Research grant application form Please email completed form and attachments to by the advised deadline for the grant round you are applying for. If you have not received an acknowledgement within three working days, please contact 0116 252 5858 Little Princess Trust Project Grant Application PART ONE: APPLICATION DETAILS 1. Title of the study: 2. Applicants Applicant 1 (Lead applicant) Applicant 2 Applicant 3 Title Surname Forename Post held Institution Number of hours per week expected on project If there are more than three applicants, please attach an additional page 3. Institution that would be administering the grant Name Address at which work will be undertaken 4. Proposed timetable Start date: Duration (months): 5. Please indicate broad area of grant sought Basic/fundamental science Translational science Clinical science Other 6. Total grant requested £ 7. Summary of requested support (full details to be given in part 3) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total Staff Consumables Travel & subsistence Exceptional items Equipment Total 8. Does the project require ethical approval for working with human subjects? If yes, please attach, or indicate when this is likely to be granted. An award will not activate until ethical approval is confirmed in writing No Yes, approved and attached Yes, approval pending If pending, date expected: 9. Are animal studies involved? No Yes If yes, please briefly describe the nature of the involvement and the status of any project licence holder procedure in relation to this application: 10. Other sources of funding a. Has earlier research relevant to this study by your or your team been externally funded? No Yes If yes, please give details: Topic Supporting organisation Value of grant(s) Start date and duration of grant(s) b. Is this application or a related application being submitted elsewhere? No Yes If yes, please give details: To which organisation? When is a decision anticipated? c. Has this application been submitted elsewhere during the last 12 months? No Yes If yes, please give details: To which organisation? What was the result of the application? 11. Exploitation Is the proposed research likely to lead to any intellectual property which may be commercially exploited (eg via a patent)? No Yes If yes, please give brief details: The nature of the intellectual property The nature of the mechanism(s) used to determine whether registration is required The name and post of the official responsible for registering any intellectual property 12. External reviewers CCLG is happy for applicants to suggest external peer reviewers, but these should not be collaborators or researchers with whom you have published in the last five years. If you would like to suggest appropriate external reviewers, please do so below. CCLG reserves the right to select our own external reviewers. Name Institution Position held Email address (if known) You may also provide the names of researchers you who you would prefer did not see the proposal. This should not be all the researchers in your field, and you will need to provide a reason why any particular individual should not be consulted: 13. Lay summary Please give a brief plain English summary of the proposal, its methods, outcomes and/or deliverables. Please note this summary may be used to screen your application before deciding to advance your application or by potential peer reviews to decide if they can review your application. CCLG also reserves the right to publish this summary in the public domain to demonstrate our research funding to our supporters. Therefore please do not include any confidential or commercially sensitive information. 14. Institutional approval The application should be approved by the Head of Department and by the administrative or finance officer who will be responsible for administering any grant which may be awarded. Declaration I confirm that I have read this application and that if a grant is awarded the work will be accommodated and administered in our institution. The staff gradings and salaried quoted in the application are correct and are submitted in accordance with the normal practice of this institution. Head of Department Name Institution Email Title Telephone Signed Date Financial/Administrative Officer Name Institution Email Title Telephone Signed Date The electronic version of this application can be submitted giving names and date of ‘signature’ by authorised officers. A printed and signed page should be forwarded ASAP to CCLG by post. Please indicate clearly to which application it belongs: For printed, signed version: Title of study: Lead investigator name: Post to: Research Administrator Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group University of Leicester Clinical Sciences Building Leicester Royal Infirmary Leicester LE2 7LX 15. Applicant contact details Applicant 1 Name Post Department Institution Address including postcode Applicant 2 Name Post Department Institution Address including postcode Applicant 3 Name Post Department Institution Address including postcode Title Tel Email Title Tel Email Title Tel Email 16. Collaborators Please give details of collaborators on whom the viability of the project is dependent. Include a statement (letter/email) of willingness to act as collaborator from each person named below. Collaborator 1 Name Post Department Institution Address including postcode Collaborator 2 Name Post Department Institution Address including postcode Collaborator 3 Name Post Department Institution Address including postcode Continue on a separate sheet if necessary. Title Tel Email Title Tel Email Title Tel Email PART TWO: THE PROPOSED RESEARCH STUDY Give a full description of the proposed study (not more than five pages). This account should use the following headings: Title of the study Academic abstract Purpose of the research Background/rationale Indications of where patient benefit will accrue Plan of investigation and methods to be employed Detailed justification for the support requested Plans for dissemination This should be attached as a separate document when parts one and three of the application are submitted. Please confirm file name attached: PART THREE: DETAILS OF SUPPORT REQUESTED You can apply for funding for staff, consumables and equipment. As a charity, we only fund the direct costs of research. We do not fund infrastructure costs or indirect costs. 1. Staff to be engaged in the project Staff Research staff Technical staff Clinical staff Other staff Grade Start point on scale Increment date Starting salary Allowances Superannuation and NI 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2. Proposed annual cost to project of above posts % of time Research staff 1 2 3 Technical staff 1 2 3 Clinical staff 1 2 3 Other staff 1 2 3 Months on project Year 1 cost Year 2 cost Year 3 cost Total cost TOTAL COST RESEARCH STAFF: TOTAL COST TECHNICAL STAFF: TOTAL COST CLINICAL STAFF: TOTAL COST OTHER STAFF TOTALS CARRIED TO PART 1 SECTION 7 Year 1 staff costs Year 2 staff costs Year 3 staff costs Total staff costs 3. Costs of consumables specific to the project Item(s) Year 1 cost Year 2 cost Year 3 cost Total costs TOTALS CARRIED TO PART 1 SECTION 7 4. Travel and subsistence Conference attendance expenses can be included for dissemination/presentation of project results but not for general education purposes for the individual Destination/reason for journey Number of journeys ESTIMATED TOTALS CARRIED TO PART 1 SECTION 7 Travel Year 1 Subsistence Year 2 Other costs Year 3 Total Total 5. Exceptional items and one-off expenditure Item(s) Year 1 cost Year 2 cost Year 3 cost Total costs TOTALS CARRIED TO PART 1 SECTION 7 6. Equipment It is expected that equipment is project-specific and that formal quotes will have been received from suppliers Equipment ESTIMATED TOTALS CARRIED TO PART 1 SECTION 7 Expiry date of quote Year 1 Expected delivery date Year 2 Basic price Year 3 Duties/fees VAT Total PART FOUR: CURICULUM VITAES Please provide a professional and publications CV for all applicants. Max 2 pages per individual. These should be compiled into ONE document and attached as a separate document when parts one and three of the application are submitted. Please confirm file name attached: SECTION FIVE: CHECKLIST Parts one and three (this form) completed and attached Part two (proposed research study) completed and attached Part four (curriculm vitaes) completed and attached Statement(s) of support from all collaborators named at part one, section 7 attached Above documentation emailed to Signed copy of part one, section 14 (declaration) sent by post