06 Apr 2015 ‘GETTING TO ZERO’ STRATEGY FOR THE EBOLA RESPONSE IN KAMBIA DISTRICT AIM This document is designed to inform all stakeholders of the strategy in Kambia to coordinate priority activities against known areas for improvement in the ongoing response, in order to strive for operational excellence and so get to zero cases of Ebola. BOTTOM LINE UP FRONT The two main foci for activities in Kambia, in order of priority, are: a. Response Framework. This framework forms the cornerstone of the DERC’s approach to coordination. It involves all pillars using a joint and comprehensive set of indicators across the district in order to apply a discrete set of response mechanisms to each area. b. Cross-Border work. A Memorandum of Understanding between Forecariah Prefecture and Kambia District is permitting collaboration on border health screening and the two sides are beginning to share surveillance and response infrastructure through two Liaison Officers. This work is crucial to protect Kambia District and Sierra Leone from cross-border transmission from Guinea. INTRODUCTION Over recent weeks there has been significant flux in both staff members and organisations working at the DERC, and our indicators show that although the DERC is highly efficient in responding to events it could do more to improve community acceptance of the response. For these reasons, and in response to the new national strategy, Kambia DERC will coordinate its many partners and activities to focus on the highest priorities in order to get to zero cases of Ebola. PROGRESS SINCE JANUARY 2015 STRATEGY Annex A details the strategy for Kambia as of January 2015. Activities have been graded either green for complete, or orange for incomplete with comments about ongoing work to address shortfalls. It is clear from this review that since the strategy was developed there has been a significant amount of progress against planned objectives. In addition there have been a number of ‘surge’ activities which have delivered resources and valuable lessons learned to the DERC, and cross-border collaboration with Forecariah Prefecture in Guinea has delivered tangible protection against cross-border transmission, as well as ongoing liaison and coordination in response to alerts and concerns along the border. CURRENT ACTIONS The DERC needs to respond to multiple drivers in its strategy which include: the National ‘Getting to Zero’ campaign; an influx of new partners and significant change in personnel; operational challenges in improving community engagement; a need to work on transition issues such as schools re-opening and health facility strengthening as CCCs close; and lastly the Kambia specific challenge of cross-border work. The DERC and its partners have collaboratively identified these drivers, which in addition to a desire to constantly improve processes have resulted in the activities in Annex B grouped by functional area. Each Saturday these are reviewed with lead organisations, the output from which is reviewed and prioritised on Sunday with the leadership before being briefed to all stakeholders each Monday. In this way the DERC is able to coordinate an effective approach to getting to zero through ensuring operational excellence. The Response Framework (at Annex C) illustrates how close coordination between partners, facilitated by the DERC, is being used to utilise resources in a concerted fashion. It allows the DERC to pro-actively identify specific areas of concern and assign appropriate response mechanisms to each. FUTURE PLANS The DERC intends to conduct a detailed planning assessment for the rainy season in order to identify potential threats to Ebola Response operations and put in place steps to mitigate these threats. CONCLUSIONS Kambia DERC will get to zero by ensuring operational excellence in the district Ebola Response through the mechanism explained above, with a focus on the Response Framework and Cross-Border collaboration. ANNEXES Annex A – Review of activities planned in January 2015 strategy Annex B – Current activities in Kambia District grouped by functional area Annex C – Kambia Response Framework Annex A to KAMBIA DISTRICT ‘GETTING TO ZERO’ STRATEGY Dated 06 Apr 2015 REVIEW OF ACTIVITIES AND OBJECTIVES SINCE JANUARY 2015 STRATEGYOBJECTIVE 1 ACTIVITIES 100% of New Cases in Isolation within 24 hours OBJECTIVE 2 100% of all known contacts visited and reported on at least daily (for 21 days) by contact tracers. RESPONSIBLE / LEAD Complete construction and open Kambia Holding Unit (KHU). DMO WHO/OFDA Prepare DHMT / AU personnel to work in the KHU, to ensure acceptable level of clinical care. DMO Partners in Health Bring 12 Community Care Centres (CCCs) into use on a phased basis. UNICEF - MARIE STOPES - DHMT DC -Trocaire Increase Ambulance fleet to ensure coverage of CCC and expeditious transfers to treatment units from KHU. Providing maintenance for ambulances. Decontamination area for abulances after transportation of patients. ACTIVITIES RAG STATUS COMMENTS All complete To be determined To be determined RESPONSIBLE / LEAD Increase effectiveness of contact tracers (CT) DMO CDC UNFPA Marie Stopes (training) Increase communication and information flow between contact tracers, supervisors, and data manager and CT coordinator. Perform quality control checks of contact tracers and supervisors DMO CDC DMO CDC RAG STATUS COMMENTS All complete OBJECTIVE 3 ACTIVITIES RESPONSIBLE / LEAD 100% of all bodies are buried within 24 hours in a safe and dignified manner. Provision of Chiefdom Burial Liaison Officers (CBLO) DC / DMO CAFOD Use Boat based burial teams for riverine Area community burials. DMO CAFOD Reallocation of District Burial Supervisor (DBS) role. ACTIVITIES DMO Increase number of sample and swab takers. DC / DMO CAFOD DMO OBJECTIVE 5 Move lab samples processing area from Kambia District Hospital to the Holding Unit. This will remove all Ebola related activity from the hospital, improve confidence amongst non-EVD patients using the hospital and improve efficiency. ACTIVITIES 100% of homes be placed in quarantine and decontaminated within 24 hours of a positive result being received. Implement a standardised process for quarantine homes in Kambia and involve local communities. DC Provide rapid decontamination of areas where persons who are displaying obvious EVD symptoms or have been confirmed positive. Provide replenishment of items destroyed by decontamination team. Provide weekly food delivery to quarantined homes to prevent sharing of food amongst neighbors and provide support to families. DC OBJECTIVE 4 100% of all samples (from Holding Unit, CCCs and burial swabs) to reach labs within 16 hours of being taken, and to be held at optimal temperature while awaiting to be processed. RESPONSIBLE / LEAD RAG STATUS COMMENTS All complete RAG STATUS COMMENTS All complete RESPONSIBLE / LEAD RAG STATUS COMMENTS SOP complete to be implemented week commencing 06 Apr once WFP store construction finished All complete DC DC SOP to be implemented week commencing 06 Apr once WFP store construction finished, and in addition new mechanism put in place to coordinate security, Provide security for quarantined homes Ensure nutritional requirements of families and infants in quarantine are met and advise on nutritional status of surrounding community. ACTIVITIES DC DC/ DMO DHMT Nutritionist 100% of families are informed of the condition of any family member who has been admitted to a Holding or Treatment Centre at least once every 48 hours. Families liaison officer will provide psychosocial support to families. DC UNICEF OBJECTIVE 7 ACTIVITIES RESPONSIBLE / LEAD 100% surveillance throughout the District (including active surveillance, on the ground, in every Chiefdom at least once per week) OBJECTIVE 8 Increase number of surveillance teams to 9 (2 x passive, 7 x active) DMO WHO CDC ACTIVITIES RESPONSIBLE / LEAD Improve effectiveness of Social Mobilisation capacity and capabilities to ensure that Social Mobilisation activity takes place in every Chiefdom, every week Set up a robust SocMob network DMO & DC UNICEF Develop greater collaboration between Social Mobilisation and Surveillance DMO & DC SocMob Pillar Lead OBJECTIVE 6 RESPONSIBLE / LEAD Improve community engagement through setting up community meetings at Chiefdom, Section and Town level, designed to encourage communities to report sickness and death DMO & DC Surveillance Pillar Lead Design and activate a mass media campaign by SocMob Pillar Lead UNICEF (a) Designing, implementing and monitoring a media campaign on radio RAG STATUS decontamination and nutrition simultaneously once quarantine requirement identified on day one COMMENTS Family Liaison Officer contract and expansion under UPHR to be confirmed with DEERF funding and WHO support RAG STATUS RAG STATUS COMMENTS Training week commencing 06 Apr 15 to put in place new DSOs under GOAL to fulfil this objective COMMENTS Some elements of this complete. Work ongoing to refresh SocMob SOP, link into Response Framework and ensure Comms SOP tied into SocMob SOP. New leadership from UNICEF galvanizing this process. OBJECTIVE 9 (b) Messaging through mobile phones WHO (c) Enhancing visibility of IEC material at strategic locations Various NGOs, including Restless Development, Marie Stopes, CaWEC Develop a programme of street to street engagement with community members Develop a walk-through video on the Holding Centre to dispel community resistance towards using it. ACTIVITIES RESPONSIBLE / LEAD Improve confidence in the local health care provision by ensuring no EVD case admitted to Kambia District Hospital Provide security and triage at Hospital. DMO Hospital Superintendant OBJECTIVE 10 ACTIVITIES RESPONSIBLE / LEAD Optimise usage of DERC Vehicle resources, and ensure optimal capacity for EVD response Coordinate all Vehicle assets at the DERC DC RAG STATUS RAG STATUS COMMENTS Assessment of PHUs to complete 10 Apr 15 after which donors/partners will be encouraged to work together on PHU strengthening as part of transition work. Assessment of District Hospital complete 04 Apr 15, ongoing work to sensitise DH and DHMT staff to need for partnership, partners and donors also invited to collaborate on IPC and whole system strengthening at DH. COMMENTS All complete Annex B to KAMBIA DISTRICT ‘GETTING TO ZERO’ STRATEGY Dated 06 Apr 2015 CURRENT ACTIVITIES IN KAMBIA DISTRICT GROUPED BY FUNCTIONAL AREA Activity Detail Partners (Lead in bold) Actions required Transition Strategy Written in early march DERC, DHMT Henry send round all partners 5 year DHMT plan PHU Assessment Written last week March 8 day exercise from 02 Apr DHMT MSSL, DERC, GOAL, IMC, WHO, CDC, LSHTM, DHMT, UNICEF, ACF Send round if DMO happy Final report – ID focal point Review of assessment Identification of findings and opportunities/threats PHU Safe triage, isolation and referral MSSL IPC training and supervision ongoing MSSL, IMC, GOAL Discussions with partners/donors once assessment complete Support to PHUs WASH ACF, AU Implementation of WASH projects in PHUs (piped water) District Hospital IPC Assessment Assessment partially complete CDC Meeting with hospital leadership 04Apr2015 District Hospital IPC partnership Links to above to meet gaps ID’d CDC, IOM, ACF, IMC, UNICEF, GOAL, WHO, LSHTM, DHMT, AU Send report to partners from CDC Wider support to DH To include all lines of health system TBC Meeting Sat 11Apr14 1400 MOHS hospital strategy for infectious disease Jess DHMT IDSR centre Legacy architecture required for IDSR WHO, GOAL, ACF, AU Partner/donor discussion Health Systems Strengthening Case Management District SOP(s) on case management Do not exist, using national guidelines ALL Creation of SOPs which make clear the delineation of live and dead case management procedures Holding Centre IMC takeover and NERC list issue and ETC discussion IMC, DERC, DHMT, AU, PIH Confirm NERC list Confirm re-opening Discuss ETC function Leadership of case management meeting Need for focal point for case management Case management pillar Patrick to lead meetings Laboratories Mobile laboratory Systems Need to resolve Nigerian vs Canadian lab and ensure need for asset AU, Nigerian Lab, Canadian Lab, MSF (liaison), DHMT Personnel, training, laboratory infrastructure, IPC standards and transport review required GOAL, PHE, WHO (IPC training), DHMT, Holding Centre DMO to confirm arrangements DC is supporting MOU for use of lab with Guinea Await decision on new lab Consider review of end-to-end process Discuss with DMO Future laboratory testing function Comparison of DHMT/Ebola lab and planning for longer term – future testing capacity DHMT, GOAL Sam from GOAL to discuss future reference laboratory network Vaccine Trial Cold chain Evaluation of the existing cold chain for vaccine trial purposes LSHTM, DHMT, DERC, UNICEF, CDC Solar refrigerators in each PHU, and adequate means and logistics for transportation Order and place new cold chain elements in selected PHUs Detailed cartography at the village level Data sharing Collection of section-level population data LSHTM, DHMT, WHO, CDC Office space Identification of office space in Kambia town LSHTM, DHMT, DERC Construction of office space in DHMT compound Identification of cross-cutting themes Work with LSHTM and J&J to ensure vaccine trial meshes with ongoing DERC strategy LSHTM, DERC, DHMT Discuss with Vanessa Vy Quarantine No reliable source of information below the chiefdom level Quarantine storage facility MSU going up 04Apr2015 Pre-line listing Has started Strengthened when surveillance uplift occurs Consider primary contact removal DHMT, DERC, WFP (CIDO), KADDRO, TROCAIRE, AU, Action Aid, Review when MSU built GOAL, CDC, WHO, KADDRO, DHMT, UNFPA Keep under review through GOAL, Get analysis from Port Loko and look to replicate here – Sam Requires rigorous assessment to ensure acceptable to community, meaningful in view of epidemiology and feasible IPC assessment of home in quarantine Brenda to share quarantine assessment tool WHO, ACF, MSF WHO will lead the assessment development Latrines Security improvement Enhanced coordination Project nearly complete – only three latrines left, UPHR/UNMEER, WHO, GOAL Funding needs to be extended for project, ?DEERF Once storage in place agreement that RSLAF will coordinate initial quarantine deployment/implementation SLP, DERC, RSLAF Col Conteh and DERC to coordinate Review SOP weekly quarantine meeting – needs scheduling by Lt Kellie Review progress on above inc pre-line listing Surveillance Response Framework Complete but needs constant review for coherent surveillance and response WHO, UNICEF Re-review and send round – regular meeting Monday 1600 to do this Case-based surveillance Comprehensive investigation around each new case DHMT, WHO, CDC, MSF, AU Continue updating and revising all transmission tree diagrams Revised surveillance structure Partnership with GOAL DHMT, WHO, CDC, GOAL Training weeks commencing 07 Apr 2015 Revised SOP Surveillance SOP adopted by WHO and CDC DHMT, WHO, CDC Complete Contact tracing Change in partner ACF taking over from MSSL DHMT to recruit 3 additional supervisors, train and equip with the Motorbikes Major Sannoh and DERC team to operationalise Live and death alerts process combination DERC, GOAL, CDC, DEST Sam, Rebecca, Brenda and Stu to assist Distribution of phones ongoing CEBS 880 being trained from CHW pool ABC, ACF, DHMT Training finished Now monitoring Need to link with new surveillance structure Presentation to DERC from ACF Social Mobilisation Response strategy Weekly coordination meetings Communications strategy See above in surveillance Led by UNICEF as pillar lead SM pillar actors Back to school plan exists CDC, BBC Media Action, UNMEER, UNICEF, Cross-Border Task Force CCC plan exists Media plan exists Social Mobilisation SOP Traditional Healers, herbalists, women, Soways, and TBAs Chiefdom micro-planning Faith leaders SMAC Programme Strategy Tuesday 1500 Number of communication plans to be shared by Delphine Delphine will share material with partners After this schedule meeting to coordinate development - Monday 1600 – pre-meet 1530 to update this slide Sharing what we have already and then developing district specific SOP UNICEF, UPHR, WHO, AJLC, (and SocMob pillar partners) Kadija putting together plan for linking with these groups UNICEF, WHO Kadija to share plan in order to source funding and implementation UNICEF led work UNICEF Helen to share with Delphine to then follow up any future work AJLC, CAFOD (part of SMART consortium( Consolidated message guide for SL updated every two Restless Development, GOAL weeks Protection/Psychosocial AJLC to share plan of action prior to 06Apr15 GOAL to share SMAC proposal (three pronged approach) prior to Mon 06 Apr 2015 Family liaison / psychosocial support proposal New protection consortium PSS strategy Drafted, pending funding UPHR, GOAL, DERC, AU Brenda to follow up week commencing 06Apr15 with DEERF Nationally led process and still awaiting confirmation on lead partner for Kambia MSWGCA, GOAL, ACF Brenda to follow up funding confirmation from DFID MSWGCA, MOHS UNICEF, GOAL (ISRaid) Follow up with UNICEF Protection Specialist – liaise with Delphine for dates UNICEF, MSWGCA Dependent on line above National strategy on going: 1.Appropriate tools finalized and disseminated 2. Increase wellbeing and reduce stigma to Survivors and EVD affected. 3. MHPSS monitoring and tracking tools 5. PSS services provided by community structures 6. Mental health and other health care services…. Protection Desk To be aware that discussions ongoing about future structure of protection desk, with above line developments Cross-Border Work Liaison Officer development Shared laboratory Communications Rations support for RSLAF Expansion of BCP health screening programme One LO from each side UNMEER, UNICEF, WHO See detail in labs section Frank and Ibrahim Need SOP to map out communications and database usage WHO, Liaison Officers Liaison Officers to report Funding still required IOM, CJIATF, DERC, RSLAF Chase long term funds Civilians Increase number Perhaps part of UNICEF discussion cross border IOM, UNICEF, GOAL, CDC IOM CDC may be able to help with training IOM involvement Passes Maintenance of MOU annexes Joint epidemiology and indicator development Joint Social Mobilisation work Possible funding for cross border work across region IOM, DFID, CDC, DERC Vehicle and individual passes for crossing Chase IOM and DFID for latest Henry to handover to Dauda Liaison Officers Ongoing May not be feasible but work together towards some consistency ACF, WHO, UNICEF Liaison officers to review prior to next meeting Consideration of joint SocMob activities UNICEF Transition Health Systems Strengthening See separate section above CCC decommissioning Four CCCs being decommissioned UNICEF, WHO, MSSL, DHMT Await update from Delphine on dates / required actions CCC lessons learnt Lessons learnt process being conducted by UNICEF UNICEF, MSSL Week commencing 06 Apr CCC movement Two CCCs (Kabaya and Bamoi Munu) are being moved due to proximity to schools UNICEF, WHO, MSSL, DHMT Await update from UNICEF (Delphine) on dates/required actions Schools re-opening Only schools with rigorous IPC can re-open UNICEF Meeting to be planned for Thursday 09 Apr WASH Strategy WASH strategy for district urgently needed as impending gaps District Council, ACF, Water , MinEducation, DHMT Meeting with WASH partners for week commencing 06 Apr 15 Logistics Ambulances Confirm how long ambulances are with DERC CAFOD, Caritas, DERC Ask NERC for length of stay for ambulances Henry Annex C to KAMBIA DISTRICT ‘GETTING TO ZERO’ STRATEGY Dated 06 Apr 2015 KAMBIA DISTRICT RESPONSE FRAMEWORK Aim This aim of this document is to provide a framework for the Kambia DERC and partners to redefine the focus of EVD response efforts in the district. Recognising that the only way to achieve the elimination of Ebola in Kambia is to identify and isolate every single case of EVD in a timely manner, there is a need to improve the scope and efficacy of current response efforts and ensure that the right areas are being targeted with appropriate activities in a coordinated way. This framework therefore aims to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Define common response objectives and agreed indicators for measuring improvement Agree criteria for identifying target communities for response efforts Map out appropriate response activities for different issues and key partners Outline a process for decision making and tasking of teams to ensure a coordinated approach to activities in target communities Background As of March 2015, Kambia District continues to experience active EVD transmission. The district has a long shared border with Guinea (Forecariah Prefecture), with multiple crossing points. Both sides of the border are experiencing on-going active transmission chains. While the district surveillance system is functioning well in response to known transmission chains, the alert system remains a concern. The number of daily live alerts is low and the number of death alerts appears to be decreasing in some Chiefdoms, indicating that community burials are practised in many areas. Pockets of community resistance to response efforts remain, presenting challenges to containing the outbreak. Key Response objectives A logframe is attached as Annex A. The overall district goal is to get to zero and eliminate EVD from the district. Desired results: Strengthened alert system that is better able to detect suspected EVD cases (live and dead) More efficient surveillance system with appropriate reactive and proactive capacity Strengthened community engagement in response activities Safe and effective case management system in place Key Community Engagement Issues in the EVD Response in Kambia District Under reporting - remains a significant concern. The number of daily live alerts is low and the number of death alerts remains below the expected number of all-cause deaths for the district, with a recent decline in reporting in some Chiefdoms; Unsafe Burials – Awareness that Ebola can be transmitted by washing or touching dead bodies is high, 1 however under reporting of deaths and specific reports of secret burials indicate that unsafe burial practices continue. Resistance to and mistrust of burial teams continues to be reported. While much effort has gone into making safe burials more dignified, messaging has focused solely on the importance of safe burials, not on what improvements have been made to the process; Community denial – in some areas, communities and stakeholders continue to deny the existence of Ebola, attributing symptoms to other causes, such as witchcraft. Encouraging reporting and ensuring effective case management and surveillance in such communities is challenging; Community resistance to response efforts – rejection of burial teams, surveillance/contact tracing efforts, and decontamination teams have been reported in some areas of the district, indicating a need to increase community engagement and trust in response efforts; Community distrust in the response system – ongoing fears about the condition of holding centres and ETUs continue to be reported in communities and, in some cases, has led to reluctance to report suspect cases. While the number of deaths in quarantined homes has decreased, some cases still occur. Community members also report fears that ambulances and treatment centres are spraying patients with chlorine and killing them. Weak political engagement – the engagement of village taskforces varies considerably between different areas, with some Chiefdoms yet to establish taskforces in problem areas. Similarly, the engagement of Paramount Chiefs in response efforts is variable across the district, with opportunities for increased engagement and leadership on the response at Chiefdom, Section, and Village levels; Cross border transmission – an estimated 10,000 people cross between Guinea and Kambia District each week. Active EVD transmission continues in Forécariah Prefecture across the border. Ongoing efforts to establish cross border screening and surveillance are underway; SocMob Messaging – to date, messaging has not focused on recognising symptoms of Ebola that may occur in the early stages of the disease, such as headache, joint pain, nausea and weakness. Redefining the District’s Response Efforts In order to broaden the scope and efficacy of response efforts, there is a need to proactively identify target communities, based on agreed criteria, target response efforts effectively to address specific challenges, and coordinate partner activities in target locations. Identifying target locations 1. All DERC partners to agree a list of selection criteria (see Annex A); 2. WHO will use these criteria to develop a weekly list of target communities to be shared each Monday in the evening DERC brief. These locations –in addition to any emerging concerns during the week - should form the focus of all DERC response activities; 1 Nationwide, 94% percent of respondents accept that Ebola can be prevented by avoiding funeral or burial rituals that require handling the body of someone who has died of Ebola. Foucs 1000, UNICEF, CDC, Follow-Up Study on Public Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices relating to EVD Prevention and Medical Care in Sierra Leone (Ebola KAP-2), December 2014 Agreeing appropriate response activities 3. All DERC partners to agree a set of surveillance and SocMob approaches which, based on examples of best practice, are most effective to address (see Annex B); 4. DERC to carry out a mapping of effective approaches for different issues and appropriate partners for implementation (see Annex B) Decision making and tasking process 5. A weekly planning meeting will be held on Mondays at 4pm. The list of target communities will be shared and a coordinated response plan developed for each community, incorporating both proactive surveillance and SocMob activities; 6. Plans will 7. Daily Joint Surveillance and SocMob Meeting will be held each morning at the DERC to define reactive activities as needed; 8. Daily SocMob meeting will be held after the surveillance meeting to define any additional community engagement activities needed, depending on issues that arise. Kambia District Response Framework - Logframe GOAL To get to zero in Kambia District INDICATORS Primary Objective Outcome 1 Outcome 2 Outcome 3 2 To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the district surveillance and response system Strengthened community engagement in response activities SOURCE OF VERIFICATION 100% of confirmed EVD cases come from a contact list Number of confirmed cases coming from a contact list All suspect cases transferred to appropriate health facility within 24 hours of an alert being raised Number of suspect cases transferred to appropriate health facility within 24 hours of an alert being raised / total number of suspect cases in given time period Number of live alerts Number of live alerts reported to the DERC Number of death alerts # of corpse alerts / expected district death rate of at least 116 deaths per week2 The number of reported deaths approximate the expected number of allcause deaths 100% of credible alerts are investigated within 24 hours Number of credible alerts investigated within 24 hours / total number credible alerts within same period All cases require 2 tests at 72h interval 100% of confirmed EVD cases come from a contact list Number of confirmed cases coming from a contact list / all confirmed cases All cases fall along a known transmission chain Time between symptom onset and alert report is less than 48 hours Number of cases presenting prior to 48 hours / total number of cases reported in given time period The majority of credible alerts (alive, dead) are reported by the community Strengthened alert system that is better able to detect suspected EVD cases (live and dead) More efficient surveillance system with reactive and proactive capacity NUMERATOR/DENOMINATOR (based on crude mortality rate for SL – CIA World Factbook) RISKS AND ASSUMPTIONS All positive swabs come from known contact lists 100% of suspected cases accept to travel to the HC or CCC 100% burials are conducted in a safe and dignified manner with community input 100% lab results are returned to patient/family members <24h from publication 100% of samples arrive at the PHE lab <24h from collection Outcome 4 Safe and effective case management system in place 0% nosocomial infections 100% of survivors receive follow -up support Number of deaths (swab positive) among known contacts / total number of deaths that are swab positive in given time period Number of HC/CCC patients matches number of suspected cases (no escapes) / total number of suspect cases in given time period Number of safe and dignified burials that incorporate traditional elements / total number of burials including unsafe in given time period Number of families informed within 24 hours / total number of families informed from same lab result 24 period regardless of length of time of reporting Number of samples delivered to the lab on the same day as collection/number of samples delivered in total from given 24 hour diagnosis period regardless of length of time of reporting Number of healthcare workers who are EVD+ / total number of EVD+ cases in given time period Number of registered survivors provided with a survivor support package / total number of survivors in given time period Contacts voluntarily report illness to CT upon symptom onset In-take registry at HC/CCCs Burial teams' report Family Liaison Office's report Chain of custody Medical records Psycho-social support pillar records Kambia District Response Framework - Defining Target Areas Issue Hotspot Definition / Indicator Three or more suspected EVD cases (incl. at least one confirmed case) over a 10 day period from more than one HH in a single village Two confirmed cases over a 10 day period from separate HH within a village Positive Swab New case not on a contact list Death in a quarantine home Cross-border transmission Under reporting of deaths Unsafe burial Community resistance/mistrust Two or more cases (including one confirmed case) from a single HH in a village over a 10 day period if either the two cases have a common source of infection or 20+ people in the village were exposed to the two cases after they became ill Positive swab result confirmed Positive result confirmed (live or dead) where the source of infection is not known Death of a contact of a confirmed case during the quarantine period Villages with a known epi link to areas in Guinea with positive cases Areas in close geographic proximity or porous crossing point to areas in Guinea with known transmission Areas where the difference between expected and actual death alerts in greater than 20 over a three week period. Need section level population estimates to better calculate exact target locations. Liaise with LSHTM. Specific report of a community burial Any incidence of resistance (e.g. verbal or physical confrontation) to a response team Refusal or resistance to any case management activity (e.g. referral to Holding Centre) Community denial Remote/hard-to-reach areas Areas not reached by social mobilisation activities Silent Cluster Refusal or resistance to any quarantine-related activity (e.g. food delivery) Linked to the above but where specific feedback is received that communities or stakeholders do not believe in the existence of Ebola and attribute symptoms to other causes (e.g. witchcraft) Communities not reachable by four wheel vehicles (e.g. motorbike or bicycle only) Communities which become inaccessible in the rainy season Communities with no known socmob presence (i.e. based in the community) Areas from which there are reports of cases or a chain of transmission , but which have not reported cases themselves Kambia District Response Framework - Toolkit of Approaches for Community Engagement and Surveillance ACTIVITY Case Investigation Active Surveillance WHO 9 teams (based out of DERC), comprising a DSO, SocMob, Sprayer/Line List Officer, Swabber, Technical support from partners. 10 chiefdom level DSOs supporting the above teams on investigation Case Investigation Teams (as above) when there are no alerts to investigated WHAT Investigate all alerts – live and dead Full investigation of positive cases, incl. line list Visit community to investigate rumours and look for potential triggers: Speak with key stakeholders (village leaders, taskforce, traditional healers, women’s groups etc.) Active Case Search Contact Tracing DERC/DO meeting with Paramount Chief and/or other key leaders Surge team comprising DSO/ Surveillance and SocMob and liaises with Review medical records in PHUs and CCCs Pre-Engagement with key stakeholders followed by house to house visits by contact tracers and community members to identify sick or recently dead people. Contact tracer based at or near community, working with a supervisor. Technical support provided from partners Contact tracers visit daily all contacts from confirmed cases over a 21 day period and report all illnesses or deaths for further investigation. District Coordinator and District Officer DC and DMO engage Paramount Chief directly to discuss particular issues WHEN LEAD AND PARTNERS Hotspots Positive Swabs New case not on a contact list Death in a quarantine home Cross-border transmission Central teams – DHMT Hotspots Positive Swabs New case not on a contact list Death in a quarantine home Cross-border transmission Under reporting of deaths Silent clusters Secret burials Community Denial (following socmob) Hotspots Positive Swabs Central teams – DHMT Technical support: WHO/CDC/MSF/GOAL/AU Technical support: WHO/CDC/MSF/GOAL/AU DHMT Technical support: WHO This is a more intrusive method for selective use and requires an active community taskforce and strong community engagement prior to activity All contacts of positive cases Lead: WHO/UNFPA Supervision: Marie Stopes Secret Burials Community resistance – response to specific incidences or issues Personnel: UNFPA DO to contact PC ACTIVITY Community visit from DO and Paramount Chief WHO District Officer, SocMob Pillar Lead, DHMT Social Mobiliser and PC for Chiefdom WHAT Inform community of visit ahead of time Visit community to engage key stakeholders - e.g. town chief Meetings with individuals involved in any specific incidences. Community meetings with key stakeholders DHMT Social Mobiliser/SMAC Engage community mobilisers if appropriate. Other partners (UNICEF, WHO) as appropriate. Needs careful handling as this approach can exacerbate volatile situations Decide on messaging appropriate to the issue(s) to be addressed Inform community of visit ahead of time. Engage key stakeholders in discussion – communicate agreed messages but also listen to key concerns. Participants could include: Ward Councillors (if appropriate), Section Chief (if appropriate)Town Chief, religious leaders, opinion leaders identified by the community Based on community feedback, team to provide practical recommendations to DERC for follow up. Recommendations to be directed to the appropriate pillar for action. WHEN LEAD AND PARTNERS Under reporting of deaths Community resistance/ distrust Secret burials Silent clusters Hotspots Positive Swabs SocMob Pillar Lead to decide on need for meeting Under reporting of deaths Community resistance/ distrust Community Denial Secret burials Silent clusters Hotspots Positive Swabs Remote/hard-to-reach areas Areas not reached by socmob activities SocMob Pillar/UNICEF to develop messages DO to contact PC SocMob Pillar/UNICEF to develop and brief on messages ACTIVITY Community meetings with particular target groups (e.g. women, youth) WHO DHMT Social Mobiliser/SMAC. Appropriate local partner with either presence in the geographic area or experience working with specific target groups (e.g. mother feeding groups, CHWs, youth taskforce etc.) Engage community mobilisers Other partners (UNICEF, WHO) as appropriate. WHAT Decide on messaging appropriate to the issue(s) to be addressed and groups to engage Visit community to identify specific groups, working through appropriate leadership and arrange an appropriate time and venue for discussion. WHEN LEAD AND PARTNERS Under reporting of deaths Community resistance/ distrust Community Denial Secret burials Ongoing engagement activities Remote/hard-to-reach areas Areas not reached by SocMob activities SocMob Pillar/UNICEF to develop messages Community resistance/ distrust Community Denial Under reporting of deaths Secret burials Community resistance Community denial DHMT SocMob Hold focus group discussions with community mobilisers and members of the selected group to discuss issues, gather concerns, and agree actions Based on community feedback, team to provide practical recommendations to DERC for follow up. Community Sensitisation through EVD survivors DHMT Meetings with religious leaders DHMT Social Mobiliser Focus 1000, Access to Justice, ISLAG, CHRISTAG-depending on geographic area and denomination. Recommendations to be directed to the appropriate pillar for action. Project design underway Decide on messaging appropriate to the issue(s) to be addressed and groups to engage Working through appropriate structures, identify appropriate religious leaders. Arrange an appropriate time and venue for discussion. Hold discussions to understand DHMT Social Mobiliser Pillar Lead to decide on most appropriate partner Focus 1000, Access to Justice, ISLAG, CHRISTAG ACTIVITY WHO WHAT WHEN LEAD AND PARTNERS constraints/issue (depending on context), discuss potential solution and agree on culturally sensitive messages and actions (e.g. special dispensations to allow safe and dignified. Meetings with traditional healers and Soways DHMT Social Mobiliser/SMAC. Agree on appropriate times and venues for message dissemination. Project design underway Appropriate local partner with experience working with target groups – SHADE, Access to Justice, Direct Household Engagement DHMT Social Mobiliser, local community mobilisers, key community stakeholders Visit to specific household(s) with identified concerns (e.g. quarantined home resistant to surveillance team) House to House mobilisation DHMT Social Mobiliser, local community mobilisers, key community stakeholders Radio messaging Three main radio stations with messaging provided by SocMob Pillar House to house visits across a community to engage in dialogue and disseminate key messages – with a particular focus on marginalised or more vulnerable groups who may not attend or be excluded from community meetings. Radio stations to broadcast agreed messages through presenters. Topics to be decided in SocMob pillar Under reporting of deaths Community Denial Community resistance/ distrust Any case linked to traditional healers Positive Swabs New case not on a contact list Death in a quarantine home Secret burials Community Denial (linked to a particular HH) Community resistance/ distrust (linked to a particular HH) Secret burials Community Denial Community resistance/ distrust Cross border transmission DHMT Social Mobiliser Pillar Lead to decide on most appropriate partner depending on context Under reporting of deaths Secret burials Cross border transmission Community Denial Community resistance/ distrust To be completed To be completed To be completed ACTIVITY Radio interviews with key spokespersons WHO WHAT Three main radio stations with appropriate spokespersons: DMO, DC, NGO staff, Family Liaison Officer, Religious Leaders etc. SocMob staff to provide training/messaging to spokespeople. Paramount Chief tour of chiefdoms Paramount Chief, District Officer, District Coordinator, SocMob Pillar Lead IEC material distribution Community mobilisers Support to chiefdom and village level taskforces Jingles To be completed UNICEF to share latest material with partners through SocMob Pillar Radio stations to run interviews and panel discussions on particular topics defined by SocMob Pillar To be completed Messaging to be defined by SocMob Pillar and disseminated to key partners To be completed For use on radio shows Not to be relied on as a standalone tool, but can be useful to draw attention to key issues in a community, provided that thorough community engagement and dialogue are ongoing in target communities. WHEN LEAD AND PARTNERS Cross-border transmission Under reporting of deaths Secret burials Community Denial Community resistance/distrust Under reporting of deaths Community Denial Community resistance/distrust Community denial To be completed To be completed To be completed To be completed To be completed District Officer To be completed