Student Handbook - Pathfinder School

Educational Opportunities * Innovative Solutions * Leadership Excellence
Mission Statement
We maximize educational opportunities for all learners by responding to
the needs of our community with leading-edge, high-quality, costeffective programs and services.
Vision Statement
Educational excellence is a hallmark of our region with all learners having
access to the best services, enriching their lives and enabling their
contribution to a vibrant economy.
Early Arrival………………………………………………..……………………......3
Early Dismissal…………………………………………..……………………..……3
Late Arrival/Tardy……………………………………..…………………….…….3
Dress Code……………………………………………..…………………………..…4
Internet Policy………………………………………………………………..……..4
Cell Phones…………………………………………………………………..….……5
Weapons in the School…………………….…………………………..……….5
Student Code of Conduct……………………………………………..……….6
Student Rights……………………………….………………………….…..……..7
Student Responsibilities………………….…………………………………….9
Student Discipline………………………………………………………………….9
General School Rules……………………………………………………..……..9
Video Cameras…………………………………………………………………….11
Calming Down Room……………………………………………………….….11
Health Services……………………………..……………………………….……12
Immunization Requirements……………..………………….……….……13
Accident or Illness at School……………….…..……………………..……14
School Programs………………………………….…..…………………..……..14
Community Based Instruction…………………….…………………..…..15
Individualized Education Program (IEP)……..…………………..……16
Additional Information……………..………………………………………...16
Student Transportation………….…………………………………………...16
Student Records – Access and Confidentiality……………..……..17
School Lunch………………………….……………………………………..…….17
School Notices……………………………………..……………………………..17
Lost and Found…………………………………..……………………………….17
Emergency School Closing……………..…………………………………...18
Picture Taking……………………………………..………………………………18
Classroom Conferences and Visitations………….……………………18
Local Task Force…………………………………….…………………………...18
School Calendar…………………………………………………………………..19
The Compulsory School Attendance law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
requires every child of compulsory school age to be in school attendance unless
absent for an approved reason and charges the parents of the child with the
responsibility for the child’s school attendance. Compulsory school age refers to
the period of a child’s life from the time the child enters school as a beginner,
which may be no later than eight years of age, until the age of seventeen or
graduation from a high school, whichever occurs first.
All absences should be treated as unlawful until the school receives a written
excuse explaining the reason(s) for an absence. Parents/guardians and students
should submit the written explanation within three calendar days of the absence
and if they fail to provide a written excuse within three days of the absence, the
absence would be permanently counted as unlawful. A maximum of ten days of
cumulative lawful absences verified by parental notification may be permitted
during a school year. All absences beyond ten cumulative days require an excuse
from a physician.
School attendance is a very important aspect in obtaining a formal education.
Absences are detrimental to the individual education plans for your child.
However, on occasion, it is recognized that your child may be absent due to illness,
death in the family, or natural disaster. In order to comply with the Act VIII of
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania School Code a written excuse is mandatory.
Excessive, unexcused absences will be reported to the resident school district and
will be subject to the attendance policies and procedures of the resident school
A “Student Absentee Form” may be used and will enable our staff to be more
efficient in record keeping. When a student is absent from school, he/she will bring
a completed “Student Absentee Excuse” on the day he/she returns.
There are no early arrivals. Students will not be permitted into the building earlier
then 8:30 a.m.
EARLY DISMISSAL Students are not to leave the building without permission. A
written request is required for early dismissal. The request must list the reason, date,
time, and relationship of the person picking up the student. An adult must come
into the school office to sign for the release of that student.
When your child arrives late to school, you must report to the office to sign your
child in and secure an admittance slip.
A dress code is devised to establish a healthy, safe, and positive learning
environment. Proper dress is believed to be an avenue of transition for a successful
adult life. The following dress code will address these issues:
Students are expected to wear appropriate clothing at all times during
the school year.
No hats, Bandannas, doo rags, hoods, or coats are to be worn in the
building. Exception to wearing of headgear may be granted to an
Persistent coughing
Open bleeding/seeping wounds
Individual student be the administration for medical or religious reasons.
Low rider pants or baggy pants worn below the buttocks exposing
underwear including ‘thongs’ are not permitted.
Torn or ripped clothing showing underwear or exposure of midriff, thighs,
or private body parts are not to be worn. Spandex or other tight fitting
apparel, thank tops, halter tops, bare chest or midriff, or half-shirts and
other provocative apparels are prohibited.
Students for safety reasons, are not permitted to utilize the roller part of the
Heelee shoes during the school day, if violated they will not be permitted
to wear them to school.
Wallet chains and spikes on wristbands or collars are prohibited.
No student shall wear any apparel or jewelry that have words, signs,
picture or any combination thereof appearing on clothing or jewelry
advocating or promoting sexual activity, violence, or the use of alcohol,
drugs, demons or degrades another’s race, sex, religious persuasion,
national origin, handicap or disability.
Students will be expected to wear appropriate clothing required for
vocational and physical education classes determined by each
teacher’s specifications for their classroom.
The Allegheny Intermediate Unit Board of directors recognizes the Internet as a
valuable resource that promotes and enhances a student’s educational
experience. Experts for the Student Internet Acceptable Use policy series 5010
reads as follows:
Students shall not access an AIU computer technology prior to the
submitted completion of the Student Internet Acceptable Use
Authorization form by student, parent and/or guardian. An authorization
form will be provided to each parent/student.
Students shall not access inappropriate material on the Internet, including
pornography, obscenity, child pornography, or other materials may be
“harmful to minors”.
Students shall not use electronic mail (email).
Students shall not use chat rooms.
Students shall not use forms of direct electronic communications (such as
newsgroups and instant messaging).
Student shall not engage in unauthorized access of computers, including
Students shall not engage in unlawful activities.
Students shall not disclose, use, or disseminate any personal identification
information of themselves or others.
Violation of AIU’s Student Internet Acceptable Use Policy in any way may
result in the loss of Internet privileges provided by the AIU schools.
Disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with existing AIU policy.
When necessary, the AIU may call in law enforcement agencies.
We understand there may be a need at times to communicate with your child if
there is an emergency. Should such an emergency arise, please call the school
office. Cell phones are not to be used during school hours. Cell phones can be a
major distraction to the educational process. If a student is using a cell phone at
school, the phone will be confiscated, turned into the office and the parents will be
requested to come to the school to retrieve the phone
It shall be the purpose of this handbook to comply with Act 26 of 1995, Section
1317.2 of the School Code relating to discipline resulting from the possession of
weapons by students on school property or at any school sponsored activity. It
shall further be the purpose to comply with the Safe Schools Act, 24PS
Subsection1301-A et seq., concerning reporting of weapon policy violations in the
The term “weapon” shall include, but not be limited to, any knife, cutting
instrument, cutting tool, nunchaku, firearm, shotgun, rifle, and any other tool,
instrument, or implement capable of inflicting serious bodily injury.
Upon suspicion that a student possesses a weapon, the principal may search the
person, the clothing, and personal belongings including any bag, purse, backpack,
parcel, locker, and vehicle of the student in the presence of another adult witness.
If the student resists being searched, the principal will immediately summon the
police and request assistance in this matter from the local police.
Students are prohibited from possessing or storing weapons on school property or at
any function, activity or event sponsored by the Allegheny Intermediate
Unit/Pathfinder. Students are also prohibited from possessing a weapon on any
home district school property. I.e. school bus.
In accordance with the Public School Code of 1949, the faculty and administrative
staff of the school are authorized, empowered and directed to act in loco parentis
and discipline any student who uses, possesses, transports, sells, or purchases drugs
or alcohol under such circumstances as would be illegal under the laws of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the United States of America.
DRUG/ALCOHOL/MOOD-ALTERING SUBSTANCE; Any alcohol or malt beverage, any
drug listed by law as a controlled substance, chemical, abused substance or
medication for which a prescription is required under the law and/or any substance
which is intended to alter mood. Examples include, but are not limited to: beer,
wine, liquor, anabolic steroids, ephedra, marijuana, hashish, cocaine, crack,
chemical solvents, glue, “look-alike” substances, and any capsules or pills not
registered with the nurse annotated within the student’s health record and given in
accordance with the School Procedures for the administration of medication to
students in school.
DRUG-RELATED PARAPHERNALIA: Any utensil or item which, in the school’s
judgment, is associated with the use of drugs, alcohol or mood-altering substances.
Examples include, but are not limited to, papers, roach clips, pipes, bowls and
POSSESS; to have without any attempt to distribute. Drugs/alcohol found in a
student locker or book bag would also be categorized as possession.
DISTRIBUTE: To deliver, sell, pass, share or give any drug or alcohol as defined by this
policy. (A larger amount would suggest intent to distribute.)
Students found to be in possession of the above mentioned Drugs/Alcohol/MoodAltering Substance, Paraphernalia, possession and distribution shall be subject to
the established policies of the home school district
The purpose of the Pathfinder School Student Code of Conduct is to
ensure a healthy and productive learning environment in our school, so
that the maximum potential for learning exists for all students. The Student
Code of Conduct outlines the rules and regulations that are designed to
maintain a standard of conduct in the schools operated by the Allegheny
Intermediate Unit.
The Student Code of Conduct includes many of the strategies used to maintain a
safe and disciplined environment. It also has a strong focus on a cooperative effort
among students, parents and school personnel and helps to define the essential
role of each.
The Student Code of Conduct is designed to give Pathfinder School students and
their parents/guardians an understanding of the general rules and guidelines for
attending and receiving an education in our school. In case of a conflict between
Allegheny Intermediate Unit Board Policy and the provisions of the Student Code of
Conduct, the policy most recently adopted by the Allegheny Intermediate Unit
Board will prevail.
The Student Code of Conduct is not a contract between the school and the
parents/guardians or students. It can be amended at any time at the discretion of
the Allegheny Intermediate Unit Board. If policy changes are enacted during the
school year, the building administrator will communicate those changes to
students, staff and parents/guardians.
Please review this document and help us in our task of guiding young people
towards assuming a responsible and productive role in our school and in our
Confidential Communication - AIU Policy 207
The Board recognizes that particular written and oral communications between
students and certain Intermediate Unit personnel must be confidential. Information
received in confidence from a student may be revealed to the student’s
parent/guardian, designated administrator or other appropriate authority by the
staff member who received the information when the health, welfare or safety of
the student or other persons clearly is in jeopardy
Freedom of Expression – AIU Policy 220
The right of public school students to freedom of speech is guaranteed by the
Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the Commonwealth. The
Board respects the right of students to express themselves in word or symbol and to
distribute and post materials in areas designated for posting as a part of that
expression. The Board also recognizes that exercise of that right must be limited by
the Intermediate Unit's responsibility to maintain an orderly school environment and
to protect the rights of all members of the school community.
Students have the right to express themselves unless such expression is likely to or
does materially or substantially interfere with the educational process, including
school activities, school work, or discipline and order on school property or at
school functions; threatens serious harm to the school or community; encourages
unlawful activity; or interferes with another's rights
Dress and Grooming – AIU Policy 221
The Board has the authority to impose limitations on student’ dress code. The Board
will not interfere with the right of students and their parents/guardians to make
decisions regarding their appearance, except when their choices disrupt the
educational program of the Intermediate Unit or school or constitute a health or
safety hazard.
Searches – AIU Policy 226
The Board acknowledges the need to respect the rights of students to be free from
unreasonable searches and seizures while fulfilling the Intermediate Unit’s interest in
protecting and preserving the health, safety and welfare of the school population,
enforcing rules of conduct, and maintaining an appropriate atmosphere
conducive to learning. Intermediate Unit officials have the authority to lawfully
search students or belongings, including lockers, storage spaces, automobiles,
electronic devices, purses, backpacks, clothing, and other possessions, without a
warrant, when in the Intermediate Unit, while attending an Intermediate Unit
program, while on Intermediate Unit grounds or when otherwise under supervision
of the Intermediate Unit, if there is a reasonable suspicion that the place or thing to
be searched contains prohibited contraband, material that would pose a threat to
the health, safety and welfare of the school population, or evidence that there has
been a violation of the law, Board policy, or school rules. The scope and extent of
searches must be reasonable in relation to the nature of the suspected evidence,
contraband or dangerous material and to the grounds for suspecting that it may
be found in the place of things being searched.
Exclusion of Students from School – AIU Policy 233
The Board recognizes that exclusion from the educational programs of the
Intermediate Unit, whether by suspension or expulsion, is the most severe sanction
that can be imposed on a student and one that cannot be imposed without due
process. The intermediate Unit shall define and publish the types of offenses that
would lead to exclusion from the Intermediate Unit programs. Exclusions affecting
students with disabilities shall be governed by applicable state and federal law and
Harassment – AIU Policy 248
The Board strives to provide a safe, positive learning climate for students in
Intermediate Unit programs. Therefore, it shall be the policy of the
Intermediate Unit to maintain an educational environment in which
harassment in any form is not tolerated. The Board prohibits all forms of
unlawful harassment of students and third parties by all Intermediate Unit
students and staff members, contracted individuals, vendors, volunteers,
and third parties in the programs. The Board encourages students and
third parties who have been harassed to promptly report such incidents to
the designated employees
AIU Policy 235
Regular attendance
Conscientious effort in classroom work and homework
Conformance to Board policies and Intermediate Unit and school
rules and regulations
Respect for the rights of staff, students, administrators, and others
Expression of ideas and opinions in a respectful manner
AIU Policy 218
Student conduct is closely related to learning, and an effective
educational program requires a safe and orderly school environment.
Allegheny Intermediate Unit Schools believe in and support a positive
approach to the management of student behavior. If student discipline is
necessary, it will be designed to allow for flexibility in accommodating
individual needs and situations.
Student discipline will adhere to the following policies set forth by the
Weapons - AIU Policy 218.1
Terroristic Acts - AIU Policy 218.2
Gangs - AIU Policy 218
Tobacco Use - AIU Policy 222
Controlled substances / paraphernalia - AIU Policy 227
Suspension / Expulsion - AIU Policy 233
Bullying/Cyber bullying - AIU Policy
Upon arrival, students are to report directly to breakfast or
homeroom as directed by staff.
Students are expected to arrive for class on time.
Students are expected to follow the school dress code.
Students are expected to respect school and personal property.
The offending students will pay for damaged property.
TYLENOL, ASPIRIN, or other over the counter medication will not
be dispensed through the health office without a doctor’s
Abusive, threatening or intimidating language and gestures will
not be permitted.
NO FIGHTING IS PERMITTED. Inappropriate physical contact with a
teacher or another student may be considered an assault. The
police will be contacted and charges may be filed.
STUDENTS ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. Act 145 of 1996 amends the
Crimes Code to include language-prohibiting students from
possessing or using tobacco in a school building, a school bus or
on school property. Any student found in possession or using
tobacco on the property at Pathfinder will be cited.
The possession or use of illegal or controlled substances is
PROHIBITED and must be reported to the police in accordance
with the Allegheny Intermediate Unit policy.
Students are PROHIBITED from possessing or storing weapons on
school property, in any school vehicle or any school-sponsored
activity. Any violations must be reported to the police in
accordance with the Allegheny Intermediate Unit policy.
To enforce this policy, principals may authorize, as legally
Unannounced inspections of pupils ‘desks or lockers;
Supervised random inspection of buses and students
entering the building.
The content of pockets and/or purses, if suspected of
possession of prohibited, stolen or illegal items;
The use of hand-held or walk-through scanners/metal
No student is permitted to drive to school.
Bullying will not be tolerated.
Only Pathfinder sponsored Fund Raisers are permitted within the
1The use of electronic devices on school grounds during the
instructional time and in the hallways is strictly prohibited. Any
device brought to school by a student is solely the responsibility of
the student. Pathfinder School and staff will assume no
responsibility for lost or damaged items.
Violations of these rules will require disciplinary action by the teacher
and/or building administrator. Disciplinary action may range from verbal
reprimand, management support classroom, possible re-evaluation, and
could involve legal action in extreme cases.
All Allegheny Intermediate Unit School Policies are available for inspection
upon request.
Use of Video Cameras
AIU Policy 709.1
The Intermediate Unit has elected to place video surveillance
cameras inside and outside of the school building, parking lots, and
athletic facilities and fields. Cameras are placed in public areas in
the buildings where individuals traditionally do not have a reasonable
expectation of privacy, including, but not limited to, outdoor areas,
public entranceways into buildings, hallways, cafeterias, gymnasiums,
and auditoriums. Areas chosen for surveillance shall be where
surveillance is a necessary and viable deterrent.
Cameras are not positioned in areas where individuals have a
legitimate right to expect privacy, such as lavatories, locker rooms,
change rooms, and school nurse examination rooms. Cameras are in
operation at all times.
In an attempt to provide students attending Pathfinder an environment conducive
to learning, it is necessary for the monitoring and management of acceptable
student behavior to occur. For the most part, when student behavior is
inappropriate it is a minor violation of classroom/school rules and can be corrected
within the student’s classroom by his/her teacher.
Occasionally, however, it becomes necessary for the student that is unable to selfcorrect with the guidance of the teacher to be escorted to the calming area for a
specified period of time during the school day. A staff member will monitor the
student at all times. This room is used on a very limited bases and only when a
student’s behavior poses a risk to himself/herself or others.
In the attempt to avoid future negative behavior, proactive measures will be
implemented in an attempt to avoid future behaviors. These may include, but not
limited to referrals to counseling and/or incorporating lesson materials on proper
social conduct. In addition, parents will be notified via mail, communication log
and/or phone when their child has been placed into the calming area so that they
may participate in reviewing acceptable behavior and the importance of
following school rules. Repeat offenses placing students in the calming area may
result in the necessity for a parent/district conference or the convening of an IEP
team meeting.
A school nurse is on duty each school day. A complete School Health and
Procedure Policy have been adopted by the Allegheny Intermediate Unit
Exceptional Children’s Program. In order to keep health records current, the nurse
will request information at least yearly. Periodically, information will be sent home
to parents to comply with state mandated programs. Hearing/Vision screening will
be conducted annually.
The school nurse is responsible for the administration and recording of medication
given during the school day. The nurse will review specific medications that are to
be administered and alert the school staff. In addition, teachers should be
informed if a student is to refrain from any school activity (swimming, industrial arts,
etc…) while on medication. Please be aware that Community Based
Instruction/Experiences will be scheduled around time of medication
administration. The school nurse may confer with the parent, the prescribing
physician or the pharmacist as needed.
Students who receive long-term medication or have medical
procedures/treatments done during the school day are required to have a
Medication/Treatment Form completed by their physician. The form must be
completed yearly. No student should receive medications or treatments on an
order received during the previous school year. Students who receive medication
on an a needed basis (Tylenol/acetaminophen for headaches, discomfort or pain,
ibuprofen for menstrual cramps, antihistamines for allergy symptoms, etc…) are also
required to have a Medication/Treatment form completed yearly by their
Short-term medications (such as antibiotics, cough syrup and acetaminophen) are
given as prescribed by a doctor with a note faxed by a doctor and with a note of
permission from the parent. The note should state the name of the medication,
why it is to be given and the dates and exact time it should be administered. The
medication must be sent to school in the container in which it was purchased.
Certain guidelines are recommended for the delivery of medication to school.
Medication should be in a childproof container (in the prescription container)
labeled with the name of the medication, prescribed dosage, student’s name and
physician’s name. Medication should be given directly to the van or bus
driver who in turn delivers it to a responsible person at the child’s school. For
the safety of all students, parents should avoid sending medication in lunch boxes,
student’s coat pockets, etc…Parents and Students are to be reminded that the
school is not permitted to administer medication (prescription/over the counter) to
students without medical orders from a licensed physician or dentist. Medication
sent to school must be in the original prescription bottle with appropriate labeling.
Medication forms, provided by the school nurse are to be completed by both
physician/dentist and the parents prior to medication being dispensed at school.
If you child has a medical exemption from immunization, the school nurse will need
yearly documentation from the physician/designee indicating that the vaccine(s)
would be detrimental to your child; unless documented history of severe allergic
adverse reaction to previous medication.
All grades K-12:
4 doses of tetanus (1 dose after 4th birthday); 3 doses if series started after
7 years of age, 4 doses of diphtheria (1 dose after the 4th birthday); 3
doses if series started after 7 years of age
3 doses of polio
2 doses of measles
2 doses of mumps
1 dose of rubella
3 doses of hepatitis B
2 doses of varicella or written statement from physician/designee
indicating month and year of disease or serologic proof of immunity.
Grades 7-12 (in addition to the above vaccines)
1 dose of tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis (Tdap) – also known as Adacel or
1 dose of meningitis vaccine – also known as Menactra
Students who have been diagnosed by a physician or are suspected of having a
disease by the school nurse shall be excluded from school for the period indicated
by regulations of the Department of Health for certain specified diseases and
infectious conditions.
Varicella (chickenpox); seven to ten days from the onset of the rash;
Acute contagious conjunctivitis (pink eye); 24 hours after beginning the
prescribed medication.
Strep throat; 24 hours after beginning appropriate antibiotic
The school nurse shall report the presence of suspected communicable diseases to
the appropriate local health authority, as required by the Department of Health.
As per the Allegheny County Health Department regulations; refer to for continuous updates.
If your child has any of the following symptoms, he/she should be kept home from
Suspicious rash
Enlarged tender lymph nodes (glands)
Fever of 100 or above
Persistent coughing
Open bleeding/seeping wounds
individual student be the administration for medical or religious reasons.
In the case of accident/illness, initial emergency treatment will be given at the
school. Parents/guardians will be notified and their instructions will be followed. If
parents/guardians cannot be contacted and the situation requires additional
treatment, the local emergency unit will be notified.
Your local school district is responsible for the education of all their resident
students. Through Pathfinder School, the Allegheny Intermediate Unit 3 Educational
Services and Supports Division has been charged with the responsibility for
delivering the special education program. Listed below are programs that are
provided for all exceptional students at Pathfinder School.
The Special Programs * are as follows:
Autistic Support (AS)
Life Skills Support (LSS)
Multi-Disabilities Support (MDS)/Physical Support (PS)
Special education State Regulations apply
The Vocations Programs * are as follows:
Full-time students:
Automobile Detailing
Building and Grounds
Consumer Science – Home Economics and Food Service
PAES – Practical Assessment Exploration System
Job Talk/Money Manager
Part-time Students:
PAES – Practical Assessment Exploration System/Job Talk/Money
Pre-vocational 4 class rotation: Auto Detailing, Building and
Ground, Consumer Science, Daily Living, Clerical and Job
Social Skills.
Required Applications must be completed each year.
The Special Area Courses are as follows:
Home Economics
Industrial Arts
Physical Education – adapted physical education, swimming and
strengthening and conditioning.
Special Services * are as follows:
Blind/Visually Impaired
Deaf/Hearing Impaired
Occupational/Physical Therapy (OT)(PT)
Travel Instruction
*Eligible Students Only
The administration and teaching staff recognize that Community Based
Instruction/Experiences are an integral part of student learning. The student’s
academic situation, behavior, attendance, and vocational and work-experience
responsibilities will be considered in determining what experiences are the best
suited for each individual. Parent permission will be required for Community Based
Instruction Experience.
Determination for graduation is a decision of the IEP Team and is coordinated
through the transition planning process. Students who meet the requirements of
the Pennsylvania Department of Education and requirements of the Allegheny
Intermediate Unit and Local School District will be awarded their School District’s
Diploma. Students will have the option of participating in their District’s Ceremony
and/or Pathfinder School’s Ceremony. All exceptional children have the right to
continue their education until 21. Any questions regarding graduation should be
addressed to the Principal.
The IEP is required for each exceptional child. Each school year an IEP conference
will be conducted for each student. Parents will be notified in writing of the
conference date. IEP’s may be requested at a mutually agreed upon time. Further
information about IEP’s may be obtained by calling the Principal
Transportation is provided by your local school district. Students must ride buses
specifically assigned to them and may not ride buses from other districts. Students
are expected to comply with all bus safety rules to ensure their safety as well as the
safety of others. Any questions or problems with your transportation should be
directed to the transportation officer in your school district.
Students are not permitted to drive to school nor ride to school with anyone other
than their parent and/or adult guardian designee. Students, who are transported
to school other than by their district bus, must come to the office and sign in along
with the person who transports the student. Transportation related issues are
handled by your school district. I.e. late bus pickup/drop off; personnel issues; and
In an effort to ensure the safety of students and staff, Pathfinder School uses a
security system that includes the following:
Locked doors from the outside
Intercom system and security camera installed on the front doors (left of
the building only)
Visitors must identify themselves and purpose of business before they are
given access to the building
All visitors (anyone who is non-staff/student) to the Pathfinder School must report to
the office. When in the office the individual(s) will be asked to sign in with name,
date, time, and destination and wear a name badge while in the building. The
visitor is also expected to sign out when he/she leaves the building and return the
The School has a procedure to collect and maintain student records, ensuring their
privacy, and giving pupils and parents the right to review them. Parents may
request copies of student records. Requests must be in writing. The Educational
Records Plan for Exceptional Students is available for examination in the school
office. Upon graduation student records including academic and health are
returned to the students’ district of residency.
The Allegheny Intermediate Unit participates in the National School Lunch Program.
Free and reduced price lunches are served daily to students who are eligible. A
lunch menu will be sent home monthly. Students who bring their lunch may
purchase milk and other a-la-carte items. Detailed information about the lunch
program is sent home at the beginning of the school year.
Throughout the school year, students will be expected to hand carry
notices/communication notebooks in order to facilitate communication. Please
check backpacks/book bags daily. The school staff will do the same.
The school is not responsible for the lost articles. We suggest that parents use a
laundry marker to put their child’s name on articles that are easy to misplace, such
as boots, gym clothes, etc… Parents should not permit students to bring valuables
to school. Lost and found articles are placed in a container and can be claimed in
the office.
Pathfinder closing will be announced on KDKA-TV, WTAE-TV and WPXI-TV as:
PATHFINDER SCHOOL – Bethel Park. Pathfinder will NOT follow the Bethel Park School
closings and delays. Emergency closing for your school district will be announced
on KDKA 1020 TV, WTAE-TV and WPXI-TV. Parents are to follow the decision made
by the school district in which they live with regard to transportation, delays and
closings during winter weather. If your District closes as a result of an
emergency/weather, and you chose to transport your child to school, you will be
responsible to pick your child up at the close of school at 2:15, unless you have
made alternative arrangements with your District.
On several occasions throughout the school year, we receive requests to take
pictures/video of our students for possible publication in the media. Parent
permission is required. It is important that we foster good public relations to operate
our program at peak efficiency. We only honor requests from established news
media and organizations interested in the welfare or our students.
The Local Task Force serves as a resource for children with all disabilities and their
families in the 42 school districts in Allegheny County. Their role is to communicate
needs and problems to the appropriate sources. Meetings are held the first
Wednesday of every month except July and August at the Allegheny Intermediate
Unit offices at 475 E. Waterfront Dr, Homestead, PA 15120 at 7:00 PM.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are to be scheduled, when possible, at the end of the
day. Teachers or parents may request the conference. Parents and teachers are
encouraged to meet during the school year.
Parents are welcome to visit the classroom. However, in order to maintain an
effective educational program for all pupils, it is essential that s many distractions as
possible be eliminated. Parents must call the principal at least 48 hours in advance
to make arrangements for any classroom visitation.
475 East Waterfront Drive • Homestead, PA 15120
Dr. Linda B. Hippert, Executive Director
The Allegheny Intermediate Unit is an equal opportunity education institution and will not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual orientation,
age, handicap, or limited English proficiency in its educational programs, services, facilities,
activities, or employment practices as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments,
Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Section 504 Regulations of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1975, Section 204
Regulations of the 1984 Carl D. Perkins Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, or any other
applicable federal or state laws. Any person who believes that s/he has been subjected to
discrimination shall report all incidents of such conduct to Patricia Connolly, Title VII/IX Compliance
Officer, Allegheny Intermediate Unit, 475 East Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA 15120 (412) 3945951 or William Addy, Director of Human Resources, Allegheny Intermediate Unit, 475 East
Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA 15120 (412) 394-5957.