Stormwater Management Plan Mt Barker, Totness & Littlehampton

Stormwater Management Plan
Mt Barker, Totness & Littlehampton
Mt Barker, Totness and Littlehampton lie in the Mt Barker Creek catchment. These areas are
serviced by a network of creeks and tributaries that drain through the developed areas of Mt Barker.
The draft Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) for Mt Barker, Totness and Littlehampton provides
an overview of the Mt Barker Creek rainfall catchment the management of stormwater. The plan
also documents the opportunities to improve stormwater management in the catchment particularly
with regard to flooding and drainage.
The SMP is a document that will guide the management of stormwater, stormwater quality and the
actions which aim to mitigate flooding. The draft plan covers topics such as the catchment
hydrology, stormwater drainage infrastructure performance, flood protection, flood mitigation
strategies, water quality, stormwater harvesting and reuse opportunities and forward planning.
Making a Submission
Submissions are to be received by 5pm, 15 July 2015 and should be sent to:
By Post:
Stormwater Management Plan
District Council of Mount Barker
PO Box 54
By email:
with “SMP Submission” in
the subject heading
Your Details
Please provide your contact details below:
Contact number:
Please note: Submissions received may be available to the general public via a Council Report.
District Council of Mount Barker
6 Dutton Road, PO Box 54, Mount Barker SA 5251
Telephone 8391 7200, Fax 8391 7299, Email
Writing Your Submission
If you are hand writing your submission, please ensure your comments are easy to read.
Please attach additional pages if you need more space.
Do you agree that it is important that Council identifies where there are local drainage
problems and assess the risk and prioritise remedies to the highest risk areas?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
Do you agree that it is important that development is required to control the additional
stormwater run off and extra volume so as not to erode or damage existing natural
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
Do you agree that it is important for Council to identify opportunities to improve water quality
in our natural waterways?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
District Council of Mount Barker
6 Dutton Road, PO Box 54, Mount Barker SA 5251
Telephone 8391 7200, Fax 8391 7299, Email
Do you agree that it is important that Council actively plan and prioritise to mitigate major
flooding of residential and commercial development on a benefit : cost basis?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
Do you agree Council should further investigate the opportunities to harvest and reuse
stormwater for irrigation or supply to primary producers and industrial users?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
Do you agree that Council should encourage new development to reuse rainfall through
provision in the Mt Barker Development Plan?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
Do you agree that it is important as part of maintaining our natural creeks and streams that
water sensitive urban design is incorporated within parks and new developments even if this
creates some new assets like wetlands to maintain?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
District Council of Mount Barker
6 Dutton Road, PO Box 54, Mount Barker SA 5251
Telephone 8391 7200, Fax 8391 7299, Email
Other Comments?
What happens next?
Following the close of the community consultation period on 15 July 2015 a report will be prepared
for consideration at a Council meeting. The report will incorporate the outcomes of the community
consultation process, the issues raised and any proposed responses by Council. Council will write to
all those who have made a submission to advise of the outcome of the Community Consultation.
Thank you for your submission
Please return to Council before 5pm, 15 July 2015
District Council of Mount Barker
6 Dutton Road, PO Box 54, Mount Barker SA 5251
Telephone 8391 7200, Fax 8391 7299, Email