UCD SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND MEDICAL SCIENCE VISITING STUDENTS FROM INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL SCHOOLS PAGES 2-7 to be completed once a placement at UCD is offered (month/day/year) 1. Date of Application 2. Last Name (Family/Surname) 3. First Name 4. Home Address (street, city, state, postal code, country) 5. Home Phone Number 6. Email Address(es) 7. ( Male Female) Emergency Contact (Name, Relationship, Phone Number) 8. Date & Place of Birth 9. Citizenship 10. First Language 11. English Skill (fluent; good; fair) 12. TEFL Score (enclose official score report) (Required for schools where English is not teaching language) 13. Your Medical School Name/Location 14. Degree you will Earn (e.g. MD or MD/PhD) 15. Is your Medical School a member of Universitas 21 16. Expected Graduation Date 17. Date to Begin Placement at UCD 18. # of Months to Spend at UCD 19. Please Describe Your Academic Background & Interests (~ 1 page) 20. 21. IMPORTANT: LIST FACULTY @ UCD WITH WHOM YOU WOULD LIKE TO TRAIN: (month/day/year) (month/day/year) Complete Form: Once you have completed this form electronically, please save and attach in an email to international.medicine@ucd.ie along with CV and personal statement. If we are able to find a placement for you, UCD coordinator will send you instructions for the provision of documents required to complete this UCD SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND MEDICAL SCIENCE VISITING STUDENTS FROM INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL SCHOOLS PAGES 2-7 to be completed once a placement at UCD is offered application (see below). 22. Checklist of Documents Required to Complete Application (only if UCD – succeeds in placing you) medical school certification and student attestation proof of personal health insurance that will cover you while in Ireland immunization record (in English; see following page) GARDA clearance form (form will be provided by UCD SMMS) Police clearance from the country of origin official copy of TEFL score report (not required if English is the teaching language of the home medical school) International Medical School Official Certification for completion by Dean/designated official of student’s home medical school STUDENT: Last Name : First Name: This is to certify that the medical student named above is in good standing at this institution and will be returning to this institution to complete medical studies. This further certifies that the information provided on this application is correct, and that the student does have our permission to engage in research/clinical activities at the University College Dublin, School of Medicine and Medical Science. The student has completed the equivalent of UCD bachelor’s degree (a minimum of four years of post-secondary school education). The student is covered by personal health insurance (attach proof) which covers the student while away from our school and in Ireland. In addition, the signature below serves to certify that we have no record of this student’s ever having engaged in criminal activity of any kind. MEDICAL SCHOOL OFFICIAL: Last Name : First Name: Official Title: Medical School Name: Email Address: Location: (city/country) Is instruction at your medical school in English? Yes No (if English is not the principal language of instruction, student’s TEFL exam results must be provided) Signature of Medical School Official Date UCD SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND MEDICAL SCIENCE VISITING STUDENTS FROM INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL SCHOOLS PAGES 2-7 to be completed once a placement at UCD is offered Student Attestation & Behavioural Agreement please check each item and sign at the end of this section The information I have provided in my application form and all attachments is accurate. If I am accepted at UCD, I understand that I remain a student in my home school I will respect the confidential nature of all medical records and personally identifiable information related to patients I will act prudently within the limits of my knowledge, experience, and training; follow policies related to procedures and etiquette; and wear attire acceptable to UCD School of Medicine and Medical Science I shall respect all property belonging to UCD and its affiliated institutions and I understand that Í will be responsible for the repair or replacement of any property damaged or destroyed by me I will be responsible for my own housing and transportation to and from UCD School of Medicine and Medical Science and UCD affiliated hospitals I understand that if I am unable to attend scheduled activities, I must notify the School of Medicine and my home school I agree to abide fully by the University College Dublin Code of Conduct http://www.medicalcouncil.ie/PublicInformation/Professional-Conduct-Ethics/ ; http://www.ucd.ie/registry/academicsecretariat/docs/student_code.pdf and Code of Academic Integrity http://www.ucd.ie/t4cms/ucd_policy_on_plagiarism_and_faq.pdf and abide by all laws and other relevant legal conditions surrounding the program I will conduct myself in accordance to the highest personal standards of character and integrity and not engage in any behaviour that is deemed as inappropriate or unacceptable by the head of laboratory/internship supervisor or an authority of the UCD School of Medicine or the University College Dublin I will actively engage in the practice of good personal safety behaviours If in the opinion of the head of laboratory/internship supervisor or an authorized officer of the School, I am found to be in non-compliance of this agreement, I understand that my volunteer experience may be terminated immediately _________________________________ Signature of Medical Student Date APPLICANT NAME: Last First BIRTHDATE http://www.ucd.ie/medicine/lifewithus/studentlife/currentstudents/programmerequirements/ UCD School of Medicine requires all of the information listed below for a student to be considered for placement. *Quantitative results require lab reports indicating titer and reference range. This form must be completed, signed and dated by a health care provider. Applicants should be free from symptoms of infectious disease upon arrival. Applicant: If you become ill with a communicable disease while at UCD, you must notify your course director/mentor. MEASLES, MUMPS, RUBELLA (MMR) Two doses of MMR are required (1st dose must be administered after the 1st birthday and 2nd dose a minimum of 4 weeks later). Students who have not had MMR as specified may satisfy this requirement with the alternate regimen listed below OR positive titers MMR Dose 1 ____/____/____ Dose 2 ____/____/____ Alternative regimen OR positive *titer verifying immunity MEASLES MUMPS Dose 1 ____/____/____ Dose 2 ____/____/____ Dose 1 ____/____/____ OR OR RUBELLA Dose 1 _____/____/____ OR *Titer quantity _________ Lab report attached *Titer quantity _________ Lab report attached *Titer quantity _________ Lab report attached HEPATITIS B Requirement: Three doses (doses one and two given four weeks apart, and the third dose at least 4 to 6 months after the first dose) AND a blood test showing *titer quantity/quantitative result (lab report, indicating titer and reference range required). Dose 1 ____/____/____ Dose 2 ____/____/____ Dose 3 ____/____/____ AND *Titer quantity _________ Lab report attached ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VARICELLA (Chicken Pox) Requirement: Two doses of chicken pox vaccine are required at least one month apart (must be administered after 1995) OR positive *titer verifying immunity (for positive titers, lab report including reference range, is required). Dose 1 ____/____/____ Dose 2 ____/____/____ OR *Titer quantity _________ Lab report attached _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TETANUS-DIPHTHERIA and PERTUSSIS (Tdap) Requirement: One dose Dose 1 ____/____/____ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ POLIO Requirement: Student must have completed primary series of polio immunizations – note below date series was completed. Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) ____/____/____ OR Enhanced Inactivated Polio Vaccine (E-IPV) ____/____/____ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TTBI (Test of Tuberculosis Infection) Requirement: Two PPDs OR one QuantiFERON/IGRA, all within 12 months of the requested elective start date (regardless of prior vaccination with BCG). Any student with a positive TTBI must include with this application reports of the positive reaction, subsequent chest x-ray, and a TB symptom check done within 12 months of the elective start date. Dates and results of last two PPD tests: ____/____/____ Negative Positive ____/____/____ Date and result of QuantiFERON/IGRA blood test for TB infection ____/____/____ Negative **Reminders** 1) Both PPDs must be done 1 year or less before the elective start date. 2) TTBI (PPD or QuantiFERON/IGRA) positive? If yes, check box and attach radiology report: Negative Positive Positive OR INFLUENZA Requirement: Students must have current influenza vaccine(s) Flu Vaccine Date ____/____/____ Health Care Provider Print Name_____________________________________________________________ Phone #______________________________ Signature_______________________________________________________________ Date_________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADULT CONSENT STATEMENT (age 18 or older) I, ________________________________________________, understand and consent as follows: Print First and Last Name 1. I have been offered a volunteer placement opportunity within the School of Medicine and Medical Science for educational/training purposes. 2. I understand that medical sites are specialized environments in which chemicals, biological materials, and special instruments are often used, which can have the potential for creating hazardous conditions. I agree to follow supervision in order to reduce such risk. I am aware of the potential for such risk. 3. In the event of any emergency occurring during my volunteer experience, I grant permission to UCD, its physicians, members of the faculty, agents and employees to provide such emergency care and treatment as in their judgment may be deemed necessary or advisable. I agree to cover the cost of such emergency care and treatment, if any. 4. I accept responsibility for providing any treatment or care I might require beyond emergency treatment. Signed: ____________________________________ Signed (witness):_____________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ PARENTAL CONSENT STATEMENT FOR MINORS (under age 18) As the undersigned parent/guardian of ________________________________________________, I understand and consent as follows: Print Minor Student’s Full First and Last Name 1. My child has been offered a volunteer placement opportunity within the School of Medicine and Medical Science for educational/training purposes. 2. I understand that medical sites are specialized environments in which chemicals, biological materials, and special instruments are often used, which can have the potential for creating hazardous conditions. I am aware of the potential for such risk. 3. In the event of any emergency occurring during my child’s volunteer experience, I grant permission to UCD, its physicians, members of the faculty, agents and employees to provide such emergency care and treatment as in their judgment may be deemed necessary or advisable. I agree to cover the cost of such emergency care and treatment, if any. 4. I accept responsibility for providing any treatment or care my child might require beyond emergency treatment. Name of Parent/Guardian: (Please print full name): _________________________________________________ Signed: ____________________________________ Signed (witness):_____________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________________________