
. Heart disorders fall into two broad groups: congenital and acguired. Congenital
heart defects are caused by structural defects. Acguired heart disease is mainly due to
rheumatic fever. Congenital defects may result in cyanosis if the defect is such that
blood doesn’t pass through the lungs for oxygenation. The patient has blue lips and
blue-finger and toe-nails. The ends of the fingers are rounded and club-like.
Sometimes there is an opening between the left and right side of the heart, or even
between the aorta and pulmonary artery.
Symptoms depend on the type of heart disease. Sometimes, the defect is picked up on
a routine examination, at other times there may be breathlessness, difficulty in
walking or running, swellings. Some these anomalies can be surgically corrected.
Перевести на английский: врожденный, приобретенный, пороки сердца,
структурные дефекты, врожденные пороки сердца, посиневшие губы, пальцы
на руках и ногах закругленные, похожие на барабанные палочки, отверстие,
легочная артерия
Passive Voice - Exercises on Form
1 Перепишите предложения, поставив глаголы в Present Passive Voice,
This text ( to write) by pencil.
This question (to discuss) everywhere.
Ten thousand railway carriages (to make) by our workers every year
. Much new material ( to collect) every month.
Millions of letters ( to send) every day.
The table ( to cover) with a red cloth.
2Перепишите предложения, поставив глаголы в Past Passive Voice, переведите
No echo (to hear) for three seconds.
All the details (to know) to the scientists.
A new island (to find).
Our ship (to send) to explore that area.
The laboratory ( to equip) for this kind of scientific studies.
A fish ( to catch).
3 Переведите письменно на русский язык, а потом обратно на английский и
сверьте свой перевод:
A new globe was brought into the classroom. This area was often visited by
scientists. New instruments were given to the scientists. The details are now known.
New lenses were bought to our laboratory. Were the instruments put on the table?
When was the first fish caught?
Тема Систематизация и обобщение знаний по разделам 7 и 8
перевести на русский:
I am invited to a party.
The letter was sent on Friday.
He was told to stay home.
New technique has been developed.
Many mistakes had been made.
Bread is made from flour.
Answers are given in the written form.
We were deceived in our hopes.
All observations were made by a team
of famous scientists.
The book is much spoken about.
I was told that you’re ill.
The boy was shown the way.
I am often invited to his place.
He was helped to open the door.
We were asked to come as early as
They were invited by my friend.:
Тема Infectious diseases. Rash
Запишите в словарь
Infectious diseases
infected person
to wear a mask and a special gown
to pass to a healthy person
to wash with soap
by different ways
must be desinfected
to prevent the spread of infection
Скажите по-английски:
Заботиться о больном, предотвратить распространение инфекции, носить
маску, носить халат, тщательно мыть руки под проточной водой
Закончите предложения:
The nurse must wear….
It is necessary to ….. running water.
It is important to prevent ...
Bed-clothes must ….
Infectious diseases can pass…
Прочитайте и переведите текст
A rash is a change of the skin which affects its color, appearance, or texture.
A rash may be localized in one part of the body, or affect all the skin. Rashes may
cause the skin to change color, itch, become warm, bumpy, chapped, dry, cracked
or blistered, swell, and may be painful.
The causes, and therefore treatments for rashes, vary widely. Diagnosis must take
into account such things as the appearance of the rash, other symptoms, what the
patient may have been exposed to, occupation, and occurrence in family members.
The diagnosis may confirm any number of conditions.
The presence of a rash may aid diagnosis; associated signs and symptoms are
diagnostic of certain diseases. For example, the rash in measles is
an erythematous, maculopapular rash that begins a few days after the fever starts. It
classically starts at the head, and spreads downwards.
Ответить на вопросы
What is rash? Where rash may be localized? What may cause rash? Where may the
rash start in measles? What is treatment?
Тема Scarlet fever
Запишите в словарь
Scarlet fever
to pass
to remain
put to bed
trough the nose and mouse
to peel
sore throat
to isolate
to vomit
nourishing food
Продолжить предложения:
The disease passes through the …
The face is …
The child with scarlet fever must …
The first symptom in many … is …
The beginning of the disease is …
When the temperature falls the nurse gives ….
4 Прочитайте текст
Scarlet fever
Scarlet fever is an infectious disease. We can often meet this disease in children and
only sometimes in grown ups. The disease passes from one person to another trough
the nose and mouth. The beginning of the disease is quick. The patient has a sore
throat, fever, headache and he often vomits. The face is flushed and the skin feels hot
and dry. The temperature rises quickly on the first day and remains high for a few
days. The rash appears on the second day. After the temperature falls the skin begins
to peel. We must isolate the child and put him in bed
Перевести основные мысли текста на английский язык, перескажите
Дети, страдающие различными диатезами , более восприимчивы к скарлатине,
чем здоровые. Предрасполагают к скарлатине также хронические
воспалительные состояния носоглотки. Заболеваемость скарлатиной выше у
детей, в семьях которых не соблюдаются необходимые санитарногигиенические требования. Недостаточное проветривание помещения,
нарушения режима дня и питания ребенка понижают устойчивость организма к
инфекции. Болеют скарлатиной дети преимущественно весной и осенью.
Источником заражения скарлатиной служит больной или только что
перенесший ее ребенок. Передаваться заболевание может при
непосредственном контакте с больным, а также через предметы ухода, игрушки
и пищу больного. Чаще скарлатина у детей возникает через 2 – 4 дня после
контакта с больным, хотя иногда дети заболевают и через 11 дней
.Большинство детей полностью выздоравливают. Осложнения скарлатины
возникают не зависит от течения болезни – они могут появиться при легкой
форме и не быть при тяжелой форме скарлатины у детей. Проявляются
осложнения в виде лимфаденита, воспаления среднего уха, заболеваний сердца
и почек. Несмотря на то что скарлатина у детей чаще протекает легко, все же
больной или с подозрением на заболевание скарлатиной ребенок подлежит
изоляции дома, если позволяют состояние больного и санитарно-бытовые
условия, или в стационаре. Иногда к госпитализации прибегают по
клиническим показаниям.
Упражнение 1Переведите на русский язык.
1. Her grandmother can knit very well. 2. I can answer the questions. They are
very easy. 3. This trip is too expensive for me. I can't afford it. 4. She can type. She
can speak well on the telephone. She hopes she can find the job she's looking for. 5.
Can You go to have lunch with me? - I'm sorry. I can't. 6. Mike can run very fast. 7.
They can understand French. 8. Kate can speak English very well. 9. My brother can
come and help you in the garden. 10. Can you speak Spanish?
Тема Measles
Продолжить предложения:
The beginning of the disease is …
The face is …and the skin…
We must isolate …
The rash appears on …
Записать в словарь
behind the ears
signs of heavy cold
take care of
running nose
to cover
dislike of the light
Ответить на вопросы:
Is measles an infectious disease?
- How does the disease pass?
What are the first symptoms
Where does the rash appear?
Why the lips must be clean and moist?
Продолжить диалог:
Nurse: ……?
Mother: Mo son has a very high temperature.
N. …?
M. Yes, he has a running nose and a dry cough too.
N. …?
M. Yes, the light bothers him too.
N. …?
M. The rash appeared yesterday.
Работа над грамматикой
Вставьте глаголы may или can.
1. … I come in? 2. Let me look at your exercises. I … be able to help you. 3. I
… not swim, because until this year the doctor did not allow me to be more than
two minutes in the water. But this year he says I … stay in for fifteen minutes if I
like, so I’m going to learn to swim. 4. Libraries are quite free, and any one who
likes … get books there. 5. I … come and see you tomorrow if I have time. 6.
Take your raincoat with you: it … rain today. 7. Do you think you … do that?
8. I
… finish the work tomorrow if no one bothers me any more. 9. … we
come and see you next Sunday at three o’clock in the afternoon? 10. What time is
it? – It … - be about six o’clock, but I am not sure. 11. Only a person who knows
the language very well … answer such a question.
Тема Rubella
1 Найти соответствия:
To vomit
To remain
To peel
страдать рвотой
Running nose
Sore throat
больное горло
Dislike of the light
2Сравнительная характеристика
Scarlet fever
first symptoms
typical symptom
pain behind the ears
Enlargement of glands
Milk pinkish rash
4скажите по- английски: допустимо боль за ушами, беременная женщина,
огромная опасность, не требует лечения, врожденные уродства, в детстве
5 подчеркните симптомы краснухи
Coughing, sore throat, running nose, low-grade fever, headache, nosebleeding, pain
behind the ears, flushed face, enlargement of glands, rash, dislike of the light, high
temperature, peeling of skin
Повторите правило
Модальный глагол Must
Модальный глагол Must имеет общее значение долженствования и
употребляется для выражения необходимости совершения действия в силу
определенных обстоятельств, а также для выражения приказания или совета.
Формы модального глагола Must:
Настоящее время
I must (must not, mustn't)
We must (must not, mustn't)
You must (must not, mustn't)
You must (must not, mustn't)
He/She/It must (must not, mustn't)
They must (must not, mustn't)
Так как у модального глагола Must нет формы будущего и прошедшего
времени, то в таких ситуациях вместо него используется модальный
глагол Have to:
You will have to be in the theater by 7 o’clock if you don’t want to be late.
Если не хочешь опоздать, ты должен быть в театре к семи.
Упражнение на закрепление
Переведите на русский язык
. Don't worry! This is not important. - Not important! You must be joking! 2. He
never comes to work late! He must have overslept today. 3. You must not argue
with the boss. 4. She must stop eating much and she must lose weight. 5. You must
stop smoking ! If you don't, you're going to have serious problems with your lungs
some day. 6. You must work hard at your English. 7. You must learn the words. 8.
Must we learn the poem today? 9. It must be very difficult to learn Chinese. 10. You
must not talk at the lessons. 11. Everybody must come to school in time. 12. Don't
ring him up: he must be very busy. 13. You must not make notes in the books. 14. I
must help my mother today.
Тема Whooping cough
Упражнения на закрепление грамматики
Упражнение 1
Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальный глагол must.
1. Он, должно быть, очень устал. 2. У них даже есть яхта. Они, должно быть,
очень богаты. 3. Ты должен уехать завтра утром? 4. Вы не должны
опаздывать.>5. Я не должен забывать о своей матери. Я не писал ей целую
вечность. Сегодня вечером я должен написать ей письмо. 6. Эта книга очень
ценная. Вы не должны ее терять. 7. Неужели вам надо уже уходить? 8. Я
должен признать, что я неправ. 9. Я должна упорно работать над своим
английским. 10. Вы должны внимательно слушать учителя на уроке. 11. Ты
должен делать уроки каждый день. 12. Вы не должны забывать о своих
обязанностях. 13. Вы должны быть осторожны на улице. 14. Она должна быть
дома сейчас. 15. Мои друзья, должно быть, в парке. 16. Вы, должно быть,
очень голодны. 17. Должно быть, трудно решать такие задачи. 18. Я должен
сегодня повидать моего друга.
Упражнение 2
Переведите на русский язык
1. You must work hard at your English. 2. You must learn the words. 3. Must we
learn the poem today? 4. It must be very difficult to learn Chinese. 5. You must not
talk at the lessons. 6. Everybody must come to school in time. 7. Don’t ring him up:
he must be very busy. 8. You must not make notes in the books. 9. I must help my
mother today. 10. Don’t worry! This is not important. – Not important! You must be
Catarrhal stage
It is often met
Feel much better
Whooping cough
slight fever
open air
Тема Influenza
1 Скажите по – английски: рвота во время кашля, приступ кашля, играть на
свежем воздухе, быть истощенным, чувствовать себя гораздо лучше, чихание,
иммунитет на всю жизнь, простуда с насморком и кашлем
2 Продолжить предложения
It is very infectious during …
The disease begins as ….
With older children the attacks are often …
They must play in the open air …
Перевести на английский : Грипп – очень коварное заболевание. Ежегодно
оно прокатывается по всей планете виде эпидемии, нанося огромный
экономический ущерб. Грипп опасен своими осложнениями, в результате
которых до сих пор умирают люди. Сотни фармацевтических компаний не
одно десятилетие ищут действенное лекарство от гриппа. Но пока его нет,
это задача для молодых ученых и фармакологов.
Задание: подчеркните в предложениях сказуемое и укажите тип
глаголов в них.
- 1) I do not know this lesson.
- 2) He is a student.
- 3) I can help you.
- 4) He speaks 3 foreign languages.
- 5) I must do it immediately.
- 6) I can read books in the original.
- 7) He is my first teacher.
- 8) You really should start eating better.
- 9) They returned from their holidays yesterday.
- 10) She is reading my new book now.
- 11) She looks fine.
- 12) He should be more attentive
- 13) We will go there next summer.
- 14) The car was red.
- 15) You needn’t buy bread.
Тема Chicken pox
Never shake hands when you have a cold. Colds pass through the hands. But don’t
say” I can’t shake hands. I have a cold”. Let it be if you forgot to shake hands.
But you must be very polite in speech
Задайте вопросы к предложениям: Influenza is a very contagious disease
The symptoms of influenza are high temperature, headache, general pains.
The patient must stay in bed.
After influenza the patient feel week.
Запишите в словарь
Chicken pox
In spots
To turn
alcohol solution
brilliant green
cut nails
slight temperature
several times
Прочитайте и переведите текст
Chicken pox
Chicken-pox is an infectious disease. Children of all ages can fall ill with chicken
pox. Chicken pox is not dangerous for healthy children. The disease begins with
slight fever and a rash. The rash appears in spots. After several hours the spots turn
into small water blisters. The rash covers all parts of the body, even the scalp. The
blisters may itch and that makes the child very restless. Put a 2 per cent alcohol
solution of brilliant green on the blisters and it will relieve the itching. Chicken pox
patients must be put in quarantine.
Ответьте на вопросы
Is chicken pox an acute disease?
Do children of all ages fall ill with pneumonia?
How does chicken pox begin?
Do the blisters itch?
What appears on the skin?
How we can relieve itching?
Must patients be put in quarantine?
How long must be quarantine?
В английском языке есть множество примеров использования модальных
глаголов в национальных поговорках. Здесь Вы найдёте некоторые из них:
Hares may pull dead lions by the beard. - Зайцы могут дёргать умершего льва за
бороду./ Околевший пес не укусит.
No living man all things can. - Ни один человек не может всё./ Нельзя объять
Bird may be known by its song. - Птичку можно узнать по тому как она поёт.
As the tree falls, so shall it lie. - Как дерево упадёт, там ему и лежать./ Куда
дерево клонилось, туда и повалилось.
As you brew, so must you drink. - Что заварил, то и расхлёбывай.
Things past cannot be recalled. - Прошлое нельзя вернуть.
Drowning man will catch at a straw. - Утопающий и за соломинку цепляется.
Needs must when the devil drives. - Приходится, когда дьявол подгоняет./ Против
необходимости ничего не поделать.
Тема Poliomyelitis
Дополните диалог:
Mother: Yesterday in the morning.
D: ….
Mother No, he didn’t complain of sore throat.
D: …?
M: Yes, there were some cases of chicken pox in his class.
D: …?
M: No. I haven’t. I shall buy brilliant green at the chemist’s.
Прочитайте и переведите текст
The main symptoms of the disease are slight fever, general discomfort, headache,
stiff neck, stiff back. It may result in paralysis of any part of body. The cause of
poliomyelitis is virus. The incubation period of the disease is 7-21 days. The most
susceptible patients are the children from 9 months to 5 years. The child should be
isolated from onset of the disease till fever subsides. We can prevent
poliomyelitis with oral polio vaccine.
Повторение грамматики - Образуйте притяжательный падеж.
The novel/ Dickens
Dickens′ novels
the camera/Tom -
the eyes/the cat-
the top/the page-
the daughter/Charles-
the newspaper/today-
the toys/the children-
the name/your wife-
the name/this street-
the name/the man I saw yesterday-
10. the new manager/the company11. the result/the football match 12. the car/Mike parents13. the garden/our neighbors14. the children/Don and MaryТема Систематизация и обобщение знаний по разделу
«Infectious diseases»
Найти соответствия
Catarrhal stage
It is often met
чувствовать себя лучше
Feel much better
Slight fever
катаральная стадия
часто встречается
невысокая температура
Составление дифтаблицы
chicken pox
type of rash
scarlet fever
Работа над грамматикой
Тема: Предлоги
Вставьте предлоги on, in или into.
Where is the book? - - It is ... the table. Where is the tea? — It is .. . the cup. Put the
plates ... the table. Put the book ... the bag. There is a beautiful picture ... the
wall..He went . .. the room. Mother is cooking dinner ... the kitchen. She went .. .
the room and sat down ... the sofa.
Вставьте предлоги in или to.
_ winter I usually go _ bed at ten o'clock because I learn at school and have _ get
up early. But _ summer, when I don't go _ school and live _ the country, I like_
go _ bed late. Do you like _ read _ bed? We did not want _ stay in town on
such a hot day, so we went to the country. It is very late. Go _ bed at once. Where
is your little sister? — She is _ bed.
Тема Immunity
Диалоги для чтения и инсценирования
1: You look rather pale, are you ill?
2: I hope not. But as a matter of fact, I have a headache.
1: Did you take a temperature?
2: I did not and I found out that I had a slight temperature.
1 : Let me have a look at your tongue and feel your pulse. Show me your
tongue. It is coated, and your pulse is rapid and irregular. Besides, you have
a sore throat.
2: I see, that’s why I am feeling unwell.
1: I think you have caught a bad flu. You’ better see a doctor.
1: I hear you’ve been ill.
2: Well, I had the flu for a couple of weeks, but I’m fine now.
1: You’re looking well. By the way, did you hear about Mr.Wilson?
2: No, what about her?
1: She has such a bad case of the flu that they had to take her to the hospital.
2: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
Работа над грамматикой
Present Simple
Вставьте правильный глагол
My mother
…a bad headache ( have, has)
We …
shopping on Saturday morning (go, goes)
It …
interesting (sound, sounds)
This nurse …
her work carefully (do, does)
Mary …
English at the medical college (teach, teaches)
Her teeth
… white and healthy. (is, are)
He often
… my other classmates (meet, meets)
Сделайте предложения вопросительными
A good dentist can extract teeth painlessly. (Who …
The nurse must be very careful with bed patients. (Must …
The infectious diseases can pass through the mouth and nose. (How can…
Some poisons can cause asphyxia. ( What …
Новая грамматическая тема
Вставьте частицу to перед инфинитивом, где необходимо.
1. I like … dance. 2. I’d like … dance. 3. I shall do all I can … help you. 4. She
made me … repeat my words several times. 5. I saw him … enter the room. 6.
She did not let her mother … go away. 7. Do you like … listen to good music?
8. Would you like … listen to good music? 9. That funny scene made me …
laugh. 10. I like … play the guitar. 11. My brother can … speak French. 12.
We had … put on our overcoats because it was cold. 13. They wanеted …
cross the river.
Прочитайте текст
In biology, immunity is the state of having sufficient biological defences to
avoid infection, disease, or other unwanted biological invasion. It is the capability of
the body to resist harmful microbes from entering it. Immunity involves both specific
and non-specific components. The non-specific components act either as barriers or
as eliminators of wide range of pathogens irrespective of antigenic specificity. Other
components of the immune system adapt themselves to each new disease encountered
and are able to generate pathogen-specific immunity.
Расскажите об иммунитете, используя данную схему
Тема About exercises
Упр. 1. Переведите предложения с английского языка на русский, обращая
внимание на причастие 1, подчеркните его
1. The vice president of marketing felt comfortable sending this executive to
Brazil to negotiate the contract.
2. This change in the computer [the third-generation computers used
microcircuits in place of the transistors] further decreased the size of the computer
while increasing its speed.
3. Rising interest rates boosted profits for Brazilian banks.
4. The cars selling fastest in China are the smaller models with the lowest profit
5. The idea of this Forum was to bring together leading policy makers from both
countries to discuss the entire range of problems confronting them.
Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос Why physical exercises are very
important for our health?
Physical exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical
fitness and overall health and wellness. It is performed for various reasons
including strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system,
honing athletic skills, weight loss or maintenance, as well as for the purpose
of enjoyment. Frequent and regular physical exercise boosts the immune
system, and helps prevent the "diseases of affluence" such as heart
disease, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity. It also
improves mental health, helps prevent depression, helps to promote or
maintain positive self-esteem, and can even augment an individual's sex
appeal or body image, which is also found to be linked with higher levels of
self-esteem. Childhood obesity is a growing global concern and physical
exercise may help decrease some of the effects of childhood and adult
obesity. Health care providers often call exercise the "miracle" or "wonder"
drug—alluding to the wide variety of proven benefits that it provides.
Прочитайте текст и объясните подчеркнутые грамматические формы
Yesterday I went to see my friend Mike. He was watching a football match over the
TV. After it he watched some sporting contests. He sat before the TV for three hours.
When everything was over Mike said: “I like sport very much.” I looked at his round
back and said: “I think that you like only to watch sportsmen.” My father always tells
me: “Go in for sports. You will be healthy and strong. A healthy man feels and looks
well. He can play well and work hard. A sick and weak man tires quickly and often
falls ill. Such a man is often nervous and
cannot work well. Have some exercises every day. Good exercises increase all
body functions, develop your muscles and give you pleasure. Exercises increase
heart action and blood circulation. They strengthen the nerves.
If you want to have a strong and beautiful body you must exercise yourself. It is more
important to your health to be a participant than a spectator.”
Тема Smoking. Alkohol
Герундий – неличная форма глагола, имеющая грамматические
особенности глагола и существительного . Герундий выражает
действие как процесс: smoking - курение, improving – улучшение.
Формы герундия
being examined
having examined
having been examined
Функции герундия в предложении
1) Подлежащего - Smoking is not allowed. Курить не разрешается.
2) Именной части составного сказуемого – Abortion is removing of
fetus. Аборт – это удаление плода.
3) Дополнения
а) прямого – The patient needs examining at once. Больной
нуждается в срочном лечении.
б) предложного - He knew of my studying in the medical college.
Он знал о моей учебе в медицинском колледже.
Обстоятельства – After receiving necessary information we can
perform the operation. Получив (после того, как мы получили)
необходимые данные, мы можем сделать операцию.
Таким образом, герундий может переводиться существительным,
инфинитивом, деепричастием, придаточным предложением.
Чаще всего переводятся придаточным предложением:
I remember his having been performed an operation as a child. Я
помню, что ему сделали операцию еще в детстве.
Упражнение Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на
A: I’m really looking forward to doing to New York.
B: Are you? I’m not. I can’t stand visiting noisy cities.
A: But New York is wonderful. I love seeing the sky-scrapes, the museums,
the historical monuments, the Statue of Liberty…
B: I hate visiting museums. I’m not looking forward to doing at all.
A: Oh, it’s so exciting! I like listening to the sounds of New York – the
traffic, the different languages…
B: The noise! I can tell you, I dislike visiting noisy cicles!
A: Oh, come on! It’s be fun. New York’s a great big melting pot of people
from all over the world. And the world capital is worth seeing. I want to go
to the Big Apple. It’s so interesting!
Тема What must you know about AIDS?
Ответьте на вопросы
What is the main risk of AIDS?
What important facts should we know about AIDS?
What should we do to protect ourselves from it?
Can we get the virus by shaking hands, sharing food, swimming in a pool?
Can we get the virus through the air?
Упр.1. Выберите правильную форму причастия 1. Предложения
1. Different decisions are made in dealing with the risks (a) having been
faced/ (b) being faced.
2. Although he has only headed the group for a year, the 49-year old is a Domino
Pizza’s veteran, (a) joining/ (b) having joined the company as a marketing director in
1990, when it was still managed from Detroit.
3. The Indian ventures have operated only 18 years in China, (a) having been
/ (b) being forced out of China in the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution.
4. (a) Having dominated/ (b) Dominating Hungary’s politics for more than a
decade, he is now talking of quitting.
5. (a) Being defeated/ (b) Having been defeated the President was obliged to
6. An entrepreneur may face ten years (a) developing/ (b) being developed
their product.
7. People in the classroom, not (a) being faced/ (b) having faced many true
situations of decision making under uncertainty, do not realize what is important and
what is not.
8. The machines will be sent to the plant (a) being constructed/ (b) constructing in
this region.
9. A planning department must have close and immediate involvement in the
work (a) performing/ (b) being performed.
Тема Hippocrates – the father of medicine
Ответьте на вопросы
What is the main risk of AIDS?
What important facts should we know about AIDS?
What should we do to protect ourselves from it?
Can we get the virus by shaking hands, sharing food, swimming in a pool?
Can we get the virus through the air?
Выполнение практического задания:
Participle I or II
1. The … of the poem was very easy for him.
а) writing
б) written
2. The … paper wad full of mistakes.
а) wrote
б) written
3. It was … to walk and explore new places.
а) interesting
б) interested
4. He stood opposite the house … at the windows.
а) looked
б) looking
5. They have … us over from head to feet.
а) looking
б) looked
6. He stood … from hands to feet.
а) trembled
б) trembling
7. The music … by Webber became popular world-wide.
а) composed
б) composing
Запишите в словарь
Hippocrates – the father of medicine
Island of Cos
Drove out the plague
Case history
a science
Created medicine
collection of promises
code of honor
Had natural causes
basic thoughts
Suitable medicine
Observed diseases
Вопросы к тексту:
- Who was Hippocrates?
- Who was his father?
- When was Hippocrates born?
- How did he practice the art of medicine?
- How did he drive out the plague from Athens?
- How did he teach his pupils?
- What are the words, added to the medical language by Hippocrates?
- Why he is “Father of Medicine”?
Тема Medicine in the Middle Ages
Ответить на вопросы
- What diseases took millions of lives in the middle ages?
- How was leprosy controlled in the middle ages?
- What disease struck Britain in 1348?
- How was plague called?
- Was plague god’s punishment?
Прочитайте и переведите текст
Developments of the Middle Ages
Avery important development during the Middle Ages was the hospital.
Hospitals were founded during the Middle Ages in Italy, France, England,
Spain and other European countries.
The number of hospital beds was not always an indication of hospital size,
usually great beds were used and four-six patients were put on one bed.
Hospitals were founded to treat the sick people.
Another development during the Middle Ages was the foundation of
universities. Many of the great European Universities were founded during the
13th and 14th centuries. Biological sciences were taught in the universities.
Students also studied the human body and some diseases.
Ответить на вопросы
- What were important developments during the Middle Ages?
- When and where did the first hospital appear?
- Was the number of hospital beds an indication of hospital size?
- What were hospitals founded for?
- W hat sciences did students study in the universities?
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен:
Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple; Present Continuous, Past
Continuous; Present Perfect, Past Perfect.
1. Mike (to eat
) ice cream every day. Look, he (to eat
) ice
cream now. When I (to see
) him in the morning, he (to eat
) ice cream, too. He (to say
) he (to eat
) one ice cream already by
that time. I think he (to fall
) ill if he (to eat
) so much ice cream. 2.
They (to walk
) along the street and (to talk
). Suddenly Nick
(to stop
) and (to say
), “Oh, what shall we do? I (to lose
) the door key.” “If you (not to find
) it,” said Pete, “we (to have
to wait for your mother.” 3. When I (to come
) to the station yesterday,
I (to learn
) that my train already (to leave
). 4. What he (to do)
when you (to see
) him yesterday? 5. I (to give
) you
this book as soon as I (to finish
) reading it. 6. When the ship (to
) the ocean, a great storm (to break
) out. 7. I
never (to hear
) of her. 8. To whom you just (to write
Тема Rapid scientific advances
- Закончите предложения:
The nurse must wear….
It is necessary to ….
. running water.
It is important to prevent ...
Bed-clothes must ….
Infectious diseases can pass…
Прочитайте и переведите текст
Rapid scientific advances
Great discoveries were in the nineteenth century. One of them was the
discovery of cocaine, which was very effective as a local anaesthetic. Surgeons
could inject cocaine into a certain part of the boy and deaden (заглушать) the
pain in that part during the operation.
When the problem of pain was solved, surgeons could carry out long
and complicated operations.
A very important discovery was made by the French chemist, physicist
and bacteriologist Louis Pasteur. We know him as the originator of the «germ
theory» of disease. He discovered fermentation and developed the process of
pasreurization. Louis Pasteur produced the theory that disease and infection
were caused by germs and he proved that they were spread through the air. He
found that germs could be killed in the liquids (жидкостях) by heat (теплом)
and the term «pasteurization» was given to the process.
Rudolf Virchov became known for his work in cellular pathology, and
Herman von Helmholtz for his invention of the ophthalmoscope in 1850.
Lord Joseph Lister introduced antiseptic surgery in 1867, and Wilhelm
K. Roentgen discovered X-rays in 1895. He placed his hand in front of the
apparatus and saw the rays passed through the hand and cast a shadow (тень) of
bones on the screen (экран). As these rays were unknown to him, he called
them X-rays.
Answer the questions:
1) What was very effective as a local anaesthetic?
2) When could surgeons carry out long and complicated operations?
3) Who was the originator of the germ theory of disease?
4) What is pasteurization?
5) Who is the founder of cellular pathology?
6) What are the main scientific advances of the nineteenth century?
7) What did Wilhelm K. Roentgen discover in 1895?
Заполнение таблицы
Louis Pasteur.
His achivement
Joseph Lister
Wilhelm K. Roentgen
Rudolf Virchov
4 Повторение грамматики по теме «Страдательный залог»
Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.
1. They teach three foreign languages at this school. 2. We received this
letter after his departure. 3. Have dogs ever attacked you? 4. Bees gather honey
from flowers. 5. The storm drove the ship against a rock. 6. Who discovered the
circulation of blood? 7. They are selling delicious fruit ice cream there now. 8. The
old man showed u the way out of the wood. 9. They offered her some interesting
work. 10. The doctor prescribed her new medicine. 11. They often speak of him.
12. Everybody laughed at this funny animal. 13. We have been looking for you the
whole morning. 14. We shall insist on strict discipline. 15. He has just written this
computer program.
Тема Prominent Russian scientists and doctors. Test
Use the degrees of comparison
1 The Eath climate becomes … and …(hot)
2 Our trip became … as it began to snow.(hard)
3 The plane tickets are the …(expensive)
4 I agree that Kate is … than others.(serious)
5 As the time went on we became … because he didn’t come.(nervous)
6 The pollution of environment is becoming worse and the problem to
7 Dolfins are the … mammals. (clever)
8 He is my … friend. (good)
Present Simple or Past Simple
She (meet) her friends every day.
He (not talk) with him for a long time.
Our students (organize) this meeting.
I (go) to my relatives on week-ends.
I (go) to my relatives last week-end.
He (take) my books often.
I (give) him all my books a week ago.
(See) you him on the today’s lesson?
He (not come) to me since Friday.
Тема Систематизация и обобщение знаний по разделам 10, 11
№ 1. Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках.
1. I live in this house. There is a bus stop in front of (ним) (him, it, its).
2. I have not met (его) sister. (his, him, its).
3. I don`t hear (его) sister. (him, his, he).
4. (Ее) project is the best in our group (her, its, hers, him).
5. He did not tell me (ничего) (nothing, something, anything).
6. He rang (никому) up (anybody, nobody, somebody).
7. (Их) work is not interesting (them, theirs, their).
8. This project is the (самый лучший) in our group. (better, best, worst).
9. This flat is (менее) comfortable than yours (worse, least, less).
10.Do you hear (что-нибудь)? (everything, something, anything).
11.We were sure that you (разрешили) the problem (solved, had solved, were
12.Do you speak (какой-нибудь) foreign language? (some, any, something).
13.(Все) knows him (everything, somebody, everybody).
14.Do (кто-нибудь) ring me up? (somebody, anybody, anything).
15.They (должны были) to take part in the competition (must be, had, had to be).
16.Не (сможет) go skiing (will have to, will alow, will be able).
17.We (пришлось) to stay at at home because it was raining (were able to, had to,
18.Foreign languages (изучаются) by the students (have learnt, are learning).
19.(Умеете) you play tennis? (must, can, may).
20.I (не смогу) to help you (shan`t be allowed, shan`t be able, shan`t have).
21.I (не был) to my native town since I entered the institute (was not, have not,
had not been).
22.He said that a lot of interesting (изучаются) by the students (are studied, were
studied, are studying).
23.She is (всегда) late (clean, married, every, always).
24.Show (ему) your drawing (him, her, them).
25.Tell (им) about your new flat. (they, their, them, her).
26.Show us (какую-нибудь) picture (few, some, a few, any).
27.My son is fond of (рисовать) (making, slogan, drawing, paint).
28.There are (различные) offices in this building (modern, various, comfortable,
№ 2. Какие вспомогательные глаголы нужны для образования
вопросительной формы: do, did, does, had?
1. Mary goes in for skiing.
2. I like skiing in the forest.
3. First spring flowers appeared in the fields.
4. She had to miss the last lecture.
№ 3. Найти и перевести предложения в страдательном залоге.
1) Tom delivers the mail.
2) The mail is delivered by Tom.
3) The mail will be delivered by Tom.
4) They will be examined tomorrow
5) I always help my mother.
6) The planets are attracted by the sun.
7) Pushkin wrote “Poltava” in 1828.
8) The sun attracts the planets.
9) He was killed in the war.
10) The boy was operated on the next day.
11) Nobody sleeps in this bed.
12) Peter did not find the book in the library.
13) The radio was invented by Popov in 1895.
14) Ann is reading a poem.
15) Are the children being looked for?
1.Аванесьянц Э.М., Кахацкая Н.В. Английский язык для старших курсов
учащихся медицинских колледжей. . М., «Просвещение,2000
2. Голицинский Ю. Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений.- СПб.: КАРО,
3. КозыреваЛ.Г., Шадская Т.В. Английский язык для медицинских
колледжей и училищ- «Феникс», 2008.-320с.
4. Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. - М.:Эксмо,
2008.- 720с.
5. Резник Р.В., Сорокина Т.С. Грамматика английского языка. М.,
6. Тылкина С.А., Темчина Н.А. Пособие по английскому языку для
медицинских училищ.-М.: «АНМИ». 2003г.-158с
7. Материалы интернет сайтов