Al Falah School of Engineering and Technology By Professor (Dr) Anil Kumar Physics For 1st Semester Al Falah University Al Falah School of Engineering and Technology Physics Notes for Semester I Professor (Dr) Anil Kumar Unit 3: Lasers and X-Rays Lasers Syllabus : Spontaneous and Stimulated emission, Laser action, characteristics of laser beam; concept of coherence, Spatial and temporal coherence, He-Ne laser, applications Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Lasers can be constructed from solids, liquids, gases, or plasmas. In all the cases, the laser action occurs because photons are emitted as the system transitions between two energy states. Spontaneous emission The electrons, atoms or molecules, they occupy certain energy levels. When an atom or electron spontaneously decays from one energy state E2 to a lower energy state E1, it emits a photon of the energy E = h = E2-E1 where h is Planck's constant and is the frequency of the laser light. This process is called spontaneous emission. (see Figure). Spontaneous emission does not occur instantaneously. Instead, Absorption 2 Spontaneous Emissions E2 2 E2 2 Stimulated Emissions E2 the electrons/atoms reside in the upper energy state for a certain h h h 2 h 1 E1 period of time (called life time of the energy level) before they spontaneously come down to the lower energy state emitting a photon E1 1 of energy h. 1 E1 Absorption: When a photon of energy of h interacts with an atom or molecule in lower energy state E1 it absorbs the photon energy and moves to higher energy state E2 provided the energy of the photon is exactly equal to the energy difference of two state E = h = E2 - E1 Unit III Page 1 September 2014 Physics For 1st Semester Al Falah School of Engineering and Technology By Professor (Dr) Anil Kumar Stimulated Emission: Einstein predicted that it was also possible to force a transition from higher state to lower by means of a photon of energy equal to the energy difference of two states . In other words, a photon of the energy h can force or stimulate an electron to transfer between states 2 and 1, yielding another photon of the energy h = E2 - E1. This stimulated emission process results in two photons of the energy h. Furthermore, these two photons will be in phase, of the same polarization, and heading in the same direction Thus, ideal laser light is formed of groups of photons where all the photons are at exactly the same frequency (wavelength) and all the photons are in phase. Einstein coefficients After Planck theory of radiation and Bohr’s theory of atomics model, Einstein redefined photons and worked out interaction of photons with different energy states, which is also called radiative transfer of energy. Einstein was the first to define stimulated emissions along with spontaneous emissions and absorption of photons. He also worked out the rates and probabilities of these absorption and emissions Spontaneous emissions: The rate of spontaneous emissions from energy sate E2 to E1 will depend only on the number of atoms N2 in higher states E2 dN 2 dt A21 N 2 The coefficient A21 is called the spontaneous emission probability or "the Einstein A coefficient." N2 atoms per unit volume in the Energy level 2 at any time t. Absorption: The rate of absorption from energy sate E1 to E2 will depend on the number of atoms N1 in the lower energy states E1 dN1 dt W12 N1 W12 is absorption probability depends on the intensity or flux of photons F or W12 =B12 F The coefficient B12 is called the absorption probability or "the Einstein B coefficient for absorption." Stimulated Emission: The rate of Stimulated Emission from energy state E2 to E1 will depend on the number of atoms N2 in the higher energy states E2 dN 2 dt W21N 2 st W21 is Stimulated Emission probability depends on the intensity or flux of photons F or W21 =B21 F Unit III Page 2 September 2014 Physics For 1st Semester Al Falah School of Engineering and Technology By Professor (Dr) Anil Kumar The coefficient B21 is called the probability of Stimulated Emission or "the Einstein B coefficient for Stimulated Emission." Consider an atomic system under equilibrium conditions. The total emission probability per unit time from level E2 to level E1 (spontaneous + stimulated) is equal to absorption probability (A21+B21F) N2 = B12 F N1 From this we get photon flux or density F= E() E() (N1B12 - N2B21) = N2A21 E( ) Or A21 1 B21 N1 B12 1 N 2 B21 At thermal equilibrium, the atomic population N1 and N2 in energy levels E1 and E2 at temperature T is given by Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution as N2 e ( E2 E1 ) / kT e h / kT N1 E( ) As h = E2-E1 A21 1 h / kT B21 e B12 1 B21 Comparing it with Planck's law of radiation 8h 3 1 E ( ) 3 h / kT c e 1 We get A21 8h 3 B and 12 1 3 B21 c B21 The quantities A21, B12, B21 are called Einstein's coefficients. The ratio of spontaneous and stimulated emission probabilities is proportional to 3. The probability of spontaneous emission is very high at higher frequencies compared with the probability of stimulated emission, hence it is very difficult to make lasers in visible blue and ultra violet region, as compared to the making of lasers in infrared region. Also B21=B12 The probability of stimulated emission is the same the probability of absorption. It mean in coming photon hv (=E2-E1) will likely to be absorbed as number of atoms at lower energy N1 is more than N2. Hence Laser can only be made through stimulated emission if N2>N1 ( Population Inversion condition) Laser Action The laser action, is due to stimulated emission which provides gain to the laser system as it make one photon in to two photons. Unit III Page 3 September 2014 Physics For 1st Semester Al Falah School of Engineering and Technology By Professor (Dr) Anil Kumar To get better Stimulated emission, the higher energy states must have more population of atoms than lower energy state, which is not common naturally. This situation is known as population Inversion. Population Inversion In a case of population inversion, the population in the upper energy state is more than the population in the lower laser state. In thermal equilibrium, the population ratio between two states is governed by the Boltzman equation N2 e ( E2 E1 ) / kT N1 where N2 is the population in the upper state, N1 is the population in the lower state, k is Boltzmann’s constant, and T is the temperature. However, the Boltzmann equation only describes conditions of thermal equilibrium. Lasers are not operated in thermal equilibrium. Instead, the upper state is populated by pumping it via some nonequilibrium process. A pulse of light, an electrical spark or a chemical reaction can be used to populate more in the upper energy state. Laser media To make laser one must choose laser media like a Gas, a Liquid or a solid state material. The pumping process is decided depending on the laser gain medium. For Gas lasers it is generally gas discharge, For liquid and Solid state lasers it is optical pumping. The optical energy is provided either by flash lamp or by laser or laser diodes to create population inversion. Cavity Pumping It is another essential item of the laser system which provides selective gain at the wavelength of the required lasers. It is basically a multi beam Fabry Perot Interferometer. It is also referred as feedback system like in any oscillator. Following three components are required for laser generation 1. Laser media 2. Pumping device Laser gain media 3. Feedback system (resonator cavity) to tune lasers. Resonator cavity with mirrors Following three mechanisms are responsible for laser generation 1. 2. 3. MAJOR COMPONENTS OF LASERS Pumping to create population inversion Stimulated emission to get the gain Feedback system (resonator cavity) to sustain oscillations. LASER CHARACTERSTICS The laser is also light but differs from ordinary light due to following properties. 1. MONOCHROMATICITY, 2. COHERENCY, Unit III Page 4 September 2014 Physics For 1st Semester Al Falah School of Engineering and Technology By Professor (Dr) Anil Kumar 3. VERY LOW BEAM DIVERGENCE 4. BRIGHTNESS 5. POLARISATION. First three qualities come from stimulated emission in laser and next two follows due to first three qualities of laser. For lasers (like light) wavelength (in angstroms or nm) is used to define laser over it’s frequency . But the wavelength of a laser line could be expressed in terms of frequency . The property of having a group of photons at exactly one frequency is referred to as monochromaticity. In actual practice, laser line is not at one wavelength but varies over a very small range of wavelength due to various broadening process. This range is referred as line width (Δ). The property of having a group of photons with the same phase is referred to as coherency. Thus, lasers are often Monochromatic termed monochromatic and coherent sources of light. In reality lasers are neither perfectly monochromatic nor perfectly coherent (see Figure below). However, when characterizing a real laser system, it is generally assumed that the laser beam was Coherent initially in phase and the incoherence of the laser arises only from the lack of monochromaticity of the source. (This is a reasonable assumption for conventional lasers with feedback, but may not be sufficiently accurate for unusual laser systems.) Thus, Coherency and monochromaticity are generally assumed to Finite line width measure the same parameter. The monochromaticity of a laser beam is described by its wavelength line width Δ, (in angstroms or nm) or its frequency line width (in Hz). The two quantities are related as Δ 1 2 c 2 Finite Coherency which (assuming that l and 2 are much larger than 2 - 1) can be approximated by The fundamental line width for an ideal laser line is extremely small. In practice, various broadening mechanisms increase this fundamental line width in real lasers. The monochromaticity of a laser beam can also be described in terms of coherency. Thus, the coherence time is given by = 1/ Coherence is one of the most important concepts in optics and is strongly related to the ability of light to exhibit interference effects. A light field is called coherent when there is a fixed phase relationship between the electric field values at different locations or at different times. Partial coherence means that there is some (although not perfect) correlation between phase values. Spatial and Temporal Coherence There are two very different aspects of coherence: Unit III Page 5 September 2014 Physics For 1st Semester Al Falah School of Engineering and Technology By Professor (Dr) Anil Kumar Spatial coherence means a strong correlation (fixed phase relationship) between the electric fields at different locations across the beam profile. For Spatial Coherent example, within a cross-section of a beam from a laser with diffraction-limited beam quality, the electric fields at different positions oscillate in a totally correlated way, even if the temporal structure is complicated. Temporal coherence means a strong correlation between the electric fields at one location but different times. For example, the output of a single-frequency Partial Coherent laser can exhibit a very high temporal coherence, as the electric field temporally evolves in a highly predictable fashion: it exhibits a clean sinusoidal oscillation over extended periods of time. He Ne Laser It is a gas laser. Laser comes from Neon atoms. Helium is used to help population inversion. A mixture of Helium and Neon Gases in the ratio of 10: 1 is filled in discharge tube at pressure of 2-3 torr depending on the size. The discharge is created by applying high voltage between anode and cathode. Laser action: In discharge tube He atoms takes energy and go to higher energy states of 23S and 21S. When Neon atom collide with exited helium atoms, the energy is transferred to Neon atom and Neon atoms go to exited states of 2S and 3S of Neon. Exited neon atom leave 3S and 2S level and moves to 2p and 3p and radiate many possible frequencies of lasers Three main lines of lasers have wavelength 632.8nm (3S2p), 3.39m (3S3p) and 1.15m(2S2p). In order to maintain continuous flow the lower level of neon gets depopulated by losing energy to the wall of discharge tube by wall collisions. Unit III Page 6 September 2014 Al Falah School of Engineering and Technology By Professor (Dr) Anil Kumar Physics For 1st Semester To get the laser output the discharge tube is terminated by lossless Brewster 3S 21S 3.3μ window and kept in a cavity of mirrors 23S output one of the mirrors has little 2S 0.63μ Energy of very high reflectivity. To get laser 3P 1.15μ 2P transmission of nearly 1%. 1S Typical output of the He-Ne Laser is between 2 – 25 mWatt. De-excitation with wall collisions The laser is very stable and has high 11S coherence length and very low He Ne divergence. Main application of this laser in alignment, scientific studies like interferometers, barcode reader and in some communication links. APPLICATIONS OF LASERS Lasers have found wide applications in all most all walks of life. Lasers depending on wavelength and powers are used in different applications. Some of them are mentioned below (i) Material processing: Laser can cut, drill, weld and remove Metal from surfaces. (ii) Communication: Lasers are used as source in fibre optic communication. Laser is also tried in free space communications. (iii) Medicine: laser is used in eye surgery, to burn up brain tumours and remove tattoos. Also laser is used in acupunctures. Now lasers are being tried to cure Cancer. (iv) Applications in Physics and Chemistry: An interesting example is of non-linear Optic with special mention of harmonic generation and stimulated scattering. In the field of chemistry, lasers are used both for diagnostic purposes and for producing irreversible chemical change i.e. laser photochemistry. In diagnostic techniques particularly resonant Raman Scattering and coherent antistokes (v) Applications in Military: laser with high power output can be used for destructive purpose. It is used for dazzling applications. There are many laser sensor which are used defence such LRF RLG etc. (vi) In entertainment like in Laser shows (vii) In construction work for alignment of bridges and tunnels. __________________________________________________________________________________ Important questions from the topic as they appeared in past exams of MD Univ. Questions 1. Write note on Population inversion. 2. Explain in brief monochromaticity, 3. What is the principle of laser? 4. Discuss salient characteristics of laser beam. (KU, BT 2005, NITK 2007) 5. What are the main components of laser? Unit III Page 7 September 2014 Physics For 1st Semester Al Falah School of Engineering and Technology By Professor (Dr) Anil Kumar 6. 7. 8. 9. Write two main requirements' for semiconducting laser material. Describe various applications of lasers? (MDU,BE 2011) Write note on He-Ne laser.' (MDU, BE 2002, 2005) Explain the terms: spontaneous emission, stimulated emission, pumping in lasers and population inversion. (KU, BT 2005,2007, NITK, 2004. 2008) 10. Explain the characteristics of laser beam. (MDU,BT 2006) 11. Discuss Einstein's coefficients. Derive relation between them. (MDU, BE May 2008), 12. What are gas lasers? Describe the principle, construction and working of He-Ne gas laser. (MDU, 2006) Unit III Page 8 September 2014