Meadow Park Middle School 14100 SW Downing Street, Beaverton, OR 97006 (503) 672-3660 (phone), (503) 672-3664 (fax) Toshiko Maurizio, Principal Scott Harrington, Assistant Principal Tina Myers, Student Manager Dear Meadow Park Students and Families, Welcome to Meadow Park Middle School and to the 2013-2014 school year! This summer has a different tone than last year in that we are able to hire more teachers due to the passing of the levy. We are excited for the additions to our family and we are even more excited that your students will benefit from the knowledge and expertise of these new hires. With these changes to staffing, we remain committed to staying focused on the ultimate goal of providing high quality, challenging, international education we believe is important for Meadow Park students. This is the year that Meadow Park will be working specifically to become an authorized IB World School through the Middle Years Programme (MYP). We spent almost two years preparing for this authorization and we are excited to say we are ready for the challenge. We submit our application by October 1st and hope to have our site visit before the end of this year. We will receive official notice of authorization some time in the spring. By the end of the school year, we are confident that all students will continue to see the value in creating a better and more peaceful world by understanding cultural differences and respecting the diversity within our own community. We look forward to seeing the ways they choose to volunteer, as well. There is a connection between MYP and our efforts around a Standards-Based Learning System that parents and students will see evident in our grading and reporting practices. We will continue to teach to learning targets, use high quality assessments tied to those learning targets, use a variety of tools to monitor achievement including common assessments, report academic achievement and behavior separately, and assign summary judgments based on evidence of mastery of long-term learning targets. Aside from a rigorous and engaging academic program, Meadow Park is dedicated to providing a safe and secure learning environment. Our behavior philosophy states: "It is our belief that discipline is an opportunity to teach proper behavior through the use of clear expectations and procedures designed to restore justice and keep students in the learning environment. Every behavior has a function or a need that is being met. Our behavior model addresses both positive and negative behaviors." Part of being an MYP school is working with our community, so parent participation is critical. We will challenge all parents to put in a minimum of 10 hours of community service time either in the school or outside in the community. We highly encourage you to stay connected and to contact your child’s teacher, counselor, or administrator whenever you have questions, concerns, or most importantly, when you have positive experiences to share. Your input is valuable in shaping how we function as a school. Again, welcome back and welcome to our family! Sincerely, Toshiko Maurizio Toshiko Maurizio, Principal WE are the Beaverton School District. Our goal is for every student to graduate with many options and be prepared to: THINK: Creatively & Critically, KNOW: Master Content, ACT: Self Direct & Collaborate, GO: Navigate Locally & Globally We Expect Excellence. We Innovate. We Embrace Equity. We Collaborate. MEADOW PARK ACADEMIC & ACTIVITIES CALENDAR August September Dates & Events Subject to Change 20-21 WEB Leader Training 21 Eagle Day 22 Eagle Day 9-1pm 10-1pm, 4-7pm 10-1pm 2 3 4 5 7 11 17 9:15am 6:30-8:30pm Labor Day - NO SCHOOL FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL (6TH GRADE and WEB Leaders ONLY) REGULAR SCHOOL DAY (for all grades) Band/Choir Chinook Book Sale Begins Beaverton's Band Celebration Parade (8th grade only) PTO Meeting Back to School Night (6th – 8th grade) Band/Choir Entertainment Book Orders Due PICTURE DAY Band/Choir Chinook Book Orders Due 20 23 October 4 Site Council Meeting Cookie Dough Kick-Off Assembly PTO Meeting/Principal Chat Staff Development Day - NO SCHOOL Cookie Dough Orders Turn-In Day Picture Retakes 8-9am Site Council Meeting Staff Development Day – NO SCHOOL HOLIDAY – NO SCHOOL PTO Meeting (Note Evening Time) Principal Chat 14 Cookie Dough Delivery/Pick-up Fall Band Concert 27 Budget Reduction Day – NO SCHOOL 28-29 Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL 8-9am 9 11 17 29 November December 1 8 11 13 2 9 9:15am/10:15am 6-7pm 7-8pm 3:30-5:30pm 7-8pm Grading Day - NO SCHOOL Budget Reduction Day – NO SCHOOL ***WINTER BREAK -> DECEMBER 23 – JANUARY 3*** January 10 13-14 15 16 20 27 Site Council Meeting 5th Grade "Flycasting" PTO Meeting (Note Evening Time) Principal Chat 5th Grade Open House Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL Semester 1 Ends - Grading day - NO SCHOOL 8-9am 6-7pm 7-8pm 6-8pm 2 February 7 11 12 13 14 17 19 Site Council Meeting Conferences Conferences - NO SCHOOL Conferences - NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL Presidents’ Day - NO SCHOOL 8th Grade Forecasting/Sunset & Westview visit Meadow March 3-7 7 10 12 12 National Classified Employee Recognition Week Site Council Meeting Budget Reduction Day – NO SCHOOL Spring Band Concert PTO Meeting (Note Evening Time) Principal Chat Staff Development Day – NO SCHOOL 14 8-9am 4-8pm 12-8pm 8-4pm 8-9am 7pm 6-7pm 7-8pm ***SPRING BREAK -> MARCH 24 - 28*** April 4 7-11 9 15-18 23 24 24 25 28 May 2 5-9 10 14 23 26 28 29 30 June 4 4-6 6 10 11 12 13 Site Council Meeting National Volunteer Appreciation Week PTO Meeting/Principal Chat Volunteer Luncheon Outdoor School (6th Grade Only) Secretary's Day, Spring Pictures Meadow Park World's Fair National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day Grading Day - NO SCHOOL Budget Reduction Day – NO SCHOOL 8-9am Site Council Meeting Teacher Appreciation Week St. John’s Parade PTO Meeting (Note Evening Time) Principal Chat Staff Development Day - NO SCHOOL Memorial Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL Choir Concert Band Concert Band Assembly 8-9am PTO Meeting/Principal Chat 8th Grade Summa Ashland Trip Site Council Meeting Recognition Assembly 8th Grade Send-Off Party LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Field Day for ALL Semester 2 Ends Last Day for Teachers - Grading Day 9:15/10:15am 9:15/10:15am 11:15-12:15pm 6-8pm 6-7pm 7-8pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 8-9am 10-2pm 3 PARENT/STUDENT RESOURCES Administration Parent/Teacher Organization Toshiko Maurizio, Principal Scott Harrington, Assistant Principal Tina Myers, Student Manager Administrators are always available for students and parents if there are specific concerns you would like to address. Please contact Carol Duffy to schedule an appointment with an administrator by calling the school. The PTO helps create a better learning environment. Thousands of hours of volunteer efforts have made Meadow Park a great place for kids. We need your continued support! To contact us, please visit our website at Our PTO President is Karol Mesa and can be reached at If you would like to volunteer or be part of our PTO, please contact Karol. Counselors Stephani Grace, 6th & 7th Grade (Team B) Rebecca Pearson, 8th & 7th Grade (Team A) Your counselor is available to help with your academic and personal concerns. You may request a meeting with your counselor by filling out a form near the counselor’s office. Counselors also offer support groups for students wishing to focus on specific concerns, i.e., anger management, friendship problems, separation and loss, conflict resolution, etc. Counselors are available to help you with questions about drug and alcohol use and abuse. Parents, if you wish to contact your child’s counselor, please call Meadow Park at 503-6723660. Office Staff Carol Duffy, Principal’s Secretary Ginny Jones, Counseling Secretary Marta Reinen, Attendance Secretary Noelia Ruiz, Bilingual Facilitator Andrea Williams, Technology/Testing Coordinator Important Phone Numbers General Attendance (voicemail) Homework Hotline FAX 503-672-3660 503-259-6181 503-259-6182 503-672-3664 Community Engagement Committee (CEC) Meadow Park’s Community Engagement Committee meets once a month (or as needed basis) to deal with matters pertaining to the school and the community. Parents are encouraged to communicate with the members regarding your concerns and ideas relating to Meadow Park. Parents are also invited to attend our monthly committee meetings, which will be publicized in the parent newsletters. CEC Members We are in need of CEC members for the 2013-2014 school year. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please contact Scott Harrington at Site Council The role of the Site Council is to develop plans to improve the professional growth of the school's staff, improve the school's instructional program; develop and coordinate plans for the implementation of programs at the school; and administer grants for the professional development of teachers and classified district employees. The Council meets once a month, normally the first Friday of every month, from 8-9am. Welcome Center/Clothes Closet If you would like translations in languages other than English or Spanish, please contact the Welcome Center at (503) 672-3715. Also, the Clothes Closet will re-open from 10-7pm beginning Wednesday, August 28, 2013. School Board Members Susan Greenberg Anne Bryan Donna Tyner LeeAnn Larsen Linda Degman (Meadow Park Representative, Zone 7) Mary VanderWeele Jeff Hicks 4 GENERAL INFORMATION Meadow Park Schedule Buses Arrive: 8:45 a.m. (approximately) Halls Open: 8:55 a.m. School Begins: 9:05 a.m. Dismissal: 3:40 p.m. Buses Depart: 3:50 p.m. There is no supervision for Meadow students prior to 8:45 a.m. Snow Days Closure: Local radio and TV stations will be informed of closures before 6:00 a.m. Visit the district website for closure information. Delayed Opening: Local radio and TV stations will be informed of delayed openings prior to 6:00 a.m. Visit the district website for delayed opening information. Start time: Meadow Park – 11:05 a.m. Buses run: 2 hours later than usual Closed Campus Meadow Park is a closed campus. This means that no student may leave the school premises once they arrive on school grounds until the end of the school day unless approved by a parent/guardian and administrators. Students must check in and out of the office. A parent/guardian must come into the office and sign their student out. Contact Information Current contact information is necessary, especially when an accident or illness occurs. Parents, please inform the school of any changes in your address or phone numbers, including work, home, cell, as well as email addresses. Most communication from the school will be sent via email. Having an updated email address will ensure that you receive school information in a timely manner. Visitors No student guests are permitted at any time in the school day, including lunch. Parents must check in at the office before visiting any classrooms or meeting with staff. All visitors must wear a nametag for identification purposes. Staff members will question any visitors not wearing appropriate nametags, and they will be escorted to the main office. Bicycles If you ride a bicycle to school, please park it in the slotted bike rack near the portables on the west side of the campus. The bike rack is off-limits during the school day. Remember to lock your bike at all times. The school does not assume responsibility for missing/damaged bicycles. Lockers Your Advisory teacher will assign you a locker for storage of items needed at school. You and your locker partner are responsible for damages to your locker and lock. Lockers are school property and can be opened at the discretion of a building administrator. Care of your locker Keep your locker closed and locked. Keep your locker combination to yourself. Keep your locker clean and orderly. Keep out of other student's lockers. Backpacks, including soccer bags, and coats, must be kept in your locker during the school day. Most locker problems occur when lockers are left unlocked, combinations are pre-set or locker combinations are told to other students. Since lockers are not totally secure, we recommend that valuable items be left at home. Health Room If you become ill, ask your teacher for a pass and report to the Health Room. Your parents will be contacted if you are unable to return to classes. You may not leave campus unless we have contacted an authorized adult. They will pick you up in the health room to take you home. 5 Medication If your child takes medication during the school day, a parent must bring the medicine to the school office in the original container and sign the medication card. Both over-the-counter and prescription medications are treated in the same way. The school must have your physician’s authorization for your child to receive any medication at school. Pharmacists will provide two labeled containers, one for home and one for school. Emergency medications such as a bee sting kit must be accompanied by written directions from your doctor, including a statement about the necessity for immediate administration of the medication rather than waiting for an emergency vehicle to arrive and instructions regarding symptoms and administration of the medication. Withdrawal of Students If you are planning to transfer your child from Meadow Park to another school, please inform the counseling secretary at least one day before your child’s last day. This enables your child to check out with teachers, turn in books, receive grades, and clean his/her locker. Your child will receive a withdrawal slip that must be signed by teachers and the librarian as your child returns books and supplies. The withdrawal slip must then be returned to the Counseling Secretary for final approval. Phone and Phone Messages Students will not be excused from class to accept phone calls, but messages concerning family emergencies will be communicated promptly. Parents (and others) are discouraged from telephoning the school with routine messages for students. The school phones are for school business and are only used by students in an emergency. Also, parents, please do not text or call your child on his/her cell phone during class time. If you need to contact your child, please text or call before school, during lunch, or after school. Physical Education/Health Students are required to dress for gym activity each class unless otherwise instructed. Approved clothing is to be worn during class. PE T-shirts are required for Meadow Park students and are available for purchase. Personal property such as watches and jewelry need to be kept in your locked locker or basket. Only PE issued padlocks are to be used. Transportation Transportation is provided between school and home only via school district established bus routes. If you wish to go to any other destination, you will need to provide your own transportation. Any exceptions to this policy will require advanced written parental request and administrative approval. The State has established regulations for riding the buses; violation of these regulations may result in the loss of your bus riding privileges. Refer to the regulations posted in the bus and listed in the Beaverton's Student and Parent Rights Handbook (SPRH). Skateboards/rollerblades/scooters/"heelies" are not allowed on school grounds or on school buses. Fines and Fees At the end of each year, or when leaving Meadow Park, students must return books, locks, and materials in good condition, or a fine will be assessed. Until all fines/fees are paid/cleared: Students will not receive or be able to purchase yearbooks. Participation in ninth grade athletics and activities will be denied (all fines follow students to high school). Library Media Center The Library Media Center is open to students from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Beginning at 9:00 a.m., you will need a hall pass to use the Library Media Center. The Library Media Center contains a wide variety of resources and materials. Computers are also available for your use. If space permits, you may use the Library at lunchtime to read, study quietly, or use the computer. You must obtain a pass from supervisors during lunch to use the library. The Library cannot be used as a place to meet socially during lunchtime. 6 Student Activities The activities program at Meadow Park emphasizes student involvement through a variety of ways, including: student leadership, spirit/service activities, activity clubs, student celebration parties, assemblies, and fundraisers. Celebrations Meadow Park holds several celebration parties, which may include games, dancing, and refreshments. This year, celebrations will be available to most students. They will take place during the day and towards the end of the day. Meadow Park celebration parties are closed door, open only to Meadow Park students. Safety is always a priority at Meadow Park; therefore, without an adequate number of parent chaperones, the event will be cancelled. No guests may attend a Meadow Park celebration. Appropriate behavior is required. All school rules (including dress code) apply. The celebration will end promptly at 3:40p.m. Arrange ahead of time for your ride home to arrive when the activities are over. Phones are available on a limited basis only. If you are riding the bus, you will need to report to the bus loading area immediately after the celebration. Students who receive multiple suspensions and are a safety concern will not be able to attend the celebrations. These students will remain in a room supervised by a staff member OR a parent/guardian may pick them up. The privilege of attending these celebrations will be revoked if these guidelines are not followed. Acitivity Fund Donations We are asking for a $10 per family Activity Fund donation to contribute to our all school celebrations and end of year field day. You may turn donation money in during Eagle Day OR you may simply drop your donation in to the main office with Carol Duffy, Principal's Secretary. Community Service Opportunities Because Meadow Park is a candidate school for the IB World School, Middle Years Programme, there will be many opportunities for students and parents to engage in community service projects throughout the year. These projects will be posted on our website as well as in our weekly News Flashes. We highly encourage you, and your student, to take part in these activities. All Meadow Park students will be required to document a total of 10 hours of community service throughout the year. We are also going to challenge parents to also put in 10 hours of community service either in school or out in the community. After School Activities On or around the month of October, we will be sending out information about our After School Activities, funded and supported by the Beaverton Education Foundation (BEF) grant. Activities have typically included soccer, homework help, math tutoring, Girl's Club, and much more. More information will be sent via website and News Flash. School Lunch Program Nutritious Breakfasts and Lunches are available for all students to purchase each day. In addition, “A la Carte Menu”, offers individual components of the meal sold separately as well as snacks. There will be three lunch periods this school year. Each grade level will have a specific lunch period. Students may choose from a variety of different menus or bring lunch from home. All students will have to adhere to the USDA mandate for the National School Lunch Program, which states that students must choose and take ½ cup of fruit and/or vegetables with every lunch. Breakfast, Lunch and A la Carte menus for the current month are posted on the Nutrition Services Website at: /nutrition-services/menus/ 2013-2014 Meal Prices Please check the BSD Nutrition Services website at: /nutrition-services/school-meals/ or call (503) 591-4419. 7 Free & Reduced Price Meal Benefits If a family is experiencing financial need, then parents may complete one application for free or reduced price meals for all students in their family. Meal benefits applications and instructions are available online, in the school office, cafeteria, or from the Nutrition Services Meal Benefits office. The application process and each student’s meal benefit status are completely confidential. Families may apply for meal benefits at any time throughout the school year, even up to the last day of school. However, a new application is required for each school year. For more information please call: Nutrition Services Meal Benefits Office 503591-4569 or ELL Welcome Center 503-672-3715. Student Meal Accounts Each student is assigned their own individual meal account which they can access using a Personal Identification Number, (PIN). The meal account is a debit account, so students eligible for full and reduced price meals must deposit money into their account before they can purchase meals. Parents may deposit money into their student's account by any of the following methods: Sending cash or a check made out to the school cafeteria. When making a payment, please indicate your student's first and last name along with his/her PIN, on the memo line of the check. Payments can be delivered to staff in the cafeteria or placed in the drop box located outside the cafeteria entrance. Making payments either online or by a toll free number. Parents can register and log onto or call 800-816-6425 to deposit funds with a nominal fee. They can also monitor account balances and set up low-balance emails at no charge online or via the toll free number. More information is available on the Nutrition Services website or by calling 503591-4419. Parents may block “A la Carte Menu” items from their students account. NOTE: Students may not charge a meal. When your student graduates to high school or transfers to another school within BSD, his/her account balance will transfer with him/her. Meal Etiquette Health department regulations stipulate that students should wash their hands before eating and are not allowed to share any portion of their meals. Students are expected to wait patiently in line, be seated at all times, raise their hands to be excused, clean up after themselves, return trays to the proper location, recycle appropriate items, and dispose of garbage in the waste can. Communication We will do our best to reach out to you throughout the year to ensure your child's success here at Meadow Park. We value parent involvement and volunteerism and we hope to see you in our building often. There are many ways we will connect with you. If these methods do not work for you and you would like to talk about alternate plans for staying in contact with us, please call the school. Parent News Flashes will be sent electronically every week. You could expect these News Flashes on or around Tuesday of every week. Please be sure we have an updated email address on file so you could receive these important messages. Talon Times newsletters will be sent quarterly electronically. This publication will focus more on student achievement and accomplishments. Principal Chats will occur more often this year. This will be a time for the Principal to share important information about the school and for the community to engage in school related conversations directly with the Principal. These chats are outlined in the school calendar. We will also post important information on our school website. See address below: Visit our Website for school events, teacher pages, and research links… 8 ATTENDANCE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Reporting Absences Research shows that students who are chronically absent (more than 10 days per year) have a reduced chance of success in school. If you are absent from school for any reason, your parent is required to call the attendance line at 503-259-6181 by 8:45 a.m. on the day of your absence to report that you will not be present. This is a voice mail line and it is available 24 hours a day/7 days a week. When calling in to report an absence, your parent/guardian must state your name, date(s) and the specific reason for the absence. If your parent does not call the school to report your absence, you need to bring a signed note from your parent/guardian. Include the date(s) and specific reason for the absence. Take the note to the front office before school on the first day of your return. Excused Absences include: Your illness, illness or death of a family member, and/or emergencies. Unexcused Absences are those for which: You do not have permission from your parent/guardian, teacher, or an administrator to miss school or classes. Prearranged Absences are for: Medical or dental appointments. Family trips. These must be prearranged by your parent/guardian at least one day in advance, either by phone or by sending a written note to school with you. You must: Ask the Attendance Secretary for a prearranged absence form. Show the form to your teachers; obtain their signatures and homework (if your absence will be longer than one day). Return the form to the attendance office. Sign out at the attendance office if you have a prearranged excuse and need to leave school during the day. Sign in at the attendance office if you return to school the same day. As a safety measure, parents/guardians will be notified if their son/daughter is not in school after first period attendance is submitted. Our Attendance Secretary will call parents/guardians directly to make contact. Truancy Policy We have a strict truancy policy at Meadow Park. If you are absent more than 10% of the time you are supposed to be in school, your counselor will contact your parent/guardian. Parents/guardians will be expected to provide a valid reason for the absences. Students will be expected to make up any missing work depending on the reason for the absence. Absence reports are pulled every two-three weeks to determine which students are at-risk. If you show up on our absence report and your attendance does not improve, administrators will intervene. If attendance still does not improve, we will send your case to our truancy officer. Hall Passes/Student Planner You must have a hall pass and/or student planner anytime you are out of class. You are expected to take care of all personal needs during passing time and to bring all necessary books and supplies to class. Each student is issued a student planner and is expected to bring it to every class except for PE. Tardy Policy We expect students to be prepared to begin class on time. Each teacher will record tardies for each period during a semester. Excessive tardies will result in disciplinary action. Make-Up Work Parents, if your child will be absent for two or more days, you may call the receptionist and request homework. Please allow one day for collecting the assignments. Homework requests are not processed for one day’s absence. Students who are absent are expected to complete all assignments missed. This includes PE – please see your PE teacher for a makeup slip. The time given for making up work is usually equal to the number of days absent. Field Trips The District Parent Permission form with the accompanying medical waiver must be completed and 9 signed by your parent/guardian before attending any field trip. While on the field trip, you are expected to follow all school rules since this is an activity that is sponsored by the school or district. Consistent non-compliance will result in your immediate removal from the field trip. Parents/guardians will be asked to pick up students if their behavior impedes the safety of other students. Administrators will follow up with appropriate consequences for misbehavior. ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS AND INFORMATION Assignments and Homework Meadow Park follows district guidelines as stated in the Beaverton Student and Parent Rights Handbook. Please refer to this handbook for details. Please complete your assignments on time by studying at regular times every night at home and writing assignments in your planner. If you do not know if you have homework, please check with your teachers. Also check your planner each evening to see what assignments and homework are recorded. Another communication method is to call the “homework hotline” each night. The phone number is 503-259-6182. You will hear an audio recording that lists your teachers’ assignments. Some teachers list assignments on the school website also. Homework Guidelines As defined in the district's Policy IKB-AR, homework is out-of-class preparation in a given subject area which is assigned by a student's teacher. Assignments may be one or more of the following four types: practice, preparation, extension, or creative. The objectives of extended learning activities are to supplement and support classroom experiences; reinforce learning through practice, integration and application; develop initiative, responsibility and self-direction through independent effort; and to foster parents' awareness of their child's learning activities. Student Assessments Student assignments/tests will be evaluated using a combination of MYP and Beaverton rubrics and assessment guidelines. Each subject area will use different criteria for grading. Assessment scores will be converted to a summary judgment per learning target at the end of the grading period. A final conversion to a letter grade is what you will see on report cards. The summary judgment categories are outlined below: 4 = Highly Proficient 3 = Proficient 2 = Nearly Proficient 1 = Working Towards Proficient Your marks will be based on the assessment of your performance, which may include: presentations, projects, and tests. Behavior and Academic marks will be reported separately. Specific requirements will be explained to you at the beginning of the year and to your parents during Back-to-School Night. Progress Reports To communicate student performance in classes, teachers will send progress reports home to students a minimum of two times in the year. We will send out the dates via our News Flash when parents can expect these reports. If you are concerned about your child's progress, please contact his/her teacher immediately. Report Cards Quarter/Semester grades are mailed home four times a year. Parents may call teachers at 503672-3660 for questions regarding grades. State Assessments Information on students’ performances on these tests will be shared through written communication. Students will participate in online testing, referred to as Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (OAKS). All students will take the Reading/Language Arts and Math assessments. Eighth graders will also take a Science assessment. 10 Talented and Gifted (TAG) Parents/Guardians may request that their child get tested for TAG. If you believe your student is performing above grade level, please contact our TAG Facilitator, Mark Wandell, at Student Recognition Meadow Park is proud to celebrate our students’ many successes and achievements. Our award program is based on the principle that what we respect, we must recognize, reinforce, and reward. Student of the Month Every month, each grade level team will name six students for recognition as Student of the Month. The monthly themes rotate each month. The themes correlate with the IB Learner Profiles: Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers/Courageous, Balanced, and Reflective. Semester Awards Golden Rule - Golden Rule Awards recognize students who exemplify honorable behavior that personifies The Golden Rule – kindness, courtesy, and respect of self and others. Perfect Attendance - Student must be present 4 or more periods each day. Field trips do not count as an absence. Principal’s Honor Roll 4.0 GPA Honor Roll 3.5 – 3.9 GPA Annual Awards Presidential Academic Excellence Presidential Academic Achievement Jon Sandquist Leadership Award (PE) Arin Berquist Inspirational Award (PE) Tenguan Huo Award* In honor of Tenguan Huo, a former student who passed away last year, we will create a special award with specific characteristics that highlight his talent and positive outlook of life. More details of this award will be sent to parents via News Flash. MIDDLE YEARS PROGRAMME – IB World School Candidate During the 2013-2014 school year, Meadow Park Middle School will complete the final steps to be authorized as an IB World School offering the Middle Years Programme. All students, including Summa and Two-Way Immersion (TWI), will participate. The information below helps to explain what MYP is and what Meadow Park will be working on throughout the school year. be woven into other courses, including the Advisory period. The Middle Years Programme is a programme of international education designed to help students develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills necessary to participate actively and responsibly in a changing world. The curriculum contains eight subject groups together with a core made up approaches to learning, areas of interaction, approaches to teaching, and concepts. Eight Subjects Students study subjects from each of the eight subject groups: Language B (Spanish), Mathematics, Arts (Choir, Band, Visual Arts), PE (and health), Technology Design Cycle, Science, Language A and Humanities. Note: Meadow Park’s Humanities class blends Language A (Language Arts) with Social Studies. Technology Design will Service Project Students at Meadow Park will be expected to participate in community service and volunteer projects. This will be monitored in their Advisory classes. This is an essential part of MYP; we believe that community service will help students grow into stronger, more knowledgeable individuals. 11 Areas of Interaction (AOI's) / Global Concepts These are lenses through which teachers and students view course materials. Currently they are Community and Service, Health and Social Education, Human Ingenuity, and Environments. Approaches to learning (ATLs) Through ATLs teachers provide students with the tools to enable them to take responsibility for their own learning, thereby developing an awareness of how they learn best, of thought processes and of learning strategies. These include skills such as organization, communication, collaboration, critical thinking and information literacy. These are skills that will support students through their school years and beyond. IB Learner Profile The aim of all IB programmes is to develop international minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better, more peaceful world. IB learners strive to be: Inquirers They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives. Knowledgeable They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In so doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines. Thinkers They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions. Communicators They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others. Principled They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them. Open-minded They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are willing to grow from the experience. Caring They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. Risk-takers/Courageous They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs. Balanced They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well being for themselves and others. Reflective They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development. The IB Learner Profile will be taught to students across subjects and classes. We hope that you will take active part at home to talk to students about the IB Learner Profile described above and how these attributes help them become better citizens of the community. International Mindedness Part of being an IB school is being part of a global community. Students will look at global issues and topics. Our World’s Fair and other school-wide events will support our students’ international awareness. 12 STUDENT CONDUCT & DISCIPLINE Meadow Park Behavior Philosophy: It is our belief that discipline is an opportunity to teach proper behavior through the use of clear expectations and procedures designed to restore justice and keep students in the learning environment. Every behavior has a function or a need that is being met. Our behavior model addresses both positive and negative behaviors. Meadow Park’s discipline measures are designed to help students become more responsible learners and community members. There is an emphasis on clear and consistent expectations, positive reinforcement, and a follow through from all staff to ensure success for all students. It is the responsibility of students, parents, and staff to develop a sense of social responsibility that creates a safe community and enriched learning environment. Student Behavior Expectations Meadow Park staff has identified the top student behavior expectations that we require all students to meet. The expectations are outlined below: Be on time to every class. Mind your space. Respect the learning environment. Follow all school expectations. Report bullying. Complete at least 10 hours of community service. Positive Rewards One component of Meadow Park’s Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) is a school-wide plan to “catch kids being good.” Once appropriate behaviors have been defined and taught, they need to be acknowledged on a regular basis. “Golden Tickets” are used by all staff, at their discretion, to reward students’ good performance especially when they meet the student behavior expectations above. These tickets can be redeemed for many items including school supplies and Front of the Lunch Line Passes. Weekly drawings occur for additional rewards. This school year, we will implement another program to recognize positive student behaviors. We will have two levels of badges, an Eagle Badge and an Integrity Badge. Eagle Badges will be handed out to all students at the start of the school year. To keep the Eagle Badge, students will have to meet student behavior expectations most of the time and avoid receiving an Office Disciplinary Referral. If students receive a referral within a given month, their Eagle Badge will be revoked but students may earn it back the next month. The next level of badge is our Integrity Badge. These are for students who have consistently met the student behavior expectations ALL of the time and for students who have no Incident Logs or Office Disciplinary Referrals. Teachers will select students for the Integrity Badge and these badges will be distributed to students on a monthly basis. Consequences Behavior that threatens the health and safety of students or staff, results in property loss or damage, or disrupts the educational process is not allowed and will result in disciplinary action. Consequences for misbehavior will be ageappropriate and without bias. Disciplinary records are confidential. Meadow Park follows distinct guidelines as stated in the Beaverton Student and Parent Rights Handbook. Please refer to this handbook for details. We believe in the Meadow Three! Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Students will follow safety rules and procedures while on school grounds, in classrooms, in the hallways and on buses. 13 Students will report unsafe hazards to a staff member (e.g., inappropriate use of bathrooms, broken equipment, injuries, etc.) Students will not disrupt the learning environment for themselves and others by engaging in behaviors such as using profanity or obscene gestures, ignoring directions, inappropriate clothing, and/or gang related activities, touching others and their belongings, etc. Students will take care of school materials, equipment and property. Be Respectful Students will talk politely with teachers, other students and parents. Students will be thoughtful and respectful of others by avoiding "putdowns" and by being helpful, cooperative and kind (no harassment of any kind, bullying, and/or intimidation). Students will limit public displays of affection. Students will pick an appropriate time and place to express concerns, thoughts or feelings when they disagree with an adult. Students will ask permission to borrow materials from fellow students and return them when done. Students will take proper care of their own personal materials. Be Responsible Students will participate in all activities at Meadow Park to the best of their ability (no theft, vandalism, and/or graffiti). Students will come to class prepared and participate in all classroom activities to the best of their ability (no forgery, cheating, and/or plagiarism). Students will leave iPods, MP3 players, gaming systems, laser pens and other disruptive items at home. Students will follow school policy on cell phones. Students are expected to be on time for each class period. Students will use time wisely to promote their academic progress. Weapons Students may not possess weapons or "lookalikes" in or around school grounds/facilities, activities, on busses or at bus stops. Students are expected to report any knowledge of weapons, which might be in another student's possession or on school grounds. CONSEQUENCES FOR MISCONDUCT MAY INCLUDE: Parent Contact Time Out Detention (before school, lunch, or after school) Suspension (in-school and/or out-ofschool) Expulsion Unsafe Situations & Physical Violence Students have the responsibility to respect the rights of others and to seek the help of adults when they have knowledge of a wrongful act, harassment or a potentially unsafe situation. Students are expected to seek help if need to resolve personal disputes in a peaceful, responsible manner instead of resorting to fighting and physical violence. Bullying/Harassment Bullying and harassment of any kind will not be tolerated at Meadow Park. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: Verbal/Racial/Ethnic – District policies included in the Student and Parent Rights Handbook state: "includes language or behavior that insults, ridicules, or torments another person." Physical – Involving any aggressive or physical contact with another student(s). Sexual Harassment – Sexual harassment is defined as behavior or words that: Are demeaning to a person’s gender or sexual identity. Are uninvited, unwanted, or unwelcome. Cause a person to feel uncomfortable. Create an environment that makes learning difficult. May be repeated or may be offensive on a one-time basis. 14 Sexual harassment may be verbal, visual, written, or physical. “Pantsing” will be treated as a form of sexual harassment. Students who feel they are being bullied or have been harassed should report the incident in one of several ways: Personally approach any adult in the building and tell them what happened. Fill out a bullying report located around the school or pick one up at a counselor's office. Turn the report in to a counselor. Fill out the form electronically which can be found on our website and turn it in to a counselor. There is a process in place for dealing with the reports we receive from students or parents. Parents of both the victim and alleged "bully" or "harasser" will be notified if a report was received. Appropriate actions will be taken to address the problem behavior. Cell Phones/Electronic Devices Students who carry cell phones or any other electronic device have the responsibility to ensure they do not disrupt the learning environment. Communication devices that are disruptive to the learning environment will be confiscated. Cell phones or any electronic device will be allowed only in the classroom to be used as a learning tool. This will be allowed at the teacher's discretion. Social networking will not be allowed at school. Also, no cameras or photos will be taken at school with cell phones or electronic devices unless otherwise specified. If students are caught using their cell phone or electronic device inappropriately, it will be confiscated by a staff member and turned in to the office. On the first offense, the student may pick up their phone/electronic device after school. On the second offense, a parent/guardian is required to pick it up. On the third offense, parent/guardian pick up is required and the student will be assigned a consequence. No phones/electronic devices are allowed in restrooms or locker rooms. Parents/Guardians assume all risk for lost, stolen, or damaged electronic devices. Permanent Markers Students are not allowed to bring permanent markers, including Sharpies, to school. If they are required for an in-class assignment, they will be provided. Tobacco/Alcohol/Drug Use/Medications Students have the responsibility to not use, possess, sell, share, and/or distribute tobacco, either smoking or chewing, alcohol, drugs and/or medications. Refer to the Beaverton School Student and Parent Resource Handbook for consequences. Fire Code Violations Students may not be in possession of matches, lighters or fireworks or any kind on school grounds, buses, and/or bus stops. Appropriate discipline consequences will be followed. Public Displays of Affection Overly affectionate displays of affection or bodily contact are inappropriate in a school setting. Remember, school is a job for students and we would like to keep this environment as professional as possible. Inappropriate displays of affection include kissing, prolonged front hugs, hand holding, sitting on another person's lap/legs, hugging another person from behind, and touching another person's private parts. Inappropriate behavior of this type is unacceptable and may result in immediate parent contact. Energy Drinks Energy drinks will not be allowed at school. This is based on reports from health experts that the ingredients of these drinks have a certain effect on students and may not be conducive to a learning environment. Most energy drinks are not suitable for children and it says so on the label of these drinks. We strongly recommend that students do NOT consume energy drinks before school or during the school day. 15 Gum/Suckers Gum will be allowed at school except during PE classes for safety reasons. Please practice chewing gum respectfully and dispose of gum appropriately. Suckers, however, will NOT be allowed at school. Appropriate School Dress Please review the new Dress Code Policy located at the end of this handbook. There are specific changes to our dress code policy so please be sure to adhere to these changes throughout the year. Know your limitations as a parent. Parents need to serve as advocates for their child. When communicating with staff, be professional and non-abrasive. There are ways to get your point across without insulting or demeaning staff members. Remember, we have to work as a team in order for your child to succeed here at Meadow Park. When walking into the main office or calling the school for any reason, please be cordial, respectful, and patient. PARENT/GUARDIAN EXPECTATIONS A major indicator of student success is parent/guardian involvement in the student's education. It truly takes a village to educate our students so we need your cooperation. Meadow Park staff has outlined a few parent/guardian expectations for the school year: Complete at least 10 hours of community service either in school or out in the community. Support school rules and expectations. Check planners, HW hotline or website regularly and monitor student progress daily. Read the weekly News Flash. If you do not receive the News Flash via email or mail, please contact the school. Check student binders and clean out/organize them when necessary. Help students create a system for organization. Update contact information. Create and maintain a healthy routine (wake up time, bedtime, nutrition, hygiene, and homework work space). Technology is a privilege so please monitor cyber bullying at home. Be a parent, not a friend. Students need strict boundaries and guidelines, even at home. Understand your middle school child and what he/she is going through. 16