Public notice of application for amendment of environmental authority

Public notice
Public notice of application for amendment of environmental authority
(mining lease)
Page 2 of this document contains the form and format to be used for a public notice of application (application notice under
s. 254 of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (as in force prior to 31 March 2013)):
for amendment of environmental authority (mining lease) made before 31 March 2013; and
for which there is no certificate of public notice under section 64B or 252B of the Mineral Resources Act 1989,
How to use an application notice
For applications for an amendment of an environmental authority (mining lease), within 10 business days after
the applicant is given the draft environmental authority, the applicant must:
give the application notice to:
o each owner of land to which the amendment relates (the relevant land) and any other land
necessary for access to the relevant land
o each holder, or applicant for, an exploration permit or mineral development licence over the
relevant land for a mineral other than a mineral to which the proposed amendment relates; and
o the relevant local government
publish the notice:
o at least once in a newspaper circulating in the locality of the land to which the mining lease is
o in any other way decided by the administering authority or prescribed under a Regulation.
The administering authority may decide another way of publishing the notice if it gives the applicant an
information notice about the decision before the notice is published.
The objection period for the application is the period fixed by the administering authority by written notice to the
All version information for this notice is contained on this page only.
Page 1 of 2 • 141208 • EM526 • Version 3
Department of Environment and Heritage Protection ABN 46 640 294 485
Environmental Protection Act 1994 - s. 254
Proposed amendment of environmental authority number <INSERT environmental authority number>
for <INSERT description of the mining lease project> project, on <INSERT operational land>, mining
lease <INSERT mining lease number>
It is advised that <INSERT proponent company/name>, being the applicant for the above mentioned proposal,
has prepared and submitted to the administering authority an amendment application for an environmental
authority (mining lease), in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1994.
The mining activities relevant to the proposed amendment include: <INSERT description of relevant mining
activities and proposed amendments, including any additional mining activities>.
The amendment application documents for the proposal consist of the <INSERT details of the application
documents>. Copies of, or extracts from, the amendment application documents may be inspected at
<INSERT location details>, or may be obtained by contacting <INSERT contact details>.
It is advised that any person/entity may make an objection about the amendment application, the draft
environmental authority (EA) for the amendment application, or a condition included in the draft EA. The
objection period, during which objections can be given, concludes <INSERT date>.
A properly made objection must—
 be made in writing, addressed to:
The Administering Authority
<INSERT relevant EHP office>
Department of Environment and Heritage Protection
<INSERT postal address of relevant EHP office>
 marked attention to: <INSERT contact officer’s name>; and
 be received on or before the last day of the objection period.
The administering authority shall accept all properly made objections and may accept written objections even if
they are not properly made. A properly made objection is one that—
 is written;
 is signed by or for each person (‘signatory’) who made the submission;
 states the name and address of each signatory;
 is made to the administering authority;
 is received on or before the last day of the objection period; and
 states the grounds of the objection and the facts and circumstances relied on in support of the grounds.
Objections must be received on or before 4.30pm on the last day of the objection period.
Intending objectors should contact the Project Manager <INSERT Project Manager's name> on <INSERT
contact details>, or visit the EHP website <> (search for EM512), to obtain the approved
objection form.
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Department of Environment and Heritage Protection ABN 46 640 294 485