140520 innocademy allegan board minutes

“By embracing innovation, Innocademy Allegan Campus students are equipped to be leaders with 21st century skills for career
readiness and global citizenship.
Tuesday May 20 at 5:30 PM
2611 56th Ave.
Fennville, MI 49408
1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order at 5:54 p.m. by Kay Berends
Board members present: Kay Berends, Andy Tucker, Lisa Mathews, Martha Cerda
IES Representative: Brook Drooger
LSSU Representative: Larry Lindquist
Public: Pam Anderson, Brook Drooger, Chad Zuber, Emily Wortley, Lindsay VanderZwaag
Kay moved to approve last month’s minutes. Lisa Mathews seconds the motion. Vote
was all yes, motion passed.
Kay moved to approve the agenda with noted changes. Lisa Mathews seconds the
motion. Vote was all yes, motion passed.
4. PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS: Larry Lindquist spoke to the board about item 4
Agenda Items. He reminded the board that they could modify and change the agenda
prior to approving it. Thus, making it so they do not have to motion and then re-motion.
Larry Lindquist also reminded the board that once the IES Management Agreement is
signed that is what they will be working with.
a. IES Management Agreement update: Lisa questioned Brook re: IES management
agreement being a “routine standard agreement?” Brook stated that the
agreement is standard for all IES schools. Both IES & LSSU’s legal counsel have
signed off on the agreement. Brook also spoke about the sweep of funds at the
end of the school year. Sweeping of the funds will facilitate the allowance for the
IES schools to give teachers a raise in pay, help with health insurance, and allow
for Global growing. It would also go back into each individual school for
Kay questioned and wanted to verify how each school would be able to request
items, for the school, with reserve funds. It was noted that the Board is
responsible for the money until it is handed over to IES. The Board would need
to make sure that all Allegan Innocademy needs or necessary items are taken
care of prior to handing it over to IES.
b. Budget
Brook reported that the benefit packet, per employee has gone from $12,000 to
$16,000 with the employees still paying 20%. Additional funds were added in
case we do not get the grant. There are some variables that could change;
Special Education funding through ISD. Also, it is the same with rural
development. The new formula is not out yet. Also, there is current
investigation into curriculum costs. Staff is trying to be creative with resources.
c. VS loan for building upgrades
VentureSource Solutions is a part of the Innotec group. VS was able to make a
loan to Innocademy Parent Organization. Kay would not be able to vote
regarding anything relating to the building of the school because she owns a
small percentage of VS.
d. IES report:
Brook stated that IES & Innocademy were one in the same. Now that the other
schools have been started, they are working to solidify IES. There is a
collaboration with a representative from each school including board members.
They would like the boards and staff to work on a mission. Wanting to have
more staff in order to work from the ground up. Vision, strategy, value.
e. Attendance at annual LSSU Charter School Board of Director’s Retreat:
Larry wanted to encourage staff members to attend the retreat in June.
Accommodations would be paid for from Friday-Sunday at noon. Only cost to
attend would be the travel to get there. Larry also noted that there is a budget
item for travel reimbursement. Martha –possible (checking with work), Lisa –
tentative, Brenda – absent, Kay – yes. Andy – maybe.
f. Update on immigration discussions:
Martha has a meeting set up. She did send an email regarding ESL here during
g. Management report
I have attached a copy of the report that Mr. Chad Zuber presented at the board
meeting, outlining several items on the Management report.
We are moving forward with iCademy Global here at Allegan Innocademy
and at Pullman Community Center.
Contractor should be starting with renovations.
Holland Christian is going to be doing food service, working here in June
to be able to be ready to start in August.
Custodial help has been hired.
Maintenance/grounds work – Martha stated that she might know
Brook stated that usually you would have to get 3 quotes for items that
need to be done. However, if they need to be done quicker, it is possible
to go through IPO (Innocademy Parent Organization).
a. Approve IES Management Agreement:
Lisa Mathews moved to approve. Andy Tucker seconds. Motion carries.
b. Approve calendar
Kay Berends moves to approve. Martha Cerda seconds. Motion carries.
7. PUBLIC COMMENT (ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS): Larry Lindquist reminded board
members to let LSSU know early regarding attendance for the retreat. They would like
to make sure that they have numbers for the boat cruise and tours. For each board
member that attends money is earned for the school ($250). Larry also asked if there
were any items that were needed to be added to the fall meeting for LSSU.
8. ADJOURNMENT : Meeting was adjourned at 7:24 pm by Kay
Public Budget Hearing Meeting: June 17th, 2014 at 5:00 p.m.
NEXT MEETING: June 17, 2014 at 5:30 p.m.
Minutes of all board meetings are available after approval by the board at:
Zeeland, MI 49464
Innocademy ALLEGAN CAMPUS has provided public notice of this meeting at INNOCADEMY
If auxiliary aids or services are required at the meeting, for individuals with disabilities, please
contact Chad Zuber at (616) 403-4949, no later than 5:00 PM, at least (2) days prior to the
Public Comment Policy
Members of the public are invited to address the Academy Board at its public board meetings in
accordance with the guidelines below. In addition, written communications to the Academy
Board are always welcome. It is the policy of the Academy Board to receive comments for
consideration in its deliberations, not to answer questions posed during public comment.
(1) The Board will provide approximately twenty minutes at or near the beginning of its
meetings for the purpose of hearing public comment on agenda items. Individual speakers
will be invited to speak for up to three minutes, depending on the number of individuals
who have signed up to speak.
(2) In order to accommodate those individuals wishing to speak when more people have
signed up to address the Academy Board than can be heard, the Academy Board President
may adjust the procedures and time allotment at his/her discretion.
(3) Speakers at the public comment session may address any agenda-related matter. When
signing up to speak, individuals will identify the matter they wish to address. No speaker
may speak more than once per public comment session.
(4) A sign-up sheet is used to record those who wish to address the Academy Board. The signup sheet is made available at the meeting location.
(5) The Board will provide approximately fifteen minutes at the end of its meetings for the
purpose of hearing public comment on non-agenda items. All rules in this policy
pertaining to public comment apply.
Public comment, the content of which is willfully disruptive of the meeting, repetitious,
slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, or of the nature of a personal attack, is prohibited.
References: MCL 15.263(5)
Effective Date: February 18, 2014