MAN4102 Managing Cultural Diversity (For a more detailed syllabus see the Syllabus tab under the Table of Contents) This course provides students with an understanding of the concepts of leadership, knowledge management, and cultural diversity in the international business environment. Students will gain an understanding of the theory and practical application of the skills necessary to provide cross-cultural leadership, including increasing their cultural knowledge and sensitivities. Students should anticipate a response to email within 24 hours. If D2Lis down or you are unable to upload your assignments, or if you have questions not related to this class, please send correspondence to main SPC email account above. Course grading is normally complete within 1 week from submission due date. Text: Required Textbook Moran, R. T., Harris, P. R., and Moran, S. V. (2011). Managing cultural differences: Leadership skills and strategies for working in a global world (8th ed.). Burlington, MA: Elsevier - Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 978-1-85617923-2 Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition - NEW!! by American Psychological Association ISBN - 10-1-4338-0561-8 Concise Rules Of Apa Style (Concise Rules of the American Psychological Association (APA) Style) (Spiral-bound) (March 2005) by American Psychological Association ISBN: 1591472520 Or Instead of the APA manual you may use an online tool such as Purdue's owl website. It is the student’s responsibility to access and use the appropriate resource. Topic & Activiti es Indiv idual Point s Te am Content / Preparation Poi nts Week 1: Leaders, Culture and Commu nication Introdu 5 ction Video Introduction! Discuss 15 ion Initial: Thursday (Additional) Sunday Chapter 1 and 2 Read for Understanding Syllabu s Confirm that you have read with video introduction Quiz 15 Assign 25 ment Topic & Activiti es Indiv idual Point s Multiple choice/essay Communicating a Vision Te am Content / Preparation Poi nts Week 2: Negotia tion, Human Resour ces and the Middle East Discuss 15 ion Initial: Thursday (Additional) Sunday Chapter 3 and 10 Read for Understanding Quiz 15 Assign 30 ment Topic & Activiti es Week 3: Leaders Learnin g From Others and Change , Central and South Indiv idual Point s Multiple choice/essay HYPERLINK " RSCNT&ENTRY_ID=6D342E953756C20A77E3C75C6077006C" CQ, Communication and Negotiation Te am Content / Preparation Poi nts Americ a Discuss 15 ion Initial: Thursday (Additional) Sunday Chapter 4 and 11 Read for Understanding Team Prep Assign Captain and Roles Quiz 15 Assign 30 ment Topic & Activiti es Indiv idual Point s Multiple choice/essay Business in Central or South America Te am Content / Preparation Poi nts Week 4: Women Leaders , Finance , Asians and Australi ans Discuss 15 ion Initial: Thursday (Additional) Sunday Chapter 5 and 12 Read for Understanding Quiz 15 Team Assign ment Topic & Activiti es Week 5: Motivat ing the Multiple choice/essay 55 Captain submits paper/All: submit peer form Indiv idual Point s Te am Content / Preparation Poi nts global workfor ce: Diversit y, Inclusio ns, and Europe ans Discuss 15 ion Initial: Thursday (Additional) Sunday Chapter 6 and 13 Read for Understanding Quiz 15 Assign 30 ment Topic & Activiti es Indiv idual Point s Multiple choice/essay Women and the glass ceiling Te am Content / Preparation Poi nts Week 6: Effectiv e Perfor mance in the Global Market place, Transiti on, Relocat ions, and Africa Discuss 15 ion Initial: Thursday (Additional) Sunday Chapter 7, 8 and 14 Read for Understanding Team Prep Prepare for final team assignment Quiz 15 Multiple choice/essay Assign 30 ment Topic & Activiti es Indiv idual Point s International Productivity PowerPoint Presentation Te am Content / Preparation Poi nts Week 7: Leaders hip in Creatin g Cultura l Synerg y and North Americ a Discuss 15 ion Initial: Thursday (Additional) Sunday Chapter 9 and 15 Read for Understanding Quiz 15 Multiple choice/essay Assign ment Topic & Activiti es No assignment due week 7 work on Final Indiv idual Point s Te am Content / Preparation Poi nts Week 8: Final Deliver ables Final Quiz Final Assign ment 25 Due Tuesday 60 Due Tuesday Indiv Te idual am Point Poi s nts 385 11 Total Points 5 Minimum points for an "A" Minimum points for an "B" Minimum points for an "C" Minimum points for an "D" Points and less is an "F" ***You are required to complete all of the assignments in week one (1) by the end of week one or you will be marked absent. You are required are required to complete all of the assignments in week one (1) by the end of week one or you will be marked absent complete all of the assignments in week two (2) by the end of week two or you will be marked absent for that week as well. You are required to complete all of the assignments from week one (1) through week 5 by the end of week five or you will be withdrawn from the class.***