MODULHANDBUCH - Neurowissenschaften

Neurons and Neural Microcircuits
Term of studying
Frequency of
MN-B-SM (N 2)
360 h
12 CP
1st or 2nd term of studying
Summer term,
1st half
7 weeks
Type of lessons
Contact times
Self-study times
Intended group size*
a) Lectures
23 h
46 h
max. 16
b) Practical/Lab
139 h
110 h
max. 6
c) Seminar
18 h
24 h
max. 8
Aims of the module and acquired skills
Students who successfully completed this module …
have acquired a solid understanding of important concepts in neuroscience.
are able to apply several state-of-the-art recording and imaging techniques used in
neurobiology and are able to design and perform small projects related to topics of the
have learned how to present research results in oral and written form and to critically discuss
scientific publications related to the topic of the module.
Contents of the module
Basic properties of excitable membranes
Functional analysis of membrane properties
Computer modeling of membrane properties
Intracellular and extracellular recordings of neuronal activity in invertebrate and vertebrate
central nervous systems
Synaptic interaction of neurons
Functional properties of neuronal networks and generation of rhythmic activity
Pharmacological analysis of biophysical and network properties
Intracellular staining techniques and methods in functional neuro-anatomy
Fluorescence microscopy
Teaching/Learning methods
Lectures; Practical/Lab (Project work); Seminar; Computer exercises; Guidance to
independent research; Training on presentation techniques in oral and written form
Requirements for participation
Enrollment in the Master´s degree course “Biological Sciences” or in the Master´s degree course
“Klinische und Experimentelle Neurowissenschaften”
Additionallyrecommended: Participation in an advanced neurobiology/animal physiology course
within a bachelor’s program (e.g. MN-B-WP I [Neuro 1] at University of Cologne) is highly desirable.
The knowledge of basic neurobiology on the level of a general biology text book (Campbell or Purves)
is a prerequisite.
Neurons and Neural Nicrocircuits (MN-B-SM [N 2]) continued
Type of module examinations
The final examination consists of three parts: Two hours written examination about topics of the
lectures, the practical/lab part and the seminars (50 % of the total module mark), oral presentation (25
% of the total module mark) and seminar paper (25 % of the total module mark)
Requisites for the allocation of credits
Regular and active participation;
Total module mark at least “sufficient” (see appendix of the examination regulations for details)
Compatibility with other Curricula
Elective module in the Master´s degree course “Klinische und Experimentelle Neurowissenschaften”
Significance of the module mark for the overall grade
In the Master´s degree course “Biological Sciences”: 15 % of the overall grade (see also appendix of
the examination regulations)
Module coordinator
PD Dr. Joachim Schmidt, phone 470-6135, e-mail:
Additional information
Subject module of the Master´s degree course “Biological Sciences”,
Focus of research: (N) Neurobiology
Kandel, E.R., et al. (2013) Principles of Neural Science. 5th edition (or older editions),
Byrne, J.H. et al. (2014) From Molecules to Networks: An Introduction to Cellular and
Molecular Neuroscience. 3rd edition (or older editions), Academic Press
Galizia, C.G., Lledo, P.-M. (2013) Neurosciences. Springer Spektrum
General time schedule: Week 1-6 (Mon.-Fri.): Lectures, practical/lab and preparation for the seminar
talk (held at the end of week 6) as well as writing seminar paper; Week 7 (Mon.-Fri): Preparation for
the written examination
Introduction to the module: April 07, 2015 at 9:00 a.m., Cologne Biocenter, room 1.007 (first floor);
for preparation to the module before this introduction see advice(s) under literature
Written examination: May 22, 2015; more details will be given at the beginning of the module
12 students from the Master´s degree course “Biological Sciences” and 4 students from the Master´s degree course “Klinische und
Experimentelle Neurowissenschaften”.