12 (viii) Boat Ramp and Slipway Project

Board Meeting: March 2014
Agenda Number: 12 (viii)
File Ref: AM0018
Business Paper
Boat Ramp and Slipway Project
In December 2012 the Board refused a development application for the construction of a
new slipway facility adjacent to the existing boat ramp. The Board agreed to work
cooperatively with the LHI Community Slipway Association and the island community to
identify a viable method to provide for the maintenance and periodic survey of marine
Due to the significant community interest in the design and siting of the new facility, the
Board also formed a Boat Launch\Retrieval Working Group to assist with community
consultation. The most recent meeting of the Working Group was held in December 2013 to
consider the five concept design options at the three separate sites. Of the eight eligible
voting members in attendance, seven voted in support of Option 5 – Wilson’s Landing
Upgraded Boat Ramp and Integrated Slipway.
In January 2014, through an Out of Session paper, Board members were asked to consider
the following:
1. Adopt Option 5 - Wilson’s Landing Upgraded Boat Ramp and Integrated Slipway as the
preferred site and concept design for further detailed investigations, assessment and
2. Approve the release of an information package to the community advising of the process
undertaken over the last 9 months, providing an opportunity for feedback on the
preferred Option 5 for inclusion in the detailed design and the next phases in the project.
3. Approve further discussions with Transport for NSW to secure grant funding for the next
stage of the project.
As a result of the Out of Session Board Paper, four out of seven Board members approved
continued development of the slipway proposal and consultation with the community, with
some provisos. The provisos were that the community consultation include both options 4
(upgraded boat ramp with tractor and trailer), and 5 (co-located upgraded boat ramp and
slipway) and that the financial viability of the options be considered.
Board staff met with the LHI Community Slipway Association Executive on 24 January 2014,
and it was advised that:
A slipway would be financially viable given the expected demand for its use; and
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The Slipway Association was willing to take on management of the completed
facility at their own risk.
An information package will be distributed to the community on 27 February 2014. It will
provide detailed information to the community about the options and concept design process
over the last 9 months and the funding arrangements, so that they are better informed. The
information will also outline the future process of detailed design, environmental
assessment, DA and construction, and provide an opportunity for feedback on the options
It is recommended that the Board note the above information.
Prepared Andrew Logan
Manager, Infrastructure & Engineering Services
Endorsed Penny Holloway
Chief Executive Officer
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