2014-2015 Calendar Proof
Sport and Exercise Psychology
Introduction to Kinesiology 3 ch (3C)
This course is intended to help the student understand what the discipline of Kinesiology
is, why it is important, what Kinesiology majors study, what types of knowledge they
acquire over the course of four years, and what types of careers are available to
Kinesiology students.
Youth in Sport
3 ch (3C) [W]
Examines the influence of sport experiences on the total development of youth. Includes
an analysis of the nature and impact of youth sport programs to determine the major
psychological, physiological, sociological and moral considerations surrounding youth
involvement in sport.
Prerequisites: SEP 1001 , PSYC 1004 or permission of Instructor.
Introduction to the Sociology of Sport
3 ch (3C) [W]
Considers “sport” as a social institution and studies various topics which have occupied
sport sociologists.
Prerequisite: SEP 1001 or permission of instructor.
Introduction to Sport Psychology 3 ch (3C) [W]
Examines selected topics which have implications for performance in sport and physical
activity. Emphasis is on the application of theory to developmental coaching practice.
Prerequisite: SEP 1001 , PSYC 1004 or permission of instructor.
Contemporary Health Issues I
3 ch (3C)
This course will examine current concepts in health. Includes promotion of healthy
behaviour, building healthy lifestyles examining personal nutrition and health eating
practices, as well as sexuality and reproductive choices.
Prerequisites: SEP 1001 , PSYC 1004 or permission of instructor.
Contemporary Health Issues II
3 ch (3C)
This course will continue to examine current concepts in health. Includes protecting one's
self from infectious diseases, reducing one's risk of major diseases, drug, tobacco, and
alcohol use, misuse and abuse, as well as teaching about the spirit of health and wellness.
Prerequisites: SEP 2251 or permission of the instructor.
Careers, Professionals, and Lives in Health and Sport 3 ch (3C)
This course will investigate the pathways to careers and professions coming out of
Physical Education, Health, exercise Science,and Sport. Introductory topics related to
physical activity,exercise science, and sport will be discussed with the intention of
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
exploring their content in relation to career pathways. Students will demonstrate an
ability to be conversant with the scholarly literature in professions related to health,
physical education, exercise science, and sport.
Prerequisite: SEP 1001 (grade of C or better) plus SEP 2021 , SEP 2023 , SEP 2032
(grade of B- or better in each), or permission of instructor.
Exercise Psychology 3 ch (3C) [W]
This course examines a broad range of topics related to contemporary interests in
exercise and exercise adherence from a psychological perspective.
Prerequisites: SEP 2021 , SEP 2023 and SEP 2032 (grade of B- or better in each) or
permission of the instructor.
Sport Psychology
3 ch (3C) [W]
Examines contemporary trends in sport psychology. Topics covered include: personality,
motivation, arousal, stress, anxiety, competition, cooperation, imagery, self-efficacy, goal
setting, concentration, burnout, and gender issues.
Prerequisites: SEP 2021 , SEP 2023 , and SEP 2032 (grade of B- or better in each) or
permission of the instructor.
Careers of Elite Athletes: Sociological Analysis 3 ch (3C) [W]
This course will take a sociological perspective, primarily “interactionist” and “careeroriented”, on the involvement of individuals in sports practices. An attempt will be made
to provide an overview of such involvements, from the initial exposure and introduction
to sport practice, through the deepening commitments and obligations to the ultimate
withdrawal. Such an overview will be examined in the context of the variety of
contingencies which influence each phase of the athletic career. While the focus will be
upon those individuals who have “made it” through the sports system to some sort of elite
status, the analysis by its very nature will not ignore the experiences of those who
disengage from involvements in sports practices at earlier stages. Material will be drawn
from both the theoretical and empirical literature, and will be critiqued in terms of its
usefulness for understanding the phenomenon of the individual’s involvement in athletic
Prerequisites: SEP 2021 , SEP 2023 , and SEP 2032 (grade of B- or better in each), or
permission of the instructor.
The Economics of Sport
3 ch (3C) [W]
This course applies microeconomic theory to the understanding of sports, sport
management, sports marketing and public policy regarding sports. Note: Students can
apply this as a 3000-level course towards an Economics degree.
Prerequisite: ECON 1013 or permission of instructor.
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
Counselling Sport & Exercise Psychology 3 ch (3C)
This course encompasses research and applied work in several domains related to Sport
& Exercise Psychology. These include counselling process and outcome; supervision and
training, career development and counselling and prevention and health.
Prerequisites: SEP 2021 , and either SEP 2023 or SEP 2032 with a grade of B- or better
in each, or permission of the instructor.
Aggression and Violence Perspectives in Sport
3 ch (3C) [W]
The study of aggression and violence in sport. Topics include: behavioral theories of
aggression, frequency of occurrence, and behavioral modification programs to reduce
aggression and violence in sport.
Prerequisites: SEP 2021 , SEP 2023 , and SEP 2032 (grade of B- or better in each), or
permission of the instructor.
Directed Studies in Exercise and Sport
3 ch (3C) [W]
Provides opportunities for students to explore a number of special areas in Kinesiology
and sport. Faculty approval is required prior to registration. Title of the topic will appear
on the student’s transcript. Open only to students in third year and above.
Prerequisites: SEP 2021 , SEP 2023 , and SEP 2032 (grade of B- or better in each), or
permission of the instructor.
Selected Topics in Sport and Exercise Psychology 3 ch (3C) [W]
Selected topics of special interest from the areas of Kinesiology, fitness and sport are
examined in detail. Topics will be specified by the Faculty. Title of topic chosen will
appear on the student’s transcript. Open only to students in third year and above.
Prerequisites: SEP 2021 , SEP 2023 , and SEP 2032 (grade of B- or better in each), or
permission of the instructor.
Selected Topics in Sport and Exercise Psychology 3 ch (3C) [W]
Selected topics of special interest from the areas of physical education, fitness and sport
are examined in detail. Topics will be specified by the Faculty. Title of topic chosen will
appear on the student’s transcript. Open only to students in third year and above.
Prerequisites: SEP 2021 , SEP 2023 , and SEP 2032 (grade of B- or better in each), or
permission of the instructor.