Pre- School Information *New Client Package

Communication: As a partner in your child's care, we focus on open lines of
communication. Our interactions with you are as important as our interactions
with your child. Please feel free to call any time of the day to discuss any
concerns or suggestions in regard to your child's care and/or learning process.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. At any time we will
make accommodations for a parent/teacher meeting to address any concerns
or questions that you may have. We not only want the children to be happy, we
want parents to be happy too!
Our Philosophy: One of our main goals is to facilitate a variety of
environmental benefits to suit the pre-school specific stage of your child's
development. We strive to encouraging creativity, curiosity and to establish
healthy boundaries as well as to increase levels of communication,
responsibility, and self-esteem. Our focus of the pre-school program is to set
your child up for success in Kindergarten by exposing them to the
fundamentals of education and the systematic approach that they will be
expected to adhere to in school. With an understanding of the learning
outcomes of Kindergarten and the “average” anticipated skills and milestones’
associated with this specific age group we will help your child to emotionally,
socially, cognitively, verbally and academically prepare for Kindergarten.
Our Staff: Pre-School Teachers are required to have their Early Childhood
Education Certification and up to date First Aid. We have take pride in our
staff and have chosen Miss Barb because she is passionate about what she
does and takes responsibility in the importance of the influence she has in her
role as “Teacher”.
Hours of Operation: A.M Class – 8:45 a.m – 11:15 a.m
P.M Class – 12:15p.m –2:45 p.m
Please note that pre-school follows the school district schedule and will be
closed on all statutory holidays and school pro-D days.
Arriving/Picking up: All children must be signed in and signed out daily by a
parent. Anyone that is not recognizable by staff as a parent of the child will be
asked to provide identification when picking up. They also must be listed in the
child’s file as an authorized pick-up person. If the child's parent/s have not
authorized the person and/or the person cannot show identification, the child
will not be released. We also adhere to all custody arrangements and require
copies of the court documents if there are custody orders in place.
If you are going to be late picking your child up, please give as much notice as
Confidentiality: We promise to protect the rights of your child and to keep any
and all information pertaining to your child and your family confidential. The
topics of confidentiality include (but are not limited to): names, addresses,
phone numbers, personal information, developmental or behavioral concerns,
ethnic background, religious beliefs, economic status and family relationships.
Behavior Management/ Guidance: Our goal in mentoring the children in
socialization and boundaries is to help them achieve self-control and to see the
positive outcome of effective interactions. In this endeavor we rely heavily on
role modeling. Strategically directing conversations and scenarios as lessons
and demonstrating positive reactions. We also believe in the power of positive
reinforcement. Providing choices is often used as an effective way to avoid
conflict as well as utilization of natural consequences.
Potty Training: It is not a requirement that your child is fully potty-trained. So
long as the child is showing interest in using the potty, it will be encouraged
and fit into our daily schedule. Please let us know of any techniques that are
working and we will adopt them. You will be required to supply all necessary
diapering apparel.
Food: Please provide a snack for your child and a bottle of water or juice box
every day. There is only one snack per day. We encourage nutritious food and
eating habits that coincide with Canada's Food Guide. Please be advised that
we are a "Nut Free" facility.
Gradual Entry: Is based on the individual needs of the child. We will work with
you on a gradual entry schedule that best suits your needs.
Smoking: There is to be no smoking in any area of the facility or on its
grounds. We appreciate your compliance on this matter.
Medicine: Administration of medicine to your child will be carried out at your
request. However, we must have written permission and detailed
administration instructions. Your child's name must be labeled clearly on any
medicine container and prescription medication must be in the child's name.
Immunizations: Please photocopy your child's Health passport for us to keep
on file. We are required to have this information on hand so if you do not have
a health passport you can obtain a copy of their record from Interior Health.
To bring for your child: Indoor shoes (or slippers), extra pairs of
underwear/clothing. Also, sunscreen/sun hat in summer and mits/snow
pants/toque in winter. All belongings must be clearly labeled! Clothing soiled
by "accidents" will be sent home in a clear Ziploc bag. Remember to return
additional back-up clothing.
Subsidy: We will work with you in obtaining government funding or "subsidy"
for Pre-School. We will be patient in receiving the funds if they are late;
however, you will be held personally liable for any outstanding fees due to
cancellation of the policy.
Monthly fee Schedule: Monthly fees are collected prior to services rendered on
the 1st of each month. We ask to be provided with post-dated cheques from
September through to December and then from January until June. Fees are
not based on attendance. The rates are set and are not deducted under any
circumstance i.e. holidays/sick days/spring break/Christmas break.
A fee of $25 will be charged for cheques returned N.S.F.
Withdrawal: We require 30 days written notice if you intend to withdraw your
child. At this time we will return any post-dated cheques.
Before Starting: What we will need; Immunization records, court custody
documents, signed waivers, post-dated cheques , signed contract, labeled bag
of personal belongings, $20 Registration fee, $50 deposit and a recent photo of
your child.
Health policy: If your child arrives at Creative Advantage with obvious signs
of; vomiting, rash, hives, lice, foreign matter in the eyes / ears or fever, they
will not be permitted entry. If you can see that your child is potentially
contagious or too ill that they will be unable to participate in our daily
activities, please keep them home. This will help to protect the other children in
care and their families. If your child becomes sick while in care ( fever over
101,vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) we will call you to arrange a pick up for your
child. It is important to be available by phone so that we can contact you at
any time during our day. The guidelines for knowing whether your child is well
enough to attend can be found at
Please use this as a resource in your decision-making. If you are still unsure
please see your family doctor to confirm. As all runny noses and coughs are not
necessarily communicable and are a normal part of childhood, we try to be as
reasonable as possible within the guidelines of health and safety.
Injuries: Any injury sustained on our premise will be recorded and reported to
parents promptly.
Emergencies: All members of staff within the facility are trained in Childcare
First Aid. In the event of an injury to your child we require your consent to
perform first aid within the parameters of our training. You will be contacted
ASAP in the event of any substantial injury to your child or if there are any
emergency circumstances at the facility.
Major Disasters and Evacuation Procedures: Please provide us with a family
picture and a letter to your little one so that we will be better able to comfort
them in the event of a major disaster. With the $10 emergency kit charge, we
keep on-site, enough provisions to care for your child for 72 hours. Once each
month our facility will perform fire drill procedures. Once each year we will
carry out neighborhood evacuation procedures. In the event that such events
actually happen, we want to make you aware of where we will be relocating to.
1) Facility evacuation: (In the event of a building fire)
Williams Automotive Service. 1790 K.L.O Rd. Ph # 250-860-2812
2) Neighborhood evacuation: (In the event of an earthquake)
Save On Foods. 3175 Lakeshore Rd. Ph# 250-860-7787
Monthly Payments :
New Clients
Clients enrolled in Daycare
2 days/Week
3 days/Week
5 days/Week
Subsidy Coverage for Pre-School:
$202.50 for 5 days/Week
$ 157.50 for 3 days/Week
$112.50 for 2 days/Week
Time Efficient Daily Schedule: (The Daily Schedule is subject to change)
10 Mins -Arrival & Greeting
15 Mins – Circle Time (Calendar/Weather)
-Turn taking
-Sentence structure practice
-Participation, attentiveness & patience
-Deductive reasoning skills
25 Mins – Pre-Literacy Thematically Planned Activities
-Tracing & Printing Names
-Numeracy Practice
-Phonemic awareness
-Patterning & Identification of colors/shapes
-Using scissors, glue and pens with control
15 Mins – Centers and Discovery Trays
-Life Skills
-Pre-academic skills
-Fine Motor skills
-Concept building
OR – Creativity Time
-Eye/hand co-ordination
15 Mins –Clean up Time & Responsibility
-Self Governance
-Tasks ie: wiping tables, sweeping – Gross Motor skills
-Working togethter-Social skills
15 Mins –Snack Time
25 Mins – Reading/Math/Science – Group Discussions
-Puzzles & word activities
-Science projects & Mathematical games
-Thematic incorporation of pre-math and pre-science
10 Mins – Bathroom break
5 Mins – Preparation for Outside Time
-Body co-ordination
15 Mins – Outside Time
-Gross Motor Skills
-Physical development
This daily schedule is designed to incorporate activities that focus on the
social, physical, intellectual, emotional and creative developmental needs of
each individual child. Preschool focuses on teachable opportunities for children
allowing them flexibility to explore, while simultaneously incorporating
educational elements which will provide a foundation for their transition into
the elementary school years. –Miss Barb
We want to get to know your family!
Please feel free to write as much or little as you see fit. Add any helpful ways for
us to address situations in a manner that is similar to that of home.
Your child’s name that : HE / SHE (circle one) goes by: _______________________
Full Name:_____________________________
Age: _______________ Date of Birth: Month_____ Day________Year________
Hair colour: _______________ Eye colour:__________________
Area of Creative
Family Dynamics (Please note any custody arrangements or family situations):
Family members in the home and their
Physical/ Mental
Past Illness or
Is your child on any medication? Please list and
Developmental concerns/
Social Development
Sleeping comforts/
Toilet use/
Additional personal information about _________________:
(Personality and/or
Medical History
Has your child ever experienced any of the following: ( please circle );
Head injury
Asthmatic reaction
Diabetic reaction
Ear Infection
Family Doctor’s Name:______________________________
Phone #____________________________
Family Dentist’s Name:______________________________
Phone #____________________________
Care Card #________________________
Stomach upsets
Skin Rash
Does your child have any allergies?
Does your child have family members that have severe allergic
Has your child tried all of the following? (Please circle any they have NOT tried)
Parent Information
Parents printed names: _______________________ _______________________
Father/Guardian info:
Home phone #_________________________
Cell phone #___________________________
Work Ph#_____________________________
Mother/Guardian info:
Home phone #_________________________
Cell phone #___________________________
Work Ph#_____________________________
Emergency Contacts/ Persons Authorized for Pick-up
In the case of an emergency we will call emergency contacts in order listed.
#1) Name:_________________________ Relationship:______________________
#2) Name:_________________________ Relationship:_______________________
#3) Name:_________________________ Relationship:_______________________
Please list anyone UNAUTHORIZED to access your
I give my consent for my child to be photographed or recorded on video to be
used on a website or in displays or products at the Discretion of Creative
Advantage Childcare.
Or Guardian_____________________
I/We consent for our child to be taken on planned field trips, walks, or walkthroughs of emergency procedures by any member of Creative Advantage
Childcare Staff while attending Pre-school.
Or Guardian_____________________
I acknowledge that this document shall serve as a waiver of liability between
myself and my kin and Creative Advantage Childcare.
Or Guardian_____________________
In the event that my child is involved in an emergency, I consent to all
measures deemed necessary by staff of Creative Advantage Childcare to ensure
the health and safety of my child. This includes but is not limited to; CPR,
mouth to mouth resuscitation, emergency first aid and transportation by
ambulance to the hospital.
Or Guardian___________________
I/We consent for any member of Creative Advantage Childcare to apply
sunscreen or diaper cream that I have provided upon my child at their
Or Guardian_____________________
With my signature, I ____________________and/or _____________________
Or Guardian __________________ take responsibility for the understanding of all
information provided within the “Creative Advantage Communication and
Connection Parent Handbook” and agree to all terms and conditions.
**This contract signifies enrolment in Pre-School at Creative Advantage!**
Our spot will be:
First month's payment will be due on _____________in the amount of _________
and such stated amount will be collected on the first day of each month by
deposit of a post-dated cheque.
Start Date: _________________
We are so pleased that you have chosen Creative Advantage and
look forward to getting to know you and your child even better!
All of the above parent/guardian signatures where signed the __________day of
Authorizing Signatures: