Teacher Candidate: Angelina Milano College Supervisor: Cathy Phillips Content Area: Mathematics Grade: 3 Lesson #2 School District: Malverne Cooperating Teacher: Ms. Mauersberger Topic: Multiplying with 0 and 1 Date: November 25th 2013 School: Davidson Avenue Intermediate School LESSON OBJECTIVES After a lesson on patterns in multiples of zero and one, students will create a definition for Identity and Zero Property of Multiplication. The students will then complete ten multiplication problems with 1 and 0 as factors with no more than one error. CCLS/ +NYS STANDARDS AND INDICATORS Mathematics (CCCS): Operations and Abstract Thinking Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table), and explain them using properties of operations. Indicator: This will be evident when the students work with two color counters to discover multiplication properties of zero and one. ENGAGEING THE LEARNERS Envision math video MATERIALS Two-color counters Color Tiles 1 As A Factor poem Construction paper Multiplication worksheet Multiplying with 0 and 1 handout Reteaching Multiplying with 0 and 1 handout LEARNING STRATEGIES Simulations: This will be evident when students work with two-color counters to show the multiplication property of one. Read Aloud: This will be evident when students, as a class, read aloud a poem. Teacher Demonstration: This will be evident when the teacher shows the students how to play “Find the Factor.” Game: This will be evident when the students play “Find the Factor” Simulations: This will be evident when students work with two-color counters to show the multiplication property of zero. Class Discussion: This will be evident when the students create definitions of the Identity Property and the Zero Property. Class Discussion: This will be evident when the class works together to complete math problems concentrated on properties of zero and one. Independent Practice: This will be evident when students work on their own to complete ten multiplication problems with factors of 0 and 1on their own. EXCEPTIONALITY For students who are less capable readers, the teacher will read the questions aloud to them. DIFFERENTIATION OF INSTRUCTION Tier One: Students will solve ten mathematical problems with 100% accuracy. These students will be given a times table for factors of zero and one. Tier Two: Students will solve ten mathematical problems with 100% accuracy Tier Three: Students will solve ten mathematical problems with 100% accuracy. These students will be given multiplication problems with two-digit numbers. DEVELOPMENTAL PROCEDURES Students will work with two-color counters to show multiplication properties of one. (Can you show me one group of 4? One group of 7? Can you show me 5 groups of 1? 2 groups of 1? Can you show 1x1 with your counters? 1x2? 2x1? 3x1? 1x9?) Students will read aloud, as a class, a poem about multiplying by one. (What is the poem about? What is it trying to tell us?) Students will play “Find the Factor.” (What is the product of the secret factor if I multiply it by one?) Students will work with two-color counters to show multiplication properties of zero. (Can you show me zero groups of 5? Zero groups of 8? 3 groups of zero?11 groups of zero? Can you use your counters to show 2x0? 4x0? 0x7? 0x247?) Student will create their own definitions of the Identity Property and the Zero Property. (Are they any rules that apply when multiplying by 1 or 0? How can describe those rules?) The students will work as a class to solve multiplication problems with 1 and 0. (What is 4x1? Why is that the answer? Can you draw a model to prove that?) Students will work on their own to complete ten multiplication problems with 1 and 0. (How can you explain or prove that answer?) ARTIFACTS AND ASSESSMENTS [FORMAL AND INFORMAL] Informal: Students will be informally assessed while working with two-color counters and while they create their own definition of the Identity Property and Zero Property of Multiplication to see if they understand the concepts. Formal: Students will complete ten multiplication problems with factors of 1 and 0. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Students will work on their own to complete seven mathematical problems with 100% accuracy. FOLLOW-UP: DIRECT TEACHER INTERVENTION AND ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT For students in need of intervention, the teacher will work with them one on one with two-color counters to demonstrate the Identity Property and Zero Property of Multiplication. For students in need of enrichment, these students will be asked to write an explanation as to why multiplying by 1 is similar to adding by zero. TEACHER REFERENCES Moore, K. D. (2007). Classroom Teaching Skills. New York, New York: McGraw-Hil. Pearson. (2013, November 21). Multiplying With 0 and 1. Retrieved November 21, 2013, from Pearson Success Net: https://www.pearsonsuccessnet.com/snpapp/learn/navigateIDP.do?method=toc&newServ iceId%20=10363&product_isbn=0-328-70275-7 Van de Walle, J. A., Karp, K. S., & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2010). Elementary and Middle School Mathematics. Boston: Pearson.