31st Annual MH/IDD Joint Conference CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS IP Hotel and Casino- Biloxi, Mississippi October 28-30, 2014 Moving Forward: Innovation, Integration, Intervention Presenter Information Form TYPE or PRINT List primary contact first. Provide information for each person involved with the presentation. Name: Debbie Ferguson, DrPH Title: Director Organization: Central Mississippi Residential Center Address: 701 Northside Drive Newton, MS 39345 Phone: (W) 601-683-4201 (H) Fax: 601-683-4210 Email: dferguson@cmrc.state.ms.us Name: Spencer Blalock, LCSW, BCD Title: Outreach Services Director Organization: Central Mississippi Residential Center Address: 701 Northside Drive Newton, MS 39345 Phone: (W) 601-683-4206 (H) 601-703-9831 Fax: 601-683-4303 Email: sblalock@cmrc.state.ms.us Name: Elon Espey, PMHNP, FNP, LCMHT Title: Crisis Stabilization Unit Director Organization: Central Mississippi Residential Center Address: Phone: (W) 701 Northside Drive Newton, MS 39345 601-683-4300 Fax: 601-683-4303 Email: eespey@cmrc.state.ms.us Name: Ward Calhoun Title: Chief Deputy Organization: Lauderdale County Sheriff’s Department Address: 500 Constitution Avenue Meridian, MS 39301 Phone: (W) 601-482-9806 Fax: 601Email: wcalhoun@lauderdalecounty.org Name: Amy Bishop, LMFT Title: Director of Adult Services Organization: Weems Community Mental Health Center Address: 1415 College Drive Meridian, MS 39307 Phone: Fax: Email: (W) 601-483-4821 601-485-8727 abishop@weemsmh.com Name: Title: Organization: Address: Phone: (W) (H) Fax: Email: Name: Title: Organization: Address: Phone: (W) (H) Fax: Email: TARGET AUDIENCE Check all services providers that apply. Mental Health IDD Children General Alcohol/Drug Management TITLE Once submitted, presentation titles cannot be changed. Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT): Becoming a Reality in East Mississippi… It Can Be Done! PRESENTATIONS Please submit Presentations that will cover a wide range of Continuing Education credits CONTINUING EDUCATION Attention Speakers: In order to submit applications for continuing education units from professional organizations, please return this application with: Presenter Information Form Biographical Data Form Curriculum Vitae or Resume Presentation Educational Design form Abstract with bibliography references EQUIPMENT Session presenters must provide their own projector and laptop. It is suggested that the presentation is preloaded and tested prior to the session. Breakout sessions will have an audio/visual setup (AV table, power and projector screen) provided. Will an audio/visual setup be needed? Yes No ABSTRACT Please provide a 50 word or less abstract here This information will be reprinted in the Conference Program. Law enforcement has had limited resources to help individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. This presentation highlights how a group of community agencies have come together to intervene with individuals in crisis using the CIT Model by innovating and integrating multiple sources to address crises. PLEASE SUBMIT BY JULY 31, 2014 TO: Dr. Kenneth O’Neal Program Chair, 31st Annual MH/IDD Conference Ellisville State School 1101 Highway 11 South, Ellisville, MS 39437 Phone: 601-477-5865Fax: 601-477-5644 Email: Koneal@ess.state.ms.us 31st Annual Joint Conference October 28-30, 2014 IP Hotel and Casino Biloxi, MS BIOGRAPHICAL DATAFORM This form must be TYPED. A separate form for each PRESENTER must be submitted. Each session will be scheduled for 60 minutes only, during day concurrent session times on Wednesday or Thursday. Presenters are responsible for ALL audio/visual equipment, extension cords, and handout materials. Rooms will have projection screens and tables, but no other equipment will be provided. Presentation Title This should clearly indicate the contents of the presentation. Biographical Data Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT): Becoming a Reality in East Mississippi… It Can Be Done! Presenter Name and Credentials Presenter’s Mailing Address Debbie Ferguson, DrPH 701 Northside Drive Newton, MS 39345 Business Address (O) 601-683-4201 Presenter’s Telephone Contact Number(s) Each presentation/display must have on designated Primary Presenter for Contact purposes. Is this presenter the Primary Presenter? Yes No (F) 601-683-4210 Fax Number dferguson@cmrc.state.ms.us Email Address Number of Tables Needed Is a Podium Needed I. Presenter’s Educational Preparation Degree Earned Doctor of Public Health Master of Art – Clinical Psychology II. Year 2013 1985 Institution Jackson State University University of Houston Presenter’s Professional Preparation (LIST RELEVANT EMPLOYMENT, BEGINNING WITH MOST CURRENT POSTION) Employer Job Title Brief Job Description Central MS Residential Center Executive Director Responsible for providing leadership and direction necessary to set and meet CMRC’s mission; fiscal control and business management of 8.6 million dollar budget; development of new funding streams; program planning and development as well as regulatory management. III. Approved training must be provided by professionals with specific expertise in the subject area. Describe subject expertise. (experience/publications/presentation) In May 2013, CMRC became the single-point of entry for the East Lauderdale Crisis Intervention Team (CIT). Dr. Ferguson has worked with the Partnership responsible for creation of the East Lauderdale Crisis Team since the inception of the group. She has completed CIT training in Memphis, Tennessee and played a key role in developing the policies and systems necessary for CMRC to become the single point of entry. IV Discuss research related to this training. List a minimum of 3 scholarly references. Bahora, M., Hanafi, S. Chien, V.H., & Compton, M. (2008). Preliminary evidence of effects of Crisis Intervention Team training on self-efficacy and social distance. Administration and Police in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 35(3):159-167. Borum, R. (2000). Improving high risk encounters between people with mental illness and police. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 28, 332-337. Borum, R., Deane, M.W., Steadman, H.J., & Morrissey, J. (1998). Police Perspectives On Responding To Mentally Ill People In Crisis: Perceptions Of Program Effectiveness. Behavioral Sciences and the Law,16, 393-405. CIT National Advisory Board (2006). Crisis Intervention Team Core Elements. University of Memphis CIT Center, December, 2006. Lamb, H., Weinberger, L., & Gross, B. (2004). Mentally ill persons in the criminal justice system: Some perspectives. Psychiatric Quarterly, 75, 107-126. Presidents New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (2003). Achieving The Promise: Transforming Mental Health Care In America. Rockville MD, Department of Health and Human Services, 2003. Tucker, A.S., Van Hasselt, V.B., Russell, S.A. (2008). Law Enforcement Response To The Mentally Ill: An Evaluative Review. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention, 8(3): 236-250. Adams, C.L., & El-Mallakh, R.S. (2009). Patient outcome after treatment in a community-based crisis stabilization unit. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 36(3), 396-399. Agar-Jacomb, K. & Read, J. (2009). Mental health crisis services: What do service users need when in crisis? Journal of Mental Health, 18(2), 99-110. doi: 10.1080/09638230701879227 Anthony, W.A. (1993). Recovery from mental illness: The guiding vision of the mental health service system in the 1990s. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, 16(4), 11–23. Benjamin, C.L., O’Neil, K.A., Crowley, S.A., & Beidas, R.S. (2010). Patterns and predictors of subjective units of distress in anxious youth. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 38, 497-504. doi: 10.1017/S1352465810000287 Clarke, D.E., Dusome, D., & Hughes, L. (2007). Emergency department from the mental health client’s perspective. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 16, 126-131. doi: 10.1111/j.1447-0349.2007.00455.x Furukawa, T.A., Kessler, R.C., Slade, T., & Andrews, G. (2003). The performance of the K6 and K10 screening scales for psychological distress in the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. Psychological Medicine, 33, 357362. Greenfield, T.K., Stoneking, B.C., Humphreys, K., Sundby, E., & Bond, J. (2008). A randomized trial of a mental health consumer-managed alternative to civil commitment for acute psychiatric crisis. American Journal of Community Psychology, 42(1-2), 135-144. Illinois Department of Public Health, Office of Policy, Planning and Statistics (2010). Average Emergency Department Costs. Springfield, IL. Kessler, R.C., Andrews, G., Colpe, L.J., Hiripi, E., Mroczek, D.K., Normand, S., Walters, E.E., & Zaslavsky, A.M. (2002). Short screening scales to monitor population prevalences and trends in nonspecific psychological distress. Psychological Medicine, 32, 959-976. Lyons, C., Hopley, P., Burton, C.R., & Horrocks, J. (2009). Mental health crisis and respite services: Service user and carer aspirations. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 16, 424-433. Optum Health (2011). Hospital Diversion Services. Golden Valley, MN: Optum Health. Shattell, M., & Andes, M. (2011). Treatment of persons with mental illness and substance use disorders in medical emergency departments in the United States. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 32(2), 140-141. Tanner, B.A. (2012). Validity of global physical and emotional SUDS. Applied Psychophysiology and Feedback, 37(1), 31-34. doi 10.1007/s10484-011-9174-x Mississippi Annotated Code of 1972, as amended, Sections 41-21-61, 41-21-67, 41-21-131, 41-21-143. Each presentation will be evaluated. Describe how presenter will utilize evaluation results. V. We will use the ratings and comments from attendees to critique our performance. We will also be able to see areas where our presentation was not as clear or up-to-date as it expected to be. VI. How will your presentation practice cultural awareness? This presentation covers interactions with individuals across cultures and seeks to address principles of crisis intervention that are applicable in any setting, with cultural nuances included. VII During your presentation will you include discussion of an unlabeled or investigational use of a product, device or drug that has not been approved by the FDA? If yes, please explain. NO 31st Annual Joint Conference October 28-30, 2014 IP Hotel and Casino Biloxi, Mississippi PRESENTER EDUCATIONAL DESIGN This form must be TYPED. One form for each proposed live presentation must be submitted. Each session will be scheduled for 60 minutes only, during day concurrent session times on Wednesday or Thursday. Presenters are responsible for ALL audio/visual equipment, extension cords, and handout materials. Rooms will have projection screens and tables, but no other equipment will be provided. PLEASE NOTE: INFORMATION SUBMITTED ON THIS FORM WILL BE REPRINTED IN THE CONFERENCE PROGRAM. PLEASE ENSURE THIS FORM IS COMPLETED CLEARLY AND ADEQUATELY DESCRIBES YOUR PRESENTATION. Target Audience – Check all that apply. PRESENTATION TITLE – Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT): Becoming a Mental Health Chemical Dependency IDD Reality in East Mississippi… It Can Be Done! Management Children General Objectives List three (3) learning objectives for participants. Begin objectives with action verbs, i.e. discuss, Explain, define, list, demonstrate, etc. Content is specific and in outline form At the end of this activity the participant will be Able to: Objective 1: Participants will be able to identify strategies and partnerships for implementing a local CIT Content: This portion will cover the foreseen/unforeseen barriers, the solutions that have been found, the coordination and collaboration needed, and the joining of forces to create solutions. This will also cover the multiple/ongoing trainings that take place to create competent workforce. Objective 2: Participants will be able to identify differences between multiple points of service and single point of entry Content: This portion will cover how multiple interrelated teams work together from various settings to triage various levels of crisis, de-escalate the crisis, and coordinate the appropriate level of care (Mobile Crisis, ER, CIT Officer, CSU). Objective 3: Participants will be able to identify evidence-based solutions for barriers to CIT implementation, as well as future options for further development Content: This portion will cover the limitations encountered (limited space, difficult to treat patients), as well as potential for future services (intermediate levels of care) such as Living Room Model, Certified Holding Facilities, Respite Services, and Tele-Court. The Lauderdale CIT Training HUB will also be discussed. Time Frames Provide a time for each objective. Presenter(s) List name of presenter for each content area. Teaching Strategies/Resources List teaching strategies by each presenter for each objective. Evaluation Tool Select evaluation method to be used to evaluate this activity. Evaluation Category Select the most appropriate evaluation for this activity. 35 minutes Ferguson Blalock Calhoun Espey Bishop Lecture PowerPoint Post Test Structured Interview Attitude Scale Direct Observation of Skill Performance Other Learner Satisfaction Knowledge Skill and Attitude Change Change in Practice Other 50 minutes Calhoun Espey Bishop Ferguson Blalock Lecture Role Play Video PowerPoint Post Test Structured Interview Attitude Scale Direct Observation of Skill Performance Other Learner Satisfaction Knowledge Skill and Attitude Change Change in Practice Other 35 minutes Ferguson Calhoun Bishop Blalock Espey Lecture Panel Discussion PowerPoint Post Test Structured Interview Attitude Scale Direct Observation of Skill Performance Other Learner Satisfaction Knowledge Skill and Attitude Change Change in Practice Other