Dr. Cook #7 DAY 2 Friday, May 1, 2015 Criteria of Course Completion: All participants must sign-in in the morning and after lunch, attend the course, and participate in group discussions, question and answer periods and complete this course evaluation form. Self-Assessment of Learning Date: May 1, 2015 2015 General & Special Education Conference-San Antonio Course Title: Addressing Students’ Social, Emotional, And Behavioral Needs To Create The Foundation For Academic Success: Tier 1 Within A Multi-Tiered System Of Supports By Clayton R. Cook, PhD, University of Washington Participant’s Name:_________________________________________________________________________ Check one: ___I am an educator ___ I am a school leader/supervisor Circle the number that corresponds to the value with which you agree with the following statements. (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3=neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 =strongly agree) As a result of this course, I am better able to: 1. Describe the foundational ingredients to promoting students social, emotional, and academic success 1 2 (strongly disagree) 3 5 (strongly agree) 4 (neutral) 2. Describe how to begin to prepare to implement an integrated system of supports to prevent 1 (strongly disagree) 2 3 (neutral) 4 5 (strongly agree) 3. Describe how to implement Intentional practices to establish, maintain, and restore positive relationships 1 (strongly disagree) 2 3 (neutral) 4 5 (strongly agree) 4. Describe how to develop a plan to implement Proactive Classroom Management Practices 1 (strongly disagree) 2 3 (neutral) 4 5 (strongly agree) 5. Explain how to organize a team to begin implementing or make refinements to School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports 1 (strongly disagree) 2 3 (neutral) 4 5 (strongly agree) 6. Explain the importance of adopting Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Growth Mindset Curricula to promote student well-being 1 (strongly disagree) 2 3 (neutral) 4 5 (strongly agree) 1 Dr. Cook #7 DAY 2 Friday, May 1, 2015 7. Describe why a progressive system of responding to problem behavior is a necessary ingredient to effective schooling 1 (strongly disagree) 2 3 (neutral) 5 (strongly agree) 4 Overall Professional Development Survey Questions: This course provided examples of how to improve assessment skills and/or how to analyze and use data for instructional decision-making? 1 2 3 4 5 (poor) (average) (Excellent) Information presented in this course will help me work more effectively with parents and team members/educators. 1 2 3 4 5 (poor) (average) (Excellent) Information presented in this course was based on scientific research and/or evidence-based practices. 1 2 (poor) 3 4 (average) 5 (Excellent) Overall Conference Rating Only complete this section on the last day you are attending the conference and rate the overall conference event. Overall clarity of session objectives 1 2 (poor) Effectiveness of presentation method by speakers 1 2 (poor) Quality of oral presentations 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 (poor) 3 3 3 2 3 3 (average) 5 (Excellent) 4 5 (Excellent) 4 5 (Excellent) 4 5 (Excellent) 4 (average) 2 5 4 (average) (poor) Usefulness of subject matter presented 3 (Excellent) (average) (poor) Organization of the event 4 (average) (poor) Quality of written/digital materials provided 3 5 (Excellent) (average) (poor) Opportunity for interaction within the sessions 4 (average) (poor) Instructors' command of subject matter 3 (average) 5 (Excellent) 4 5 (Excellent) What did you learn during this conference that will be useful in your practice/classroom/job? List course topic suggestions and/or speakers recommendations for the 2016 Education Conference and how we can improve this activity? 2