Quarterly Stakeholder Report Q1 2015 Initiative Updates Financial Highlights Public Quarterly Stakeholder Report – First Quarter (January to March) 2015 The purpose of this section of the quarterly report is to provide stakeholders with an update on the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO)’s progress on the initiatives outlined in the AESO’s 2015 Business Plan and Budget Proposal (Business Plan). The reader of this report should reference the Business Plan published on the AESO’s website for additional information to fully understand the various progress updates provided. I. Reporting on Business Plan Initiatives by Activity Group Electric System Operations Business Initiative Current Status Next Milestone Target High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Operations Construction of Eastern and Western Alberta Transmission Line (EATL and WATL) facilities ongoing Final commissioning studies, training and operating procedures are expected to be completed by the end of Q2 2015, prior to Transmission Facility Operators (TFOs) commencement of commissioning activities The targeted ISD for WATL and EATL is the second half of 2015 Alberta Reliability Standards (ARS) Implementation Initiated development of 6 new ARS Continue development of new ARS Finalize drafting of 4 out of 6 standards and receive management approval to consult by year end Received AUC approval for 4 Reliability Coordinator (RC)related ARS Receive AUC approval for 1 pending RC-related ARS Receive AUC approval for 5 RC-related ARS Preparing for consultation on 6 ARS (3 RC-related) Begin ARS consultation Complete consultation on all 6 ARS by year end Finished consultation on BAL002-WECC-AB1-2; Preparing response to stakeholder comments Forward BAL-002-WECCAB1-2 standard to AUC for approval Receive AUC approval by Q3 2015 EMS Upgrade Project work (Phase I – Definition) is underway Phase I activities are expected to be completed by Q3 2015 Receive AESO Board decision consistent with management’s recommendation regarding Phase II Implementation requirements in September 2015 AIES Enhancements (Reliability and Integration) Business case development for the next phase (Phase II – Implementation) is expected to be completed by July 2015 Page 2 of 13 Electric System Development Business Initiative Current Status Next Milestone Target Update and file the Long Term Plan (LTP) with the AUC AESO is currently working on engineering studies related to the LTP Planning studies are expected to be completed by mid 2015 AESO expects to file the 2015 LTP plan late 2015 or early 2016 Advance system and regional transmission projects identified in the LTP 3 customer connection Need Identifciation Document (NID)s filed to March 31, 2015 Support Transmission Facility Owners (TFOs) in completion of system projects facilitating the inservice date (ISD) Ongoing support of TFOs with facility applications (FA), certifications and FA hearings NID development and filings as per schedule Ongoing The conclusion of the competition for the East Project, including the announcement of the successful Proponent, will be determined once the AESO sets the competition opening date COM pilot to run until June 2015 Competitive process On December 18, 2014, Alberta PowerLine Limited Partnership, became the successful proponent of the Fort McMurray West 500 kV Transmission Project The AESO expects to advise the market of the opening date for the Fort McMurray East 500 kV Transmission Project (East Project) competition mid-2015 Cost reporting & monitoring Cost Oversight Management (COM) pilot nearing completion AESO to complete its response to COM pilot information requests in early May ISO Rule 504.5 – Cost Estimating has been drafted Commence consultation on ISO Rule 504.5; Notice to stakeholders expected to be issued in early May Expect to file the new rule with the AUC in Q3 2015 New revised cost estimating template has been made available on the AESO’s website None None Recommendation paper sent to the Rule 9.1 (Procurement) Working Group requesting comments AESO to complete its response to comments on the recommendation paper in Q2 2015 Pending comments and revisions to the procurement recommendation paper, the AESO will begin drafting revisions to the ISO Rule 9.1.5 – Project Procurement in Q3 AESO expects to begin working on developments with regards to Project Reporting (ISO Rule 9.1.3) Recommendation paper on Project Reporting to be sent to Rule 9.1 Working Group for comment by year end Page 3 of 13 Electric System Development - continued Business Initiative Transmission rate and impact information Current Status Next Milestone Target The main compliance filing proceeding (2014 ISO tariff) was completed in March; A separate module for AUC Directions 5-8 related to advancement costs is underway The AUC is expected to issue a decision on the main compliance filing by early June 2015; The Directions 5-8 module is scheduled to complete in May 2015 2014 ISO tariff is expected to become effective in Q3 2015 The 2013 and 2014 deferral account reconciliations are currently being combined for filing as a single application AESO plans to file its 20132014 deferral account reconciliation application by Q3 2015 Interim settlement of 20132014 deferral account amounts expected in Q4 2015 Page 4 of 13 Customer Access Services Business Initiative Advance customer connection projects within the connection queue System and customer connection (continued Process enhancement) Reduce customer connection cycle time by implementing initiatives including Abbreviated Needs Approval process (ANAP) Current Status Next Milestone Target AESO facilitating the advancement of approved System Access Service Requests for customer connection projects See connection project queue on the AESO website for a complete list of projects and status Ongoing 16 customer energizations (including Connection, Contract and Behind-theFence projects) completed as of March 31, 2015 Ongoing Ongoing Connection Process Working Group held its final session in April; Four main recommendations have been identified AESO expects to develop an implementation plan and initiate roll out of the identified recommendations in Q2 2015 AESO remains committed to continuous process improvement and expects recommendations to continue to evolve and mature the process after this implementation AESO has published updates to the Connection Process web-tool supporting the recommendations The AESO plans to host an annual education session in summer 2015 None AESO initiated consultation on the new ISO Rule 501.3 – ANAP and has received comments from stakeholders Publish AESO’s response to stakeholder comments – May 2015 The AESO expects to file the new rule with the AUC in June; Effective target date Q3 2015 Page 5 of 13 Market Development Business Initiative Next Milestone Target Transmission constraint management (TCM) Compliance filing approved by AUC Information technology and other operating procedure changes supporting the new Rule are expected to be completed by end 2015 Implementation of revised constraints management rule Development, integration and restoration of interties AESO suspended consultation on required ISO Rule changes for dispatchable interties in order to further explore the issues identified by stakeholders AESO to explore the issues identified; Stakeholder consultation to resume when the issues identified are clearly defined Dispatchable import /export rule changes are not expected to be implemented in 2015 Revised Load Shed Service for Imports (LSSi) arming volumes and Winter 2014-15 operating limits implemented Implementation of revised summer 2015 operating limits by Q2 2015 Intertie system operating limits updated to reflect current operating conditions for summer 2015 and winter 2015-16 LSSi RFP closed New LSSi contracts are expected to be in place July 1, 2015 None AESO published its energy storage integration discussion paper in May Recommendation paper expected to be published in Q2 2015 Begin implementation of recommendations Drafting battery storage technical and operating rules Initiate stakeholder consultaion regarding the draft rule language Review of 2011 OR market changes published Implementation of review recommendations Battery storage technical and operating rules are expected to be filed with AUC in Q2-Q3 2015 Continue to monitor OR market changes OR Rules came into effect as of December 2014 None None Management verified the understanding of the requirements, product vendor recommendations and stated assumptions in the statement of work with the Systems Integrator Complete required design deliverables by Q3 2013 Successful completion MSR Phase III - Iteration 1 Design that includes a more detailed plan and accurate estimates for MSR Phase III - Iteration 1 Build in Q2-Q3 2015 Finalized the detailed project plan for Phase III Iteration 1 –Design Complete market participant workshops (tentatively scheduled May 26 and June 22, 2015) Energy storage technologies Operating Reserve (OR) Review Implementation Market System Replacement and Reengineering (MSR) Phase II Current Status Page 6 of 13 II. Financial Update – As of March 31, 2015 Transmission Operating Costs ($ million) – by accounting month Wires Costs Operating Reserves Transmission Line Losses Transmission Must-Run Other Ancillary Service Costs Transmission Operating Costs YTD 2015 Actual 369.9 22.7 17.9 1.6 6.6 418.6 YTD 2015 Forecast 343.4 39.0 31.4 7.2 421.1 YTD 2014 Actual 314.6 50.5 34.5 1.8 8.9 410.4 Numbers may not add due to rounding Wires Costs – Wires costs represent the amounts paid primarily to owners of transmission facilities (TFOs) in accordance with their Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC)-approved tariffs and are not controllable costs of the AESO. Year-to-date 2015 wires costs are higher than forecast as a result of AUC-decisions that are higher than forecast. Operating Reserves – Operating reserves are generating capacity or load that is held in reserve and made available to the System Controller to manage the transmission system supply-demand balance in real time. Operating reserves are procured through an on-line exchange where offer prices are indexed to the pool price. Year-to-date 2015 operating reserve costs are lower than forecast mainly due to a lower average hourly pool price. The year-to-date March 2015 average pool price is $29 per megawatt hour (MWh) compared to a forecast of $41 per MWh. Transmission Line Losses – Transmission line losses represent the amount of energy that is ‘lost’ as a result of electrical resistance on the transmission lines. Volumes associated with line losses are determined through the energy market settlement as the difference between generation and import volumes less consumption and export volumes. The hourly volumes of line losses vary based on load and export levels, the distance between generation and load, and changes in the transmission topology. Transmission and generation outage schedules, unplanned transmission and generation outages, and market dispatches also affect the volume of losses. The value of line losses is calculated based on the hourly pool price. Year-to-date 2015 transmission line loss costs are lower than forecast mainly due to the impact of a lower average actual pool price. Transmission Must-Run – Transmission must-run (TMR) is generation required to be on-line and operating to ensure reliability in specific areas of the Alberta AIES with insufficient transmission capacity. This service is typically procured through commercial contracts between the AESO and suppliers. A market participant may be directed to provide unforeseeable TMR service when the supplier does not have an existing contract for the service. In these circumstances, the Independent System Operator (ISO) transmission tariff specifies how to calculate the amount to be paid to suppliers. Unforeseeable TMR reinforces transmission in areas where the transmission deficiency is not foreseen with sufficient time to negotiate a contract competitively. These conditions arise for a number of reasons including unplanned transmission line outages, system conditions in real-time or unexpected loss of generation. Page 7 of 13 Year-to-date 2015 TMR costs are due to payments for unforeseeable events that have occurred that were not included in the 2015 forecast. Other Ancillary Services Costs – Other ancillary services that the AESO procures for the secure and reliable operation of the Alberta Interconnected Electrical System (AIES) include load shed service for imports (LSSi), black start and services provided by the Poplar Hill generator. These services are procured through bilateral contracts with suppliers. Other Industry Costs ($ million) Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) Fees – Transmission AUC Fees – Energy Market Regulatory Process Costs WECC/NWPP Costs Other Industry Costs YTD 2015 Actual 2.9 1.5 0.3 0.5 5.1 YTD 2015 Forecast 3.5 1.8 0.5 0.3 6.1 YTD 2014 Actual 2.9 1.6 0.3 0.3 5.0 Numbers may not add due to rounding Other industry costs represent fees or costs paid based on regulatory requirements and membership fees for industry organizations; the amounts and requirements for these costs are not under the direct control of the AESO. These costs relate to the annual administration fees for the AUC, the AESO’s share of Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) and Northwest Power Pool (NWPP) membership fees and regulatory process costs. Page 8 of 13 General and Administrative Costs ($ million) Staff Costs Contract Services and Consultants Administration Facilities Computer Services and Maintenance Telecommunications General and Administrative Costs YTD 2015 Actual 17.0 1.0 1.2 1.9 2.8 0.3 24.2 YTD 2015 Budget 15.4 2.4 1.2 2.0 2.2 0.3 23.5 YTD 2014 Actual 16.2 2.7 1.4 1.5 2.5 0.4 24.7 Numbers may not add due to rounding Excludes Market Systems Replacement G&A costs Staff Costs – Year-to-date staff costs are higher than budget due primarily to the payroll taxes associated with the 2014 incentive paid in February. It is expected that the variance will be reduced later in the year as a significant portion of the variance is due to timing differences. Contract Services and Consultants – Year-to-date contract services and consultants costs are lower than budget due to the timing of when initiatives are planned; it is expected that the variance will be reduced later in the year. Computer Services and Maintenance – Year-to-date computer services and maintenance costs are higher than budget due to timing differences; it is expected that the variance will be reduced later in the year. Page 9 of 13 Interest and Amortization ($ million) Interest Amortization YTD 2015 Actual 0.1 6.8 YTD 2015 Budget 0.1 6.7 YTD 2014 Actual 0.0 6.5 Page 10 of 13 III. Capital Expenditure Update – As of March 31, 2015 Capital Program ($ million) Total Project Approved Prior Year(s) Actual Spent in 2015 ETC in 2015 ETC Future Yr.(s) Total Cost Est. Variance Approved to Total Cost Est. Reliability – EMS* 7.4 1.0 2.3 3.9 0.0 7.3 (0.1) Reliability – HVDC** & Other 3.2 2.6 0.0 0.4 0.0 3.0 (0.2) Critical Infrastructure Protection 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.7 0.1 IT/Cyber Security 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 Market Evolution (includes TCM***) 2.0 0.2 0.4 1.4 0.0 1.9 (0.1) Intertie Framework 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.4 (0.1) Transmission Cost Accountability 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.0 Other Capital Initiatives 5.1 2.0 0.3 2.4 0.0 4.7 (0.4) Life Cycle Funding 2.6 0.1 1.0 1.4 0.0 2.5 (0.1) 21.9 6.4 4.5 10.0 0.0 21.0 (0.9) 4.9 0.0 1.1 3.7 0.0 4.8 (0.0) 26.8 6.4 5.7 13.8 0.0 25.9 (0.9) Key Capital Initiatives 1 Subtotal Capital Major Project Capital - MSR Total Capital Note: Differences may exist due to rounding * Energy Management System ** High Voltage Direct Current *** Transmission Constraints Management Capital Program ($ million) Spent to March 31, 2015 1 5.7 Estimate to Complete (ETC) in 2015 13.8 Subtotal 19.4 AESO Board Decision Document – capital approved General Capital - 16.0 Major Project Capital - 4.9 20.9 Variance (under-spent) (1.5) Section Appendix I - Notes which provide a summary of financial variances or changes to the (key) capital initiatives Page 11 of 13 Appendix I - Notes The following appendix provides further detail on major project progress for the key capital programs (e.g., approved business case or change-orders). Key Capital Initiatives Description Reliability Program – EMS (Energy Management System) Components The EMS is used by System Controllers to monitor, control and optimize the performance of the power system. The EMS is comprised of two major components: the Application suite; and Infrastructure. Both components have reached end of life; and will no longer be supported by their respective vendors. In order to ensure reliable grid operations, be Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) compliant and have supported hardware and software it was deemed prudent to proceed with an upgrade to the AESO EMS. The upgrade is a multi-year project expected to conclude in 2017. 2015 Progress The key deliverable for 2015 is the completion of EMS Phase II, the definition phase. This phase will define the detailed business and design requirements and help to provide a higher degree of certainty regarding the timing, costs and approach of the subsequent implementation phase. Management approved an amended business case for Phase II requirements which identified a capital cost estimate of $7.4 million and a target completion date of Q2 2015. Depending on the recommendation from Phase II, the AESO currently plans to begin Phase III the implementation phase in the second half of 2015. The implementation phase is currently envisioned to be a multiyear initiative requiring separate AESO Board-approval. Reliability Program – Other Components Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Description Grid management projects that are intended to enhance the efficiency and improve the ability to reliably run the Alberta Interconnected Electrical System (AIES). 2015 Progress A number of system development projects have been identified to enhance the reliability of the AIES in support of HVDC commissioning activities and ongoing operations. Four of these projects (i.e. EMS integration, PhasorPoint Application implementation, Phasor Measurement Unit Display enhancement and Loss Optimization enhancement) have been advanced substantially but are currently on hold awaiting HVDC line availability. The target date for line availability is the second half of 2015. The related project resources have been reassigned in the interim. Description Implementation of facility upgrades and/or changes to AESO sites that are required to support CIP implementation and compliance requirements. 2015 Progress Management approved a business case supporting the implementation of various security system upgrades at the System Coordination Centre. The cost estimate for the identified upgrades is $0.7M and the target completion date Q3 2015. Page 12 of 13 Description Upgrade systems and processes to reduce the risk of cyber security breaches and facilitate AESO compliance to CIP requirements. 2015 Progress AESO has continued to advance its cyber security maturity level. This includes analysis activities to enhance intrusion detection and intrusion prevention systems and processes; improved identity and access management systems and processes; network firewall reinforcement; and continuous vulnerability assessment implementation. IT / Cyber Security Management approved a business case recommending upgrades to the AESO’s Intrusion Detection System (IDS). The cost estimate for the upgrades is $0.2M and the target completion Q2 2015. Market Evolution Transmission Constraints Management (TCM) Description The identification, development and implementation of tools in support of market optimization and/or performance improvements. This includes the ongoing review (assessment and consultation) of the market design and its structural elements in consideration with the potential Market Systems Replacement and Reengineering (MSR) Project. 2015 Progress Management approved a business case recommendation to implement system changes to support theTCM Dispatch Up Service and Settlement requirements identified. The cost estimate for the project is $1.5 million and target completion date Q4 2015. Description Develop and implement a framework and tools that support increased transfer capacity with neighbouring jurisdictions. This includes but is not limited to restoring existing intertie capacity, support for merchant transmission additions and implementation of dynamic scheduling solutions. 2015 Progress Management approved a business case identifying the requirement to implement system changes supporting the Load Shed Service for Imports (LSSi) product review recommendations. The cost estimate for the changes is $0.4 million and target completion Q2 2015. Intertie Development Description Transmission Cost Accountability 2015 Progress Develop transmission cost benchmarking competency and a database to assist in the assessment of reasonableness of the costs. The AESO would use the benchmarking data to test cost estimates proposed by transmission facility owners in the need identification document phase and proposal to provide services stages. The second phase of the transmission cost benchmarking application enhancement project is nearing completion. The cost estimate for the work is $0.2 million and target completion Q2 2015. Page 13 of 13