Omni-Directional Coplanar Feed S-Band Printed Monopole Antenna Array for WLAN Ashwini Kumar Singh Electronics and Communication Engineering MANIT Bhopal Bhopal, India Dheeraj Agrawal Electronics and Communication Engineering MANIT Bhopal Bhopal,India Abstract—Wideband monopole antenna having omnidirectional radiation pattern coplanar feed printed on same plane is proposed for S-Band application. Proposed Antenna is able to resonate the 3.4GHz frequency which accommodate in the spectrum at S band where wide use of WLAN and WiMAX is utilizes. In recent technologies wide band antennas have become challenging subject comparing with the other techniques of antenna designing the microstrip antenna large beneficial- these antennas have compact size, wide bandwidth, structures are very simple in designing. Return loss result where impedance bandwidth reaches 2.2 GHz to 3.8 GHz frequency range which is wide bandwidth in antenna resonance property. made in middle, which seems quite rectangular ring in shape that helps antenna to enhance its bandwidth [4]. The coplanar wave (CPW) feed is provided to the patch [5]. The CPW has 50 ohm impedance to match the patch antenna. The base layer of patch antenna is non regular in shape, which is situated below the substrate. It reduces the shape and size of patch with shift in frequency range towards right. There are many simulations to achieve the results of proposed antenna. To simulate all these mentioned antennas we used the CST microwave software. Keywords- coplanar feed(CPW), impedance bandwidth, Monopole antenna, CST, radiation Field. The rectangular ring with coplanar waveguide feed as shown in figure 1. The antenna geometry consists of a patch, substrate, defected ground [6], and the coplanar waveguide feed. The design is, in such a way that patch and the coplanar wave guide is printed on same plane and substrate also has the single layer which makes antenna very simple to design [7].The single layer of a metallic structure and the substrate makes the proposed antenna very inexpensive. I INTRODUCTION . Miniaturization of electronic devices has become main focus in recent development of technology. The electronics devices working on radio frequency required an efficient antenna design[1] while reducing the size of antenna. The features directivity, gain , radiation pattern should also be maintained while reducing the size of antenna. To get all these properties in a single antenna very few studies have been done on Omnidirectional field and high radiation efficiency qualities. II ANTENNA CONFIGURATION Antenna arrays are the basic constituents of smart antenna. The application of multiple elements enable these to produce the radiation characteristics [2]. The ability of an antenna array to steer or point its beams in the direction of the users in one of its most desire features [3]. If the number of rectangular cut slot patch antenna is increased, bandwidth can increase or decrease. In this paper, we have proposed a two antenna array that shows wide bandwidth at calculated frequency of 3.4 GHz. In this method we have achieved 1.3 GHz impedance bandwidth, so it can be utilized for other frequencies. The patch is rectangular in shape, in which wide rectangular cut slot is Fig. 1. Geometry of the proposed antenna Front view The antennas patch is a perfect electric conductor material (PEC), which radiates omnidirectional electric and magnetic fields in space mounted above the substrate. The patch length is 50mm and 50mm wide. These dimensions are achieved by the formulae of microstirp antenna designing [1], [8]. The fringing fields along the width can be modeled as radiating slots and electrically the patch of the micro strip antenna looks greater than its physical dimensions. radiation into space, but at the expense of larger element size . The material chosen for substrate is FR4 [11] which is lossy in nature. The electric permittivity value of substrate is 4.4 and this material is easily available. The size of the substrate is larger than patch and ground, its length and width is 50mm each having the height of 3mm. πΏπππ = πΏ + 2 × π©π³ π©πΏ = β × 0.42 Ζπππ = Ζ+1 2 (Ζ + 3)((π€/β) + 0.264) π€ (Ζ − 0.258)(( ) + 0.8) β + Ζ−1 2 × 1 2 √1 + 12 × β π€ In the above formula L is actual length and πΏeff is effective length of the patch. ∇L is expansion in length of antenna. Ζπππ is effective electric permittivity of substrate. π€ is width of substrate and β is the height . This formula is designed for determining the actual length and width of the patch. This designed antenna at centre frequency of 3.4 GHz has wider bandwidth where wide use of WLAN and WiMAX [9], [10]. Fig. 3. Geometry of the proposed antenna Back view. The ground is placed below the substrate which is modified ground structure [6],[12] which is perfect electric conductor quality, during simulation this type of structure shifts the frequency bandwidth. The length of the ground in y-direction is 30mm and width at x-direction is 50mm which is layered at the bottom of substrate. Coplanar waveguide is provided for excitation of electric field to patch [13], CPW is fixed at the same surface of patch. CPW feed is symmetric in dimension, which is matched to 50 ohm input impedance. By application of CPW introduces the resonance at the frequency of 3.4 GHz and can be optimized to extend the bandwidth for the antenna which is done in this paper. The achieved length of the CPW is 30mm and the width is 4mm, in this feed line inset feed cut is given, which helps antenna for perfect impedance matching point [14]. These inset feed slits have the dimension of 2mm length and 1mm width Fig.4 inset feed For designing of patch , copper metal is used which is lossy in nature and perfect electric conducting (PEC) property . Its electric and thermal conductivity are 5.8e+007[s/m] and 401[w/k/m] respectively. In the rectangular patch there is rectangular slot is cut away which reduces the total metal area of patch and helps in impedance matching. The size of slot is 18.32 mm long and 24.84mm wide which is etched out from middle. Substrate is placed between the patch and the ground, the surface waves concentrate in it which helps antenna energy to intensify. There are numerous substrates that can be used for the design of microstrip antennas and their dielectric constants are usually in the range of 2.2 < Ζπ < 12 . Most desirable for good antenna performance are thick substrates , dielectric constant is in the lower end of the range because they provide better efficiency, larger bandwidth, loosely bound fields for TABLE FOR ANTENNA DIMENTION Parameters Substract Length Substract Width Substract Height Ground Length Ground Width Patch Length Patch Width Feed Length Feed Width Inset Slit s1 Inset Slit s2 Port SL SW SH GL GW PL PW FL FW S1 S2 Dimensions in mm 50 50 3 30.1 50 20.32 26.84 30 4 2 1 Discrete III SIMULATED ELEMENT RESULTS OF SINGLE RETURN LOSS Fig. 7. Simulated electric field of single element antenna at 3.5 GHz Fig. 5. Simulated and measured return losses of single element antenna. 3- D PATTERN :- VSWR Fig.6 simulated 3-D Pattern of single element antenna Electric field Intensity in patch :- Fig. 8. Simulated VSWR of single element antenna E- FIELD :- designed in the single substrate and ground material, the design dimensions below- Parameters Substrate length Substrate width Substrate height Ground Length Ground Width SAL SAW SAH GAL GAW Dimensions in mm 50 100 3 30 100 The simulation results of antenna at high frequency able to radiate at omi-directional field pattern the features shows the antenna has capability to perform in wireless communication system environment. Three dimensional radiation pattern is shown belowH- FIELD :V SIMULATION RESULTS OF ARRAY RETURN LOSS Fig. 9. Simulated and measured radiation patterns of single element antenn a at 3.5 GHz IV TWO ELEMENT ARRAY DESIGNING Fig. 11. Simulation result of return loss for 2 element array antenna . 3-D PATTERN :- Fig. 10. Geometry of two element array antenna After simulation and optimization of single element antenna, Two element antenna array is analyzed in CST microwave software. Two elements antenna is achieved by placed single element antenna side by side having distance of lambda wavelength , both the antennas are excited simultaneously so the single radiation pattern is achieved. Antenna array is Fig. 12 3- D pattern of 2 element array antenna E- FIELD :- conclude the best element for the use in our field. Seeing the result element two and four they both have the approximately similar bandwidth but they have different values for Gain and Directivity, on Single Element of antenna shows the very less bandwidth in comparison to above two elements where it gives deepest dip of S11 return loss. The Array Design of Three and Four elements models are shown below. H- FIELD :- Fig. 14. Geometry of 3 element array antenna Fig. 13. Simulated and measured radiation patterns of 2 element array antenna at 3.5 GHz The above Array of three elements is shown above have the three patches and three ground surfaces where single substrate is placed between them they all are kept in side by side. The Dimension of patch and ground are already defined the dimension substrate has been increased due to arrangement of array which is 170mm and no of port are also increased by three. And array of four elements is shown below which consist of four ground and four patches elements, where it also consists four port whose result parameters are shown in table no. The dimensions of patch and ground are predefined but here substrate width and length is 100 mm respectively PARAMETER OF BOTH ANTENNA Parameter Bandwidth Gain Directivity Return Loss Radiation Efficiency VI SingleElement 424 MHz 4.1 dB 4.6 dB -40 dB -0.56 dB Array Antenna 1.18 GHz 5.4 dB 5.9 dB -27 dB -5.4 dB DESIGN OF THREE AND FOUR ELEMENT ARRAY ANTENNA After the analysis of single and double element of the model is simulated with the three and four elements, where these two are also the array of single elements. The table below shows the comparative results for all the four antenna, they all are discredited by results of s11 return loss. Each Antenna gives the different radiation pattern and s11 results. As by the table we can Fig. 15. Geometry of 4 element array antenna four antennas two element antenna is use for mobile communication. So two array element antenna is best use for mobile communication. CONCLUSION These planar antennas are very easily manufactured and it’s fabrication from dielectric block for commercial use is convenient. Slot technique provides better impedance, which is shown in simulated design. For the application commercially slotted patch launches electric field as high efficient. Achieved gain over the range of S-band is attractive feature for antenna. This designed radio Antenna is for high power where Rf efficient radio equipped to transmit over 3.4GHz also compatible for various purposes. These results shows antennas could be developed for possible applications in several wireless systems like Wireless/PCS, Sattellite Radio , GPS, Sirius, WLAN ,Wide-Band RF Transmission and Antenna Remoting if properly scale to the allowed frequency bands. If the number of antenna is increases on a single substrate then bandwidth decrease and size increases. Fig. 16. Simulated result of return loss for different antenna REFERENCES , [1] COMPARISION OF ANTENNA ELEMENTS Parameters Frequency Band Feed method Bandwidth BW Range Gain Directivity ReturnLoss Rad. Effc. Substrate Applicat n I- Element 3.5GHz S Coplanar 420MHz 3.2-3.6 GHz 4.17 dB 4.8 dB -40.64 -0.66 dB Ζr-4.3 Wireless, Mobile,GPS VII II-Element 3.5GHz S Coplanar 1.2GHz 2.5-3.7GHz 5.43dB 5.97dB -27.23 -0.54 dB Ζr-4.3 Wireless, Mobile,GPS III-Element 3.5 GHz S Coplanar 120MHZ 3.2-3.6GHZ 5.4 5.7 UnMatched -0.8026 ------------- IV-Element 3.5 GHz S Coplanar 1Ghz 2.6-3.6Ghz 5.74 dB 6.31dB -23 -0.83 Ζr-4.3 Wireless, Mobile,GPS BALANIS C.A: ‘Antenna Theory and Analysis , John Wiley & Sons, 2005. [2] M.M.Islam , M.R.I.Farique, Hueyshin, J.S.Mandeep and T.Islam “Adouble inverted F-shape patch antenna for dual band operation” international journal of antenna and propagation , volume 2014(2014) ,Article ID791521 [3] L. C. Godara, “Applications of antenna arrays to mobile communications Part I. 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