Surgical Alternatives * Consent to Treatment / Financial Agreement

Surgical Alternatives – Consent to Treatment / Financial Agreement
Dr. Robert Levingston, D.C., FIAMA
Health care providers are required to advise patients of the nature of the treatment to be provided, the risks and benefits of the
treatment, and any alternatives to the treatment provided. There are some inherent risks that may be associated with chiropractic
treatments, acupuncture treatments, non-surgical bunion therapy, and non-surgical face-lifts, including, but not limited to:
Aggravation of pre-existing symptoms
Allergic reactions to supplements or herbs
Rib fractures or muscle and ligament sprains or strains following treatment.
Disc injuries following cervical and lumbar spinal adjustment (although no scientific study demonstrates such injuries
are caused, or may be caused, by spinal or soft tissue manipulation or treatment).
Vertebral artery injury following osseous spinal manipulation. Vertebral artery injuries have been known to cause a
stroke, sometimes with serious neurological impairment, and may, on rare occasion, result in paralysis or death. The
possibility of such injuries resulting from cervical spine manipulation is extremely remote.
Pain, Bruising, or swelling associated with bunion therapy especially at the calf, ankle, and foot.
Some skin reaction to topical analgesic solution used in the bunion procedure therapy to help relieve joint pain.
Osseous and soft tissue manipulation has been the subject of government reports and multi-disciplinary studies conducted over
many years and have demonstrated it to be highly effective treatment of spinal conditions including general pain and loss of
mobility, headaches and other related symptoms. Musculoskeletal care contributes to your overall well-being. The risk of injuries
or complications from treatment is substantially lower than that associated with many medical or other treatments, medications,
and procedures given for the same symptoms.
________ I acknowledge I will have the opportunity to discuss the following with my healthcare provider:
a. The condition that the treatment is to address;
b. The nature of the treatment;
c. The risks and benefits of that treatment; and
d. Any alternatives to that treatment
I voluntarily consent to outpatient care at Surgical Alternatives, encompassing routine diagnostic procedures, examination and
treatment including, but not limited to, chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture therapy, non-surgical bunion therapy, non-surgical
face-lifts, and chronic pain relief treatments.
I further consent to the performance of these diagnostic procedures, examinations and rendering of treatment by the staff. I
understand that some treatments are considered experimental and that some treatment or suggestions provided are NOT
accepted by the United States FDA. I therefore, hereby release Dr. Robert Levingston, D.C., FIAMA from any liability arriving out
of the status of the approval or lack of approval of these therapeutic procedures.
I agree to inform Dr. Levingston immediately of any disease process that I am suffering from, or if I am on any medication or over
the counter drugs; (If you are pregnant or you are breast-feeding please advise Dr. Levingston immediately).
________ I understand that a record will be kept of the health services provided to me. This record will be kept confidential and
will not be released to others without my consent, unless required by law. I understand that I may look at my medical record at
any time and can request a copy of it by paying the appropriate fee.
________ I understand that Dr. Levingston will answer my questions that I have to the best of his ability. I do not expect the
doctor to be able to anticipate and explain all risks and complications, and I wish to rely upon the doctor to exercise judgment
Surgical Alternatives
3470 S. Sherman St., Ste. 3, Englewood, CO
(303) 532-4844
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Surgical Alternatives – Consent to Treatment / Financial Agreement
Dr. Robert Levingston, D.C., FIAMA
during the course of the procedure which the doctor feels at the time, based upon the facts then known to him or her, is in my
best interest.
I understand that bunion therapy is not a substitute for surgery but merely a treatment involving strengthening the muscles of the
foot (particularly the abductor hallicus) as an attempt to help correct the hallux valgus deformity and reposition the misaligned big
toe where the bunions is located. As in all healthcare cases, in regards to bunion therapy, results may vary and there is no
guarantee that one patient will have the same result as another.
I also understand that there are beneficial effects associated with these treatment procedures including decreased pain,
improved mobility and function, and reduced muscle spasm. However, I appreciate there is no certainty that I will achieve these
benefits. I realize that the practice of medicine, including chiropractic and bunion therapy, is not an exact science and I
acknowledge that no guarantee has been made to me regarding that outcome of these procedures.
I consent to the treatments offered or recommended to me by my healthcare provider, including osseous and soft tissue
manipulation and bunion therapy. I intend this consent to apply to all my present and future care with Dr. Levingston or other
licensed doctors of chiropractic who now, or in the future, treat me while employed by, working for or serving as back-up for Dr.
Levingston, D.C., FIAMA.
_________ I understand that all charges are to be paid at the time of the visit. Payments for all dispensary items such as
supplements, serums, or solutions are due at the time of the visit.
I understand and agree that as the patient, I am responsible for the total charges incurred for each visit including costs of
supplements. I understand that most insurance companies do not cover the cost of alternative therapies or supplements. I have
read and understood the above stated policies and information. I intend this consent form to cover the entire course of
treatment(s) for my present condition. I understand that I am free to withdraw my consent and to discontinue participation in
these procedures at any time.
Signature of Patient
Name of Patient (Printed)
Date Signed
Signature of Legal Representative
(e.g. attorney-in-fact, guardian, parent if minor)
Date Signed
Surgical Alternatives
3470 S. Sherman St., Ste. 3, Englewood, CO
(303) 532-4844
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