Math week 6 Indicator 4.NBT.4 1.4.C.4 Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm Big Rocks Week 6 ● Determine a reasonable answer and choose a strategy to fluently solve multi-digit subtraction problems (with or without decomposing across zeroes) ● Add and subtract multi-digit numbers fluently Upcoming: Week 7 ● Represent and solve multi-step addition and subtraction word problems ● Focus on estimation as a way to determine reasonableness Possible learning experiences Subtract multi-digit numbers (decomposing across zeroes) using the standard algorithm Present 3,802 - 1,735 = ? and ask: In what place value positions will you need to decompose in order to subtract? What might be a reasonable answer for this problem? Model solving the problem using Base Blocks Subtraction How can you decompose a ten when there is a 0 in the tens place (e.g., Decompose a hundred into 10 tens, and then decompose one of the tens into 10 ones.) As the hundred block is moved into the tens place and the tens block is moved into the ones place, what do the small blue numbers represent on the standard algorithm to the right of the blocks? Lead a discussion of the place value generalizations that help students subtract (e.g., You need to know the relationship between place value positions and composing and decomposing groups of ten. If you don’t have enough hundreds to subtract, you need to decompose a thousand into 10 hundreds. If you have to decompose across a zero, you might have to decompose a hundred thousand into 10 ten thousands and a ten thousand into 10 thousands) Complete Subtract Across Zeroes using the standard algorithm. As they work, ask them to explain the decomposing and the steps in the standard algorithm using place value understandings. Determine a reasonable answer and choose a strategy to fluently solve multi-digit subtraction problems Present horizontally the equation 120,000 – 111,953 = ? and lead discussion: Without computing, how could you determine the number of digits? e.g., 11 ten thousands from 111,953 need to be subtracted from 12 ten thousands in 120,000. But because of all the zeroes in 120,000, the remaining ten thousand needs to be decomposed in order to subtract the thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones, so there will be 4 digits in the difference. Why might you want to consider the value of each number in the equation and determine the number of digits in the difference before solving (e.g., By thinking about the value of each number in the equation, I will know what is and is not a reasonable answer). Complete Sorting Differences and then reason with place value understandings to sort these equations by the number of digits in each difference without solving the equation. Why it might be helpful to think about the number of digits in each equation before solving? (e.g., When I started thinking about the values of the numbers and the number of digits in the differences for I, J, K, and L, I noticed that it was more efficient to solve them mentally instead of using the standard algorithm) Note to Teacher: Equations presented horizontally encourage students to reason about the relative size of each number in the equation. Subtract multi-digit numbers (with or without decomposing across zeroes ? = 800,003 - 799,995. Engage students in thinking about place value as well as the relationship between addition and subtraction by asking: How could you solve this subtraction problem using mental math? Focus on reasoning about place value and addition to complete the problem by determining which values belong in the hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, and hundred thousands places of the addends and sum - Use Subtracting Across Zeros again and ask pairs to discuss before solving the problems: Which problem would you solve using a method other than the subtraction algorithm and why. Add and subtract multi-digit numbers fluently Present the problem on Page 2 of Flip- Reconstructing Problems and ask: What do you notice ?(e.g., Only the tens and ones of the addends and the sum are shown in the problem; the other digits are missing.) Explain that the number strips will be used to put together an addition problem that has been taken apart. Lead the class in reasoning about place value and addition to complete the problem by determining which values belong in In which order did you determine the digits in the problem. Focus on how might thinking about the relationship between addition and subtraction help you place the digits. Show ‘Tis Unique Page 1 Explain to students that all ten digits (0–9) are used once in the problem and ask: What do you notice about the problem and what was your reasoning for placing 7 in the hundreds place in the top addend? Show Tis Unique Page 2 where students determine the difference in a subtraction problem in which a 4-digit number is subtracted from a 4digit number. While students work, ask questions that will engage them in reasoning about place value understandings (e.g., How did thinking about whether you needed to decompose help you determine this missing digit in this place?) Possible assessments Determine a reasonable answer before computing 1. Give students an addition problem. 2. Ask: What might be a reasonable answer to the problem? Prompt: How did you get that? Proficiency: Students must use academic vocabulary, including: benchmark, midpoint, rounding, estimate and place value. 3. Solve and explain the problem. Proficiency: Explanations must include and understanding of place value and academic vocabulary, like: ones, tens, hundreds and compose. 4. Revisit estimation- Is your answer reasonable based on your estimation? Why? (Prompt student to explain why numbers are off if necessary) Subtract Across Zeroes Present 3,802 – 1,735 = ? and ask: What might be a reasonable answer for this problem (e.g., 3,802 is about 2,000 more than 1,735, so a difference a bit more than 2,000 would be reasonable.) Reason about the number of digits in the sum or difference before computing Sorting Differences Accurately add and subtract Page 2 of Reconstructing Problems Explain that the number strips will be used to put together an addition problem that has been taken apart. Lead a discussion about the values in the ones and tens place that have already been placed in the sum (e.g., It doesn’t matter if the 6 or the 7 is in the ones place of the first addend or if there are 5 tens or 2 tens in the first addend.) Choose from a collection of efficient methods, including the standard algorithms, depending on the numbers in the problem Subtract Across Zeroes Present the problem ? = 800,003 − 799,995. Engage students in thinking about place value as well as the relationship between addition and subtraction by asking: How could you solve this subtraction problem using mental math Justify why a computation strategy (e.g., standard algorithm, compensation, adding up to find a difference) was selected and explain why that strategy is efficient for the problem Sorting Differences When I notice that I need to decompose a ten thousand, a thousand, a hundred, and a ten just to subtract, I might choose another strategy; I could adjust 120,000 to 119,999, subtract, and then add 1 to the difference to compensate.