Clifford`s Resume - Wells for the World

Project management
Clifford S. Yantz
Hydrogeologic/Remedial Investigations (RI)
Hydrogeologic data analysis
Feasibility Studies (FS)
Groundwater flow and fate and transport
Remedial Design and Remedial Action (RD/RA)
Groundwater extraction systems (Design,
Installation and Operation and Maintenance)
LNAPL & DNAPL issues
Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA)
Wellhead protection
System operation and maintenance
Facility Environmental Assessments (FEAs)
Landfills (Cap/Liner Construction, Gas Extraction,
Leachate Management, Operation and
2005 – Present: O’Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc.
2001 – 2005: GeoSyntec Consultants, Inc.
1997 – 2001: URS Corporation; formerly URS
Greiner Woodward-Clyde, Inc. and WoodwardClyde (Contract Employee from 1997 to 1998)
1996 – 1998: CSY Hydro Environmental Services
(Self Employed)
1989 – 1996: Montgomery Watson; now MWH
Global, formerly Warzyn, Inc.
BS/1988/Geology University of Wisconsin –
Professional Geologist: WI
OSHA: 40 hr., 8 hr., Supervisor, Confined Space,
Levels D, D-modified, C and B
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Mr. Yantz has over 25 years of experience in
hydrogeology and hazardous waste management. He has
performed and managed hydrogeologic investigations at
over 100 sites, and has been the project hydrogeologist
at nine CERCLA sites and assisted at over a dozen other
CERCLA sites. He specializes in the collection, review
and interpretation of hydrogeologic data to determine
groundwater resources, flow and contaminant migration
characteristics, including wellhead protection, natural
attenuation, light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL)
and dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) issues,
and in the design of groundwater extraction and
remediation systems. He has performed and managed
numerous RI/FS, remedial designs and
remedial/corrective actions at CERCLA (Superfund),
RCRA, state priority list, landfill, UST and industrial sites.
He has been involved in the design, installation and
evaluation of numerous groundwater extraction and
well systems and other remediation systems. He is
experienced with numerous hydrogeologic exploration
and testing methods, including aquifer testing
techniques and their applications to groundwater
resource studies, and is familiar with hydrologic
interactions with groundwater resources. He also has
experience using groundwater flow models (mainly
MODFLOW) to assess groundwater resources, flow and
contaminant transport, and to assess the interaction of
hydrology and groundwater aquifer systems. He has
installed thousands of geologic borings and wells.
He has also negotiated numerous work plans, remedial
designs, and groundwater flow and containment
transport modeling scopes of work and results with the
U.S. EPA (Region 5) and state agencies. Mr. Yantz has
trained and/or mentored over two dozen junior staff
members during his career.
Mr. Yantz has managed and completed hundreds of
projects involving the review and interpretation of
hydrogeologic data, and provides supervision, data
review, interpretation and reporting responsibilities for
projects. He also assumes proposal and budgetary
responsibilities for projects.
Groundwater Flow and Fate & Transport Modeling
Conducted groundwater flow modeling for several sites, including four CERCLA sites, which were
approved by state (Michigan and Indiana) and federal agencies as the basis for remedial design activities
at the sites. Conducted fate and transport modeling for a few sites, including one CERCLA site. Highlights
of his modeling experience are summarized below:
Confidential Client, Groundwater Flow Modeling, MI, Manager/Groundwater Modeler – Developed
a groundwater model using Visual MODFLOW (WHI software package) to simulate groundwater flow for
a well field impacted by salt mining brine. The uptake of salt, which exists as a separate phase, at the
base of an almost 200 ft thick aquifer within the site area was assessed. Alterations in the pumping
system to reduce salt uptake were recommended, including the installation of variable frequency drives
(VFDs) on the existing vertical turbine pumps and automation of the pumping cycles among the various
municipal wells.
Waste Management, Plainfield Township, State Disposal Landfill Superfund Site, MI, Task
Manager/Hydrogeologist – Developed a groundwater model using FLOWPATH (WHI software
package) to stimulate groundwater flow at the site to assess the travel times and pathlines (flow
direction) of contaminants released from the landfill. MDEQ reviewed the model and decided a more
extensive fate and transport modeling effort would be required to negotiate a no further action (natural
attenuation) alternative for groundwater at the site. Conducted groundwater flow and contaminant fate
and transport modeling of the site using Visual MODFLOW and MT3D. The model was reviewed by
MDEQ and the model was utilized as the basis for the no further action (natural attenuation) alternative
for the site. The feasibility of groundwater extraction was also evaluated using the model. The fate and
transport model predictions were used to size/design a wellhead treatment system for a municipal well
field impacted by the site, including the design and replacement of the well field, which has a total
capacity of about 4,000 gallons per minute (gpm). Also performed and managed much of the RI/FS
PRP Group, Wayne Waste Oil Superfund Site, RI/FS and Remedial Action, Columbia City, IN,
Project Hydrogeologist – Developed a groundwater flow model using MODFLOW to simulate
groundwater flow at the site to assess the feasibility of slurry wall construction and a wellhead
protection system. The model was used as the basis for the groundwater extraction/well-head
protection system implemented at the site, which included construction of a slurry wall, and installation
of groundwater extraction wells, SVE wells, and air sparging system. The model was reviewed and
accepted by the U.S. EPA and IDEM (Indiana Dept. of Environmental Management). Also, performed the
pre-design investigations and assisted in the design of the groundwater extraction wells, slurry wall,
SVE wells, and air sparging systems.
Confidential Industrial Facility, LNAPL and DNAPL Site, Troy, MI, Task Manager/Hydrogeologist –
Developed a groundwater flow model using FLOWPATH to simulate groundwater capture zones for a
combination LNAPL and DNAPL site. The capture zone analysis was used to design a groundwater
extraction system to hydraulically control the solute plume at the site. Also, performed and managed the
site investigations, and assisted in the design of the groundwater and LNAPL and DNAPL extraction
Kent County Public Works, Kentwood Landfill Superfund Site, Groundwater Modeling, Kentwood,
MI, Project Hydrogeologist – Developed a groundwater flow model using MODFLOW to simulate
groundwater flow at the site. The model was submitted as part of the Additional Studies report for the
site and was the basis for the groundwater extraction system designed and implemented at the site. The
model was reviewed and accepted by the MDEQ and U.S. EPA. Also, assisted in the pre-design
investigations and in the design of the groundwater extraction system.
Confidential Food Services Company, Groundwater Modeling and Cranberry Farming Feasibility
Study, Muskegon, MI, Project Hydrogeologist – Developed a groundwater flow model using
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MODFLOW to simulate groundwater flow for a 2,000 acre farm to evaluate the production of cranberries
at the site. The model was utilized to design ten-200 acre fields for cranberry production and an
extensive canal system for storage of 200 acre feet of water for use in the harvesting of the cranberries.
The storage and delivery system needed to be capable of delivering 200 acre feet (65 million gallons) of
water within 24 hours. In addition, the water table within the growing fields needed to be generally
maintained within 18 inches of the surfaced of the fields for optimal cranberry growth during the
growing season with only approximately 6 inches of variation (shallower or deeper) allowed during the
year. Ultimately the cranberry farm was not built due to the costs associated with importing enough clay
to line the canals for the storage/delivery system.
Environmental Services
Confidential Fortune 100 Client, Project Manager for Treatability Study, Source Area Investigation,
and IRM Alternatives Evaluation – Evaluation of interim remedial measure (IRM) alternatives at large
industrial facility involving chlorinated solvent impacted three-aquifer system. Conducted treatability
study program and source area investigation to collect additional specific treatability data and assemble
new and existing physical, chemical, geochemical, hydrogeologic and biological data to facilitate the
evaluation of remedial technologies and design for the IRM as part of a RCRA Corrective Action Program.
Negotiated treatability study and source area investigation work plans with client and U.S. EPA remedial
project manager.
Performed aquifer pumping tests as part of the pre-design studies for the site in each of the three aquifers
at the site. Developed the original conceptual design of the groundwater extraction system (GWES) for the
site as part of the IRM evaluation, helped support the design and construction of the IRM system,
including the design of the extraction wells and pump sizing and configuration, and also supported system
startup. The groundwater extraction system was designed to extract up to 560 gpm. Continues to support
performance monitoring of the IRM system and evaluations of the site data for the project, including
evaluation of plume stability using MAROS to aid in the environmental indicator (EI) CA750 submittal.
Recently assisted with the evaluation of one of the GWES’ extraction well’s loss of performance due to
biofouling and improper development. The extraction well was video inspected, and chemical and
mechanical treated, and redevelopment of the well resulted in reducing the groundwater entrance
velocity to the well, which has alleviated the biofouling issues.
Confidential Client, Retail Gas Stations, Site Investigations, Design, Remediation and O&M,
Southeast Michigan, Hydrogeologist – Managed and helped conduct several dozen site investigations
at retail gasoline station sites, including delineating the extent of impacts and existence/extent of
LNAPL. Managed, performed and assisted with several dozen remedial system design efforts
(groundwater extraction and/or SVE systems), remediation and O&M projects. Typically designed
groundwater extraction network and wells.
NBIA OU1 PRP Group, North Bronson Industrial Area Superfund Site, Bronson, MI, Project
Manager – Managed and helped conduct lagoon sludge treatability study to evaluate sludge
stabilization alternatives for plating sludges residing in two separate lagoon areas at the site. Benchscale mix design studies were conducted and the resulting most favorable mixes were used in two pilotscale studies (one for each lagoon area – using a different mix design for each lagoon area). The results
of the lagoon sludge treatability study will be used in the design of the full-scale lagoon stabilization
remedy. Also managed the vapor intrusion and groundwater delineation studies for the former western
lagoon area of the site, including a sediment and erodible/non-erodible soils study along County Drain
#30, which runs through the northern portion of the study area. Prepared the various reports
documenting the investigation and various studies and most recently prepared the Remedial Design
Work Plan (RDWP) to guide and support the completion of the remedial design, which will culminate in
the implementation of the remedial action for the site.
Confidential Industrial Facility, Site Investigation and Inert Material Assessment, Grand Blanc,
MI, Project Manager/Hydrogeologist – Implemented and managed a series of Phase I and II
Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for a large industrial facility (over one million square feet under
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roof, plus multiple ancillary buildings including a coal fired power plant and wastewater treatment
plant) situated on over 230 acres. The Phase II ESAs were expanded into delineation studies in several
areas of the site and also included the implementation of an inert material assessment to evaluate the
reuse of site soils (200,000 cubic yards) for filling the basement of a portion of the facility that was
undergoing decommissioning. Utilized the Visual Sample Plan (VSP) software package (Battelle
Memorial Institute, 2008) and Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s (MDEQ) statistical
guidance to develop a systematic random statistical approach to guide sample collection during the inert
material assessment that significantly reduced the number of samples required for the assessment. A
statistical analysis of the sample data was also implemented to maximize the reuse of the site soils. Also
managed the cut and fill design for two potential borrow areas on the site, and managed the utilization
of one of the borrow areas to fill in the former basement area, which included negotiating with MDEQ
the use of impacted materials for the basement filling activities, and oversight of a small mercury
impacted soil removal effort.
Confidential RCRA Landfill, O&M and Evaluation, Flint, MI, Project Manager/Hydrogeologist –
Managing the on-going landfill O&M, including semi-annual groundwater and leak detection system
(LDS) monitoring, routine LDS dewatering, accumulated liquids sampling, landfill maintenance, and all
reporting for the site. Evaluated LDS to determine how surface and/or groundwater enters the
secondary liner system (i.e., LDS). Evaluation included a dye study, transducer study, review of
precipitation and other weather data, groundwater levels, liquid removal rates, etc. Test pitting and
drain installation was conducted to evaluate and repair pipe penetrations, and to drain water away from
the edge of the landfill to reduce the liquid volumes within the LDS (secondary liner). Assisted with
negotiate with MDEQ changes to the existing statistical analytical methods utilized at the site to provide
a more realistic approach to the evaluation of the LDS monitoring data. This included the use of a
decision tree to guide the evaluation of the monitoring data to greatly reduce the amount of re-sampling
required by false positive statistical events.
Confidential Industrial Facility, Site Investigation and RAP Development, Flint, MI, Project
Manager/Hydrogeologist – Managed site investigation (SI) of facility and prepared/developed SI
report and Interim Remedial Action (IRA) Work Plan for the site, to facilitate the remediation of two
impacted areas of the site. Managed the remediation of the two impacted areas to allow closure of the
site under the MDEQ Limited Nonresidential closure category. One of the areas required removal of
benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BETX) impacts exceeding the soil saturation (i.e., Csat)
criteria. The No Further Action (NFA) report for the site is currently being developed.
Yeoman Creek Remediation Group, Yeoman Creek Landfill Superfund Site, Waukegan, IL, Task
Manager for O&M activities – Managed groundwater and LFG monitoring and the gas management
system (GMS, i.e., flare station) operation. Conducted an engineering evaluation of GMS at the site,
reviewed historical O&M records, inspected the system, and conducted LFG monitoring and field testing
activities to evaluate the completed portions of the GMS and recommended short- and long-term
enhancements to improve the performance, reliability and maintenance of the GMS. Provided oversight
for GMS enhancements and managed the GMS O&M activities, including daily flare station operation and
daily LFG monitoring activities. The GMS more effectively controls LFG migration at the site.
We Energies, Power Plant, Hazardous Material Assessment and Remediation, WI, Project
Hydrogeologist – Performed environmental activities associated with the conversion of a power plant
from a coal-fired plant to a natural gas-fired plant. The work included abandonment of an artesian well;
closure of bottom ash pits and coal pile runoff basins; investigation and remedial action of large
transformer bank, chlorinated VOC, diesel fuel oil, and coal handling areas; assessment and remedial
action of recirculation intake and discharge tunnel sediments; and pre-demolition hazardous materials
assessment activities.
We Energies, Former Manufactured Gas Plant Sites, RI/FS and RA Activities, WI, Project
Manager/Hydrogeologist – Conducted assessment (RI/FS activities) and cleanup (RA activities) of
former manufactured gas plant (MGP), substation, natural gas distribution and electrical utility sites.
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Investigation activities have included soil, groundwater and sediment. The work included the
assessment of non-MGP contaminant sources commingled with MGP sources. COCs at these sites include
PAHs, VOCs (typically BETX constituents), heavy metals and cyanide.
We Energies, Former MGP Facility, Engineering Evaluation, WI, Project Manager/Hydrogeologist
– Conducted an engineering evaluation of an existing groundwater extraction system at a former MGP
facility. Coal tar, in the form of a DNAPL, and mineralization impacted several wells and the pumping
system rendering the system ineffective in hydraulically controlling the plume at the site. Reviewed
historical operations and maintenance (O&M) records, inspected the system, and conducted sampling
and field testing activities to evaluate the existing system and recommend short- and long-term
enhancements to improve the performance, reliability and maintenance of the existing system. Designed
and provided oversight for the system enhancements, and provided system O&M management services.
The system hydraulically controlled the plume at the site after the system enhancements were
Confidential Industrial Facility, Multiple Aquifer System, Kalamazoo, MI, Task
Manager/Hydrogeologist – Determined vertical and horizontal extent of a chlorinated solvent plume
within a multiple aquifer system utilizing Roto-Sonic drilling and vertical aquifer sampling (VAS)
techniques at and .75 miles down gradient of an industrial facility. The results of the investigation were
utilized in negotiating a natural attenuation remedy for off-site impacts after completing a source
remedial action (RA).
Confidential Industrial Facility, LNAPL and DNAPL Site, Troy, MI, Task Manager/Hydrogeologist –
Determined vertical and horizontal extent of residual and free product LNAPLs and DNAPLs at an
industrial facility within a residential area without alarming local residence. Groundwater modeling
techniques were utilized to design a groundwater pump and treatment system to hydraulically control
solute plumes. System continues to be operated and draws in free product and hydraulically controls
dissolved plumes.
PRP Group, State Priority List Site, Landfill, Wayland, MI, Task Manager/Hydrogeologist –
Negotiated the cessation of a state agency lead removal action at a landfill site with a large quantity of
buried drums (10,000+) in order to allow the PRPs to conduct an RI/FS for the site. Also negotiated the
RI/FS work plans, performed the RI activities, prepared the RI and FS reports, and suggested the use of a
vadose zone monitoring/SVE system to intercept contaminants before they reach the groundwater
Confidential Industrial Facility Investigation and Remediation, Gallopolis, OH,
Manager/Hydrogeologist – Project team conducted a file review, oversaw and reviewed a third party
Phase II investigation, performed a delineation study, and estimated remedial cost to facilitate the sale
and remediation of the property within nine months. Performed remediation of the site after negotiating
a favorable sales agreement that guaranteed remediation of the property within six months of signing
the sales agreement. Every aspect of the project was completed on time and under budget.
Decommissioning and Demolition Services
Industrial Client, Facility Deactivation Programs, MI, VA and OH, Technical Associate – Provided
technical support, document review, field assistance and project management for Deactivation
Programs included facility environmental assessments (FEAs) of environmental hazardous items
(excluding asbestos), sample collection (PCBs & Lead), report writing, environmental clean-up
specifications and demolition bid document support, sample location map (AutoCAD), statistical
analysis (ProUCL), and pre-demolition cleanup cost estimating.
Municipal Client, Site Assessment and Deactivation Specifications, KY, Technical Associate –
Helped prepared proposal for and provided technical support for Site Assessment and demolition
specifications preparation, included an evaluation of equipment and infrastructure for environmentally
hazardous items (excluding asbestos), development of a sampling and analysis plan and oversight of the
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implementation of the sampling and analysis plan. The Contract Documents included technical
specification for demolition and site restoration and a construction cost estimate.
We Energies, Power Plant, Hazardous Material Assessment and Remediation, WI, Project
Hydrogeologist – Performed environmental activities associated with the conversion of a power plant
from a coal-fired plant to a natural gas-fired plant. The work included abandonment of an artesian well;
closure of bottom ash pits and coal pile runoff basins; investigation and remedial action of large
transformer bank, chlorinated VOC, diesel fuel oil, and coal handling areas; assessment and remedial
action of recirculation intake and discharge tunnel sediments; and pre-demolition hazardous materials
assessment activities (excluding asbestos). Mr. Yantz performed the pre-demolition assessment for the
nearly 70 year old power plant.
MDEQ, Facility Deactivation Programs, MI, Staff Scientist/Project Manager – Managed and
performed Deactivation Programs for three aging apartment complexes and an industrial facility
included assessments of environmental hazardous items (excluding asbestos), sample collection (PCBs
& Lead and other hazardous materials/constituent), report writing, environmental clean-up
specifications, and figure preparation.
Industrial Client, Facility Deactivation, Battle Creek, MI, Staff Scientist – Preformed the hazardous
material assessment of environmental hazardous items (excluding asbestos) for a 5 building over 2
million square feet complex of industrial buildings, which also included sample collection, report
writing, identification of environmental clean-up issues, figure preparation, and demolition oversight.
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