Department of Art Application for Track 2: BA in Studio Art with Advanced Specialization Track 2 of the Studio Art Major is a 12-credit combination of four courses designed to provide advanced focus in specific chosen media for a select group of Studio Art majors. Although there is no minimum GPA requirement for Track 2, there is a competitive portfolio admission process. This track is aimed at students who are considering study at the graduate level or simply wish to explore a chosen area in more depth. The four courses comprising the advanced specialization will normally be taken during a student’s senior year. The Advanced Specialization Seminar will focus on portfolio preparation, career development, art writing, critical theory, and other elements that support the post-graduate pursuit of art. If a applicant to Track 2 has already completed courses in their chosen specialization beyond the 48-credit Track 1 requirements, they may be used to fulfill Track 2 requirements. It is possible that the only course needed to complete the sequence is the Advanced Specialization Seminar. Students applying to both the department Honors Program and Track 2, must submit separate application packages. Students accepted into both programs may use the Honors Seminar as a substitute for the Advanced Specialization Seminar. The Advanced Specialization Seminar may NOT be substituted for the Honors Seminar. The department has a large supply of re-writable CDs free to students for applications. These may be picked up in the Art Office. TRACK 2 REQUIREMENTS Admission into Track 2 is determined by a competitive portfolio review. Students may apply to Track 2 after completing a minimum of two intermediate courses beyond the Foundation courses. In addition to fulfilling Track 1 requirements, students accepted into Track 2 must complete a 12 credit Advanced Specialization in one of the media areas below. Advanced studio courses already completed beyond the Track 1 requirements may be counted towards the Advanced Specialization. ARTT 481: Advanced Specialization Seminar, is restricted to students accepted into Track 2. Course Requirements for Areas of Advanced Specialization in Studio Art: Advanced media courses ending in 8 or 9 are repeatable up to 12 credits. Digital Media: ARTT 479 Advanced Digital Media Studio (2 repeatable 3 cr. courses) 6 credits Option: ARTT 479 or ARTT 353/449 (Photo) or 34x/448 (Printmaking) 3 credits (3 cr. of ARTT 498 Directed Studies may be substituted for ARTT 479 cr.) ARTT 481 Advanced Specialization Seminar (Track 2 students only. Students in Department Honors Program may substitute the Honors Seminar for this course. 1 3 credits Painting: ARTT 428 Advanced Painting Studio (Three repeatable 3 cr. courses) (3 cr. of ARTT 498 Directed Studies in Art may be substituted for ARTT428) ARTT 481 Advanced Specialization Seminar (Track 2 students only. Students in Department Honors Program may substitute the Honors Seminar for this course. Printmaking: Option: ARTT 34x or ARTT 448 ARTT 448 Advanced Printmaking Studio(Two repeatable 3 cr. courses) (3 cr. of 498 Directed Studies may be substituted for 448 credit) ARTT 481 Advanced Specialization Seminar (Track 2 students only. Students in Department Honors Program may substitute the Honors Seminar for this course. 9 credits 3 credits 3 credits 6 credits 3 credits Sculpture: Option: ARTT 33x or ARTT 418* or ARTT 438 3 credits ARTT 438 Advanced Sculpture Studio (Two repeatable 3cr. Courses) 6 credits (3 cr. of ARTT 498 Directed Studies in Art may be substituted for438 credit.) ARTT 481 Advanced Specialization Seminar (Track 2 students only. 3 credits Students in Department Honors Program may substitute the Honors Seminar for this course. Intermedia: ARTT 4xx Advanced Studios (Combination of inter-related courses ) (3 cr. of ARTT 498 Directed Studies in Art may be used for 4xx credit.) ARTT 481 Advanced Specialization Seminar (Track 2 students only. Students in Department Honors Program may substitute the Honors Seminar for this course. 9 credits 3 credits APPLICATION PACKAGE The admission process takes place during the second half of the Spring semester. Exact deadlines are advertised several weeks before the deadline; visit the Department of Art Office for exact deadlines. 1. Cover Letter to the Undergraduate Director, Professor Patrick Craig Include a statement of the area in you intend to specialize (Digital Media, Painting, Printmaking, or Intermedia). Please include a brief statement of why you are choosing this area. 2. Completed Advanced Specialization Application (Last Page of this document) Applications are available in the Department of Art (Room 1211E of the Art/Sociology Building). 3. Digital Portfolio The portfolio should consist of ten works of art from studio courses at the University of Maryland or the institution from which you have transferred. The portfolio should emphasize complete work, and include some variety without sacrificing overall 2 quality. Work in the media area to which you are applying should be emphasized, but your application portfolio can include work from other areas. Apply with your strongest work. Images for application should be submitted on a Macintosh-compatible CD or DVD. Create a folder with your name on the disc within which to store your files. Name your image files with your full name, i.e., Smith_Jane_01.jpg. (Words in file titles must be separated by underscores) Any time-based files must be saved as a .mov files. DO NOT present your work via PowerPoint, Keynote or other presentation software. Include single .jpg files only. Digital files should be clear, in focus and of ample resolution. Color-correct your images to appear as similar to the real work as possible. Images should not exceed 2 MB. 4. List of Images Include a one-page printed document that lists the name, title, medium, dimensions or running time, date of completion, and short (1-2 sentences) about each work. Include a small (approximately 1”x1”) image of the work by its corresponding description. 5. Uofficial Transcript Hard Copy CONTINUATION IN TRACK 2 Students in Track 2 must receive a B- or better in their specialization courses. Grades of C-, C, or C+ may be used as ARTT credits but cannot be applied to Track 2 requirements. All decisions about admission to, and continuation in, Track 2 will be made by the Undergraduate Director in consultation with the faculty of record. The Department of Art encourages you to apply to Track 2 with an awareness of the additional work that it entails. If you have any questions about the program or your application, please contact the Undergraduate Director. 3 Department of Art Advanced Specialization in Art- Application 2014-2015 PERSONAL DATA Name UID Address Email Home Phone Cell Phone ELIGIBILITY Have you completed the following Art Foundations courses? Yes No ARTT 100 2-D Art Fundamentals ARTT 110 Elements Drawing I ARTT 150 Introduction to Art Theory ARTT 200 3-D Art Fundamentals ARTT 210 Elements of Drawing II Minimum of two 300-Level Intermediate Courses: ARTT 3_____ and ARTT 3_____ Please list any other intermediate or advanced courses you have taken: ____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ APPLICATION PACKAGE CHECKLIST Cover Letter to Undergraduate Director, Professor Patrick Craig Completed Application Digital Portfolio Digital on (CD-R/DVD) Single Sheet List of Images (Hardcopy) Unofficial Transcript Mail/Deliver Application Package to: Department of Art (Attn: Track 2), University of Maryland 1211-E Art/Sociology Building, College Park, MD 20742 DEADLINE: Tuesday, April 15, 2014, by 4:00pm 4