Express Driving School 25900 May St. (office) 68935 Gateway Dr., Suite B (classroom) Edwardsburg, MI 49112 (269)663-3254 office & fax School Certification #________________ Program #_________________________ Office Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ENROLLMENT FORM Please print the following items. FULL NAME: ____________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle HOME ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________ CITY: _________________________ STATE: ____________ZIP CODE: _____________ BIRTHDATE: _________________________ VERIFIED BY BIRTH CERTIFICATE AGE AS OF TODAY: ___________________AGE ON 1st DAY OF CLASS__________ HOME PHONE: ________________________CELL PHONE: _____________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN’S NAME: ____________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN’S HOME ADDRESS: __________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN’S EMAIL ADDRESS: __________________________________ ALL CONTRACTS: A. The driving record of each individual instructor is available for review upon request B. Notice: This school is required to be licensed by the Michigan Department of State, Program Operations Division. If you have a complaint which you cannot settle with this school, write: Michigan Department of State, Driver Programs Division, Lansing, Michigan 48918. Completion of driver training instruction does not guarantee qualification for a driver’s license. SEGMENT (IN ADDITION TO ABOVE) A. Express Driving School will conduct the behind the wheel instruction in a dual controlled automobile, fully insured, covering each student enrolled in the program. B. The student must be at least 14 years/8 months of age by the beginning of class (verification by birth certificate required). CLASS DATES: The class Dates you are registering for are- FEES: Course- Segment I Hourly Lessons- $350 ($325 if you sign up with a partner) $30/hour Fees may be paid using the following payment methods: Cash, Check, Money Order (Checks and money orders should be made payable to “Express Driving School”) $100 Deposit Due at time of enrollment/registration. Balance due 7 days prior to start of class. -Class size is limited and enrollment is first come, first served -Attendance is MANDATORY! -Passing this course does not guarantee you will pass the State driving exam. -There are no refunds after you have completed this course. -$25 cancellation fee per student if notice is received less than 10 days prior to class start date. -Refunds to students dropping during the class are: 75% First 3 days of class; 50% first 6 days of class; no refunds after 6th day of class. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Segment I - 6 hours on-the-road driving instruction 24 hours classroom instruction Express Driving School will provide a minimum of 24 hours of classroom instruction, 6 hours of behind-the-wheel (BTW) instruction, and 4 hours of observation time. Classroom instruction must be a minimum of 3 weeks in length. BTW instruction shall not begin until the student has received a minimum of 4 hours of classroom instruction. BTW instruction must be completed no later than 3 weeks after the classroom instruction has been completed. Hourly Lessons - Private lessons with instruction provided as needed by the student NOT required to receive state license. Attendance is MANDATORY for all scheduled hours. Make-up days may be scheduled at the discretion of the Drivers Education Instructor when necessary. You must have a minimum of 222 points to pass the class. Points are broken down as follows: 23 Chapter Tests in Text @ 10 points/test= 3 Assessment Tests from Text @ 20 points/test= 8 Chapter Tests in W.E.D.M.K. @ 10 points/test= 230 points 60 points 80 points Total Possible Points= 370 points On the State Segment I Knowledge Test, you must score at least 64 questions correct out of 80 to pass the test. PLACE OF INSTRUCTION: All classroom instruction takes place at 68935 Gateway Dr., Suite B, Edwardsburg, Michigan Students must arrive for their scheduled class on time and must be picked up by their parent or guardian after the class on time, unless other pick-up/drop-off arrangements have been made with the instructor. On-the-road driving instruction will start and end at 68935 Gateway Dr., Suite B, Edwardsburg Students must arrive for their scheduled driving time on time and must be picked up by their parent or guardian after their driving time on time, unless other pick-up/drop-off arrangements have been made with the instructor. Does this student require any special accommodations to participate in the classroom (Test being read to him/her, an interpreter, seating arrangements, etc.)? Yes_______ No________ If yes, please explain_____________________________________________________________ Is there any physical condition that would affect his/her ability to perform the driving maneuvers? Yes_______ No________ If yes, please explain_____________________________________________________________ Are there any medical conditions that would pose a concern (epilepsy, asthma, color blindness, hearing loss)? Yes________ No________ If yes, please explain_____________________________________________________________ In the last six months, has the student had a fainting spell, blackout, seizure, or other loss of consciousness? Yes________ No________ If the answer is “yes” then, for the student to continue, you must provide a letter, signed by the students physician indicating that the condition which cause the episode, was a “one-time” occurrence and would not occur again/or prevent the student from safely operating a motor vehicle. Is the student’s visual acuity 20/40 or corrected to at least that? Yes_______ No________ EMERGENCY CONTACT: _________________________ PHONE: ______________________ ____________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE ____________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE ____________________________________ SCHOOL REP SIGNATURE ____________________________________ TODAY’S DATE ____________________________________ AMOUNT PAID TODAY ___________________________________ PAYMENT METHOD (cash/check/m.o.) PARENT/GUARDIAN WAIVER I, ____________________________, parent/guardian of _____________________________, a student of Express Driving School, give my expressed written permission to allow my child, listed above, permission to ride alone in the Drivers Education vehicle with the Drivers Education Instructor. ___________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE ____________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE ___________________________________ SCHOOL REP SIGNATURE ____________________________________ TODAY’S DATE