Midwest Pinzgauer Association, Inc. Bylaws Adopoted November 19, 2005 Revised February, 19, 2005 Revised September 26, 2008 Revised March 24, 2013 Article I Purpose: The name of this organization shall be the Midwest Pinzgauer Association, Inc. Its object shall be to promote Pinzgauer Cattle in the states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska (hereby known as the nine states), and for the purpose of promoting and bettering the interest and welfare of Pinzgauer breeders and prospective Pinzgauer breeders; to actively encourage the registration of all Pinzgauer cattle; to bring about a closer cooperation, unification and coordination of the effort of Pinzgauer breeders; to sponsor and assist in sponsoring shows and sales in furnishing an outlet for public sale of breeding stock of members; to cooperate with and cultivate the interest of junior prospective breeders of Pinzgauers; to do any and all things necessary to advance the prosperity of the breed and its breeders; and to advertise in the nine states as Pinzgauer breeding states. Article II Relationship to the American Pinzgauer Association: All the proceedings of this cooperation and all of the work done by this cooperation shall be in conformance with and in harmony with the policies, activities, and recommendations of the National affiliate organization: The American Pinzgauer Association. Ariticle III Membership: Membership shall be open to any reliable, responsible person, firm or corporation in the nine states owning one or more Pinzgauer cattle. The organization may accept members outside the nine states who desire to cooperate and affiliate with this organization. All person, firms or corporations having joined this corporation, shall thereby become subject to the rules and bylaws then in force, or later adopted, by this corporation. Membership and Dues: 1. Active Members shall be owners and breeders of Pinzgauer cattle who pay the membership fee. Only active members with paid-up memberships and on good standing may vote or hold office in this corporation. A member in good standing is defined as one who has met their Annual Dues obligation according to Rule 8 of Membership and Dues. Active membership will apply to the estate of a deceased member for one (1) year after death. 2. Charter Members shall be all who apply for and are accepted for membership by June 20, 1996. For all intents and purposes, Charter Members shall be Active Members. 3. Associate Members are non-voting members who may be interested in the advancement of the corporation. Associate Members may not hold elective offices. Associate Members are for those interested in membership who do NOT own Pinzgauer cattle. Associate members are also for those people outside of the nine states of owning Pinzguer cattle. 4. Honorary Members are individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the development of the Pinzgauer breed of cattle. They are elected by the general membership of the corporation, provided they have been recommended for such and appointment by a prior resolution of the Board of Directors. Honorary members are not entitled to vote and may not hold elective offices. 5. Junior Active Members shall bethose under twenty-one (21) years of age who have paid the prescribed membership fee. Junior members are NOT entitled to vote or hold office of this corporation. Junior Members are not required to own or breed Pinzgauer cattle. 6. There shall be only ONE authorized person per membership to vote and act on behalf fo the membership, be it a partnership, individual or corporation. 7. The Board of Directors shall have the power to accept or reject any application for membership. 8. Annual dues are due and payable by Januray 31. The membership, as well as prospective members shall be notified of this deadline by the end of the first week in November. The membership year is January 1 through December 31. Annual dues shall be paid to the Midwest Pinzgauer Association, Inc. and mailed to the Treasurer. The annual dues may be changed at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Expulsion of Members The following acts, when proof of their commission shall have been established by evidence satisfactory to the Executive Corporation, shall in themselves be full and sufficient grounds for expelling any person, firm or corporation from membership. a) To knowingly and willfully misrepresent in any essential detail an animal sold either at public or private sale. b) To knowingly and willfully sell a barren, non-breeding or dwarf-producing animal for breeding purposes. c) To knowingly and willfully mistreat an animal, or use in an unlawful manner, or be repeatedly cited for such actions. d) The Board of Directors shall have the power to accept or reject any application for membership and the power to suspend or expel any member who conducts himself/herself in a manner detrimental to the Association. e) Any person whose membership has been revoked must make a written application for reinstatement to the President of the Board of Directors and can be reinstated only after having received two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote by the Board of Directors. When any person, firm or corporation, a member of this corporation, shall be accused of any of the above faults, acts or practices, or other acts or practices, or other acts or practices which may be deemed just cause for expulsion from this corporation, said person, firm or corporation shall be entitled to a full, fair and impartial public hearing before the Executive Committee of the corporation where he shall be faced by his accuser, or be permitted to examine all evidence offered in support of the charge by the accuser or others, and where he/she shall be given full opportunity to refute such evidence. But upon being adjudged guilty of the practice as charged and worthy of expulsion, he/she shall be forthwith expelled and public notice given of such expulsion in such manner as may be directed by the Executive Committee. Article IV Officers and Directors There shall be seven Board of Directors for this association. Duty of Officers 1. President: The President shall be the principal executive officer of the association and subject to the control of the Board of Directors, shall in general supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the association. He/she shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors. He/she may sign, with the Secretary or any other proper officer of the Association authorized by the Board of Directors, instruments which the Board of Directors has authorized to be executed. He/she in general shall perform all duties incident to the Office of the President as prescribed by the Articles of Incorporation. The Bylaws and by Statute, as well as such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors from time to time. President has thirty (30) days after his/her election to appoint committee Chairmen. 2. Vice-President: In the absence of the President or in the event of his/her inability to act, the Vice-President shall perform the Duties of the President, and when so acting shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President. 3. Secretary: the secretary shall keep the minutes of the member’s meetings and the Board of Directors, shall see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws and as required by law, shall be the custodian of the records and the seal of the association, shall keep a record of the post office address of each member, shall sign with the President or the Vice-President all documents authorized by the Board of Directors, shall have general charge of the membership books of the corporation, and shall in general perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President or Board of Directors. 4. Treasurer: if required by the Board of Directors, the Treasurer shall give a Bond for the faithful discharge of his/her duties in such sum and with surety as the Board of Directors shall determine. He/she shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds of the Association, shall receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the association from any source what so ever, and shall deposit all such monies in the name of the Association in such depository as shall be designated by the Board of Directors, and shall in general perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors. Duties of Directors A) Directors: the affairs of the corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors. Directors shall be elected by the following plan: not less than thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting the ballots shall be mailed to all active members. These ballots shall include the names of those eligible nominees, selected by the provisions set down in Article V, section six (6) of these Bylaws. All written ballots must vote for not more than the number of vacancies to be filled and must be returned to the Secretary of the corporation not less than ten (10) days prior to the next stated annual meeting. Any Board of Director missing two (2) consecutive meetings will immediately be terminated. Telephone attendance is an accepted method of attending any meeting. B) The Directors shall elect from among their own number a President and Vice-President whose terms of office shall be for one year. C) The Directors shall appoint a Secretary and Treasurer as separate officers for a one year term. If qualified people are available, these officers may come from outside the Board of Directors. Elected officers may hold the same position or office up to three (3) consecutive years. Appointed officers are exempt from these rules. The Board of Directors may appoint additional offices as they see fit in order to carry out efficiently the affairs of the corporation. However, only active or charter paid-up members in good standing may be Directors. D) A simple majority (51%) of Directors present shall constitute a quorum at any Directors Meeting. Article V Committees The corporation may have if needed, the following standing committees, appointed by the President; and, in addition, such other committees as the President may appoint from time to time. Each committee shall consist of a Chairperson. Each committee, through the Chairperson, shall report either verbally or in writing to a spokesperson on the Board of Directors and annually to the Annual General Membership Meeting. See Appendix A. 1. Executive Committee: this committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer and two (2) other Directors to appoint by the President as Chairperson. It shall be their duty to conduct the affairs of the corporation between the Director’s meetings and carry out the instructions of the Board of Directors. If the Secretary or Treasurer is not an elected board member they have no vote. 2. Rules Committee: it shall be the duty of this committee to interpret all rules and regulations and to recommend such changes as they deem necessary to the Board of Directors for their approval. 3. Import-Export Committee: it shall be the duty of this committee to explore and pursue all possibilities for the free movement of genetically superior Pinzgauer seed stock. 4. Performance Committee: it shall be the duties of this committee to encourage, promote and evaluate breed performance testing. 5. Show and Exhibition Committee: this committee shall make recommendations pertaining to live animal and carcass displays to be supported by the Association. It shall be their duty to recommend place, time and date for the Midwest Pinzgauer Association shows, and persons to be contacted to perform services necessary in conducting said shows. This committee should review the rules and guidelines for Association sponsored shows and recommend changes. This committee is also respo0nsible for monitoring and reporting violations of said rules to the Board of Directors, and shall oversee the management of the shows in accordance with the Board’s directions. This committee will also with the American Pinzgauer Association when the National Show is held in the Midwest Region. 6. Nominating Committee: it shall be the duty of this committee to handle the nominations of all awards given by this corporation and any American Pinzgauer Association awards we are entitled to. It will also be their duty to send names of candidates to the American Pinzgauer Association for Board of Directors from the Midwest Pinzgauer Association. If not nominated by this committee an American Pinzgauer Association director from the Midwest Pinzgauer Association would not be eligible for travel funds to the American Pinzgauer Association from the Midwest Pinzgauer Association membership, the appointed director would not be eligible for travel funds to the American Pinzgauer Association meetings. The committee will collect names of candidates for Board of Directors for this corporation; ballots will be sent out by this committee to the membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting. There will be a two, two, three year rotations for the Directors terms. A Director may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. It will be this committee’s obligation to know the terms of the Directors and to suggest to the President, names to fill vacancies that occur. The ballots will be counted by the Board of Directors prior to the annual meeting and winners will be announced at the annual meeting. The new directors will take office immediately following the annual meeting. 7. Finance Committee: the Treasurer shall be the Chairperson of the committee. The Treasure/they will prepare a budget and submit it to the Board of Directors for their approval. The Treasurer shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors for the investment of available of available funds. The committee shall cause the financial books of the Association to be audited annually by the old and new Treasurer and two (2) Midwest Pinzgauer Association members appointed by the President. This audit should happen within a month after the annual meeting and an audit report and financial statement should then be sent out to each member through the newsletter. 8. Sales Committee: it shall be the duty of this committee to recommend place, time and date for the Midwest Pinzgauer Association sales and persons to be contacted to perform services necessary in conducting said sales. This committee will be in charge of the number of animals allowed in the sale, sifting of sale animals, and see that commissions are paid. They shall oversee the management of the sales and carry out the rules of the Midwest Pinzgauer Association. 9. Youth Committee: this committee shall be concerned with coordinating youth activities with the Midwest Pinzgauer Association region. Article VI Meetings Membership Meeting a) An annual Membership Meeting shall be held once every calendar year with a maximum time of fifteen (15) months between meetings. All members will be notified either by letter or on the official organ of the corporation at least thirty (30) days prior to such meetings. Special business shall be mentioned in the notice of the meeting. b) A quorum form annual membership and special voters meetings shall consist of the active and charter members in good standing present in person. c) Roberts Rules of Order will be followed at all meetings of the corporation, membership and at all meetings of the Board of Directors. d) One special membership meeting may be held at the discretion of the Board of Directors each year. All members will be notified by letter or in the official organ of the corporation at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting date. E-mail will be an official method of communication when available. The special business shall be mentioned in the notice of the meeting. e) Only active and Charter members who are in good standing and whose memberships dues are current are entitled to vote at any corporation meeting. f) General membership meetings may be held throughout the year at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Such meetings may be announced on the web site of the Midwest Pinzgauer Association, Inc. Board of Director Meetings a) A regular meeting of the Board of Directors is not required in conjunction with the Annual Membership Meeting. b) The President may call special meetings of the Board of Directors by giving at least a ten (10) day notice in writing of the time, place and purpose. If any Director is unable to attend such meetings, he/she shall notify the President of such fact not less than five (5) days prior to the meeting. The President may only exercise this power once each year. c) A majority of the Directors present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at all meetings of the Board of Directors. d) Any action which the Board of Directors is authorized to take, may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing describing the action so taken is signed by all the Directors entitled to vote on the matter and such consent shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote. Article VII Grievance Procedure Section 1. Eligibility Any member of the Association is eligible to exercise the provisions of the grievance procedure as the established herein. Section 2. Intent It is the intent of the Midwest Pinzgauer Association to adopt Bylaws and Regulations that apply equally and without discrimination to all of its members. In the event that situations arise where the applicability of the Bylaws and/or Rules and Regulations of the Midwest Pinzgauer Association appear to fall short of the stated intent, then any eligible member may exercise the grievance procedures herein describe. Section 3. Procedures a) Grievance procedures shall be initiated by a complaint filed in writing with the President of the Board of Directors who in turn shall refer it to the Chairperson of the Grievance Committee. This document shall set forth in detail the nature of the grievance including date, place and nature of the grievance. b) All such filing shall be accompanied by a $100 fee in the form of a cashiers check. Such fee to be used by the Association for attorney fees and legal council. There will be no refund. Any monies remaining will be deposited in the Midwest Pinzgauer Association checking account. c) The Chairperson of the Grievance Committee shall set a hearing within six (6) months of the date of receipt of the complaint and committee shall hear the grievance and shall seek to resolve the dispute. Within thirty (30) days of the hearing, complainant will be notified in writing by the Chairperson of the Grievance Committee. Sectiopn 4. Appeals A) In the event the complainant is not satisfied with the findings of the Grievance Committee, he/she shall within ten (10) days of receipt of the findings, appeal the findings to the Executive Committee of the Association by written appeal sent to the President. A date, time and place for hearing shall be selected and complainant shall be notified in writing. B) In the event the complainant is satisfied with the findings of the Executive Committee, he/she shall within ten (10) days of receipt of the findings of the Executive Committee appeal the finds to the Board of Directors of the Association by written appeal sent to the President who shall forthwith transmit same to the Board of Directors. A date, time and place for the hearing before the Board of Directors will be selected, and complainant shall be notified in writing by the President. Section 5. Parliamentary Procedure. All hearings shall be informal. Section 6. Liability for Expense. All expenses incurred for legal services (beyond the first $100) and all other expenses incurred by the Association or the complainant will be the sole responsibility of the party by whom the expense was incurred. Nothing in these procedures is to imply or suggest that the Association is liable for payment of any expense incurred by the complainant either directly or indirectly. Section 7. Findings The findings of the Board of Directors shall be final. They shall be transferred in writing to the complainant by the President and findings of the Board of Directors shall be filed with the Association office and with the American Pinzgauer Association. Article III Health and Other Standards for Cattle All cattle offered for sale or placed in a show sponsored by this corporation must be free from disease. All animals sold through an official sale be accompanied by a health certificate as necessitated by the state the buyer and will be furnished by the seller. Other standards for shows or sales shall be made by the Board of Directors as needed. Parliamentary Authority The most current version of Roberts Rules will be utilized. Article X Bylaws Amendments The Bylaws of the Association may be amended by an affirmative of the majority of the members present at any general membership meeting, or special membership meeting. Notice of proposed amendments from Active members must be made in writing to the President. Such proposal must contain the signature(s) of the person(s) requesting changes. The proposals must be made to the Midwest Pinzgauer Association office at least sixty (60) days prior to a scheduled meeting. Proposed amendments must be included in the notice calling the meeting to order. Appendix A Committee Structure, Procedures & Etiquette Committees for various activities as defined in the bylaws may be set-up by the President. The committee must consist of at least three (3) members of the Midwest Pinzgauer Association including the representative (chairperson) from the Board. The President shall appoint the Chairperson of each committee. The first item of business of any committee meeting) if not already appointed) must be the establishment of a chairperson. This cannot be a self- appointed position but a 51% majority vote of the committee. This person is in charge of running the meeting and like the President, only votes on tie issues. The next item of business is establishing of a recorder to keep all records and decisions of the committee. It shall be the duty of the chair person to convey their desires to the representative on the board who in turn will relate their desires (requests) at the appropriate board meeting. The Board of Directors of the Midwest Pinzgauer Association will approve, table, return or disapprove the committee’s desires (requests). The chairperson must set-up, organize an agenda and run the meeting in a professional manner. Absolutely no monies should be spent or promised without proper Board of Director approval. Failure on any part of this procedure may result in no recognition of these committee’s efforts.