Enhancing Registered Nurse Job Readiness and Patient Safety Outcomes Through Clinical Simulation Simulation Scenario MULTIPLE PATIENTS TRAUMA Adaptation of California Simulation Alliance (CSA) February 24th, 2014 Revised April 2014 University of Ottawa Algonquin College Susan Eldred Heather Macmillan Shawna Watt CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014-Scenario 24-02-2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS ii SECTION I SCENARIO OVERVIEW A. Title B. Summary C. Evidence Base SECTION II CURRICULUM INTEGRATION A. Learning Objectives 1. Primary 2. Secondary 3. Critical Elements B. Pre-scenario learner activities SECTION III SCENARIO SCRIPT A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Case Summary Key Contextual Details Scenario Cast Patient/Client Profile Baseline patient/client simulator state Environment / equipment / essential props Case flow /triggers / scenario development SECTION IV APPENDICES A. Health Care Provider Orders B. B. Digital Images of Manikin / Milieu C. Debriefing Guide/Patient Scripts CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014 1 SECTION I: SCENARIO OVERVIEW Multi-patient Trauma: Multiple Vehicle Collision Original Scenario Developer(s): University of Ottawa Shelley Clarke, Susan Eldred, Heather Macmillan, Shawna Watt Date - original scenario February, 2014 Validation: Revision Dates: Pilot testing: QSEN revision: Scenario Title: Estimated Scenario Time: 30-40 min Debriefing time: 45-60 min Target group: 4th year students-Complex Care, new grads Core case: Maternal and fetal assessment & R/O vaginal bleeding, R/O head injury, Splenic laceration CNO/ CPSI/CIHC: Patient Safety Teamwork and Collaboration Competencies for Entry-level Registered Nurse Practice: Knowledge-based Practice Competent Application of Knowledge Interprofessional Communication Best Practice Guidelines: Client Centered Care Brief Summary of Case: This is a multiple patient scenario involving 3 patients in the Observation Unit following an MVC. Patient A: R/O fetal distress/injury Patient B: R/O Head Injury Patient C: Splenic Laceration Patient A is a 35 y.o. mother, 19 weeks pregnant that was driving herself and her pre-school son to a clinic appointment when she was in a collision. She has a sprained wrist but otherwise appears to be stable. There is currently no evidence of vaginal bleeding. She is under observation prior to being cleared for discharge. Maternal/fetal assessment to R/O fetal distress/injury. Patient B is Patient A’s 3y.o. son. He was restrained in a child car seat and shows a mild abrasion to his forehead from the impact during the collision. He is stable and is under observation prior to being cleared for discharge. R/O head injury. Patient C is 42 year old man. He was a restrained driver that was struck by another vehicle. The other vehicle struck the driver’s side door with about 2 feet of intrusion into the passenger compartment. He had a brief loss of consciousness but is now alert and conversant. He complains of left shoulder and chest pain and left upper quadrant CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) SECTION I ALL DATA IN THIS SCENARIO IS FICTICIOUS 2 abdominal pain. He is under observation, awaiting results from XRay and CT. In this scenario learners are to prioritize and organize care in order to manage the various needs of the patients. They must accurately assess all 3 patients and recognize the signs of hypovolemic shock in Patient C in order to intervene effectively. Interventions should include: Patient A: Fetal heart rate monitoring with a Doppler, interpretation of lab results. Patient B: neurological assessment, orientation to 3 spheres Patient C: positioning, apply O2, reassessing abdomen and circulatory system, recognizing need for further orders, communicating with the healthcare team and IV bolus. EVIDENCE BASE / REFERENCES (APA Format) American Academy of Pediatrics and Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America. (2008). Management of Pediatric Trauma. 121 (4). Babb, M. et al., January 2010. Treating Pain During Pregnancy. The Hospital for Sick Children-Motherisk. Retrieved February 14th, 2014, from http://www.motherisk.org/prof/updatesDetail.jsp?content_id=922 College of Nurses of Ontario (2014). Competencies for entry level registered nurse practice (41037). Retrieved from CNO website: http://www.cno.org/Global/docs/reg/41037_EntryToPracitic_final.pdf Freiwald, S. (2010). Late presenting complications after splenic injury. The Permanente Journal. 14(2). Pagana, K. (2011). Mosby's diagnostic and laboratory test reference (10th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Perinatal Partnership Program of Eastern Ontario. (2007). Care of the pregnant trauma patient. Retrieved from http://www.cmnrp.ca/en/cmnrp/Obstetrical_p737.html A classic in the field. Perry, S.E. (2013). Maternal Child Nursing Care in Canada. Toronto: Mosby Canada. Schulman, C. (2003). A FASTer method of detecting abdominal trauma. Nursing Management. 34 (9). A classic in the field CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) SECTION I ALL DATA IN THIS SCENARIO IS FICTICIOUS 3 SECTION II: CURRICULUM INTEGRATION A. SCENARIO LEARNING OBJECTIVES Do What 1. Students will perform With What focused assessments 2. Students will accurately interpret 3. Students will respond to changes in patient status 4. Students will be able to coordinate the care of the three patients assessment findings, patient history and lab results by communicating with the interprofessional team with other care providers 5. Students will apply knowledge and skills acquired from previous laboratories, theory and clinical For What to determine current patient status. to organize and prioritize the care of multiple patients. in order to intervene effectively. to ensure the safe and timely delivery of care. in order to manage the care of a pediatric, a pregnant and a trauma client. B. Learning Outcome Assessment / Rubric Competency (based on “What For”) 1. Students will appropriately utilize assessment findings, patient history and lab Demonstrated attributes align with required competency Demonstrated attributes need some improvement to align with required competency Demonstrated attributes need major improvement to align with required competency -reviews pt charts, VS, MARs, Kardex’s lab results -seeks out report and clarifies information as needed -reviews MAR and listens to report but seeks no further information -creates shift work-sheet but key information is not listed (med times, -relies on report for all relevant information -no shift work-sheet created -no identification and/or assessment of a priority CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014 4 results to organize and prioritize the care of multiple patients. 2. Students will respond to changes in patient status by communicating with the physician in order to intervene effectively. 3. Students will be able to coordinate the care of 3 patients with other care providers to ensure the safe and timely delivery of care. -creates shift work-sheet to organize care -seeks to identify and assess priority patient first -contacts the MD -communicates effectively (SBAR) sharing all relevant information and status changes -transcribe new orders -implement new orders needed tests etc) -priority patient is eventually identified and assessed patient -contacts the MD -communication is disorganized (no SBARR) but shares relevant information re: status change -implements new orders but fails to transcribe -contacts MD -fails to communicate relevant information and communication is extremely disorganized -no follow through on new orders -tasks, assessments and interventions are delegated to appropriate team members and completed in an organized fashion -effective communication is established amongst team members (sharing of assessment findings, response to interventions, patient concerns etc) -Effectively communicates with patient throughout simulation to keep informed, relieve anxiety and support active participation in care as able -patient safety is maintained throughout -delegation of tasks, assessments and interventions occurs but in a disorganized fashion -communication amongst team members is disorganized or incomplete -communication with client(s) is minimal -overall safety of the patient is maintained -little to no delegation occurs -lack of communication -patient safety is of concern 4. Students will apply knowledge and skills acquired from previous laboratories, theory and clinical in order to manage the -demonstrates accurate assessment of the patient (FHR, neuro assessment, focused abdominal assessment) - Identifies and interprets significant assessment findings requiring immediate reporting -assessments are completed but are disorganized -recognizes abnormal assessment findings but fails to communicate them in an appropriate period -struggles with the -assessments are incomplete or irrelevant -fails to recognize abnormal assessment findings/changes in patient status -little to no organization or prioritization evident CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014 5 care of a pediatric, a pregnant and a trauma patient. and/or intervention -Accurately prioritizes immediate interventions required for a patient with an unexpected change in status. organization and prioritization of care C. PRE-SCENARIO LEARNER ACTIVITIES Knowledge Prerequisite Competencies Skills/ Attitudes Pathophysiology, risk factors, assessment techniques and treatment of fetal injury/distress, head injury and abdominal trauma Communication with pediatric, acutely ill and/or anxious patients & members of the healthcare team Principles of teamwork and collaboration Dimensions of patient centered care Patient safety principles CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014 Communication with interprofessional team Use SBAR method Strategies for decreasing anxiety & ensuring active patient participation Neurological Assessment GCS Check pupils (size, reaction) Fetal Assessment fetal heart rate monitoring pelvic/fetal palpation Abdominal Assessment Auscultate bowel sounds (first) Palpate for rigidity, distension (following auscultation) Assess for hematuria Assess Vital Signs Complete temperature, pulse, respirations, blood pressure and oxygen saturation Recognize abnormal values Collaborative interventions / changing pt status; hypovolemic shock 6 SECTION III: SCENARIO SCRIPT A. Case summary-Patient A 35 y.o. female; 19 weeks pregnant. Driving to a clinic to have her left wrist examined following a fall this AM. She was brought in to ER via ambulance following a 2 car collision involving her and her 3 y.o. son and another vehicle. She reports no pain (other than her wrist) and is in observation to R/O fetal distress and vaginal bleeding and to monitor FHR. Learners are expected to perform a shift assessment. Upon approaching the bedside, they find her in another bed with her pre-school son. Learners are expected to: check VS, O2 sat, FHR via Doppler, ask about any vaginal bleeding, assess for pain (PQRST), communicate effectively (therapeutic communication), provide support and teaching as well as to encourage the patient to remain in the assigned bed. Students should also recognize that this patient is stable and is of lower priority at this point. B. Key contextual details-Patient A Scenario takes place on the Observational Unit attached to the ER during day shift. The patient has been triaged and is being observed prior to being cleared for discharge. The students will receive report from the ER nurse transferring care to the Observation Unit. X-ray of L wrist shows no fracture and is being treated as a sprain. Urinalysis results are normal. CBC, K-B assay are all normal as well. Patient is anxious regarding the status of her unborn fetus and also regarding her 3 y.o. son. She doesn’t want to be far from her son as he is crying for her and wanting her for comfort. C. Scenario Cast – Patient A Patient/ Client Role RN 1-Primary Nurse RN 2-New Grad Charge Nurse Documenting Nurse Pt B and C High fidelity simulator-Patient B & C Mid-level simulator Task trainer Hybrid (Blended simulator) Standardized patient-Patient A Brief Descriptor Confederate/Actor (C/A) or Learner (L) (Optional) Assessment and delegation; Learner communication Administration of meds, verifies lab Learner results, checks orders, follows direction from RN 1 May be used as a resource Confederate Documentation Learner Voices of patients Confederate/Actor CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014 7 D-1. Last name: Rodriguez Gender: F Age: 35 Spiritual Practice: None identified Patient/Client Profile-Patient A First name: Julia Ht: 167cm Wt: 60kg Ethnicity: Caucasian Code Status: Full Primary Language spoken: English 1. Past history Patient fell this AM catching herself with her left hand. She had severe pain to wrist and was driving to clinic appointment when she collided with another vehicle. Her 3 y.o. son was in the car with her. She was brought in to ER via ambulance and is being observed before being cleared for D/C. X-ray shows no fracture to wrist. Being treated as a sprain. G: 2, T: 1, P: 0, A: 0, L: 1. Currently 19 weeks pregnant. No complications to date. No complications with previous pregnancy. Saw OB earlier in the week. Primary Medical Diagnosis R/O Vaginal Bleeding & R/O fetal distress 2. Review of Systems CNS Cardiovascular Pulmonary Renal/Hepatic Gastrointestinal Endocrine Heme/Coag Musculoskeletal Integument Developmental Hx Psychiatric Hx Social Hx Alert & oriented x 3; anxious WNL WNL No complaints of urinary difficulty; no evidence of hematuria WNL WNL No sign indicative of a bleed; Hgb slightly low but in keeping with pregnancy Normal except swelling/pain in left wrist WNL WNL None shared Married x 5 years; husband is in the military and is currently away; mother; 2nd pregnancy; stay at home mom Alternative/ Complementary Medicine Hx None shared 3. Current medications Medication allergies: Food/other allergies: None None Reaction: Reaction: Drug Acetaminophen Ibuprofen Dose 650mg 200-400mg max 1200mg/day Route PO PO Frequency Q4-6h PRN for pain Q6h PRN for pain 4. Laboratory, Diagnostic Study Results Na: Ca: Hgb: 110g/L K: Mg: Hct: 35% Cl: Phos: Plt: CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014 HCO3: Glucose: WBC: 7 x 109 /L BUN: Cr: HgA1C: ABO Blood Type: O+ 8 PT: ABG-pH: VDRL: PTT: paO2: Kleihauer-Betke Assay: 0.6% INR: paCO2: Herpes: Troponin: HCO3/BE: HIV: BNP: SaO2: 98% R/A X-ray (wrist): no fracture EKG: WNL E. Baseline Simulator/Standardized Patient State – Patient A (This may vary from the baseline data provided to learners) 1. Initial physical appearance Gender: Female Attire: Street clothes, maternity pants and top Alterations in appearance (moulage): slight baby bump X ID band present, accurate ID band present, inaccurate ID band absent or not applicable Allergy band present, accurate Allergy band inaccurate Allergy band absent or N/A 2. Initial Vital Signs Monitor display in simulation action room: Patient A No monitor display X Monitor on, but no data displayed Monitor on, standard display Display VS when learner takes them BP: 138/78 CVP: AIRWAY: HR: 96 RR: 14 PAS: PAD: ETC0²: FHR: Lungs: Left: clear Right: clear Sounds/mechanics Heart: Sounds: S1S2 ECG rhythm: sinus Other: Bowel sounds: Present WNL T: 37.2 PCWP: SpO²: 98% r/a CO: Other: 3. Initial Intravenous line set up X Saline lock Site: R a/c #1 IV #1 Site: Fluid type: Main Piggyback IV #2 Site: Fluid type: Main Piggyback 4. Initial Non-invasive monitors set up Y Initial rate: IV patent (Y/N) Initial rate: IV patent (Y/N) NIBP ECG First lead: Pulse oximeter Temp monitor/type 5. Initial Hemodynamic monitors set up A-line Site: Catheter/tubing Patency (Y/N) CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014 IV patent (Y/N) ECG Second lead: Other: CVP Site: PAC Site: 9 6. Other monitors/devices Foley catheter Amount: Epidural catheter X Appearance of urine: Infusion pump: Pump settings: Doppler at bedside for fetal HR Internal External Environment, Equipment, Essential props - Patient A Recommend standardized set ups for each commonly simulated environment 1. Scenario setting: (example: patient room, home, ED, lobby) Observation unit, ED; multi-bed ward. Bed 3. 2. Equipment, supplies, monitors (In simulation action room or available in adjacent core storage rooms) Bedpan/ Urinal IV Infusion pump Nasogastric tube Defibrillator PCA infusion pump IV fluid Type: X Foley catheter kit Feeding pump ETT suction catheters Code Cart Epidural infusion pump IV fluid additives: 3. Respiratory therapy equipment/devices Nasal cannula Face tent BVM/Ambu bag Nebulizer tx kit 4. Documentation and Order Forms X Health Care X Med Admin Provider orders Record Progress Notes X Graphic record X X Medication Transfer orders reconciliation Nurses’ Notes Dx test reports (blank) Actual medical record binder, constructed per institutional guidelines X Straight cath. kit Pressure bag Oral suction catheters 12-lead ECG Central line Insertion Kit Doppler Simple Face Mask Non re-breather mask Flowmeters (extra supply) H&P Anesthesia/PACU record Standing (protocol) orders Code Record Revised COUPN January 2014 X Lab Results ED Record ICU flow sheet Prenatal record Other Describe: 5. Medications (to be available in sim action room) – Patient A # Medication Dosage Route # Medication CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Incentive spirometer Wall suction Chest tube kit Chest tube equip Dressing ∆ equipment Blood product ABO Type: # of units: Dosage Route 10 4 Acetaminophen 650mg PO D-2. Last name: Rodriguez Gender: M Age: 3 Spiritual Practice: None identified 4 200400mg Ibuprofen PO Patient/Client Profile-Patient B First name: Brendan Ht: 97 cm Wt: 14.7kg Ethnicity: Caucasian Code Status: Full Primary Language spoken: English 1. Past history Patient was restrained in a child seat in the rear seat of the vehicle when it collided with another vehicle. His mother was the driver. He and his mother were brought in to ER via ambulance. Examination at the scene of the accident showed an abrasion to the forehead. He is being observed for any changes in status before being cleared for D/C. Primary Medical Diagnosis R/O Head Injury 2. Review of Systems CNS Cardiovascular Pulmonary Renal/Hepatic Gastrointestinal Endocrine Heme/Coag Musculoskeletal Integument Developmental Hx Psychiatric Hx Social Hx Alert & oriented x 3; anxious WNL WNL WNL WNL WNL WNL Normal except swelling/pain to injured area on forehead WNL WNL None Lives with parents; father is in the military and is currently away; mother is stay at home mom Alternative/ Complementary Medicine Hx None shared 3. Current medications Medication allergies: Food/other allergies: None Strawberries Drug Acetaminophen Reaction: Reaction: Dose 220mg rash Route PO Frequency Q4-6h PRN for pain 4. Laboratory, Diagnostic Study Results Na: Ca: Hgb: PT: K: Mg: Hct: PTT: Cl: Phos: Plt: INR: CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014 HCO3: Glucose: WBC: Troponin: BUN: Cr: HgA1C: ABO Blood Type: BNP: 11 ABG-pH: VDRL: paO2: GBS: paCO2: Herpes: HCO3/BE: HIV: SaO2: X-ray: EKG: E. Baseline Simulator/Standardized Patient State – Patient B (This may vary from the baseline data provided to learners) 1. Initial physical appearance Gender: Male Attire: Street clothes, pull-ups on under pants Alterations in appearance (moulage): abrasion to forehead X ID band present, accurate ID band present, inaccurate ID band absent or not applicable X Allergy band present, accurate Allergy band inaccurate Allergy band absent or N/A 2. Initial Vital Signs Monitor display in simulation action room: Patient B No monitor display X Monitor on, but no data displayed Monitor on, standard display Display VS when learner takes them BP: 100/66 CVP: AIRWAY: HR: 105 RR: 28 PAS: PAD: ETC0²: FHR: Lungs: Left: clear Right: clear Sounds/mechanics Heart: Sounds: S1S2 ECG rhythm: sinus Other: Bowel sounds: Present WNL T: 37.2 PCWP: SpO²: 98% r/a CO: Other: 3. Initial Intravenous line set up Saline lock Site: #1 IV #1 Site: Fluid type: Main Piggyback IV #2 Site: Fluid type: Main Piggyback 4. Initial Non-invasive monitors set up IV patent (Y/N) Initial rate: IV patent (Y/N) Initial rate: IV patent (Y/N) NIBP ECG First lead: Pulse oximeter Temp monitor/type 5. Initial Hemodynamic monitors set up A-line Site: Catheter/tubing Patency (Y/N) 6. Other monitors/devices Foley catheter Amount: CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014 ECG Second lead: Other: CVP Site: Appearance of urine: PAC Site: 12 Epidural catheter Infusion pump: Pump settings: Internal External Environment, Equipment, Essential props - Patient B Recommend standardized set ups for each commonly simulated environment 1. Scenario setting: (example: patient room, home, ED, lobby) Observation unit, ED; multi-bed ward. Bed 5. 2. Equipment, supplies, monitors (In simulation action room or available in adjacent core storage rooms) Bedpan/ Urinal IV Infusion pump Nasogastric tube Defibrillator PCA infusion pump X IV fluid Type: Foley catheter kit Feeding pump ETT suction catheters Code Cart Epidural infusion pump IV fluid additives: 3. Respiratory therapy equipment/devices Nasal cannula Face tent BVM/Ambu bag Nebulizer tx kit 4. Documentation and Order Forms X Health Care X Med Admin Provider orders Record Progress Notes X Graphic record X X Medication Transfer orders reconciliation Nurses’ Notes Dx test reports (blank) Actual medical record binder, constructed per institutional guidelines Straight cath. kit Pressure bag Oral suction catheters 12-lead ECG Central line Insertion Kit Simple Face Mask Non re-breather mask Flowmeters (extra supply) H&P Lab Results Anesthesia/PACU record Standing (protocol) orders Code Record ED Record Medication suspension D-3. Patient/Client Profile-Patient C Henderson CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014 ICU flow sheet Prenatal record Other Describe: 5. Medications (to be available in sim action room) # Medication Dosage Route # PO 1 Acetaminophen 220mg Last name: Incentive spirometer Wall suction Chest tube kit Chest tube equip Dressing ∆ equipment Blood product ABO Type: # of units: First name: Troy Dosage Route 13 Gender: M Age: 42 Spiritual Practice: None identified Ht: 180 cm Wt: 86 kg Ethnicity: Caucasian Code Status: Full Primary Language spoken: English 1. Past history Mr. Henderson was on his way to work this AM when he was struck by another vehicle. He was wearing his seatbelt but his vehicle lacked airbags. The other vehicle struck the driver’s side door with about 2 feet of intrusion into the passenger compartment. He is alert and conversant after a brief loss of consciousness at the scene. He complains of left shoulder and chest pain and left upper quadrant abdominal pain. He is under observation, awaiting results from XRay and CT. Primary Medical Diagnosis R/O Splenic Laceration 2. Review of Systems CNS Alert & oriented x 3 Cardiovascular WNL Pulmonary WNL Renal/Hepatic Abdominal distension Gastrointestinal Abdominal distension; BS x 4 and hypoactive Endocrine WNL Heme/Coag Awaiting results Musculoskeletal c/o L shoulder pain Integument Abdominal bruising in keeping with seatbelt injury Developmental Hx WNL Psychiatric Hx None shared Social Hx Smoker 1 pack/day x 15 years; married with 2 school aged children Alternative/ Complementary Medicine Hx None shared 3. Current medications Medication allergies: Food/other allergies: Penicillin None Reaction: Reaction: Drug Ringer’s Lactate Acetaminophen Morphine Zofran Dose 125ml/h 650mg 5-10mg 4-8mg Rash Route IV PO IV/SC IV Frequency continuous Q4-6h PRN Q2-4h PRN Q6h PRN 4. Laboratory, Diagnostic Study Results Na: 141 mmol/L K: 4.2 mmol/L Ca: Hgb: 10.2 mmol/L PT: ABG-pH: VDRL: Mg: Hct: 38% PTT: paO2: GBS: Cl: 102 mmol/L Phos: Plt: 163 x 109/L INR: paCO2: Herpes: CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014 HCO3: BUN: Cr: 56 mcmol/L Glucose: WBC: 7.0 x 109/L Troponin: HCO3/BE: HIV: HgA1C: ABO Blood Type: A+ BNP: SaO2: X-ray: EKG: WNL 14 E. Baseline Simulator/Standardized Patient State – Patient C (This may vary from the baseline data provided to learners) 1. Initial physical appearance Gender: Male Attire: Street clothes Alterations in appearance (moulage): abdominal distension, seatbelt bruising, pale, bruising and abrasions to cheek/chin and hands X ID band present, accurate ID band present, inaccurate ID band absent or not applicable X Allergy band present, accurate Allergy band inaccurate Allergy band absent or N/A 2. Initial Vital Signs Monitor display in simulation action room: - Patient C No monitor display X Monitor on, but no data displayed Monitor on, standard display Display VS when learner takes them BP: 108/62 CVP: AIRWAY: HR: 112 RR: 20 PAS: PAD: ETC0²: FHR: Lungs: Left: clear Right: clear Sounds/mechanics Heart: Sounds: S1S2 ECG rhythm: sinus tachycardia Other: Bowel sounds: Present hypoactive T: 36.8 PCWP: SpO²: 95% CO: Other: 3. Initial Intravenous line set up X Saline lock Site: L fore #1 arm Site: R A/C Fluid type: X IV #1 RL Main Piggyback IV #2 Site: Fluid type: Main Piggyback 4. Initial Non-invasive monitors set up Initial rate: 125ml/h Initial rate: NIBP X ECG First lead: X Pulse oximeter Temp monitor/type 5. Initial Hemodynamic monitors set up A-line Site: Catheter/tubing Patency (Y/N) 6. Other monitors/devices Foley catheter Epidural catheter Amount: Infusion pump: Other: CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014 Y IV patent (Y/N) Y IV patent (Y/N) IV patent (Y/N) ECG Second lead: Other: CVP Site: PAC Site: Appearance of urine: Pump settings: Internal External 15 Environment, Equipment, Essential props – Patient C Recommend standardized set ups for each commonly simulated environment 1. Scenario setting: (example: patient room, home, ED, lobby) Observation unit, ED; multi-bed ward. Bed 6. 2. Equipment, supplies, monitors (In simulation action room or available in adjacent core storage rooms) Foley catheter kit Straight cath. kit X Bedpan/ Urinal Feeding pump Pressure bag X IV Infusion pump Nasogastric tube Defibrillator PCA infusion pump X IV fluid Type: 1000ml RL 500ml NS X ETT suction catheters Code Cart Epidural infusion pump IV fluid additives: 3. Respiratory therapy equipment/devices X Nasal cannula Face tent X BVM/Ambu bag Nebulizer tx kit 4. Documentation and Order Forms X Health Care X Med Admin Provider orders Record Progress Notes X Graphic record X X Medication reconciliation Nurses’ Notes (blank) Transfer orders X Dx test reports (CT abd, 12 lead ECG, CXR) Actual medical record binder, constructed per institutional guidelines Oral suction catheters 12-lead ECG Central line Insertion Kit Simple Face Mask X Non re-breather mask Flowmeters (extra supply) H&P Anesthesia/PACU record Standing (protocol) orders Code Record Revised COUPN January 2014 X Lab Results (CBC and chem) ED Record ICU flow sheet Prenatal record Other Describe: 5. Medications (to be available in sim action room) # Medication Dosage Route # PO 2 4 Acetaminophen 325mg 4mg/ml IV 2 Zofran CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) X Incentive spirometer Wall suction Chest tube kit Chest tube equip Dressing ∆ equipment Blood product ABO Type: # of units: Medication Dosage Morphine 10mg/ml Route IV/SC 16 CASE FLOW / TRIGGERS/ SCENARIO DEVELOPMENT STATES Initiation of Scenario : Patient A: JR is a 35 year old female under observation following an MVC. She was on her way to a clinic appointment this morning before the accident to have her left wrist examined following a fall at home. X-ray results indicated there was no fracture. The wrist is being treated as a sprain. It appears swollen and is tender to the touch. JR rates her pain as being 4-5/10. She had her last dose of Tylenol 1 hour ago and can have ibuprofen if she is still experiencing discomfort. She is 19 weeks pregnant and is being monitored for vaginal bleeding and for fetal distress prior to being cleared for discharge. Currently, she reports no evidence of bleeding. The Doppler was just brought to us from the maternity ward. Blood and urine were sent to test for signs of bleeding. Urinalysis was negative for hematuria and the blood test results are just back. You’ll want to look at them. VS are stable. She’s anxious about the results and also regarding her son who was in the car with her. He’s also here for observation to rule out a possible head injury. She’s married but her husband was deployed (military) 3 months ago and won’t be back until mid-summer. She was found in her son’s bed last time I went to assess her. She was asked to stay in her bed (bed 3) for continued monitoring but if she’s missing just look for her in bed 5. Patient B: BR is a 3 year old male under observation following an MVC in which his mother was the driver. He was restrained in his car seat but appears to have a mild abrasion to his forehead. He is under observation to rule out the possibility of a head injury prior to being cleared for discharge. He is ++anxious and is crying for his mom. His last VS and neuro vitals were stable. Patient C: TH is 42 year old man. He was a restrained driver that was struck by the vehicle driven by JR. Her vehicle struck the driver’s side door of his car with about 2 feet of intrusion into the passenger compartment. He is alert and conversant. He complains of left shoulder and chest pain and left upper quadrant abdominal pain. He is under observation, awaiting results from XRay and CT. Last vital signs are stable. ECG showed normal sinus tachycardia. He was given 4 mg of IV Morphine by paramedics one hour ago en route to the hospital. CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014 17 STATE / PATIENT STATUS 1. Baseline-Patient A DESIRED LEARNER ACTIONS & TRIGGERS TO MOVE TO NEXT STATE Operator Learner Actions Display VS on monitor once Patient found sitting with her completed by learner 1. Introduce self, wash son in her lap in son’s hands assigned bed. Soothing son. 2. Identify patient, request Responds appropriately to permission to assess questions and compliant Triggers: 3. Check VS with treatment but unwilling 4. Assess FHR with Doppler Cues: I’m so worried about the to leave son’s side. 5. Assess pain baby…when will we know if HR- 92 6. Administer pain meds as everything is ok? RR-15 needed SaO2 -98% r/a 7. Reassure patient with BP-138/74 clear, calm statements of action 8. Divide tasks to assure patient safety STATE / PATIENT STATUS 1. Baseline-Patient B Sitting on mother’s lap. Anxious, draws back from nursing staff. Crying. Seeking comfort from mom. HR-105 RR-28 DESIRED ACTIONS & TRIGGERS TO MOVE TO NEXT STATE Operator: Learner Actions: Shares VS as completed by learner Triggers: Cues: Mom-He’s so upset CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduce self, wash hands. Identify patient, explain intended actions. Use age appropriate language and explanations; engage patient with play. Involve mother in care. Check VS, neuro vitals Assess pain Debriefing Points: 1. Patient Safety Standards to reduce errors 2. Significance of VS signs, deviations from normal in pregnancy 3. Significance of lab results, deviations from normal in pregnancy 4. Clear, brief explanations to ↓ anxiety 5. Pathophysiology of placental abruption 6. Strategies for dividing tasks so major priorities are handled initially 7. Strategies for engaging anxious patients 8. Reassessment requirements Debriefing Points: 1. Significance of VS in a pediatric patient 2. Pathophysiology of a head injury 3. Strategies for engaging a pediatric patient 4. Reassessment requirements 18 7. Administer pain meds as needed 8. Reassure patient with clear, calm statements as needed. 9. Collaborate with mother to decrease anxiety 10. Divides tasks to ensure patient safety. SaO2 -98% r/a PERRLA A&Ox3 GCS-15/15 and really scared with everything that’s happened. Is there some way I can help? STATE / PATIENT STATUS 1. Baseline-Patient C DESIRED ACTIONS & TRIGGERS TO MOVE TO NEXT STATE Operator: Learner Actions: Lying on back in bed. Alert, oriented and conversant. Display VS on monitor once completed by learner HR: 112 RR: 20 BP:108/62 T: 36.8 SaO2: 95% Triggers: “I’m feeling a bit woozy and I am having some pain.” CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014 1. 2. Introduce self, wash hands. Identify patient, explain intended actions. 3. Use age appropriate language and explanations. 4. Check VS, neuro status. 5. Assess pain. 6. Administer pain meds as needed. 7. Complete abdominal assessment. 8. Reassure patient with clear, calm statements as needed. 9. Divides tasks to ensure patient safety. Debriefing Points: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Priority assessment in this case (neuro versus abdominal). Appropriate techniques for a focused abdominal assessment. What constitutes neuro VS. Assessment and treatment for shock. Pain assessment 19 STATE / PATIENT STATUS – PATIENT C ONLY 2. After initial assessment complete, patient starts to complain of increasing abdominal pain and nausea. Now starting to exhibit signs of hypovolemic shock. Patient is pale and increasingly restless. HR: 128 RR: 26 BP: 98/58 SaO2: 94% DESIRED ACTIONS & TRIGGERS TO MOVE TO NEXT STATE Operator: Learner Actions: Change VS on monitor to reflect changing status (you 1. Delegate tasks to may slowly decrease BP and secondary nurse. increase HR). 2. Reassess vital signs. 3. Reassess pain. After reassessing abdomen, 4. Reassess abdomen for tell examiner that his rigidity, bowel sounds, abdomen is rigid and tenderness, distension, further distended. hematuria. 5. Give patient K basin. Triggers: 6. Receive and interpret lab and diagnostic test Patient is pointing to his left results. upper quadrant just under 7. Call MD stat using SBAR ribcage and moaning. report. 8. Take telephone order “My pain is getting worse from MD for stat bolus and worse and I feel sick.” (indicated in MD script). 9. Initiate bolus. 10. Reassure patient. Debriefing Points 1. Cause of patient’s changing status. What do they think is happening? 2. Signs of hypovolemic shock. 3. Treatment of hypovolemic shock. 4. Next steps? (e.g. prep for emergency surgery, fluid bolus, crash cart close at hand, ensure patent IV access x 2, type and Xmatch if not already done). Scenario End Point: Communication with interprofessional team re: change in pt C status; bolus initiated. Suggestions to decrease complexity: Patient C is stable with no splenic laceration, only pain and nausea. CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014 20 Suggestions to increase complexity: Patient A has vaginal bleeding/changes in FHR. Patient B has changes to LOC with deviations from normal re: neuro vitals. Patient C requires prep for emergency surgery or VS continue to decrease to a cardiac arrest situation. CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11; 1/14) Revised COUPN January 2014 21 APPENDIX A-1: HEALTH CARE PROVIDER ORDERS Patient Name: JULIA RODRIGUEZ Diagnosis: R/O VAGINAL BLEEDING DOB: XX/XX/1978 Age: 35 MR#: 300596812 No Known Allergies Allergies & Sensitivities Date Time TODAY NOW HEALTH CARE PROVIDER ORDERS AND SIGNATURE Transfer to Observational Unit for monitoring x 4h. 1. VS q1h 2. Send blood for cross and screen, CBC and Kleihauer-Betke Assay 3. Send urine for urinalysis. 4. X-ray L wrist. 5. FHR monitoring via Doppler q1h 6. u/s to check for placental abruption 7. Acetaminophen 650mg PO q4-6h PRN for pain 8. Ibuprofen 200-400mg PO q6h PRN for pain max 1200mg/day Notify MD of any abnormal lab/test results. May D/C home after monitoring if results normal. Provide teaching to patient regarding care and home monitoring. Signature Dr. M. Bailey CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11) Revised COUPN January 2014 22 APPENDIX A-2: HEALTH CARE PROVIDER ORDERS Patient Name: BRENDAN RODRIGUEZ Diagnosis: R/O HEAD INJURY DOB: XX/XX/2011 Age: 3 MR#: 300596805 No Known Allergies Allergies & Sensitivities Date Time TODAY NOW HEALTH CARE PROVIDER ORDERS AND SIGNATURE Transfer to Observational Unit for monitoring x 4h. 1. VS q1h with neurovitals 2. Acetaminophen 220mg PO q4-6h for pain. Notify MD of any abnormal findings. May D/C home after monitoring if VS/neurovitals remain within normal limits. Provide teaching to parents regarding care. Signature Dr. M. Bailey CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11) Revised COUPN January 2014 23 APPENDIX A-3: HEALTH CARE PROVIDER ORDERS Patient Name: Troy Henderson Diagnosis: R/O SPLENIC LACERATION DOB: XX/XX/1972 Age: 42 MR#: 300592934 Allergy: PCN Date Time TODAY NOW HEALTH CARE PROVIDER ORDERS AND SIGNATURE Transfer to Observational Unit for monitoring. 1. Vital signs and neurovitals q1h until stable. 2. IV Ringers’ Lactate 125ml/hr continuous 3. Morphine 5-10mg IV q2-4h PRN 4. Zofran 4-8mg IV q6h PRN 5. Acetaminophen 650mg po q 4-6h PRN 6. Diet: NPO until CT scan back 7. Notify MD of any abnormal findings 8. Signature Notify MD of diagnostic and lab results when available Dr. M. Bailey CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11) Revised COUPN January 2014 24 APPENDIX B PATIENT A-SCRIPT NAME: Julia Rodriguez Script CNS Alert and respond appropriately to questions; anxious ask about baby and son Cardiovascular No history of heart problems. Some varicose veins that showed up during last pregnancy. Your Dad is on heart medication but you don’t know for what exactly. He never had a heart attack. Pulmonary You don’t smoke and neither does your husband. Had bronchitis as a teenager but nothing since. Renal/Hepatic Nothing out of the ordinary. “I pee a lot more than when I’m not pregnant” Gastrointestinal You eat fairly healthy other than cravings associated with the pregnancy-chips, Dairy Queen Regular BM’s usually every AM Endocrine No problems that I know of. Heme/Coag You’re last blood work from the obstetrician’s showed your iron to be a little low but nothing other than that. Musculoskeletal Pain in left wrist from your fall this morning. You were on your way to the clinic to get it looked at when you had the accident. Integument Nothing out of the ordinary Developmental Hx Normal Psychiatric Hx Happy and healthy Social Hx Married x 5 years; husband is in the military and is currently away; 2 nd pregnancy; stay at home mom; 1st pregnancy was great-no complications. Delivered in hospital. Followed by Dr. Labossiere-she’s your obstetrician. You are worried about the other driver and feeling guilty: “Is he going to be ok? I feel like I should go over and apologize! I tried to turn but I couldn’t use my left hand because my wrist hurt so badly.” You are worried about your unborn baby and your son. You really want to know that everything will be ok. You ask a lot of questions about your care and your son’s care. You’re anxious about leaving the hospital: “what if something happens later? What if I start to bleed? What if my son really does have a concussion or something wrong?” You can offer to help nurses with your sons care: “He’s so upset and scared with everything that’s happened. Is there something I can do to help?” You refuse to leave your sons side and insist on being treated and assessed at his bed: “My son needs me. Do whatever you need to but I’m staying here with him.” You don’t have anyone close by that can come to the hospital to help out. Traditional/Alternative/ Complementary You take your prenatal vitamins and folic acid once Medicine Hx per day. You started on them as soon as you and your husband decided to try for another baby. You have no allergies to any medications. CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11) Revised COUPN January 2014 25 Information about your son He’s usually a happy boy. No health concerns. He gets the odd sniffle or cold. He’s a pretty good eater. He likes what you give him. He’s allergic to strawberries and gets a rash around his mouth if he eats them. He likes to run and play. He’s really good at colouring. The doctor says he’s developing normally. He’s up to date on all his immunizations. Brendan’s never been hospitalized. You can ask: What should I watch for when we go home? What if he’s in pain at home? PATIENT B SCRIPT NAME: Brendan Script Behaviour Alert and respond to some questions (if worded in a way that is appropriate to your age); you are extremely anxious and don’t want to be away from your Mommy You are shy with the nurses. If they try and assess you without allowing you to first play with the equipment (stethoscope, thermometer etc) say: “No!” while hiding against your mom. If your mom is asked to help, you will allow her and the nurses to assess you. You will answer your mom’s questions. Developmental Hx Normal Psychiatric Hx Happy and healthy Social Hx You are 3. You can use the potty but don’t want to in the hospital. You wear pull-ups. Speech is normal for age; short phrases, nothing complex. You miss your Daddy. The accident was “scary” and you didn’t like the ambulance ride. Traditional/Alternative/ Complementary Spiderman vitamins. “I only get 1 in the morning.” Medicine Hx CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11) Revised COUPN January 2014 26 PATIENT C -SCRIPT NAME: Troy Henderson Script CNS Alert and respond appropriately to questions. No pain to head. Cardiovascular Takes Lipitor for cholesterol. No cardiac history. No further chest pain. Pulmonary You smoke 1ppd x 15 years. No history of respiratory problems. Renal/Hepatic Nothing out of the ordinary. Gastrointestinal You try to eat fairly healthy but I eat a lot of junk food when I watch TV. Regular BM’s usually every AM. When the nurses first assess you, you tell them you feel woozy and have some abdominal pain. After about 5 mins after the completion of their initial assessment, you start moaning in pain (holding your abdomen) and say you feel like you are going to throw up. Initial pain rating is 7/10 and progresses to 9/10. Endocrine No problems that I know of. Heme/Coag No problems. Musculoskeletal I feel a bit stiff after the accident and my left shoulder hurts. No neck pain. Integument Nothing out of the ordinary Developmental Hx Normal Psychiatric Hx Happy and healthy Social Hx Married x 12 years; 2 boys - 7 and 5 yrs. Wife is a stay at home Mom. You are worried about the other driver and her child but don’t ask a lot of questions due to your pain and nausea. You keep asking if someone has called and heard back from your wife. Traditional/ Alternative/ Complementary Medicine Hx You have no allergies to any medications. No herbal supplements or alternative medicine use. Only takes Lipitor every day. Allergies to Penicillin CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11) Revised COUPN January 2014 27 Patient C Script (Dr.Bailey) The students should call you after completing the assessment. They should report to you (using SBAR) the following: Physical assessment findings Patient’s subjective reports Blood work Diagnostic tests If their report is incomplete you will need to cue them. After the report has been provided to you, tell them you will be right over to see the patient but start: IV Normal Saline 500ml bolus at 250mls/hour CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11) Revised COUPN January 2014 28 APPENDIX C: DEBRIEFING GUIDE General Debriefing Plan With Video Individual Group Debriefing Guide Debriefing Materials Objectives Debriefing Points Culture 2. 3. 4. 5. QSEN CPSI Competencies to consider for debriefing scenarios Teamwork/Collaboration Identify safety risk Communication 1. Without Video Issues in environment Respond to safety risk Sample Questions for Debriefing One of the goals was prioritization of care. Did you feel you were able to accomplish this task? Please describe. Based on your evaluation and the information at hand, which patient was the priority? What in your mind made that particular patient the priority? What prior learning were you able to apply to this scenario? What information or teaching would have been important for patient A and B prior to D/C? What do you think was happening with patient C? What do you think would have happened next? Interprofessional Competencies to consider for debriefing scenarios Role Clarification Interprofessional Teamwork Functioning Patient/Family /Client centred care Collaborative Leadership Interprofessional Communication Sample Questions for Debriefing 1. Communication was important in this scenario. What went well or created some hurdles to interprofessional communication in this scenario? 2. Was delegation amongst the “nurses” used appropriately to improve patient care? If yes, please describe. If no, how might we improve? CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11) Revised COUPN January 2014 29 APPENDIX D- Diagnostic Multiple patients trauma scenario JULIA RODRIGUEZ DOB: XX/XX/1978 MR#: 300596812 X-RAY X-ray of left wrist. RESULTS: No evidence of fracture. Read by: Dr. P. Laroche Date: today CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11) Revised COUPN January 2014 30 Multiples patients’ trauma scenario JULIA RODRIGUEZ DOB: XX/XX/1978 MR#: 300596812 ULTRASOUND Abd. U/S performed to R/O placental abruption. RESULTS: No evidence of placental abruption. Read by: Dr. S. Mahz CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11) Revised COUPN January 2014 31 Multiple patients trauma scenario Patient Name: Troy Henderson DOB: XX/XX/1972 Age: 42 MR#: 300592934 12 Lead ECG Impression: Normal Sinus Tachycardia CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11) Revised COUPN January 2014 32 Patient Name: Troy Henderson DOB: XX/XX/1972 Age: 42 MR#: 300592934 Chest Xray Impression: Chest clear no infiltrates Patient Name: Troy Henderson CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11) Revised COUPN January 2014 33 DOB: XX/XX/1972 Age: 42 MR#: 300592934 CT SCAN ABDOMEN Impression: Splenic laceration CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11) Revised COUPN January 2014 34 APPENDIX E- LAB RESULTS MULTIPLE PATIENTS TRAUMA SCENARIO JULIA RODRIGUEZ DOB: XX/XX/1978 MR#: 300596812 HEMATOLOGY LAB Hgb: 110g/L (pregnant female >110g/L) Hct: 35% (pregnant female >35%)) WBC: 7 x 109 /L (5-10 x 109 /L) KB-ASSAY: 0.6% (<1%) ABO Rh: O+ CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11) Revised COUPN January 2014 35 Patient Name: Troy Henderson DOB: XX/XX/1972 Age: 42 MR#: 300592934 HEMATOLOGY Hgb: 10.2 mmol/L (male 8.7 – 11.2 mmol/L)) Hct: 38% (male 41-50%) Platelets: 163 (150 to 400 x 109/L) WBC: 7.0 x 109/L (5-10 x 109 /L) ABO Rh: A+ CHEMISTRY Na: 141 mmol/L (135 - 145mmol/L)) K: 4.2 mmol/L (3.5 – 5.0 mmol/L) Cl: 102 mmol/L (98 – 106 mmol?L) Cr: 56 mcmol/L (53 – 106 mcmol/L) CSA REV template (12/15/08; 5/09; 12/09; 4/11) Revised COUPN January 2014