Lesson Plan Template - studentteacherspring2012

This week is Benchmark testing for my students at Harlandale High School.
I have included lesson plans for the four days, Monday thru Thursday, when
I will have students. The testing takes place during the morning and I only
meet two classes those four days in the afternoon.
I meet periods 1 & 2 on Monday and Wednesday
I meet periods 7 & 8 on Tuesday and Thursday
I have included then only two separate lesson plans for the following week.
If you would like to me to go back and include anything else please let me
know. Thanks.
Lesson Plan
What type of lesson is this? Student Centered
Date: February 20th, 2012
Audience/Grade: 10 grade
Subject: English
Duration: 50 minutes
Analysis of Learner: The student will need the skills necessary to operate a computer. The
student will also require an active email address and knowledge of how to search online for
classroom appropriate material.
State Standard(s): (15) Writing/Expository and Procedural Texts. Students write
expository and procedural or work-related texts to communicate ideas and information to
specific audiences for specific purposes. Students are expected to:
(D) produce a multimedia presentation (e.g., documentary, class newspaper, docudrama,
infomercial, visual or textual parodies, theatrical production) with graphics, images, and
sound that conveys a distinctive point of view and appeals to a specific audience.
Objectives: Given materials, computer with internet access and explicit instructions, the student
will be able to create a Prezi presentation which accurately reflects understanding of the
The student will be able to present the Prezi to the class effectively appealing to their specific
Materials/Weblinks/Citations: Prezi.com
Students will also visit google.com/images to save and paste pictures for their presentations
Anticipatory set ----------------------------------------------------- Estimated time: 20 minutes
Students will be shown Prezis finished by both instructors during the weekend. These
presentations will be examples for the students to follow. The students will need to establish an
email account if they do not already have one. The students will also be creating their own Prezi
accounts and registering online. The students will share a computer with another classmate.
This will facilitate students asking their classmate if they are stuck or have any questions during
this part of the class period.
Body-------------------------------------------------------------------Estimated time: 25 minutes
Students will spend this time searching for images they can use to represent the information they
are choosing to share on the Prezi with their classmates. Students will work together in pairs as
the instructor circles the room offering assistance and guidance to any students struggling with
the online activity.
Closure---------------------------------------------------------------Estimated time: 5 minutes
Students will wrap up by saving their progress and reviewing for a few minutes any opportunity
to expand the lesson with the teacher. Students at this point will also be given an opportunity, if
they have not had one during the class, to discuss their project with other classmates.
Students will be responsible for saving their work and providing a link to the teacher at the end
of the class period.
Lesson Plan
What type of lesson is this? Student Centered
Date: February 21th, 2012
Audience/Grade: 10 grade
Subject: English
Duration: 50 minutes
Analysis of Learner: The student will need the skills necessary to operate a computer. The
student will also require an active email address and knowledge of how to search online for
classroom appropriate material.
State Standard(s): (15) Writing/Expository and Procedural Texts. Students write
expository and procedural or work-related texts to communicate ideas and information to
specific audiences for specific purposes. Students are expected to:
(D) produce a multimedia presentation (e.g., documentary, class newspaper, docudrama,
infomercial, visual or textual parodies, theatrical production) with graphics, images, and
sound that conveys a distinctive point of view and appeals to a specific audience.
Objectives: Given materials, computer with internet access and explicit instructions, the student
will be able to create a Prezi presentation which accurately reflects understanding of the
The student will be able to present the Prezi to the class effectively appealing to their specific
Materials/Weblinks/Citations: Prezi.com
Students will also visit google.com/images to save and paste pictures for their presentations
Anticipatory set ----------------------------------------------------- Estimated time: 10 minutes
Students will be given time at the beginning of class to ask any questions which have come up
since the last meeting. This time will also be given for setup and logging in. Students will be
given a few minutes to make any last minute adjustments to their Prezi.
Body-------------------------------------------------------------------Estimated time: 35 minutes
Students will be responsible for presenting their Prezi. The students will be asked for volunteers
and then picked randomly until all students have gone. The presentations will be kept to no
more than 2 minutes, with some time available for each student to log on and off at the front of
the room. This way the presentation can be given from the projector. Not all students will
present on the final day. Those who do not will be responsible for providing the instructor a link
to their Prezi for review.
Closure---------------------------------------------------------------Estimated time: 5 minutes
Students will wrap up by reviewing what they have learned with the instructor. This will be a
time for students to share what they learned and how the time might have been better spent to
facilitate learning.
Students will be responsible for presenting their work or providing the teacher a copy of their
Prezi online.
Lesson Plan
What type of lesson is this? Student Centered
Date: February 22th, 2012
Audience/Grade: 10 grade
Subject: English
Duration: 50 minutes
Analysis of Learner: The student will need the skills necessary to operate a computer. The
student will also require an active email address and knowledge of how to search online for
classroom appropriate material.
State Standard(s): (15) Writing/Expository and Procedural Texts. Students write
expository and procedural or work-related texts to communicate ideas and information to
specific audiences for specific purposes. Students are expected to:
(D) produce a multimedia presentation (e.g., documentary, class newspaper, docudrama,
infomercial, visual or textual parodies, theatrical production) with graphics, images, and
sound that conveys a distinctive point of view and appeals to a specific audience.
Objectives: Given materials, computer with internet access and explicit instructions, the student
will be able to create a Prezi presentation which accurately reflects understanding of the
The student will be able to present the Prezi to the class effectively appealing to their specific
Materials/Weblinks/Citations: Prezi.com
Students will also visit google.com/images to save and paste pictures for their presentations
Anticipatory set ----------------------------------------------------- Estimated time: 20 minutes
Students will be shown Prezis finished by both instructors during the weekend. These
presentations will be examples for the students to follow. The students will need to establish an
email account if they do not already have one. The students will also be creating their own Prezi
accounts and registering online. The students will share a computer with another classmate.
This will facilitate students asking their classmate if they are stuck or have any questions during
this part of the class period.
Body-------------------------------------------------------------------Estimated time: 25 minutes
Students will spend this time searching for images they can use to represent the information they
are choosing to share on the Prezi with their classmates. Students will work together in pairs as
the instructor circles the room offering assistance and guidance to any students struggling with
the online activity.
Closure---------------------------------------------------------------Estimated time: 5 minutes
Students will wrap up by saving their progress and reviewing for a few minutes any opportunity
to expand the lesson with the teacher. Students at this point will also be given an opportunity, if
they have not had one during the class, to discuss their project with other classmates.
Students will be responsible for saving their work and providing a link to the teacher at the end
of the class period.
Lesson Plan
What type of lesson is this? Student Centered
Date: February 23th, 2012
Audience/Grade: 10 grade
Subject: English
Duration: 50 minutes
Analysis of Learner: The student will need the skills necessary to operate a computer. The
student will also require an active email address and knowledge of how to search online for
classroom appropriate material.
State Standard(s): (15) Writing/Expository and Procedural Texts. Students write
expository and procedural or work-related texts to communicate ideas and information to
specific audiences for specific purposes. Students are expected to:
(D) produce a multimedia presentation (e.g., documentary, class newspaper, docudrama,
infomercial, visual or textual parodies, theatrical production) with graphics, images, and
sound that conveys a distinctive point of view and appeals to a specific audience.
Objectives: Given materials, computer with internet access and explicit instructions, the student
will be able to create a Prezi presentation which accurately reflects understanding of the
The student will be able to present the Prezi to the class effectively appealing to their specific
Materials/Weblinks/Citations: Prezi.com
Students will also visit google.com/images to save and paste pictures for their presentations
Anticipatory set ----------------------------------------------------- Estimated time: 10 minutes
Students will be given time at the beginning of class to ask any questions which have come up
since the last meeting. This time will also be given for setup and logging in. Students will be
given a few minutes to make any last minute adjustments to their Prezi.
Body-------------------------------------------------------------------Estimated time: 35 minutes
Students will be responsible for presenting their Prezi. The students will be asked for volunteers
and then picked randomly until all students have gone. The presentations will be kept to no
more than 2 minutes, with some time available for each student to log on and off at the front of
the room. This way the presentation can be given from the projector. Not all students will
present on the final day. Those who do not will be responsible for providing the instructor a link
to their Prezi for review.
Closure---------------------------------------------------------------Estimated time: 5 minutes
Students will wrap up by reviewing what they have learned with the instructor. This will be a
time for students to share what they learned and how the time might have been better spent to
facilitate learning.
Students will be responsible for presenting their work or providing the teacher a copy of their
Prezi online.