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3 February 2016
David Rajmon, PhD
Černého 428/4, Prague 8, 18200, Czech Republic
+420 603 329 810
Czech citizen
Date of birth: 13.10.1973
Contract work in
 Exploration geology / Regional geology
 Petroleum Systems Analysis / Basin Modeling
 Geologist with an experience in regional exploration and basin modeling
 Project manager with a focus on an appropriate planning, execution, integration, uncertainty
assessment, and documentation
 5 years of regional geologic studies, basin analysis and modeling for exploration (S. America
offshore Atlantic and Caribbean, Red Sea, Gulf of Thailand)
 4.5 years of research in rock properties/basin modeling - thermal modeling, compaction under
vertical and lateral stress, diagenesis, pore pressure, integration of physical rock properties with
petrology and wider geology (case studies in NW Borneo, GoM and elsewhere)
 2 years of research in reservoir modeling (N. Sea)
 Teacher (NeXT Schlumberger, Universities)
 Mentor for younger colleagues, Founder and manager of PETROLEUM SYSTEMS ANALYSIS LinkedIn
group (~2500 members)
Work history:
Jun 2012 – present
GeoSophix - Prague, Czech Rep. (formerly Houston, TX)
Consulting Geologist
o Red Sea, Gulf of Thailand (Client: Mubadala Petroleum, Abu Dhabi / Bangkok) – building
models for multiple basins ranging from simple maturity to complex petroleum
migration studies and volume estimates.
o Brazil equatorial margin (Client: Maersk Oil, Houston) - building a complex basin model
at a broad continental margin scale (150+ wells). Delivered a range of model outcomes
predicting HC charge nature, distribution and timing. Integrating model results into the
client’s play-based exploration framework.
o Support to PSA community (PSA group LinkedIn, YouTube, Webinar series)
o Developing new PSA software
o Developing PSA course
3 February 2016
Lecturing on Petroleum Systems Analysis and Modeling (NeXT Schlumberger, Charles
University, Prague)
Starting GeoSophix consulting business
o Registrations, tax and legal planning (USA/Czech Rep.), business development and
planning, clients and partners communication, marketing, hardware/software
procurement, accounting
May 2011 – Jun 2012
Shell E&P Co., Houston, TX, USA
Exploration Geologist in New Ventures
Deep Water / Frontier Exploration sub-team
Projects in offshore NE Brazil – play-based exploration, regional seismic interpretation (horizons,
maps operations, facies, GDE, leads, sequence stratigraphy, time-depth conversion), well data
Basin modeling in NE Brazil, Colombia, Bahamas
Feb 2006 – May 2011
Shell Int’l. E&P, Houston, TX, USA
Research Geologist – Basin Modeling
 Rock properties and basin modeling research
 Project manager of most of the projects, in which I was involved
 Reviewed porosity and diagenetic models for cements and amorphous silica for sands and
mudrocks, also with regard to unconventional gas shales; tested and calibrated them. Explored
their effects on pore pressure and implications for other rock properties in basin model;
developed guidelines for modelers. Applied to existing basin models in GoM (3D) and Fort Worth
basin (1D) and to a new 1D model in Sakhalin basin.
 Reviewed current lithology definitions in basin models, proposed tighter relationships with
petrology and wider geology, tested and demonstrated the significance of a more detailed
approach, builded rock properties database. Tested existing predictive models for rock density
and thermal conductivity, developed hypotheses for discrepancies between models and
measurements, set up experimental and student intern program to test these hypotheses and to
address deficiencies in existing calibration data sets. Stimulated and advised development of
corporate database.
 Designed and demonstrated a workflow accounting for lateral stress in sediment compaction in
basin models and for reservoir quality prediction. Applied to existing basin model from NW
 Reviewed petroleum systems associated with impact structures. Designed a project and
supervised an MSc student (Univ. Utrecht) to test some related hypotheses.
 Built several prospect- to basin-scale basin models in Santos and Campos basins during 6-month
cross-posting in Brazil exploration team in 2006, and a basin model for the NE Brazil to French
Guyana exploration project in New Ventures Exploration team during 6-month posting in 2009.
 Assessment of novel exploration plays - hydrates ‘05, impact craters ‘04-06, abiogenic
hydrocarbons ’09-10, cooperation with academia
Sep 2003 – Jan 2006
Shell Int’l. E&P, Houston, TX, USA
Research Geologist – Reservoir Modeling
Reservoir modeling research
Provided geological support for the development of production model updating techniques. Testing on a
field model in the North Sea.
3 February 2016
Jun-Aug 2000
HS Resources, Houston, TX, USA
Well log interpretation and correlation, isopach maps construction
Dept. of Geosciences, University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA
Head Teaching Assistant
Teaching and further responsible for communication between faculties and ~12 teaching assistants, work
distribution, managing lab teaching resources
Dept. of Geosciences, University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA
Teaching Assistant
Teaching undergraduate courses, assisting other faculties etc.
Astropis Society, Prague, Czech Republic
Vice-Chairman / Chief Editor of the TV programs
Business strategy, marketing, negotiating with partners, managing a 3 member group working on
astronomy TV shows, writing scripts for the TV shows
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Part-time Geoscientist
Geophysical and geochemical prospecting for environmental purposes
Collecting samples, setting up profiles and measuring in the field
PhD in geology
University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA
 Dissertation on Roter Kamm crater, Namibia (40Ar/39Ar and paleomagnetic analyses, thermal history),
geology of lunar maria (processing, analysis, and stratigraphic interpretation of multispectral image data),
chronostratigraphy of upper Eocene impactites
MSc in geochemistry
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
 Thesis on multispectral microscopic imaging for planetary landing missions
BSc in geological sciences
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
 Project on impact cratering
Selected computer applications:
Trinity/Genesis, PetroMod – commercial basin modeling tools
Cauldron, Gridcharger – Shell in-house basin modeling
123DI/nDi (Shell in-house), Seisworks – seismic interpretation
Petrel – used for subsurface map editing for basin modeling, some basic static reservoir
3 February 2016
ShaleQuant – neural network based prediction of mudrock silt/clay and pore pressure
Touchstone – familiar with the porosity/diagenesis/input data models, employed results in basin
modeling work)
Czech – native
English – fluent
Russian – moderate
Invited lecture for Houston Geological Society - “Hydrocarbon accumulations and
exploration considerations associated with impact structures”
1998-2003 Best evaluation scores from students among teaching assistants at UofH Geosciences dept.
in several semesters and consistently top quartile evaluations
Public activity:
Founder and manager of PETROLEUM SYSTEMS ANALYSIS LinkedIn group (~2700 members)
Mentor of junior colleagues at Shell (Houston/Rijswijk), of students at Utrecht University
(Netherlands) and Petronas University (KL, Malaysia)
Formerly also Graduate Students Representative (Univ. of Houston), Member of Academic
Senate (Charles Univ.), Author of a number of magazine articles, TV and radio shows
popularizing science, Associate Staff at a public observatory (Prague).
Selected publications:
For complete list see
Rajmon D. and Egorov V. (2015) An overlooked petroleum system. In GeoExPro, 12(6):12.
Rajmon D. and Egorov V. (2015) Can Hydrocarbons Be Generated on Oceanic Crust? (abstract). In AAPG Annual
Convention & Exhibition, Denver, CO., USA.
Rajmon D. and Hathon L. (2014) Accounting for the effects of lateral stress in basin and reservoir quality modeling
in compressive tectonic environments (abstract). First EAGE workshop on Basin and Petroleum Systems
Modeling, Dubai, UAE.
Rajmon D. (2012) Effects of sand cementation on pore pressure in basin models (abstract). In AAPG 2012 Annual
Convention & Exhibition, Long Beach, California.
Rajmon D. (2011) Review and modeling options for biogenic silica diagenesis. Shell report SR.11.12403, pp. 41.
Shell International E&P Inc., Houston, USA.
Rajmon D. and Hathon L. (2011) Accounting for the effects of lateral stress in basin and reservoir quality modeling
in compressive tectonic environments, SR.11.11035_05. Shell Journal of Technology (May):14-19.
Rajmon D. (2010) Cementation for basin modeling: Implementation in Cauldron, calibration, porosity and pore
pressure effects, rock properties implications, guidelines. Shell report EP2010-3186, pp. 62. Shell
International E&P Inc., Houston, USA.
Rajmon D. and Nosiara M. (2009) Basin modeling chapter submitted to report on exploration study of South
America Equatorial Atlantic Margin. Shell report unpublished. Shell International E&P Inc., Houston, TX,
Rajmon D. (2007) Hydrocarbon exploration potential of impact structures and associated deposits. Shell report
EP2007-3031, pp. 210. Shell International E&P Inc., Houston, USA.
Rajmon D. (2005) Brief reconnaissance of methane hydrate occurrences - Potential for development. Shell report
EP 2005-3134, pp. 31. Shell International E&P Inc., Houston, USA.