PROGRAM REVIEW RECOMMENDATION Pierpont Community and Technical College Board of Governors ☒Program with Special Accreditation ☐Program without Special Accreditation Date Submitted Click here to enter a date. Program Degree Designation and Title INSTITUTIONAL RECOMMENDATION The institution is obligated to recommend continuance or discontinuance of a program and to provide a brief rationale for its recommendation: ☐1. Continuation of the program at the current level of activity; ☐2. Continuation of program with corrective action (for example, reducing the range of optional tracks or merging programs); ☐3. Identification of the program for further development (for example, providing additional institutional commitment); ☐4. Development of a cooperative program with another institution, or sharing courses, facilities, faculty, and the like; ☐5. Discontinuation of the Program Rationale for Recommendation: Click here to enter text. ________________________________________________________ Signature of person(s) preparing report ___________________________________ Date _________________________________________________________ Signature of Dean ___________________________________ Date _________________________________________________________ Signature of Vice President for Academic Affairs ___________________________________ Date _________________________________________________________ Signature of President ___________________________________ Date _________________________________________________________ Signature of Chair, Board of Governors ___________________________________ Date Executive Summary for Program Review This 5 year review including Executive Summary is to be completed by the program undergoing review and an external reviewer (not Advisory Board), sent to the Office of Academic Affairs for review, comment, revision, approval by February 15, reviewed by the Board of Governors in April or May, and submitted to the WVCTCS by May 31 (not to be more than 2-3 pages) 1. Name and degree level of program: Click here to enter text. 2. External reviewer(s) information (report should be given to an external reviewer not on Advisory Board for scrutiny. Many institutions use reviewers from institutions with similar programs. The reviewer should prepare a summary that addresses their perceptions on how well a program is meeting the criteria addressed in the body of the report. Please list external reviewer name, credentials, institution or company: Click here to enter text. 3. Synopses of significant findings, including findings of external reviewer(s) Click here to enter text. 4. Identification of weaknesses or deficiencies from the previous review and the status of improvements implemented or accomplished Click here to enter text. 5. Model Schedule (with Rationale if above 30 credit hr (CAS) or 60 hr (AAS, AA, AS) 6. Five-year trend data on graduates and majors enrolled Click here to enter text. 7. Data on student placement (for example, number of students employed in positions related to the field of study or pursuing advanced degrees) Click here to enter text. 8. Summary of assessment model and how results are used for program improvement Click here to enter text. 9. Plans for program improvement, including timeline Click here to enter text. 10. Final recommendations approved by governing board Click here to enter text. FIVE YEAR PROGRAM REVIEW REPORT Reviews will be uploaded onto the BoG Web page. PIERPONT COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE Program: Click here to enter text. Academic School: Date: PROGRAM CATALOG DESCRIPTION Provide a narrative regarding your program (including information for any options or tracks), its nature, unique characteristics, etc. Please limit to one page. It is appropriate to use the catalog description. . ENROLLMENT, CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT 1. Summary of degree requirements, entrance standards and exit standards with significant features of curriculum. Include a summary of degree requirements (including entrance standards and exit standards and provide commentary on significant features of the curriculum, . 2. Program Course Enrollment (Headcount and FTE) Report 5 year course enrollment using data from Institutional Research (IR) 3. Success rates (course) Report of student success in courses 4. Campus Sites Core Courses offered at (List campus sites offering cores courses in program). 5. Program delivery modes (distance learning course definition, “>75% of course is not face to face with instructor; program is considered distance learning at least 50% of courses in program meet definition of distance learning. All distance learning programs must be approved by Higher Learning Commission and USDOE. Please contact Office of Academic Affairs for paperwork. List program courses with available delivery modes (face to face, hybrid, distance learning Course, prefix, # Title – delivery modes Course Prefix, #, Title Delivery modes 6. Approximate cost/student credit hour (Consider salaries, expenditures, etc) PROGRAM GOALS AND OUTCOMES/ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS AND IMPROVEMENTS A. Identify the goals and Outcomes of the program. B. Summarize the principal elements of the departmental assessment plan. The plan must include elements to assess student learning and programmatic outcomes. C. Provide information on the following elements: Educational goals of the program Measures of evaluating success in achieving goals Identification of the goals which are being successfully met and those which need attention as determined by an analysis of the data D. Provide information on how assessment data is used to improve program quality. Include specific examples. ADVISORY BOARD DATA Summarize, can include membership list and sample meeting minutes. GRADUATION/RETENTION RATES (Retention progression in program admission through graduation) Complete for last 5 yrs (IR can help) GRADUATE PLACEMENT Summarize job placement of graduates and continuation of education (ie percentage of students working in the field, additional education) Include data for in-state or out-of state placement or additional education for the last 5 years. MODEL SCHEDULE Program Requirements (please provide model schedule (Certificate of Applied Science max. 30 hr credit; Associate Degrees max. 60 hr credit). Degree: CAS, AA, AS or AAS Model schedule Semester, Prefix, Course number, title, credit hours total program credit hrs Programs not meeting the above requirements must request a continuation of their exception with a justification below: STUDENT AND EMPLOYER EVALUATIONS Share results of student, graduate and employer evaluations ACCREDITATION/NATIONAL STANDARDS (Attach National Accreditation Agency Summary (Appendix IV) with date and length of accreditation decision). Non-accredited programs, report on how the program is working to conform to national standards. GENERAL EDUCATION RELEVANCE Identify General Education Outcomes for benchmark courses completed in program of study and relevance of courses to program of study. Explain embedded competencies and assessments if applicable. Ie, Written Communication – ENGL 1104. Minimum credit hours required: AA or AS 24 cr hr; AAS 15 credit hrs; CAS 6 credit hours (must have communication and quantitative courses) FACULTY DATA Summarize faculty used in program and include faculty data sheets for faculty. Faculty Data Forms to be attached in Appendix I (Full-time and adjunct used the last 5 years in program should be included, form from WVCTCS is attached PREVIOUS PROGRAM REVIEW/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RESULTS Attach the Summary Results of your last 5 year review in Appendix II. CONSISTENCY WITH MISSION Explain how this program fits into the mission of the institution. EXTERNAL REVIEWER SUMMMARY Attach external reviewer summary to the end of the report (Appendix III) Appendix I Faculty Data (No more than TWO pages per faculty member) Name__________ Check one: Full-time☐ Rank_____________________ Part-time☐ Adjunct☐ Graduate Asst.☐ Highest Degree Earned______ Date Degree Received ______________________ Conferred by_______________________________________________________ Area of Specialization Professional registration/licensure Yrs of employment in higher education Non-teaching experience _____ _____ ___ Yrs of employment at present institution Yrs of related experience outside higher education ______ _____ To determine compatibility of credentials with assignment: (a) List courses you taught this year and those you taught last year: (If you participated in team-taught course, indicate each of them and what percent of courses you taught.) For each course include year and semester taught, course number, course title and enrollment. Year/Semester (b) Course Number & Title Enrollment If degree is not in area of current assignment, explain. APPENDIX II PREVIOUS WVCTCS REVIEW/EXECUTIVE REVIEW SUMMARY RESULTS APPENDIX III EXTERNAL REVIEWER SUMMARY Accreditation Progress Report