CONFINED SPACE SELF-INSPECTION CHECKLIST The following checklist should be used on an annual basis to monitor the effectiveness of the Confined Space Operations Program. After completing the checklist, it should be dated, signed, and submitted, along with plans for corrections, to the Associate Vice Chancellor Administrative Services. Upon acceptance by the Associate Vice Chancellor Administrative Services, the evaluation checklist should be maintained in the universities files in accordance with UW Oshkosh record retention policy requirements. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION Is there a written document which establishes the confined space program and assigns program responsibility, accountability, and authority? YES NO Comment: Is program responsibility vested in a trained individual who is knowledgeable and who can administer all aspects of the program within the campus? YES NO Comment: Does a system exist to identify regulatory requirements for confined space entry? YES NO Comment: Are copies of these regulations available at the University? YES NO Comment: Are there written procedures/statements covering the various aspects of the confined space program, including: Duties of administrator, facility leaders, confined space entry permit authorizers, and other persons with designated duties under the confined space program YES NO Comment: Procedures for the assessment of spaces, identification of their hazards, and the development of appropriate entry procedures YES NO Comment: The establishment of a system to ensure that confined space entry is performed only in accordance with the entry procedure and permit requirements YES NO Comment: Labeling of confined spaces YES NO Comment: Employee training programs appropriate for the assigned duties YES NO Comment: Inspection, maintenance, storage, and repair of entry equipment YES NO Comment: Periodic audits of confined spaced operations by leaders YES NO Comment: Entry by personnel of other employers YES NO Comment: Annual program audit, including corrective actions YES NO Comment: Has the university taken effective action to prevent unauthorized entry into confined spaces? YES NO Comment: What is the date of the most recent annual audit? YES NO Comment: Was a report covering the annual audit provided to the Associate Vice Chancellor Administrative Services? YES NO Comment: Were the recommendations of that audit implemented? YES NO Comment: CONFINED SPACE SURVEY Has a systematic survey been performed to identify all confined spaces within the university? YES NO Comment: Is the survey repeated on a periodic basis? YES NO Comment: Was a checklist or other standardized form used for the survey? YES NO Comment: Are procedures in place for the assessment of all new facilities and equipment for the existence of confined spaces? YES NO Comment: Are all confined spaces labeled? YES NO Comment: HAZARD ASSESSMENT Has a hazard assessment been conducted for each space identified as a confined space? YES NO Comment: Was a standardized form used for this assessment? YES NO Comment: Has a task inventory been compiled for each space? YES NO Comment: ENTRY PROCEDURES Have entry procedures and permits been developed for each confined space? YES NO Comment: Are entry procedures and permits specific to the hazards of the confined space? YES NO Comment: Do the entry procedure identify all pre-entry preparations that must be completed prior to entry? YES NO Comment: Do the entry procedures and permits identify the specific tasks that may be performed during the entry? YES NO Comment: Are special precautions established for tasks performed in the confined space which may create additional hazards, such as hot work, etc.? YES NO Comment: Are the entry procedures and permits reviewed annually? YES NO Comment: Is the entry procedure reviewed prior to entry into the space? YES NO Comment: Review a representative number of completed permit forms: of have been completed properly. _____ % Comment: ENTRY EQUIPMENT Has the necessary entry equipment been identified and provided? Atmospheric testing and calibration equipment? YES NO Comment: Atmosphere control (ventilation) equipment? YES NO Comment: Personal Protective equipment? YES NO Comment: Communications equipment? YES NO Comment: Electrical equipment? YES NO Comment: Emergency and rescue equipment? YES NO Comment: Is there a program for the periodic inspection of the equipment? YES NO Comment: Is the equipment properly maintained? YES NO Comment: THE ENTRY TEAM Are entry team members designated? YES NO Comment: Have the duties of the team members been established? YES NO Comment: Has a training program been established to ensure that each team member has the requisite knowledge and skills for safe entry? YES NO Comment: Has First Aid and CPR training been provided to the members of the entry team? YES NO Comment: Do the team members get the opportunity to practice their skills outside of actual entry? YES NO Comment: Does the training program include a demonstration by the team members of their ability to perform the tasks? YES NO Comment: EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Has an emergency response plan been established for confined space rescue? YES NO Comment: Has a rescue team been identified? YES NO Comment: If the rescue team is a team of UW - Oshkosh employees: Has the rescue team been properly equipped and trained to perform entry rescue in all of the universities confined spaces? YES NO Comment: Does the rescue team conduct periodic drills? YES NO Comment: If the rescue team is an organization from outside of UW - Oshkosh: Is the response organization designated in writing? YES NO Comment: Has the university evaluated the capability of the rescue service to provide a timely response? YES NO Comment: Has the university evaluated the training and equipment of the rescue organization? YES NO Comment: Has the rescue service evaluated the confined spaces present at the university in order to pre-plan the necessary rescue response? YES NO Comment: Has the rescue service conducted drills at the university? YES NO Comment: CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. 2. 3. 4. ASSESS DATE: ASSESSOR: BY WHOM BY WHEN DATE COMPLETED