Make Your Mark on Madison Student Directors

Make Your Mark on Madison
2016 Student Director Application
What is Make Your Mark on Madison?
Make Your Mark on Madison is a leadership development program offered through the
Office of Student Activities and Involvement, an office that serves as a resource and
governance to student organizations on campus. In 2015, 105 participants (freshmen
and sophomores) were selected to participate in a leadership education program led by
junior and senior Leadership Counselors. The participants attended a one-day retreat in
September, and sessions every Monday night from 7:00PM-9:00PM with a different
topic each week varying from Personal Values with Dr. Mark Warner, Vice President of
Student Affairs to learning about Diversity issues with Dr. Matt Lee (the schedule of
specific programs can be found on our website:
What is the responsibility of the Student Directors?
The Student Directors are responsible for all aspects of the Make Your Mark on Madison
program. They work closely with Kristin Muncy, Associate Director of University
Unions for the Office of Student Activities and Involvement, to develop a leadership
curriculum, train 20 Leadership Counselors during the Spring semester, and oversee all
day to day aspects of the Make Your Mark on Madison program. It is the job of the
Student Directors to provide leadership and vision for participants, upperclassmen
counselors, and the future of the program.
Time Commitments & Compensation
Primary time responsibilities include weekly one-on-one meetings with Kristin Muncy,
at least ten office hours per week, and attendance at all MYMOM training sessions and
meetings. Please see the position description for additional information. Compensation
will be provided for the Student Directors. At this time, the budget is still being
formulated for next year, so exact amounts will be determined in the near future.
We are looking for two dedicated students who will make MYMOM a top priority, have a
vision for the program, have strong group facilitation and communication skills, and
serve complimentary to one another. Students must be enrolled at JMU through Fall
2016 semester to be considered. It is not a requirement to have served as a
Leadership Counselor or have been a participant in the program.
Any questions about the position should be referred to:
Lauren McParland and Adam Parker
2015 Student Directors
Make Your Mark on Madison Student Directors:
Position Description
Spring 2016 Responsibilities
Recruitment Responsibilities:
- Develop a recruitment timeline
- Create and implement a Leadership Counselor information session
- Develop flyers & advertising materials for Leadership Counselor recruitment
- Get the word out to a variety of organizations and groups on campus
- Schedule Leadership Counselor interviews and maintain contact with applicants
- Contact old Student Directors to assist with Leadership Counselor interviews
Logistics & Training Responsibilities:
- Reserve rooms for Leadership Counselor Interviews
- Draft a Spring training schedule for the newly selected Leadership Counselors
- Review participant and counselor evaluations and create a draft of the Fall 2016
Programming Schedule to present to Kristin Muncy
- Contact possible presenters
- Find and book Leadership Counselor retreat location
- Handle retreat logistics (travel, food, etc.)
- Coordinate binders/office supplies
- Book rooms/locations for Monday Night training meetings
- Maintain files
Other Responsibilities:
- Meet one-on-one weekly with Kristin Muncy to discuss progress and goals
- Design Leadership Counselor application
- Participate in the interview and selection process of the 2016 MYMOM
Leadership Counselors along with the 2015 Student Directors and Kristin Muncy
- Review Leadership Counselor applications
- Develop retreat schedule/content/activities
- Book a location for on-campus fall retreat location
- Approve final programming schedule with Kristin Muncy: one training schedule
for the Leadership Counselors in the Spring, and one program schedule for the
participants in the Fall
- Develop Monday Night Leadership Counselor Training sessions
- Facilitate Monday Night Leadership Counselor Training sessions
- Plan and hold a Leadership Counselor interest meeting for potential applicants to
answer questions
Any questions about the position should be referred to:
Lauren McParland and Adam Parker
2015 Student Directors
Fall 2016 Responsibilities
Recruitment Responsibilities:
- Develop participant recruitment timeline
- Create draft of an application for approval by Kristin Muncy
- Develop flyers & advertising materials for participant recruitment
- Schedule participant interviews and maintain contact with applicants
- Coordinate scheduling of MYMOM Leadership Counselors and Student Directors
for interviews
Logistics & Training Responsibilities:
- Reserve rooms for participant interviews
- Maintain contact with presenters, sending reminder e-mails and coordinating
their needs
- Make weekly contact with Leadership Counselors, with information about each
weekly presentation
- Find and book participant retreat location
- Handle retreat logistics (travel, food, etc.)
- Coordinate binders/office supplies
- Book rooms/locations for Monday Night meetings
- Maintain files
Other Responsibilities:
- Design participant application and interview
- Review participant applications with Leadership Counselors
- Participate in the interview and selection process of the 2016 MYMOM
participants along with the 2016 Leadership Counselors and Kristin Muncy
- Develop retreat schedule/content/activities
- Perform TA responsibilities in a leadership class for the Leadership Counselors
during the Fall Semester (HRD475)
- Write thank you notes to presenters after Monday nights
- Handle day to day logistics of program
- Keep track of apparel inventory
- Plan and book the end of the semester banquet for the participants
- Recruit and interview 2017 Student Directors at the end of the fall program
Any questions about the position should be referred to:
Lauren McParland and Adam Parker
2015 Student Directors
Make Your Mark on Madison
2016 Student Director
Academic Year:
Short Answer Questions - please answer three of the four Short Answer
Questions and limit total response to 3 pages. Be creative!
1. What is your vision for Make Your Mark on Madison?
2. What has been your most influential/rewarding JMU experience?
3. Describe a time when you were in a leadership position where you supervised a
group of peers. What was the most challenging part of this for you? What did you
learn from this experience?
4. What do you hope to learn from this position?
Personal Statement – please limit response to 1 page. Be creative!
Why do you want to be a Make Your Mark on Madison Student Director? What
draws you to the position? What do you feel like you could bring?
Availability and 2016 Commitments
1. Please attach a list of your extracurricular, work and academic commitments for
Spring 2016 and Fall 2017.
2. Please attach your availability for the week of Monday, December 1Friday, December 5 so that we can schedule an individual interview
for you.
A paper copy of the application is due Friday, November 20th by 5:00PM
in the Student Activities and Involvement Office (Madison Union 320).
Selected candidates will be invited to interview Monday, November 30-Friday,
December 4.
Any questions about the position should be referred to:
Lauren McParland and Adam Parker
2015 Student Directors