Collection of adherence data June 11, 2012 Adherence data Document for discussion by EuroCoord WP4 Task 4.1, COHERE, ART-CC Among cohorts contributing to ART-CC, 2 types of adherence data are collected: prescription refill data and self-report data. If available, it would be useful to collect both types of adherence data in order to compare the 2 measures. The prescription refill data is already standardised and is long format data for each patient. The following variables should be collected: ID: Patient identifier date: date of the prescription refill drug_name: drug which was prescribed days_supply: how many days supply of the drug was supplied? For example: ID date drug_name days_supply 2110 05 Jan 05 COMBIVIR 300MG/150MG TAB 10 2110 05 Jan 05 VIRAMUNE 200MG TAB 10 2110 31 Jan 05 COMBIVIR 300MG/150MG TAB 90 2110 31 Jan 05 VIRAMUNE 200MG TAB 90 2110 29 Jun 05 COMBIVIR 300MG/150MG TAB 90 2110 29 Jun 05 VIRAMUNE 200MG TAB 90 Collection of these variables then gives flexibility around how to define adherence for different analyses. The self-report data is more problematic and varies over cohorts. Each cohort has a different way of collecting self-reported adherence data – it certainly differs over the 3 cohorts that have supplied self-report data. The US cohorts are quite similar to each other, but there are still differences between them. Questions are asked regarding different time frames, and also the options for answers are different – some of based on number of doses missed and some are based on number of days a dose of medication was missed. US cohorts ask if adherence is related to weekends/vacations/paydays. If cohorts already collect self-report data, there will be no easy way to standardise the reporting through a HICDEP format and therefore cohorts should be left free to enter data as collected. However, we suggest that the SHCS example could be used as a basic format for self-report data for cohorts introducing collection of adherence data. SHCS collects the following self-report data Variable name EXTERNAL_ID AD_DATE MISSED Description ART-CC ID number Date of the adherence questionnaire How often was a dose of ART missed in the last 4 weeks? IN_ROW Did you miss more than one dose in a row in the last 4 weeks? Format ddMONyyyy A=every day B=more than 1/week C=once a week D=once every two weeks E=once a month F=never 0=No 1=Yes missing Collection of adherence data June 11, 2012 For completeness, here are the formats used by Washington (and other CNICS cohorts) and VACS. Washington Question How many doses of your medications did you miss in the last 4 days? Did you miss any of your medication last weekend - last Saturday or Sunday? When was the last time you missed any of your medications? How many doses of your medications did you miss in the last 7 days? How many doses of your medication did you miss in the last 14 days? How many doses of your medication did you miss in the last 30 days? How many doses of your medication did you miss in the last 60 days? Values >4 4 3 2 1 0 Yes/No in the past week 1-2 weeks ago 2-4 weeks ago 1-3 months ago more than 3 months ago never skip medications >4 4 3 2 1 0 >15 11 to 15 9 to 10 7 to 8 6 to 7 4 to 5 2 to 3 1 0 >15 11 to 15 9 to 10 7 to 8 6 to 7 4 to 5 2 to 3 1 0 >15 11 to 15 9 to 10 7 to 8 6 to 7 4 to 5 2 to 3 1 0 Collection of adherence data Over the past 3 months, how many days have you not taken any medicine at all? In the past 4 weeks, how was your ability to take all of your anti-HIV medication? Mark the point along the line that most closely reflects how much of your HIV medication? June 11, 2012 >15 11 to 15 9 to 10 7 to 8 6 to 7 4 to 5 2 to 3 1 0 Very poor Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent Range 0-100 VACS baseline questions 102. During the past 4 days, on how many days have you missed taking any of your doses? 0 NONE 0 ONE DAY 0 TWO DAYS 0 THREE DAYS 0 FOUR DAYS 103. Most anti-HIV medications need to be taken on a schedule, such as "2 times a day," or "3 times a day," or "every 8 hours." How closely did you follow your specific schedule over the last four days? 0 NEVER 0 SOME OF THE TIME 0 ABOUT HALF OF THE TIME 0 MOST OF THE TIME 0 ALL OF THE TIME 104. Did you miss any of your anti-HIV medication last weekend--last Saturday or Sunday? 0 YES 0 NO 105. When was the last time you missed any of your HIV medications? WITHIN THE PAST WEEK 0 1 - 2 WEEKS AGO 0 2 - 4 WEEKS AGO 0 1 - 3 MONTHS AGO 0 OVER 3 MONTHS AGO 0 NEVER SKIPPED Please fill in the oval of the one response that best describes how you take your medications. 63. In the past 12 months, when you take your HIV medications, how often do you take all the medications you're supposed to? 0 NEVER 0 SOME OF THE TIME 0 ABOUT HALF OF THE TIME 0 MOST OF THE TIME 0 ALL OF THE TIME Collection of adherence data June 11, 2012 64. In the past 12 months, is there a particular medication that you are more likely to miss than the others? 0 YES If yes, do any of these reasons explain why? 0 NO YES NO I have to take it at an inconvenient time 0 0 I have to worry about taking it with or without food 0 0 I don't like the side effects 0 0 The pill is hard to swallow or tastes bad 0 0 65. Do you ever stop taking your medications for a while or take a "drug holiday" that was not recommended by your doctor? 0 NEVER 0 LESS THAN MONTHLY 0 MONTHLY 0 WEEKLY 0 MORE THAN WEEKLY If you do stop taking your medications for a while, A. How often is this something you do on purpose? 0 0 0 0 0 NEVER SOME OF THE TIME ABOUT HALF OF THE TIME MOST OF THE TIME ALL OF THE TIME B. How long does it last for? 0 0 0 0 0 2 DAYS 3 OR 4 DAYS BETWEEN 5 AND 7 DAYS BETWEEN 1 WEEK AND 1 MONTH MORE THAN 1 MONTH C. Does it tend to occur around the following times? WEEKENDS: 0 0 0 0 NEVER SOME OF THE TIME ABOUT HALF OF THE TIME MOST OF THE TIME VACATIONS: 0 0 0 0 NEVER SOME OF THE TIME ABOUT HALF OF THE TIME MOST OF THE TIME Collection of adherence data 0 ALL OF THE TIME June 11, 2012 0 ALL OF THE TIME PAYDAYS (WHEN YOU RECEIVE EMPLOYER OR GOVERNMENT CHECKS): 0 0 0 0 0 NEVER SOME OF THE TIME ABOUT HALF OF THE TIME MOST OF THE TIME ALL OF THE TIME ********************************************************************************** FU5 92. For some people it is difficult to always take medications as the doctor prescribes. Thinking back on the last month, on average how would you rate your ability to take ALL of your HIV medications as your doctor prescribed them? 0 0 0 EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD 0 0 0 FAIR POOR VERY POOR