ACMS TRACKS and SESSIONS - Alabama District Council of the

Friday Night Service – Making Cross-generational Pentecostal Disciples
Music – Tommy Connor and Evangel Church Team
Message – Wes Bartel: Making Cross-Generational Pentecostal Disciples
The American Church is in a discipleship crisis. Wes takes us back to the
Bible to see what true disciples look like, how they are made, and how to do
this across the age groups in our churches today. We must pass this
Pentecostal faith on to another generation of disciples.
Saturday Morning General Session –
Wes Bartel – Creating A Christian Conscience
Many Christians today have a malformed conscience corrupted by cultural
values. It is essential that the Church understand its role in developing a
Christian conscience. Wes defines the conscience, how it works, how it is
formed, and how the church and family must work together to create a
Christian conscience.
Jay West – From Assimilation into Discipleship
Pastor Jay West of Kingwood Assembly will profile how their systematic
assimilation process moves newcomers seamlessly from welcoming
gatherings into the discipleship ministries of the church.
Michael Sharp – A Whole-church Discipleship Model
Michael Sharp and a team of presenters preview an integrated discipleship
model that includes the whole church in a discipleship series. Adults,
youth, and children are taken through the same subject week by week, as
the Pastor, Youth Pastor, and Children’s Pastor cover the topics in their
venues. Small Group guides and daily devotions for adults, teens, and
families powerfully reinforce the truths being learned.
S1 - Recruiting, Equipping, and Keeping Your Team – Tim Jones
Children’s ministry is made far more effective when the Children’s Pastor has a
committed, competent team with which to minister. This session will cover important
aspects of recruiting, equipping, motivating, and keeping the right people for your
children’s ministry team.
Tim Jones is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. He attended Southeastern
University. Tim and Marcia have been in children’s ministry for over 25 years. Their
heart is to see boys and girls grow up knowing God, not just knowing “about” Him. They
incorporate students in their services to help mentor and disciple them and to help them
find their place of ministry in the church. Tim and Marcia have been serving at New Life
Church in Westover, Alabama as Children’s Pastors for over 17 years. They also travel
doing camps and crusades for children.
S2 - Integrating Your Children’s Ministry: Parents, Rangers, Girls, - Jon
The various ministries to children in a local church are often dis-integrated. They are all
covering different material, there is no coordination, no integration of curriculum or
goals, and often competition for personnel, time, and money. Most seriously, parents are
often not directly involved in these ministries with their own children. This session
explores ways to coordinate or integrate the various children’s ministries of your church,
and include parents in the process.
Jon McCluey is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. He is a graduate of Central Bible
College (2003, Bible). His nine years of children’s ministry includes four at Phenix City
First Assembly, and five at Butler First Assembly where he now serves. He has been
married to Dede for ten years, and they have two children.
S3 - Discipleship Curriculums for Children’s Ministry – Chris Argo
Children’s Ministry has grown tremendously in the past 30 years. In many churches it is
now the main ministry to children. As such, it is essential that your church’s children’s
ministry regularly use good curriculums facilitating systematic discipleship, and enabling
parental involvement through the week reinforcing what is being learned in Children’s
Church. This session will profile such curriculums.
Chris Argo is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. He is a graduate of Southeastern
University (1995, Church Ministries), Southwestern Assemblies of God University (2007,
Accounting), and is finishing a Masters in Christian Thought at Bethel Seminary,
Minneapolis, MN. Chris has served in youth and children’s ministry since 1995, and as
Pastor of Children and Administration at The Crossing since 1999. He has been married
for 18 years to Aimee, and they have two daughters.
S4 - Children’s Pastors Roundtable – Tim Jones, Jon McCluey, Billy
Lawley, Chris Argo, Matt Sasser
This roundtable / panel will address various current issues in children’s ministry and
answer questions from those attending. Included in the discussion will be how to plan a
children’s service: choosing your topic, keeping it simple, maintaining focus, choosing
object lessons and games, keeping their attention, managing your transitions, and closing
for maximum effect.
S2 - Understanding the Basics of Parliamentary Procedure – David
This workshop will introduce you to the reasons for parliamentary procedure, the
rationale behind Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (RRONR), and a summary of the
most basic activities, motions, or rules, such as voting, minutes, debate, etc. RRONR are
meant to keep discussion civil, orderly, and rational. They are meant to ensure that
powerful personalities or majorities do not dominate or railroad other people or
minorities. They are meant to provide a protected, ordered space for clear discussion of
relevant facts, and not for pushing someone's agenda through, not for obscuring facts, not
for blocking discussion, and not for demagoguery. Our resources will be Robert's Rules of
Order Newly Revised IN BRIEF (Fully Updated 2nd Edition), and Robert's Rules of Order
Newly Revised 11th Edition.
David J. Edwards is an ordained Assemblies of God minister, and a graduate of SEU
(1984, Pastoral Theology). He served ten years as a youth pastor, four as a hospice
chaplain, and thirteen as a Lead Pastor, the latter including at Calvary Assembly, Mobile,
since 2007. He has served on the District Presbytery and on numerous sectional and
district committees, and currently serves on Secretary/Treasurer of the Mobile Sectional
Committee. For twenty-five years he has been married to Beth, who serves as Principal
of Calvary Christian School.
S3 - Foxes in God’s Storehouse – Church Embezzlement Causes and Cure
– Ed Wilson
In this session we define embezzlement and how does it occur in the House of God. What
are the consequences of embezzlement and what should be done when it occurs? Who
should know about the embezzlement if it occurs, and how are they to be made
knowledgeable of the act?
S4 - Church Administration – Ed Wilson
Edward Wilson is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. He has served as District
Secretary-Treasurer for the Alabama District Council of the Assemblies of God since 2002.
This position requires him to account for millions of dollars a year while keeping the
district files current on more than eight hundred ministers and three hundred and sixty
five churches. Edward has pastored five churches in the Alabama District and served as
Executive Director of Alabama Teen Challenge. He and his wife, Edna, have one daughter,
Misty, who is married to Chad Basinger and they have nine year old twin boys, Riley and
S1 - Counseling Those Addicted to Pornography – Dr. Robert Carter
Use of and addiction to pornography is an epidemic in modern America. This silent
addiction affects people in all of our churches. We must encourage those so addicted to
seek help, and we should be prepared to provide it. This workshop will explain the
nature of this addiction and share effective methods for deliverance and healing. We will
cover the do’s and don’ts of this counseling.
S2 - Effects of Personality on the Church and Home – Dr. Robert Carter
The different personalities have strengths and weaknesses, and positive or negative
effects on our lives. This session will identify personality types, explore these
personalities, examine how they interact, and consider the resulting effects on our lives in
the church and in the home. For those brave enough, I will do a personal analysis during
the session. We will have lots of fun.
Dr. Robert Carter, Jr. is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. He has served as a
Senior Pastor for seventeen years in four states, and is presently serving Centenary
Assembly. He has served on and led numerous committees in each district. Robert is an
SEU graduate (1971), holds an earned Doctorate in Christian Counseling, and is certified
as a Christian Therapist and Certified Mediator. He helped found Evangel Christian
Academy in Montgomery, and founded and leads Barnabas Counseling Ministries. Dr.
Carter serves as a counselor and mediator for the Alabama District. He has been married
to Helen for forty years, and they have three children and four grandchildren.
GIRL’S MINISTRY (Missionettes) – Traci Mitchell
The Momentum Leadership Development series will help volunteers get to a
higher level of preparation by helping them to sharpen their skills and become more
effective in the classroom. The material covered is vitally important to all who minister in
the local church. Units incorporate strategies to help develop or further enhance a
teacher’s skills in various areas of education, community, and personal growth. In this
unit, you will foster your understanding of the unique needs of every student. The unit
includes two sessions: The Dynamics of Mentoring, and Understanding Learning
S1 - The Dynamics of Mentoring – Sherry Sowers
Sherry Sowers has been attending Montgomery First for nine years, teaching Rainbows
for four years, and a JBQ coach for two years. She is transitioning to teaching the Daisy
Girls Club in September. Sherry is married to David, and they have four children and 2
S2 - Understanding Learning Styles – LaDonna LeMaster
LaDonna LeMaster has been a teacher at Evangel Christian Academy for twelve years
and has been involved in the Girl's Impact Club / Missionettes, and Children's Ministry for
twenty-five years in three different countries. She currently serves as the Montgomery
Section Girl's Impact Club Coordinator. LaDonna and her husband Bill have served on the
Pastoral Staff of Evangel Church for eight years. They have been married for twentyseven years and have three children and four grandchildren.
MEN’S MINISTRY – David Wooten
S1 - Reaching the Wild at Heart – David Wooten
This workshop will help you focus on reaching men through the outdoors. Churches and
Men's Ministries at large can tap into the drive of men by developing ministry
opportunities that take men out of their daily routine and into the wild outdoors. This
method of reaching and discipling men has proven very effective in our Men’s Ministry at
New Life in Westover.
S2 - Moving Young Adult Men Into Men’s Ministry – David Wooten
It is essential that our churches incorporate their young adults, from age 18 through 30,
into the adult ministries of the church as quickly as possible. The Men’s Ministry must
take responsibility to do this with the young men of the church. This session will discuss
important aspects of this incorporation: coordinating with the youth pastor and other
ministries, understanding what interests and motivates young adults, how young men
value relationship, and so forth.
David F. Wooten is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. He is pastor of New Life
Church in Westover, Alabama where he and his wife have ministered for 20 years. David
has helped build Men's Ministries in local churches across the state and across
denominations. He has served on the Birmingham Sectional Committee for several years,
and now serves as Presbyter of that section. David and his wife, Debra, have three boys
that are the heart and soul of his drive to build men who have ".... passions for God and
love for their family."
S1 - The Sex-offenders in Your Church: Policies, Procedures, Liabilities,
Ministry – Chad Payne
Two of the strongest themes in God’s Word are redemption for the sinner and protection
of the innocent. Living these themes out in the local church when sex offenders are
involved is a perilous process. There are many practical, ethical, and legal issues
involved. The public, the law, and the Lord will hold us accountable if we fail to protect
the innocent. This session will examine the reality of the problem, the correct policies we
must have in place, and the consequences if we fail. We will cover what behaviors to
watch out for, and how to be both redemptive and realistic.
Chad Payne is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. He is a graduate of SEU (1996,
Pastoral Ministry), and of Indiana Wesleyan University (2006, Masters in Leadership).
He has served as a Lead Pastor for over 15 years, including 13 at New Life Assembly of
God, Woodstock. Chad currently serves as the Assistant Presbyter of the Tuscaloosa
Section. Chad and his wife, Kim, have been married for 17 years, and have two
exceptionally beautiful and bright daughters.
S2 - Sermon-Based Small Groups – Wes Bartel
Pastors have long looked for ways to deepen their sermon’s impact on the congregation
and make disciples through their preaching. One of the best ways to do this is through
sermon-based Small Groups. This workshop will demonstrate the several advantages of
sermon-based groups, how to write the leaders guides, create discussion questions,
maintain focus, and so forth. Wes will demonstrate how to use a simple online tool to
create your material.
Wes Bartel is an ordained Assemblies of God minister, and Director of our National
Discipleship Ministries Agency. He is an alumnus of Trinity Bible College and SAGU, and
is now finishing a masters degree at the Harrison School for Graduate Studies, SAGU.
With more than thirty years experience as a pastor, teacher, and leader, Wes speaks
frequently at home and abroad on the critical importance of discipleship. “Discipleship is
the only effective method for the continued propagation and growth of the Church.” His
expertise in Christian education and discipleship is deep, broad, and up to date. Wes is
married to Dianne, they have two grown children, and several grandchildren.
S3 - Building Healthy Relationships: How the Heart of the Church is
Broken and Healed – Dr. Wayne Benson
Why do some pastors with limited skills thrive while others more gifted seem to hit a
wall? How could most church splits have been avoided? How do we maximize the
potential of resources already available to us? Leadership is a function of trust that is
built upon strong and healthy relationships. Pastor Wayne Benson will provide a closer
look into the “heartbeat” of the church.
Dr. Wayne Benson is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. He served as Lead Pastor
of Grand Rapids First Assembly of God for 25 years, President of Central Bible College
for 5 years, and the President and CEO of EMERGE Ministries for 5 years, leading each in
turn through extraordinary growth or significant ministry advances. In 2010 Wayne and
Kathy Benson founded a strategic coaching ministry called Paraclete Ministries,
providing in-depth assessment and ongoing strategic mentoring to pastors, churches,
ministries, and institutions. Known for their compassionate shepherds’ hearts, Wayne
and Kathy have seen over 300 people launched into vocational ministry, including their
two children, Mark and Tammy, both serving in fulltime ministry with their spouses.
They have nine grandchildren.
S4 - How to Use and Network Your Social Media – Keith Mitchell
Today, more people than ever before are using such social media as Facebook and
Twitter as their chosen means of communication. Approximately 60% of Americans
under 30 say their social media plays a dominant role in forming their relationships and
identity. This workshop will show you how to join, use, and integrate Facebook, Twitter,
email, and associated apps to communicate with your parishioners. You will learn the
do’s, don’ts, and best and worst uses of each medium. This is an excellent opportunity!
Don’t miss it.
Keith Mitchell is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. He was in children’s ministry
for over 20 years, serving as an innovative children’s pastor, evangelist, and trainer,
conducting camps, crusades, and seminars in many states. Always utilizing the latest in
technology for ministry, Keith effectively employs the most current developments in
computers, the internet, and social media. He currently serves as Lead Pastor at Vann
Valley Assembly in Birmingham / Trussville. He ministers with his wife Traci and their
three children – Haleigh, Hillary, and Harrison.
S5 - Guarding the Gates of our Integrity: The Number One Guarantee of
our Ministry Success – Dr. Wayne Benson
Satan has schemed with determination and malice to destroy ministers and ministries.
What three forms of protection did God provide through functioning in a heart of
integrity? Pastor Wayne Benson will share Scriptural principles and personal stories of
his own temptations, challenges and victories as he discovered both his own weakness
and God’s powerful strength through integrity.
S2 - Selecting, Equipping, and Releasing Small Group Leaders – Bill
A Small Group leader can be a treasure, a terror, and everything in between. Good
leaders will facilitate healthy groups, and become essential members of your church
ministry team. This session will explain the process of identifying, selecting, training,
releasing, and monitoring Small Group leaders. The importance of proper training will be
emphasized, and issues of loyalty, commitment, and trustworthiness examined.
Bill LeMaster is a Certified Minister with the Assemblies of God. Retired from the United
States Air Force, Bill has degrees in Professional Aeronautics, Electronics, and Adult
Education, and a Master’s in Business Administration. He has served as Administrative
and Small Groups pastor Evangel Church, Montgomery, for the past eight years. Bill has
served in Royal Rangers and Children’s Ministry for 25 years with his wife, LaDonna.
They have been married for 27 years, and have three children and four grandchildren.
S3 - Designing a Small Group Ministry for Your Church – Wes Bartel
This is a roll-up-your-sleeves session on how to plan and execute a new Small Group
Ministry model for your church. It will address practical issues such as developing
philosophy, potential pitfalls for the pastor, securing and training leaders, selecting
effective curriculum, facilitating multiplication, and avoiding terminal mistakes.
S4 - Making the Sunday School Class a Small Group Experience – Wes
Small Group ministry is an important part of the discipleship ministry. Often churches
address this need by discontinuing their Sunday School. This workshop addresses some
practical and creative ways the Sunday School teacher can create a Small Group
experience in their class. You will be taught how to intentionally design a class to
accomplish relational goals.
S1 - The Minister’s Wife – Ruth Lambert
Ruth Lambert is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. The daughter of Winfred and
Betty Lenn, Ruth was raised in Alabama. She is a graduate of SEU (1974, Elem Edu /
Music). Ruth married Steve Lambert in 1973, and together they served first as Music and
then Lead Pastors in Georgia, Alabama, Canada, and lastly at Clearwater, Florida, First
Assembly of God. She has been thirty-seven years in full time ministry, the last eighteen
in Clearwater. Ruth has three adult children, and three grandchildren.
S2 - "I Am A Role Model Whether I Like It or Not: The Minister's Wife as
a Woman of God." - Kathy Benson
The life of a minister’s wife is busier than ever before. She is expected to fill more roles
and do more duties than is humanly possible. Sometimes we resent being a role model
for everyone. But, there is one role in our lives that we are called to fill: we are to be
women of God. This session will examine what that really means. In the midst of a
lifestyle filled with demands, let's re-discover what God has called us to be!
Kathy Benson has served in ministry with her husband, Wayne, for over forty-five years.
During their twenty-five years at Grand Rapids First Assembly the church grew from the
200’s to several thousand. From 1996 through 2000 First Assembly experienced several
years of tremendous renewal, accompanied by many healings and thousands responding
to Christ. Kathy and Wayne have two adult children who are both in fulltime ministry,
and nine grandchildren.
S3 - Surviving and Thriving as a Minister’s Wife – Christine Broadus
A minister’s wife faces many unique challenges, stresses, joys, and sorrows through the
years. We must know this in advance, and be prepared to walk through this life with all
of its joy and pain with wisdom, courage, and determination. There are some attitudes
we can have and godly habits we can cultivate that will help us, help our husbands, and
help our families make it through with joy.
Christine Broadus has been in ministry with her husband, Stan, for over forty years. She
has served in Women’s Ministries, Children’s Ministry, as an Adult Sunday School
Teacher, and as Minister of Music / Choir Director. Christine and Stan have served in
several churches in Alabama, including thirty-two years at their current pastorate, Lake
City Assembly in Guntersville, a church they planted. Christine and Stan have four
children, ten grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.
S1 - Bridging the Musical Divide: Two Services, Two Styles, One Church
– Tommy Connor
For some churches the answer to reaching younger and older people is two services, one
Classic and one Contemporary service. This session will explore the process of getting
there, how to determine what the “classic” style of your church and the “contemporary”
style you need, keeping the styles somewhat separate and unique, and other questions.
Tommy will share his experiences at Evangel Church in creating just this kind of format.
Tommy Connor is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. He entered fulltime ministry
in 1982, and with his wife, Lori, has served as Minister of Music in several churches in
our state. He has served as District Music Director, and director of the All-state Youth
Choir for thirteen years. Tommy currently serves as Pastor Crosslife Church in
Birmingham, and as Music Minister at Evangel Church, Montgomery. He and Lori have
one adult daughter.
S2 - Transitioning from Traditional To Contemporary Worship: Greeks
at 9:00 AM, Jews at 11:00 AM! - Becoming One in Worship. – Jim Ingram
"One generation will commend your works to another" (Psalm 145:4 NIV). Explore the
benefits, potential, and challenges you will experience during the process of transition
from Traditional styles to Contemporary / Blended styles of worship in one
service. Discussion topics will present a broad overview of timing, communication, and
procedure. Practical topics will include instrumentation, sound reinforcement, platform
appearance, lighting, resources, etc.
Jim Ingram is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. He studied music at JAX State
(1970-73) and UAB (1977-78). He has served as a Minister of Music since 1976, first at
Bessemer First Assembly, then at Griffin First Assembly, Griffin, GA, and since 1994 at
Montgomery First Assembly. He has served as district Fine Arts Coordinator since 1994.
Jim now serves Montgomery First as Assistant Pastor overseeing the Music, Media, and
Seniors ministries. He and his son and Associate Worship Leader, Justin, led in
transitioning the music ministry from a traditional format into a contemporary / blended
format that incorporates numerous younger musicians and singers. Shirley, Jim's wife of
thirty-five years, actively assists him in ministry. They have two adult children.
S3 - We Become What We Sing: Choosing Songs With God-centered
Content – Lori and Tommy Connor
Much contemporary praise and worship music is self-centered and lyrically weak.
Sometimes the lyrics aren’t even biblically correct. This session will compare songs and
lyrics to help us identify God-centered or man-centered content, and highlight some
songs with strong, Christ-exalting lyrics and solid doctrine. Integrating classic older
hymns with great content into modern worship will also be discussed. We will share
some good resources for songs with solid content that teach us well.
Lori Conner is widely recognized as an accomplished bassist and singer, committed to
excellence in musicianship. She has served with her husband, Tommy, as a minister in
music in various churches, and as co-director of the All-state Youth Choir for thirteen
years. Her years as a singer, songwriter, studio musician and clinician combine with a
heart to see God’s people truly worship Him. She and Tommy have one adult daughter,
Ashley, who serves in children’s ministry with her husband, Adam Lawley.
S4 - Worship Leaders Roundtable – Current Issues in Music and
Worship - Tommy and Lori Connor, Jim Ingram, Shaylon Sharp
The panel will field questions and guide discussion with the session participants. The
issue of choosing songs that are lyrically, biblically sound and God-centered will be
among the topics discussed.
Shaylon Sharp has served as a worship leader for over twelve years. He has assisted and
led in the search for and selection of contemporary worship songs with sound lyrical
content that focus on God rather than man. Shaylon serves as Lead Pastor at The
S2 - The New Royal Rangers: Rangers 2.0 – Matt Sasser
In 2010 many changes were made to Royal Rangers enabling local churches great
flexibility in customizing this ministry to their needs. Instead of outdoor skills and
camping, an outpost’s activities may now be based on Sports, Trades, Technologies, or
Arts. New merits and advancements reflect the new emphases. Commanders may be
called Group Leaders, identifying them as “highly relational mentors who cooperate with
other ministries of the church.” Rangers has both refocused on its original mission of
discipleship, and changed to “work cross-functionally with other ministries of the
church.” Rangers may even be operated adjunct to the Children’s Ministry as the Small
Groups for boys. This workshop will explain the New Royal Rangers: Rangers 2.0.
Matt Sasser is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. He has served as a Children’s
Pastor and Royal Ranger leader for many years. He currently serves at Ozark First
Assembly of God. He and his wife Amanda have two children.
S3 - The Basics of Women’s Ministries – Iris Davis
Women change many times through life, and Women’s Ministries undergo change from
time to time. The basic focus of Women’s Ministries remains supporting missions and
being faithful in prayer. We can fulfill our mission with joy and laughter. Join us and see
how this is done.
Iris Davis is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. She has served in ministry with
her husband, Roy, for thirty-nine years, pastoring churches in two states. They are now
in their seventh year at Bradley Assembly of God. Iris has been very active in Women’s
Ministries for many years. She and Roy have one adult daughter, Inda.
S4 - Giving Women's Ministries a Makeover: Creative Approaches to
Build Caring and Supportive Groups for Women – Beth Edwards
The focus of our session is to reinforce the importance of Women's Ministries in
ministering to women of all ages. We will profile innovative ways to update your
Women’s Ministry with a contemporary touch. Together we will explore our strengths
and discover creative approaches to build caring and supportive groups for women.
Beth Edwards received an AA in Religion from Emmanuel College in Franklin Springs, GA
and a BS in Elementary Education from the University of South Alabama in Mobile. Beth
has served as a WM Rep where she helped several Women's Ministries groups receive
their charter. She currently serves as Principal of Calvary Christian School and Women's
Coordinator of Calvary Assembly of God, Mobile. Beth is married to Rev. David Edwards
and together they pastor Calvary Assembly.
S1 - How To Effectively Reach the High School Campus - Erron Price
Most youth ministries that are successful have a healthy outreach into the public school
system. Learn practical ways to impact your local campus with proven methods that
make a difference. In this session, you will learn about the legality of campus evangelism,
how to mobilize your teenagers to take ownership of their campus and how to launch and
maintain a successful alliance between other churches in your community.
Erron Price is a credentialed Assemblies of God minister. He graduated from Chilton
County High School in 2006 where he served as the Youth Alive President for 4 years and
was the first ever to receive the Alabama District Campus Missionary of the Year Award.
He has organized, hosted and spoke at multiple school assemblies around the world and
is currently a Youth Alive Campus Coach at two school in Chilton County. Erron is the
Student Pastor at Lomax Assembly of God where he has served for the past 4 years.
S2 - Sermoncraft for Youth Pastors – Shaylon Sharp
Read Paul’s sermon on Mars’ Hill and you see this truth: Good sermons are crafted from
Scripture, prayer, theology, culture, art, and life experience. God has called you to
correctly interpret his Word and communicate it in a variety of ways. We must have a
passion for speaking God's Word in creative ways that honor the ancient text. In
Sermoncraft, you'll learn great ways: 1) to study all the categories above, 2) to prepare
engaging messages (topical, expository, narrative, etc.) that stick with people and ground
them in God's Great Story, 3) to develop sermon calendars that accomplish your ministry
goals. Stop treading water! Become the messenger God created you to be!
Shaylon Sharp is an ordained Assemblies of God minister, and an honors graduate of
SEU (1999, Church Ministries), and Beeson Divinity School, Samford University (2010,
Master of Divinity). He served four summers on Kids and Youth Camp staffs, and as the
first district Youth Department intern. He has traveled on teams with AIM, BMMC, and
SEU, in church and street ministry, using preaching and drama, in numerous states and
foreign countries. Shaylon has ministered at camps and conventions within and beyond
the Assemblies of God. His primary ministry focus is making disciples through Christcentered creative preaching and teaching series. He has served at The Crossing in
McCalla since 1999, as Youth Pastor, Worship Leader, Assistant Pastor for Preaching and
Discipleship, and as Lead Pastor for the last two years. He is married to Tabitha, and
they are expecting a son in November.
S3 - Successful Student Ministry In A Small Town – Jimmy Watson
This session will explore the challenges and benefits of student ministry in a small/rural
town. While ministry in a “big city” may seem more inviting and eventful, student
ministry in a small town also has much to offer. We will discuss creative ways to make
big ideas work in your area, the effect small town ministry has on your family, open doors
that aren’t available in a big city, and much more. Ministering in a small town can be life
changing for the students as well as your family.
Jimmy Watson is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. He and his wife, Donna, have
served in student ministry for eighteen years, first as volunteers at Auburn First
Assembly, and for the past twelve years as Associate and Youth Pastors at Butler First
Assembly. He has been married to his wife Donna for nineteen years, and they have
three children.
S4 - FIRE Institute: An Example of Systematic Youth Discipleship Jimmy Lunsford
National Assemblies of God Student Discipleship Director, Rod Whitlock, says "FIRE
Institute may very well be the best all around discipleship tool ever offered for leaders
and students." FIRE consists of four separate eight week courses, each with a unique
focus, and each incorporating in-depth Bible study, lessons in theology, a class project,
sharing their faith, scripture memorization and more. This workshop will explain the
structure, impact, and benefits of this systematic discipleship.
Jimmy Lunsford is an ordained Assemblies of God minister, having attended SEU. He has
been in full time ministry for almost ten years, primarily in youth ministry. Jimmy served
first in a successful church plant and currently serves as Youth Pastor at Montgomery
First Assembly. His focus is on seeing changed lives in the teens and young adults to
whom he ministers. He and his wife Amanda have three children.
S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 - Teacher Certification Clinic – Tom Bougher
The Teacher Certification Clinic is the cornerstone of training to be an effective teacher.
Whether you are a new teacher, a Small Group leader, or an experienced teacher, this
seminar is one of the best offered anywhere in enabling you to successfully communicate
truth to people of any age. Basic, relevant topics are covered simply and well. This clinic
is a five-hour seminar, and a portion will be done each of the five breakout sessions.
(We are asking that every layperson that leads or teaches Sunday School, regardless
of what other ministries they are involved in, would make attending this Teacher
Certification Clinic their priority. The material presented covers ministry to every
age group from infants to adults, and it is directly applicable to every other ministry
in our churches. This is a foundational training seminar, highly beneficial as a
refresher course even to experienced teachers. )
Tom Bougher (pronounced Boo’-yer) is an ordained Assemblies of God minister, and
graduate of CBC (BA, Biblical Studies), and UNA (1972, Music). He has served as a youth,
music, small groups, and lead pastor in Texas and Alabama. Tom also served as the S. E.
Field Consultant for GPH. Tom travels the nation applying his thirty-eight years of
ministry experience to help Sunday Schools and Small Group ministries produce healthy
spiritual growth. He is married to Jan, a PK from Alabama, they have three grown
children, and grandchildren.
S4 - Making the Sunday School Class a Small Group Experience – Wes
Small Group ministry is an important part of the discipleship ministry. Often churches
address this need by discontinuing their Sunday School. This workshop addresses some
practical and creative ways the Sunday School teacher can create a Small Group
experience in their class. You will be taught how to intentionally design a class to
accomplish relational goals. (held in the Small Group Track room)
Greg Banach is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. He is a graduate of Global
University. Greg serves bi-vocationally at Montgomery First Assembly, teaching,
preaching, and ministering there and in other settings. He assists in teaching the FIRE
Institute, adding significant information from his studies in Scripture and apologetics.