9.16.14 Notes_SEM Diversity Workplan (2)

Notes: Minority Outreach Meeting 9/16/14
Present: Curtis Bonney, Sharon Simes, Wade Parrot, Gary Gorland. Melisa Mixon
Could not attend: Jesse Cooley, Susan Shanahan
Goal I Enrollment: Increase Targeted Enrollment
Objective: Increase overall headcount of students of color
Areas of interest for students:
Job training, ESL, ABE/GED, College Transfer, BA.S, Financial Aid,
1. Marketing:
Ethnic-community papers, flyers, posters, targeted Facebook/Google ads
Discussed: General marketing strategies and media choices; emphasize college attributes that
would resonate with specific target audiences; develop a cheat sheet to be used for
presentations and outreach; research ethnic/cultural newspapers as possible advertising
2. Open House: “ A celebration of diversity and educational options”
Speakers, successful students, workshops, entrepreneurship workshops, etc.
Discussed: Possible date-3rd week of January, coordinate with Susan Shanahan,
24 non-profits in the OCEE, target ESL resources, community, high school minority students and
their parents, undocumented students (HB-1078 and WFSA info) etc., FAFSA –Financial Aid
3. Direct Community Outreach: Churches, Community Based Organizations, Schools
Adopt a church or organization: Cover letter-attend community events-post posters flyers-guest
speaker: Create list, contact, distribute, meet, follow-up.
Discussed: research neighborhood and ethnic/cultural chambers of commerce, Seattle Housing
Authority sites, develop a list of local church contacts and church education coordinators, CBO
contacts, key ethnic businesses, develop an outreach strategy and team, i.d. and train in-house
presenters to do presentations in churches, at CBO’s,
Melissa: Develop general marketing strategies and research media outlets and venues; develop
strategies for tailored messaging; develop a cheat sheet and materials to be used for
presentations and outreach; research ethnic/cultural newspapers as possible advertising
Wade: identify DIF and DAC members and contact Susan Shanahan to develop the Open House;
determine theme, areas of interest; begin Open House development process; work with Melissa
on promotion
Gary: Target Date: By November 1st compile list of individuals, churches, CBOs, etc. for
communicating about the January Open House; email, mail, phone of key person;
By December 1st develop and identify opportunities to conduct direct outreach; identify and
develop a cadre of in-house presenter with Susan Shanahan and student government, and staff
volunteers; set a date for training and provide presenters a contact list for presentations to
begin winter quarter 2015.
Sharon: Meet with Library staff to develop a list of area multi-cultural churches’ identify church
and church elders and organization contacts; work with Gary and Susan Shanahan to develop
outreach teams.
Curtis: Ask ESL students to identify churches, mosques and organizations and key leaders;
represent college as a minority outreach team member; work with Wade on developing an
Open House agenda to incorporate ESL immigrant students’ needs and interests.
Susan: Consult with Wade on Open House development. Work with Gary and Sharon to develop
a minority outreach “speakers bureau”
Jesse: Join and participate in local area chambers of commerce; work with Melissa on
marketing/advertising strategies; represent college as a minority outreach team member
Ideas to be explored:
-College staff contacts for developing church/CBO contacts: Wadeah Nelson; Zola Mumford
(Langston Hughes film, other media orgs.); Sharon Church (Ethiopian and Eritrean churches);
Belinda Tillman (CBO’s, churches, ESL/ABE); high school minority outreach-team with 3 NSC high
school related programs and partners : college in the high school, interagency academy, etc.