Exhibitor Handbook Thank you for supporting the 24th Annual UPCEA Marketing and Enrollment Management Seminar (MEMS) in Denver. We are looking forward to an innovative event. The following pages include helpful information about your experience as an exhibitor. If you have any questions or need further assistance please contact me at porourke@upcea.edu or 202.400.2684. Thanks, Patrick O’Rourke Associate Director, Membership and Corporate Engagement UPCEA – Leaders in Professional, Continuing, and Online Education Location The 24th Annual UPCEA Marketing and Enrollment Management Seminar will take place at: Denver Marriott City Center 1701 California Street Denver, CO 80202 UPCEA has secured a discounted rate of $189 per night for UPCEA attendees. The cut-off for this discount is October 12, 2015; Reserve your room click here Exhibit Space The exhibitor area for the MEMS will be in the Colorado Ballroom Foyer right outside of the general and concurrent session rooms giving exhibitors opportunities to mingle with attendees. Arrangement of Exhibits UPCEA will provide one (1) 6 foot draped table and two chairs, which will be supplied by the hotel. Height Limitation for Displays Exhibitors shall not display or place any product, sign, partition, person, apparatus, shelving or other construction that extends the size of the table, 72” x 30”. Height is not to exceed more than 48 inches from the table top/8 feet from the floor. Free standing displays may be placed behind the tabletop ONLY and must pertain to the height restrictions. Evolve Talk November 4, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm During the Opening Networking Lunch UPCEA would like to thank and recognize our supporters. After an introduction by UPCEA all exhibitors will be given the opportunity to speak for 3 minutes about their company. You may introduce a product, initiative or simply introduce yourself! Exhibitors will present in alpha order on stage and UPCEA will show your logo in the background while you talk. Exhibit Hall Hours Please note the follow exhibit hall hours. For the complete conference schedule TUESDAY, November 3 1:00 – 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY, November 4 Exhibitor Setup 6:00 – 8:00 AM 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM 1:00 – 7:30 PM 2:45 – 3:15 PM 5:30 – 7:30 PM THURSDAY, November 5 Exhibitor Setup Networking “Evolve” Lunch Exhibit Hall Open Coffee with Exhibitors Welcome Reception hosted by Exhibitors 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM 2:45 – 3:15 PM FRIDAY, November 6 Exhibit Hall Open Coffee with Exhibitors 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM 8:00 – 9:00 AM 12:00 – 1:00 PM Exhibit Hall open Continental Breakfast w/Exhibitors Exhibit Hall Dismantle Important Deadlines Company Logo It is important to the regions to promote their supporters on the website, mobile app and program. Please submit your logo via the wufoo form by October 9, 2015. Exhibit Booth Representative If you have not already, please provide the name of your booth representative by October 9, 2015: Click here to submit representative Note: Tabletops include one full conference registration. Additional registrations can be purchased at the corporate member or non-member attendee registration rate via the conference website. Shipments Exhibitors wanting to ship items in advance to the Grand Hyatt Atlanta in Buckhead may do so by shipping to the hotel directly. To ensure that your package arrive in time please schedule your shipment to arrive 1 or 2 days before set up on November 4, 2014. On-Site Contact (who will be requesting the boxes) & Conference Name Denver Marriott City Center 1701 California Street Denver, CO 80202 Box __ of ___ Audio Visual, Internet and Electric Audio visual, Internet and Electric services will be provided by the hotel. If you are interested in enhancing your booth by ordering monitors, laptops, electric, internet or other items please reference the attached order form Pre & Post Attendee List Exhibitors should expect to receive a pre and posting list in Microsoft Excel format. The list will have all registered attendee’s information. The list will include attendee’s first and last names, Institutions, the professional’s title and physical address. Email addresses and phone numbers will NOT be present. They can be found in the event’s mobile application. Our members and attendees have made clear their distaste for “blanket” emails. You can expect the preconference attendee list on 7 October and the post-conference list 7 business days after the conference on 17 November. Denver Marriott City Center Hotel Exhibitor Order Form SPECIAL NOTICE! Denver code requires that no electrical equipment or apparatus can be connected unless it conforms to Denver Electrical code. Flexible cords and cables less than #14 gauge wire shall not be permitted. The use of lamp cords or similar devices are not permitted. All cords must be three wire. RETURN FORM WITH CHECK OR CREDIT CARD TO: Denver Marriott City Center Hotel, 1701 California Street, Denver, CO 80202 Event Manager: E-mail: Fax: 303-293-3736 All exhibitor requests must be received 10 days prior to arrival, and should be accompanied by check or credit card. All charges will be pre-charged 3 days prior to arrival. 1) Electrical/Water Outlet Quantity Dates Needed Rate Per Day # 0f Days TOTAL COST 110 VOLT SINGLE PHASE 15 AMP $66.72 Special power needs Please call for a quote Ballroom Water 3/8 in filtered water line $500 All prices are inclusive of 24% service charge and 7.62% tax. * All labor for work beyond electrical service set-ups or request for an engineer to be on standby for the function. 2) Audio-Visual Quantity ITEM Dates needed Rate Per Day # of days TOTAL COST $66.72 High Speed Internet line (wired or wireless) 50” Plasma Monitor 42” LCD Monitor 32” LCD Monitor OTHER EQUIPMENT $600.52 $467.07 $333.62 All prices are inclusive of 24% service charge and 7.62% tax. A complete list of AV items is available upon request. 4) Credit Card information Master Account #............................................... Company ............................................................................................. Address .................................................................................................. Event ........................................................................................................ Credit Card # Date needed Exp. Date ............................................................................................ ..................................................................................... Booth # ................................................................................................... Group Contact .................................................................................. Signature ........................................................................................... Print name ......................................................................................... ................................................................................ Phone Number .............................................................................. E-mail …………………………………………… Rules and Regulations 1. Facility Maintenance Exhibitor and its agents shall not injure, deface or damage any part of the exhibit building, tabletops, tabletop contents, show equipment or décor. When such damage appears, the exhibitor and/or its agent shall be liable to the owner of the property for any such damage. UPCEA shall have the right at any time to enter the leased area occupied by the exhibitor or otherwise inspect exhibitor’s materials 2. Storage Packing crates and/or boxes are not permitted in sight in the tabletop area during the exhibit period(s). It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to mark and identify their boxes and crates. UPCEA and The Marriott assume no responsibility or liability for the condition of contents of crates and boxes. Due to local Fire Code Regulations it may be necessary to store empty crates or boxes outside the building. UPCEA and The Marriott assume no responsibility or liability for theft or damage to them. 3. Assignment of Tabletop Space/Payment Terms Reasonable efforts will be made to honor specific tabletop location requests; however, UPCEA does not guarantee specific tabletop space or location requests. UPCEA reserves the right to change location assignments at any time, as it may in its sole discretion deem necessary. Payment should be made to UPCEA pursuant to the terms of the Online Application to Exhibit contract (check vs. credit card). UPCEA reserves the right to not accept an exhibit application that might be objectionable, unethical, in breach of the law or contrary to the best interests of the Seminar, and to prohibit and/or remove any exhibits which might detract from the general character of the Seminar. 4. Cancellation of Tabletop Space All requests for cancellation of tabletop space must be made in writing. If an exhibitor cancels, the following deadlines shall apply: a. full refund will be granted where notice of cancellation is received by UPCEA before September 5, 2015; b. 50% refund will be granted where notice of cancellation is received by UPCEA on or before October 5, 2015; and, c. 0% refund for cancellation requests received after October 5, 2015. Once the tabletop space is canceled, UPCEA reserves the right to resell the space. 5. Security The Marriott provides security 24 hours a day by a proprietary staff of officers. UPCEA and The Marriott strongly recommend that each exhibitor not leave portable, valuable merchandise exposed in the Exhibit Area, especially during set-up and dismantling. The exhibitor retains sole legal and financial responsibility for its own exhibit personnel or volunteers, exhibit materials and the conduct of its activities within the Exhibit Area. 6. Playing or Reproduction of Music Exhibitor shall not play music that is inappropriate, or at a level that is disturbing to other exhibitors and attendees. 7. Tabletop Sales Transactions To ensure compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, no tabletop sales transactions will be permitted in the Exhibit Area during the Seminar Exhibition; however, the exhibitor may accept an order at the tabletop where the sales transaction is consummated and then appropriately invoice at a later date. 8. Errors and Omissions UPCEA assumes no responsibility or liability for any services performed or materials delivered by other suppliers to the Exhibit Area, their personnel or their agents. 9. Liability/Insurance Notwithstanding the security provided under Section 9 above, the exhibitor understands and agrees that UPCEA and The Marriott, including their respective officers, directors, employees, staff, agents or volunteers, shall not be responsible for the safety of property of the exhibitor from theft, damage by fire, accident, vandalism or other causes, and the exhibitor hereby waives and releases any claims or demands it may have against any of them by reason of any damage to or loss of any property of the exhibitor. The exhibitor further understands and agrees that UPCEA and The Marriott, including their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, staff and volunteers, shall not be liable for injury of any type from any cause to persons conducting or otherwise participating in the Seminar Exhibition or to invitees, guests or employees of the exhibitor. The exhibitor understands and agrees that UPCEA and The Marriott, including their respective officers, directors, employees, agents or volunteers, do not carry business interruption or property damage insurance coverage for loss or damage of exhibitor’s property. It is strongly recommended that the exhibitor obtain adequate insurance coverage, at its own expense, for property loss or damage and liability for personal injury or death. The exhibitor understands and agrees that UPCEA, including their respective officers, directors, employees, agents or volunteers, shall not be liable to exhibitor in excess of consideration paid by exhibitor, exclusive of deposit, for breaches of conduct or tortuous conduct by UPCEA. 10. Hold Harmless and Indemnification Exhibitor agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend UPCEA and The Marriott, and their respective officers, directors, employees, agent, staff and volunteers from and against any and all liability, responsibility, loss, damage, cost or expense of any kind whatsoever as they arise (including, but not limited to court costs, reasonable attorneys’ fees and interest) which UPCEA and The Marriott may incur, suffer, or be required to pay, incident to or arising directly or indirectly from any intentional or negligent act, error or omission or breach of these terms, conditions, rules or regulations by the exhibitor, its officers, directors, employees, staff, volunteers, agents or representatives. Exhibitor assumes full responsibility and liability for the actions of its agents, employees, representatives and independent contractors, whether acting within or without the scope of their authority, and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend UPCEA and The Marriott, as expenses arise, from responsibility or liability resulting directly or indirectly, or jointly, from other causes which arise because of acts, errors or omissions of the exhibitor, its agents, employees, representatives or independent contractors whether acting within or without the scope of their authority. 11. Enforcement of Regulations UPCEA retains full power and authority to interpret and enforce all rules and regulations of the Seminar Exhibition and power to make amendments and/or further rules and regulations that are considered necessary for proper conduct in the Exhibit Area and at the Seminar. Such decisions shall be binding upon all exhibitors. Failure to comply with these or any other regulations or amendments may be sufficient cause for UPCEA to require immediate removal of the exhibit and/or offending exhibitor. Failure to comply may also result in forfeiture of all further rights to exhibit at future seminars and conferences sponsored by UPCEA, together with all fees paid. UPCEA may lease any space so forfeited to another exhibitor and retain all revenue collected. 12. Cancellation or Postponement of Show In the event the Seminar Exhibition is postponed due to any occurrence not occasioned by the conduct of UPCEA or The Marriott or exhibitor, whether such occurrence be an Act of God, common enemy, result of war, riot, civil commotion, act of terrorism, public health emergency, labor dispute, government act, or act or conduct of any person or persons not party or privy to this agreement, then performance of the parties under this agreement shall be excused for such period of time as is reasonably necessary after such occurrence to remedy the effects thereof, and in any event for the duration of such postponement. In the event that such occurrence results in cancellation of the Seminar Exhibition, the obligations of the parties under this agreement shall automatically be terminated and all rental payments made under this agreement shall be refunded to the exhibitor, less a pro rata share of expenses actually incurred by UPCEA in connection with the Seminar Exhibition. UPCEA reserves the right, with no liability to the exhibitor for refunds, additional expenses or otherwise, to change the date or place of the Seminar Exhibition upon two weeks written notice to the exhibitor, effective from the date of mailing of such notice. 13. Waiver Waiver by either party of any term or condition or breach shall not constitute a waiver of any other term or condition or breach of their agreement. Any rights of UPCEA shall not be deemed waived except as specifically stated in writing and signed by an authorized representative of UPCEA. 14. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction Exhibitor agrees that the laws of the District of Columbia shall control the construction and enforceability of this agreement and hereby consents to the jurisdiction of the District of Columbia and Federal District Court within the District of Columbia with respect to any right of action arising under this agreement. 15. Severability In the event any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, then neither remaining provisions of this agreement nor other applications of provisions involved shall be affected thereby. 16. Agreement subject to Terms of Facility Lease This agreement between the exhibitor and UPCEA is subject to the terms and conditions of the lease agreement between UPCEA and the exhibition facility, and to the terms of any and all agreements between UPCEA and any other party relating to the Seminar Exhibition. The exhibitor shall not undertake any act or fail to fulfill any obligation which shall be in violation of said lease or agreements. Thank you for your support! If you have questions or need assistance please contact me at porourke@upcea.edu or 202.400.2684 Patrick O’Rourke