Internship Program Information - National Health and Medical

NHMRC Internship Program Information
To be eligible to participate in the National Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC) Internship Program
you must:
be enrolled in a PhD or Masters degree, and
possess a first degree in a health or medical research related field, and
be able to work independently and as part of a team.
Application process for internships
If you are able to meet the eligibility criteria and wish to be considered for an internship please send an application
no later than three (3) months before the proposed internship is to take place.
The following documents must be submitted to be considered for selection:
completed NHMRC Internship Program Application for, including certification of support from your sponsoring
authenticated academic transcript, showing results
names of two (2) referees
covering letter (300-500 words) outlining your reason(s) for applying for an NHMRC internship, the dates you
are available and the branch(es) you are interested in working in.
Applications should be submitted electronically to and should state your name and the
words Internship Application in the subject line. Receipt of electronic applications will be notified by return email.
Should your application be successful you will be required to bring original authenticated academic transcripts for
verification upon commencement of the internship.
Applications may also be submitted in hard copy to:
Human Resources
National Health and Medical Research Council
GPO Box 1421
Canberra ACT 2601
Hard copy applications will not be acknowledged.
Successful applicants will be matched to available and appropriate work in one of the NHMRC’s branches, either in
Canberra or in Melbourne.
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Branch profiles
The following brief descriptions are provided to assist you in deciding your work preferences
Research Programs Branch
The Research Programs Branch objectives are to:
develop and manage strategies for NHMRC’s investment in the best and most relevant research for the health
of all Australians
manage the peer review process for NHMRC funding schemes, and
develop cross-cutting activities to ensure continuity and a common purpose throughout the organisation.
In pursuing these objectives the Branch fosters and develops financial support and commitment through strategic
alliances, partnerships and other avenues to increase investment in Australia’s health and medical research sector.
It also undertakes evaluations and redesigns of its funding schemes and of peer review and selection processes.
Business Support Branch
The Business Support Branch provides high quality corporate services to support the business of the whole of the
Business Support also administers Partnership Centres, an innovative idea which brings teams of researchers and
decision-makers together to create better health services and health by collaborative work on priority themes
determined by the needs of the health and health care systems.
Finance and Program Support Branch
The Finance and Program Support Branch supports delivery of NHMRC’s outputs in a cost effective and timely
The Finance and Program Support Branch is responsible for:
financial management leadership
Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and
post-award grants administration and financial management.
Research Translation Group – Portfolio 1 (Canberra) and Portfolio 2 (Melbourne)
Research Translation Group (RTG) provides high level advice and support to the CEO and Minister by inquiring
into matters affecting health, issuing high quality clinical and public health guidelines and providing evidence-based
advice to the Australian community on ethics, health improvement and disease prevention, diagnosis and
treatment. RTG promotes consistency in the adoption of that advice across states and territories by working with
researchers, policy advisors and clinicians to facilitate the timely adoption of research evidence into practice.
Strategic Policy Group
The Strategic Policy Group (SPG) assists the CEO to discharge his responsibilities under the National Health and
Medical Research Council Act 1992 particularly in regard to fostering medical research and training and public
health research throughout Australia.
SPG is responsible for helping the CEO implement key aspects of the NHMRC Strategic Plan 2013-2015, and in
his role to influence national and international research policy development.
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Terms and conditions of the Internship Program
Internships will generally last for a period of up to three (3) months but an alternate period may be negotiated and
agreed to.
Status of interns
Interns are not considered officials or employees of the NHMRC. They do not have supervisory responsibility nor
represent the NHMRC in any legal capacity.
Confidentiality and conflict of interest
All interns are required to sign a confidentiality undertaking and as such are obliged to keep confidential any and all
unpublished information made known to him or her by NHMRC during the course of their placement.
Except with the explicit authority of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the NHMRC, interns shall not publish any
reports or papers on the basis of information obtained during their participation in the program, either during or after
the completion of the placement.
Interns should report any potential or perceived conflict of interest arising during their placement to their direct
The NHMRC has sole discretion to solve any such conflict of interest as it deems appropriate, including termination
of the placement.
Subsequent employment
Interns should not have an expectation of employment by the National Health and Medical Research Council
during or subsequent to the completion of the placement.
Any visa requirements are the sole responsibility of the intern and should be completed prior to departure for
NHMRC internships do not attract any remuneration or benefits. Before applying for the program applicants should
be sure to have adequate financial support for the duration of the placement.
The NHMRC has an office in Canberra and Melbourne and placements may be available in either office. Interns
need to cover all travel costs if they wish to undertake an internship in a city different from their usual place of
The NHMRC assumes no responsibility for finding or arranging accommodation for interns.
Interns must comply with the Australian Public Service (APS) Code of Conduct at all times during their placement.
The NHMRC reserves the right to terminate a placement at any stage in the case of inappropriate or
unprofessional conduct, or serious failure to perform assigned tasks.
Responsibility of receiving branches
The aim of branches receiving interns is that the work experience provided is rewarding and enriching. Branches
will seek to provide assignments that are related to the intern’s academic background, experience and expertise as
well as being appropriate in complexity and variety.
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Hours of attendance
Interns are expected to work a standard 7 hour 30 minute day, unless otherwise negotiated with their supervisor.
Annual Leave, personal leave and public holidays
Interns do not have access to annual or personal (sick) leave. The official public holidays observed by the NHMRC
apply to interns in the same way they do to NHMRC employees.
Interns are required to provide their receiving Branch with a copy of all materials prepared during their internship
and are expected to comply with all required exit procedures at the end of the placement.
Interns who do not have the right of residency in Australia need to ensure that they do not breach any visa
requirements once the placement is finished.
Security clearance
Interns will be required to undergo an Australian Federal Police National Police Check prior to commencement.
Program evaluation
On completion of the placement interns are required to submit a report summarising their activities and
experiences to their supervisor. This report should be submitted no later than three (3) working days before the
end of the placement. This report will be used to evaluate and improve the program.
The intern’s supervisor will provide feedback to the intern on the internship throughout the placement and at the
end of the placement. This may be written and/or verbal.
Questions about the Internship Program
Questions about the NHMRC’s Internship Program should be emailed to
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