Conflict Practice


Name: ________________________________ Date: ________________Class: _____________________

Literary Conflict Practice: Internal/External - Man vs... Self, Nature, Society, Man


Jim and Mac disagreed about where they should take the dog they found.

Protagonist:____________________________/ Antagonist: ____________________________

Internal or External Conflict: _____________________________Man vs. __________________________


Carly struggled to walk through the hot, blowing sand.

Protagonist:____________________________/ Antagonist: ____________________________

Internal or External Conflict: _____________________________Man vs. __________________________


In the high winds, the crew was barely able to keep the ship from tilting sideways.

Protagonist:____________________________/ Antagonist: ____________________________

Internal or External Conflict: _____________________________Man vs. __________________________


Hector thought, "Why did I ever agree to be in this play? I'll never have the nerve to act in front of an audience."

Protagonist:____________________________/ Antagonist: ____________________________

Internal or External Conflict: _____________________________Man vs. __________________________


The ingenious student writer shared the novel that she was writing with her professor. A year later he published an award winning novel based on her storyline. She immediately had misgivings about sharing her story with him, especially since it was an instantaneous success. Irked by his theft of her idea, she released a statement denouncing him as an idea thief. He accused her of libel.

Protagonist:____________________________/ Antagonist: ____________________________

Internal or External Conflict: _____________________________Man vs. __________________________


The famished refugees besieged the aid workers for food and water. They were given a meal and shelter that evening. They enjoyed the much-needed repast and went to sleep shortly afterward. However, their tents were flooded when an immense storm ripped through the camp. When the waters receded the next day, many found their belongings submerged in mud.

Protagonist:____________________________/ Antagonist: ____________________________

Internal or External Conflict: _____________________________Man vs. __________________________


Jane had misgivings about confronting her friend, knowing that she risked losing a friendship. Should she forsake this friendship? Jane also knew someone else might be accused. That would be horrible. Should she denounce her friend’s behavior? Should she confront her directly and hope that she’d do the right thing? Should she just ignore it and pretend that it never happened? These are the thoughts that she struggled with while she tried to make her decision.

Protagonist:____________________________/ Antagonist: ____________________________

Internal or External Conflict: _____________________________Man vs. __________________________


John, Bob, and I had so much fun on our annual camping trip. On one particular evening, we were famished after a day of hiking and rafting on the nearby river. When we returned to camp, we quickly prepared dinner and sat around a fire enjoying our repast together while sharing stories from our day.

Exhausted, we decided to turn in early, so we doused the fire and crawled into our sleeping bags. When we awoke the next morning, our camp was destroyed and our food gone. Then, we noticed that there were large paw prints everywhere.

Protagonist:____________________________/ Antagonist: ____________________________

Internal or External Conflict: _____________________________Man vs. __________________________


The pilots of a Boeing 777 began their decent into the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. The engines roared as they compressed the air, propelling the jet through the sky. The air traffic controller dispatched a warning to all aircraft in the area. A rapidly developing storm was just west of the airport. However, they didn’t stop the air traffic in the area or reroute any of the flights. At least, not yet. Many of the passengers had misgivings about flying near a storm. Some were irked when they looked out the windows at the massive clouds that were rapidly darkening the sky. Suddenly, lightning flashed and the plane began to shake. Wind-shear, an unpredictable shift in wind direction and speed, had been reported earlier with this particular line of storms. Although the storm was about seven miles from the airport, the wind was already causing a great deal of turbulence in the area. The plane continued to descend, and as it did, the turbulence grew worse.

Protagonist:____________________________/ Antagonist: ____________________________

Internal or External Conflict: _____________________________Man vs. __________________________
