M E M O R A N D U M - Wilson County Schools

351 Stumpy Lane, Lebanon TN 37090
Tel : (615) 444-3282
Fax : (615) 449-3858
Dr. Donna L. Wright
Basic First Aid
*Remember that the treatment log is your legal documentation to use in the absence of the
school nurse. Always be sure to include the student’s first and last name, time in & out of the
clinic, a description of the complaint, treatment provided, and your signature! Be sure to send
the yellow copy of the treatment log home with student!
*Always use gloves when blood or body fluids are present. Remember to always wash your
hands thoroughly before and after any physical contact with a student.
* Wear Gloves
*Apply pressure with clean gauze to stop bleeding.
*Once bleeding is stopped, clean area with warm soap and water.
*Pat dry with clean gauze or paper towel.
*Apply band aid.
(If wound is gaping, student may need stitches. Contact school nurse and/or parent/guardian)
*Flush the burn with large amounts of cool running water or cover it with a clean, cool, wet cloth.
*Is burn is large or deep, on face or eye, is student having difficulty breathing? If yes, CALL 911.
*If the above symptoms are not present, bandage loosely with gauze and tape.
*Check temperature.
*If no fever, apply warm wet cloth to ear for comfort, or apply cotton for comfort.
*If a student complains that he/she has been poked in the eye: keep student from rubbing the eye.
*Ensure that the student is not having difficulty with vision.
*Apply cool compress to eye.
*If a student complains of itchy, burning eyes:
*Check to see if there is any drainage, check to see if one or both eyes are affected, ask if there are
any family members with pink eye.
“Creating an excitement for learning”
*If whites of eye are red, drainage is present, eyelid is swollen-probable pink eye=Notify parent for
pick up.
*If both eyes are red, watering, and irritated-probable allergies. Ask student to return to clinic when
school nurse returns.
*Most students who faint will recover quickly when lying down. Keep student in flat position.
*Elevate feet.
*Apply cool compress, offer water.
*Notify school nurse and/or parent/guardian.
*Note any temperature over 100.5 is considered a fever and student must be sent home.
*Apply cool compress to forehead and base of neck for comfort while student is waiting for pick
*Check temperature
*If fever is present, send home
*If no fever present, have student lie down for a short time.
*Apply cool compress to forehead for comfort.
*If headache persists and there are other symptoms such as vomiting, blurred vision, neck stiffness,
or dizziness=Contact parent/guardian.
Head Injury
*Many head injuries that happen at school are minor. Bumps to the head may not be serious.
*Have student state their name, name of our school, details of the event, etc. anything to ensure that
no serious injury has occurred.
*If student seems to be fine, give ice pack and advise student to return to clinic if he/she
experiences any severe headaches, changes in awareness of surroundings, vision changes, nausea or
*Notify school nurse and/or parent/guardian of any head injury.
*Place student sitting with head slightly forward.
*Apply constant pressure by pressing the nostrils firmly together. Apply ice to nose for added
constriction of blood flow.
*Discourage student from nose blowing, repeated wiping, or rubbing of nose.
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*Rashes may have many causes, including heat, infection, and illness, reaction to medications,
allergic reactions, insect bites, dry skin or skin irritations.
*Contact school nurse and/or parent/guardian if the following symptoms are present in addition to a
rash: Fever, headache, diarrhea, sore throat, vomiting, and rash is bright red and sore to the touch,
student is so uncomfortable that he/she is unable to participate in school activities.
Sore Throat
*Check temperature
*If no fever is present, offer water or mints for comfort
*Advise student to return to clinic when nurse returns
Splinters/Pencil Lead
*Wash area with soap and water
*Apply bandage
*If area is swollen, feels hot, discolored, bent or deformed, if student is in severe pain=Contact
school nurse and/or parent/guardian. DO NOT ALLOW STUDENT TO PUT WEIGHT ON THE
*If the above symptoms are absent, use the acronym RICE
C=compression (ace bandage, which nurse can apply)
*Students with a history of stings will be made known to all school staff.
*If the student has NO difficulty with breathing, swelling of lips, mouth, or tongue, and no history
of allergy to stings=Apply cool compress and advise to return if symptoms worsen
*If the student has any of the above symptoms=Call 911
Stomach Aches/Pain
*Stomach aches may have many causes including: illness, hunger, overeating, constipation,
diarrhea, and gas pain.
*Check temperature
*If no fever, allow student to rest, offer mint, offer snack (if available), encourage student to use the
*If fever, diarrhea, or vomiting present=Contact parent/guardian
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*Toothache=apply ice for comfort
*Lost baby tooth=apply pressure with clean gauze to bleeding gums
Place tooth in container or envelope for student to take home
Advise student to wash his/her hands
*Lost or broken permanent tooth= place tooth in glass of milk
Tick Bite & Removal
*Vaseline can be placed over the tick and covered with a band aid. This often causes the tick to
back out of the skin and kills the tick.
*If the tick does come out of the skin, tape the tick to a piece of paper to be sent home to
* If the tick does NOT come out of the skin, DO NOT REMOVE THE TICK. Cover the area with a
band aid and notify parent/guardian.
*Vomiting may have many causes including: illness, injury, food poisoning, pregnancy, heat
exhaustion, over exertion.
*Have student lie down
*Apply cool compress to forehead
*Contact parent/guardian
Information obtained from the publication Emergency Guidelines for Tennessee Schools
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