Journal of Biogeography SUPPORTING INFORMATION Importance of biotic interactions in species distribution models: a test of the Eltonian noise hypothesis using parrots Carlos B. de Araújo, Luiz Octavio Marcondes-Machado and Gabriel C. Costa Appendix S1 Methods for selection of parrot species for this study, the plant species of their diet, and estimation of diet richness. We have chosen a subsample of the species reported by da Silva (1995), based on two datasets: (1) presence of the species over a wide range of cerrado habitats (Braz & Cavalcanti, 2001; Lopes & Braz, 2007; Olmos & Brito, 2007; Lopes et al., 2008; Pacheco & Olmos, 2010; Telles & Dias, 2010); and (2) availability of data on the species’ diet. In order to select plant species to add to each parrot model, we considered an extensive review of parrot diet studies (Roth, 1984; Galetti, 1993, 1997; Barros, 1995; Santos, 2001; Ragusa-Netto, 2004, 2006, 2008; Ragusa-Netto & Fecchio, 2006; Paranhos et al., 2007, 2009; Bianchi, 2009; Seixas, 2009; da Silva, 2009; Antas et al., 2010; de Araújo & Marcondes-Machado, 2011; de Araújo, 2011). We examined a total of 2756 feeding bouts published in these 17 papers, which registered the consumption of 275 different plant species by the 11 parrot species analyzed. We used the number of feeding bouts in order to measure the quality of the paper, and we chose papers that had at least 30 feeding bouts, as we felt that papers that presented a sample size smaller than 30 would not have enough sampling effort in order to minimally describe a species’ diet. Also, all of these papers have a sampling duration of at least one year (with the exception of da Silva, 2011, which did not sample in November and December during the four years of data acquisition), even though not all of them presented feeding records for every sampled month. Not every plant in the diet of a species may have an effect on its distribution. A food resource used in large quantities should be of greater importance for the species’ maintenance in an area, as higher consumption indicates higher dependence on that resource. On the other hand, a rarely used resource should not reflect dependence, and therefore may not improve a distribution model. In order to select proper plant species to add to each parrot model, we had to take this into account, as only key plant species could potentially explain the distribution of a parrot species, even in generalist species. We therefore created an index based on both the proportion of feeding records as well as the number of different localities in which a parrot species used a specific plant. The most important plant species in the parrot’s diet were the ones with high consumption over a large number of studies and localities (when more than one study was available). To do this, we first calculated the proportion of feeding bouts (pi) of each plant species, for each study: pi = number of feeding bouts / total bouts (1) We then standardized this value by multiplying each pi by a factor F; this varied between studies, and was the reciprocal of the maximum pi found in the study (eq. 2). That way, the importance of each plant in each study (I′i) varied between 0 and 1. F = 1 / pi-max (2) I′i = pi × F (3) We summed the values of I′i (eq. 3) for each plant species, so that we considered the consumption of a plant in multiple studies. By so doing, we allowed that a key plant in multiple localities could be chosen, even when it did not represent the most-used item in any of the individual studies/localities. Next, we selected for use as biotic variables for each parrot species in our modelling exercise, plants with a value of I higher than 0.7. This value was select to ensure that each parrot species would have at least one plant species selected. All plant species used in the modelling and their corresponding parrot species are listed in Table S1. In order to allow comparable estimations of diet breadth among parrot species across studies, we performed a rarefaction analysis. Rarefaction has proven to be an effective approach to make diversity comparisons between data of different sample sizes (Legendre & Legendre, 1998; Krebs, 1999). We rarefied all diet richness data from the original sample size to a sample size of 30, using ECOLOGICAL METHODOLOGY 5.2 (Kenney & Krebs, 2000). We obtained a standardized estimation of diet richness for a sample size of 30 samples. In other words, we obtained an estimative of how many different plant species we would have if we had a sample size of 30. For this analysis, we were not able to obtain the number of feeding bouts for Forpus xanthopterygius, as the data found only presented the months in which the resources were used, so this species was not used in the regression analysis. Also, data from Diopsittaca nobilis were obtained from an ongoing study (P.A. Silva, Universidade do Oeste Paulista, unpubl. data), and the data contained only the two most-used plant species. We therefore did not use this species in the analysis. Table S1 Total unique localities gathered for each key plant species, the AUC value for the plant model, parrot species the plant model was used as biotic variable, and the importance index of that plant species in the parrot’s diet, for 24 species of parrot in the Brazilian cerrado. Plant species Total AUC Parrot species Index (I) Astronium fraxinifolium Tabebuia heptaphylla Tabebuia impetiginosa Vitex cymosa Psidium guajava Orbignya speciosa Vatairea macrocarpa Buchenavia capitata Scheelea phalerata Caryocar brasiliense Mimosa claussenii Chorisia speciosa Inga vera Ochroma pyramidale Protium heptaphyllum Syagrus romanzoffiana Melia azedarach Syzigium cumini Cecropia pachystachya Ficus guaranítica Mauritia flexuosa Croton floribundus Dicella bracteosa Pachystroma longifolium 79 24 94 48 78 19 53 41 15 109 75 30 292 58 422 58 37 25 169 37 33 125 38 46 0.950 0.931 0.935 0.913 0.887 0.833 0.900 0.925 0.795 0.972 0.987 0.920 0.855 0.926 0.886 0.964 0.924 0.925 0.942 0.953 0.886 0.976 0.955 0.972 Amazona aestiva Amazona aestiva Amazona aestiva Amazona aestiva Ara ararauna Aratinga aurea Aratinga aurea Ara chloropterus Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus Alipiopsitta xanthops Alipiopsitta xanthops Brotogeris chiriri Brotogeris chiriri Brotogeris chiriri Brotogeris chiriri Brotogeris chiriri Diopsittaca nobilis Diopsittaca nobilis Forpus xanthopterygius Forpus xanthopterygius Orthopsittaca manilata Pionus maximiliani Pionus maximiliani Pionus maximiliani 1.00 0.93 0.96 1.07 0.84 1.00 1.00 0.83 0.76 1.09 0.88 1.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.33 n/a n/a 1.00 0.71 1.00 0.89 1.00 0.72 REFERENCES Barros, Y.M. 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