M300 - Detailed Design Document Section 1. Summary Please save this document with this naming standard on the K: drive in: \share\ PS Upgrade Docs\ <appropriate release>\<by CPU>\2-Detail Design folder Doc. naming standard: CPU_ Module or Product Area _ Process _Sub Process (if needed) _Mod ID (i.e. FIN_GL_POCreation_10032002) Delete sections of this document that do not apply. A. Unit Information: CPU: Software Version: Product Area: Process: Sub Process: Modification Identifier: B. Impacts i. Impacts of Modification to: Change Management Security Database Tuning Data Warehouse Permission Lists Upgrade Conversion Interfaces (External Systems) Define:__________________ Cross-Team Integration Affected Product Areas:_________________ Other Affected Areas:_________________ ii. Groups Potentially Impacted: Data Delivery Data Administration Performance Support Security/Access Services TIO/AIG User Services Cross-Team Business Process Owner System Owner User Group C. Short Description of Modification/Business Reason: M300 - Detailed Design Document D. Assumptions: Include all assumptions made as part of the detailed design. E. Related Document References: (i.e. Business Process Doc, Fit/Gap, MSR, or any other documents that record changes to this software modification) F. Summary of Modifications By Object Type Type of Object Object Name Short Description Action (Add, Change, Delete) G. Detailed Description of Modifications/Program flow: (English language description from technical viewpoint) H. Open Issues: List Work Unit open issues. No open issues should remain at sign off. I. Process Flow Diagram Insert a Visio Flow Chart illustrating impacted objects within the functional process J. Estimate to complete (Code/Unit Test) modification: XX Estimated days to complete 2/9/2016 2:42 AM 2 Upgrade Detailed Design Document <3 Letter User Initials> M300 - Detailed Design Document Section 2. A. Description of Modifications FIELD CHARACTERISTICS & TRANSLATE TABLE (XLAT) VALUES 1. Field Characteristics & Translate Values Description: 2. Field Characteristics & Translate Values Definition: Translate Values Field Characteristics Mod Type (New/Rev) 2/9/2016 2:42 AM Name Type Length Label ID Long Name 3 M300 - Detailed Design Document Valid Value Short Name Other Info Mod Type (New/Rev) <Letter User Initials> Value Eff. Date Long Name Short Name M300 - Detailed Design Document B. RECORDS 1. Record Type (SQL Table, SQL View, Dynamic View, Derived/Work, Subrecord, Query View, TempTable, Non-Standard SQL Table Name): 2. Record Description: 3. Record Definition: Record Name: Set Control Field: Mod. Type Field Parent Record: Key Order Dir. Mod Type (New/Rev): Record Type: Related Language Record: Query Security Record: Cur. SQL: Audit Record & Actions: Use Edit Search Prompt Table List Audit Default Req. Edit 4. PeopleCode Description: 5. PeopleCode Definition: Record Name: Mod. Type Field 2/9/2016 2:42 AM Record Type: Type Parent Record: People Code Event 4 <Letter User Initials> M300 - Detailed Design Document Res. Date Event People Code? M300 - Detailed Design Document C. PAGES *Pages were named “Panels” and Components were named “Panel Groups “ prior to PS version 8.X 1. Page Description: 2. Page Definition: Page Name: Mod. Type (New/Revised): Source Name if Page was Cloned: Style Sheet: Background: Allow Deferred Processing: Record Mod Type (New/Rev) Page Cntl Type (Scroll Area, Edit Box, etc.) 2/9/2016 2:42 AM Record Name Field Name Label Other Record Options 5 M300 - Detailed Design Document Text Other Label Options <Letter User Initials> Use General Use Options General Options M300 - Detailed Design Document D. COMPONENTS * Pages were named “Panels” and Components were named “Panel Groups“ prior to PS version 8.X 1. Component Description: 2. Component Definition: Component Name: Mod. Type (New/Rev): Component Definition Mod. Type (New/Rev) Page Name Item Name Hide Menu Item Label Folder Tab Label Component Name: Allow Def. Processing Mod. Type (New/Rev): Use Properties 3-tier Exec Mod. Type (New/Rev) E. Search Record Add Search Rcord Detail Action(s) Comp Build MENUS 2/9/2016 2:42 AM 6 M300 - Detailed Design Document <Letter User Initials> Comp Save M300 - Detailed Design Document * Pages were named “Panels” and Components were named “Panel Groups “ prior to PS version 8.X 1. Intended Audience/Role/Permission List: 2. Menu Description: 3. Menu Definition: Menu Name: Menu Type: Menu Group: Menu Group Order: Mod Type (New/Rev): Menu Label: Menu Order: Installed? Menu Item Type Mod Type Name Label People Code? (Pop-Up) Associated Component Pages in Component Bar Item Search Record Override 4. PeopleCode Description: 5. PeopleCode Definition: Mod. Type F. Menu Item Type People Code Event APPLICATION ENGINE 2/9/2016 2:42 AM 7 <Letter User Initials> M300 - Detailed Design Document Search Record Name Label M300 - Detailed Design Document 1. Application Engine Description: 2. Application Engine Definition: Program Name: Mod Type (New or Revised): Section(s) Section Name: Mod. Type Market Section Description: Platform Eff. Date Eff. Status Section Type Auto Commit Access Comment Step(s) Step Name: Mod. Type Commit After Step Description: Frequency On Error Active Comment Action(s) SQL Mod. Type Description ReUse Statement No Row ReUse Statement Type SQL Select Mod. Type F. Description APPLICATION ENGINE (Continued:) 2/9/2016 2:42 AM 8 <Letter User Initials> M300 - Detailed Design Document M300 - Detailed Design Document Action(s) Cont’d Iterative SQL Select (Do When, Do While, Do Until ) Mod. Type Description Reuse Statement Action Type PeopleCode Mod Type Description: On Return: Call Section Mod Type Description Section Name Program ID Log Message Mod Type Description Message Set G. QUERIES 1. Query Description: 2. Query Definition: 2/9/2016 2:42 AM 9 <Letter User Initials> M300 - Detailed Design Document Number Parameters M300 - Detailed Design Document H. BUSINESS PROCESS DESIGNER 1. 2. 3. Business Process Map Name (Provide if known): Business Process Name: Modification Type (New or Revised): 4. 5. 6. 7. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Business Process: (There may be multiple Activities for each Business Process. Repeat items 5 through 7 for each Activity.) Activity Name: Modification Type (New or Revised): Activity Overview: WORKFLOW Activity Name that contains Workflow: Workflow Type (Panel Only, Database Agent, Other): Initiating Step or Agent Name: Modification Type (New or Revised): Database Agent: a. b. c. 6. Database Agent Query Name: Run Frequency: Run Volume (average rows per run): Worklist Routing Instructions: a. b. c. d. e. Worklist Record Name: Trigger Record on Initiating Page (“Panel” prior to ver. 8.X): Trigger Event PeopleCode: Worklist Target Page Name and Action: Target Page Search Record: 7. Workflow Roles: Role Type (Query, User List) Role Name Description of role 8. Workflow Rules: Business Process Name 2/9/2016 2:42 AM Approval Rule Name Effective Date Approving Role Equally Authorized Role(s) 10 M300 - Detailed Design Document Step Path Rule Description <Letter User Initials> M300 - Detailed Design Document Section 3. A. Batch Modifications PROGRAM (Complete a page for each new/modified program) 1. Program Name: 2. Program Type (COBOL, PLI, SQR, other - specify.): 3. Modification Type (New or Revised): 4. Program Inputs: Modification Type (N=New,R=Revised, D=Deleted) Input Type (File, Table, Other [specify]) Input Name 5. Program Outputs: Modification Type (N=New,R=Revised, D=Deleted) Output Type (Report, File, Table) Output Name Description of Input (Optional-Attach Record Layout for new file) Description of Output 6. Input File Layout Delete if there is no input file Field Field Type Length Displacement Comments Displacement Comments 7. Output File Layout Delete if there is no output file Field 2/9/2016 2:42 AM Field Type Length 11 M300 - Detailed Design Document <Letter User Initials> M300 - Detailed Design Document A. PROGRAM (Continued - Complete a page for each new/modified program) 8. Program Logic: Designer needs to include dependencies and impact of other programs when adding/modifying functionality. Program flow should be written using sentences and phrases, not documenting program code, i.e. SQL statements. a. Report Selection Criteria: 9. b. Report Sort Order: c. Report Break Logic: Commit/restart processing: 10. Control and Run-to-run statistics: 11. Process Scheduler Information: a. Page Component Name: b. Process Security Group: 12. Report Scheduling/Execution Instructions: a. Report Initiation: b. c. d. Execution Frequency: Estimated Execution Time: Processing Parameters: e. Process Scheduler Options (Check one): ___User execution on the server (Batch) ___SYSADM execution on the server (Batch) 13. Document Management/Report Distribution Requirements a. Indicate frequency of distribution of this SQR, how long paper or electronic copies of report should be maintained, etc. b. c. d. e. f. Estimated number of pages: Number of copies distributed: Media: Retention: Security Requirements: i. Include Log: (Y/N) ii. Page Security: (Y/N) iii. Page Security Data: (table. fieldname, group name, permission level, page security set, … ) iv. Folder Name: (personal, department, group, … ) v. Generations: (nn) 2/9/2016 2:42 AM 12 M300 - Detailed Design Document <Letter User Initials> Report Layout: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 . . . 36 37 38 39 40 41 47 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Report ID: $$$$999 REPORT TITLE Page No. 999 Run Date 99/99/99 Run Time 99:99:99 ***Fields: *(1) *(2) Section 4. A. Suggested Unit Testing Approach TEST APPROACH Include your unit test plan here. B. POTENTIAL TEST CONDITIONS Please list all test conditions. C. POTENTIAL TEST DATA Please list test data. 2/9/2016 2:42 AM 13 M300 - Detailed Design Document <Letter User Initials> M300 - Detailed Design Document Section 5. Modification history Log Each time a change is made, a line should be added here. Date Section 6. Name Software version Description (This is a sentence, link or reference to an MSR # if applicable) Sign off and Approval Sign-offs and approvals are specified within each CPU. User Acceptance: (Only used when a business process is changed) Signature ____________________________________Role_________________Date _________ Business Process Analyst Acceptance: Signature ____________________________________Role_________________Date _________ Technical Lead Acceptance: Signature ____________________________________Role_________________Date _________ Product Manager Acceptance: Signature ____________________________________Role_________________Date _________ Cross-Team Acceptance (if needed): Signature ____________________________________Role_________________Date _________ Signature ____________________________________Role_________________Date _________ 2/9/2016 2:42 AM 14 M300 - Detailed Design Document <Letter User Initials>