About Ocean Friendly Restaurants

Thanks to our Ocean Friendly Restaurants
Coming Soon!
About Ocean Friendly Restaurants
We know restaurants want to do the
right thing, but sometimes lack the
education and understanding of the
harmful effects of pollution and plastic
that can originate with them. We
believe in rewarding restaurants for
doing the right thing for the
environment. Much of the livelihood of
our coastal region depends on the
ocean environment. Let’s embrace
solutions to ocean pollution — together!
The Ocean Friendly Restaurant Program
was founded with the mission of
creating an ecologically sustainable
restaurant industry. Our goal is to
educate and encourage individuals and
businesses to get involved and make a
difference to benefit our waters.
The Ocean Friendly Restaurant Program works with restaurants and their
employees to implement self-regulated ocean friendly policies that reduce
disposable plastic waste and bacteria related to the improper disposal of used fat,
oils and grease (FOG) and trash.
Restaurants have the power to greatly reduce their impact on our ocean and
beaches by implementing a few easy practices. By
engaging the restaurant community in a conversation
about ocean friendly practices, we hope to significantly
reduce disposable waste in our ocean and on our beaches.
Reducing trash through public education and restricting the
use of single-use plastic benefits our oceans, our
communities, protects public health and safety, and
provides future benefits for all.
All Restaurants can be Ocean Friendly!
Many restaurants are already meeting our criteria, or may need to implement minor
changes to be certified as Ocean Friendly. If you think your restaurant is eligible,
please contact us for a site visit.
What makes a Restaurant Ocean Friendly?
Restaurants participating in the OFR Program
MUST follow these three criteria:
1. Contact your current to-go ware distributor and
replace expanded polystyrene products
(Styrofoam) with environmentally friendly
alternatives (recycled, recyclable, compostable,
or biodegradable).
2. Implement best management practices for
used fats, oils and grease, and educate
employees on proper practices annually
3. Practice safe stormwater practices when
cleaning the exterior of your facility, including
dumpster area.
And choose a minimum of three of these criteria as well:
1. Provide plastic straws only upon request.
2. Use takeout bags made of material other than plastic.
3. Provide takeout bags only upon request, or request pickup customers bring their
own takeout bags — give a discount for BYOB and earn more street cred!
4. Provide disposable utensils for takeout food only upon request.
5. No sales of beverages in plastic bottles. Go glass or go home! (Paper okay, too!)
Benefits of being an Ocean Friendly Restaurant
Brand value. Beyond simply improving your restaurant’s reputation, taking on an
environmentally sound and responsible position benefits your business in more
practical ways as well. You get street cred for your actions — people want to know
you care! And you’ll be able to measure your actions for sustainability reporting.
Support. We are here to do whatever we can to support restaurants in being
Ocean Friendly. Whether a restaurant needs help finding a supplier or training
restaurant staff on environmentally conscious practices, we are here to help!
Incentives. We also offer participating restaurants several incentives for
their Ocean Friendly practices:
Promotion to Orange County consumers and tourists through:
social media
our website
our partners’ websites and via their social media
community events and beach cleanups
Optional collateral including: OFR window sticker, table-toppers, diner
brochures, bill stuffers, posters
Collaborative promotions such as launch parties or coupon days promoted
to our members
Train staff about program
Vendor pamphlet with alternative material sources and pricing, including
negotiated discounts
How to get started on becoming an Ocean Friendly Restaurant:
1. Contact your current to-go ware distributor and ask about environmentally
friendly alternatives to expanded polystyrene products (Styrofoam), such as
recycled paper, cardboard, or recycled plastic, aluminum, and corn or other plantbased products.
2. Educate your employees about how to properly
dispose of greases, fats, and oils. For easy
training, refer them to this video: (click photo for
Restaurant Best Practices and Preventive
3. Create a plan to use safe storm water practices when cleaning the exterior of
your facility, including maintaining your dumpsters.
4. Contact your local Surfrider Chapter at OFR@newportbeach.surfrider.org for help
in obtaining environmentally preferred to-go ware suggestions, help in training your
staff, and your free advertising for being Ocean Friendly!
Proud Ocean Friendly Restaurants
We would like to thank all of our participating Ocean Friendly Restaurants for doing
their part in protecting our oceans, waves and beaches. Please help us support
Click here for a list of all participating OFRs
Other ways to put your restaurant on the path to being more Ocean Friendly and
sustainable include reducing outdoor water use, installing Ocean Friendly Gardens,
not using the hose to wash down sidewalks and other outdoor hardscape surfaces,
and by purchasing more locally-raised fruits and vegetables and sustainable fish.
Let’s reduce our impacts — one meal at a time!
Contact us at OFR@newportbeach.surfrider.org