Bruce Elementary School Family Engagement Plan Bruce Elementary School has a special responsibility to our parents and the community by providing opportunities to get involved and share the responsibility of promoting success in our children. Bruce Elementary School will ensure that its families have opportunities to participate in planning, designing, and implementing the Family Engagement program by doing the following: Major Activities Title 1-A Parent Involvement Strategies Evaluation/Outcomes (Coordinated and integrated with parent involvement strategies under other programs such as Head Start, Parents as Teachers, etc.) 1. Bruce School’s Family Engagement Plan commits to involving families in policy development 1. Annually--Develop jointly, review, agree upon, distribute, and monitor implementation of the Home-School Compact, Family Engagement Plan, and School Improvement Plan; *A process is in place for parents to submit complaints on the school-wide program if deemed unsatisfactory. 1. Family and community members become stakeholders in the education process and are continuously aware of the responsibilities and expectations of the school 2. Bruce School’s Family Engagement Plan incorporates family involvement in decision-making and governance 2. Provide regular opportunities for families to have input regarding the planning, review, and improvement of the school parental involvement policy and joint development of the schoolwide program plan (TSIPP): site-based council meetings, parent meetings, suggestion box, newsletters, website, monthly coffee talks, parent surveys 2. Implement/review School Climate surveys; Address/resolve issues between families and school within 48 hours 3. Annual No Child Left Behind meeting: describe and explain Title 1 guidelines, curriculum, school’s AYP status and participation in Title 1, forms of local academic assessments used to measure student progress and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet, state standards, interventions, parent involvement 3. Invite families and offer annual meeting at flexible times (a.m./p.m.), with translators for parents with limited English proficiency; Repeat meeting second semester for new families; Daycare provided at every parent meeting; Transportation 3. Provide Families with the knowledge of programs and effective strategies/activities to increase student proficiency levels programs, Attendance/Promotion/Retention Policies, parental rights 4. Timely two-way communication between families, teachers, school staff, administrators, and community 5. Bruce School shall provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with disabilities, parents of migratory children, and parents with limited English proficiency to the extent practicable 6. Professional Development Opportunities for all school stakeholders available, to the extent practicable, per parent request. 4. Provide assistance to parents in understanding topics such as the State’s academic content standards, assessments, how to monitor students’ progress, and how to work with teachers to improve achievement: flexibly-scheduled conferences and/or per parent requests, progress reports, assessment results, TCAP data (proficiency levels), report cards, notes/phone calls home, EDplans (if applicable), intervention strategies, bi-monthly papers sent home, e-mail, voice mail, lesson line, high-quality curriculum 5. Continuously provide information related to school and parent programs, school reports, in an understandable, uniform format, using translators as needed, such as monthly newsletters, calendars, school website, and postings in the Parent Resource Room 6. Invite parents/guardians to partake in Bruce School’s planned professional development via school calendar, website, and notes home. Materials and training are provided to help parents work with their children to improve their achievement (Parent Resource Room, English for Moms, Parent Power, PACE). Send home Memphis City School’s professional development calendar, post in the Parent Resource 4. Families can address student’s areas of need and become involved in the academic experience 5. Delivery of services that supports and increases family involvement 6. Enable parents to better understand standards, academic content, and improve parenting skills knowledge; increased opportunities for parents to become learners 7. Maximize the possibility of parental attendance; ensure meaningful 7. Bruce School’s Family Engagement Plan pledges to increase family involvement 8. Staff members will study the value and contributions of parents, working/communicating with parents as equal partners, implementing and coordinating parent programs, and foster ties between home and school. Room, and link on the school’s website. 7. Family meetings shall be held regularly throughout the year at flexible times to accommodate the needs of all families. Parents are provided with opportunities to observe the instructional program, volunteer their services, and take a participatory role in school planning. Per parent request, regular meetings are held to formulate suggestions and to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children. parental involvement 8. Build strong relationships with students’ parents to be support academic achievement. 8. Staff will receive on-going professional development using a book study/jigsaw: Parents and Teachers Working Together by Davis & Yang *Parents are to submit the complaint to either the school’s Parent Input Box or to the Site Based Council. If the problem still goes unresolved, the next step will be to file a complaint in writing to the Tennessee Department of Education, Federal Programs Office. The complaint must include the name and address of the person submitting the complaint and a description of the complaint. The complaint must also include a statement that the school/agency has violated a requirement of federal stature or regulation that applies to the program. Mailing Address: Tennessee Department of Education, Federal Programs Office, 5th Floor, Andrew Johnson Tower, 710 James Robertson Parkway, Nashville, TN 37243