- dll.org.in

Phosphatic fertilizers has opened up the Pandora box of diseases for the people of Punjab like
cancer of liver, lung and kidney, Swollen joints, falling teeth, pain until cattle lie down & die and
Burned fruit, dwarfed and shriveled grains, blight in crops, severely impacted everything that
Something in the Soil, air and water has destroyed the crops. ?
One application of phosphate Fertilizer is spreading for miles around poison and radiation in
water and contamination in soil and consequently deadly diseases
Due to uranium, our crop suffers from blight which has afflicted our yield and quality day by day.
The attack of blight has become a routine loss especially to our potato and cereals crops.
“There is a natural and unavoidable connection between phosphate mining and radioactive
material. It is because phosphate and uranium were laid down at the same time and in the same
place by the same geological processes millions of years ago. They go together. Mine
phosphate, you get uranium.”
Phosphate Fertilizer contain high concentrations of uranium, as evident by this sign at
IMC Agrico's DAP manufacturing plant in Polk County. (MULTIFOS means Phosphate
Phosphatic fertilizer contains radioactive uranium, radium, Polonium. That radium-226 breaks
down into radon gas. When radon gas is formed, it can become airborne, leading to potentially
elevated exposures due to wind spread from the area.
“If some stuff gets out into the air, it’s a pollutant; if it gets into the river, it’s a pollutant; but if
uranium through Phosphatic fertilizer goes right into your farm soil and in food crops, it’s not a
pollutant, if it goes into your drinking water system, it’s not a pollutant, Isn’t that amazing…
There is practically no way to manage this stuff “Uranium of phosphate fertilizers”, except to ban
DAP and other Phosphatic fertilizer forever” and promote the use of Organic fertilizer specially
the Vermicompost which is now also covered under Fertilizer Control Order 1985 Amended
2006 and Essential Commodity Act 1955.
“Some epidemiological studies suggest that lung cancer rates among nonsmoking men in the
Malwa region are up five times as high as the national average. Acute leukemia rates among
adults are also many folds the average, this evidence is worrisome for our generations to
come.” The Bikaner Express is now known as “Cancer Express” and Malwa as Cancer nursery.
Common phrase “Use DAP you get cancer”.
DAP in fact is not a soil conditioner but an agriculture spoiler and great health hazard to entire
Punjab and only the extensive use of organic fertilizer can save us.
One of the lesser-known-facts about the phosphate industry is that its processing
facilities have produced and sold sizeable quantities of uranium.
In 1997, just two phosphate plants in Louisiana produced 950,000 pounds of
commercial uranium, which amounted to roughly 16% of the domestically produced
uranium in the US.
4 US phosphate plants (2 in Louisiana & 2 in Florida) have the capacity to produce a combined
2.75 million pounds of uranium per year, according to the Department of Energy (DOE). The
DOE has termed these 4 facilities “Nonconventional Uranium Plants.”
While the radioactivity of the DAP in Soil has been the key health concern but it is not
the only one.
The phosphate fertilizers are highly-acidic and during rains the runoff water to rivers get
littered with toxic contaminants, including fluoride, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead,
mercury, and the various decay-products of uranium. This combination of acidity and
toxins makes for a poisonous, high-volume cocktail which when leaked into the
environment, wreaks havoc to waterways, populations and environment.
“It’s not like you can padlock the doors and walk away. Farm land is full of million
gallons of acid and radioactive fertilizer means you just can’t shut off and turn out the
lights. The state will strike with ever growing number of cancer patient for generations to
come and farmers & villagers will suffer with deadly cancer of all types.” The
complexities of using the phosphate fertilizer are becoming obvious day by day and It’s
now up to government regulators which way to decide about this menace.
BARC – GNDU committee on affidavit submitted report to Hon’ble High Court Punjab Haryana
on uranium poisoning of Punjab soils (Press Report enclosed), WHO warned Punjab a decade
ago (Report Enclosed), IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) cautioned us about uranium
in Phosphatic Fertilizers in 1985 and now trains full of cancer patients from Malwa and Drinking
water contamination shall be an eye opener for us and start using the organic fertilizer.