Terms Air tightness The air tightness of a home is how much air leaks in and out of a home through unplanned openings. Air leakage Air leakage is a measure of air tightness. It is the size of the holes in the outer envelope of a building. Its units are generally cm2. Normalized Leakage The following equation is a commonly seen method of normalizing air leakage. NL = Normalized Leakage ELA = Effective Leakage Area (Air Leakage), cm2 Af = Floor Area, m2 H = Height, m Infiltration Infiltration is another measure of air tightness. It is the volume of air flowing through the holes in the outer envelope when the home is at a specified pressure difference. Generally, the infiltration is reported at a pressure difference of either 50 Pascals, when an accurate reading can be made, or extrapolated to 4 Pa, which is a typical condition. It is generally reported in m3/s. Air Changes Per Hour The following equation is a method of normalizing infiltration. Infiltration x 3600 sec Volume hour Blower door tests Blower door tests are used to determine air leakage and infiltration. The planned openings (ie windows) in a home are sealed and then the home is pressurized for a range of values using a fan installed in a doorway. The flow through the fan is then measured. Using a method from the American Society for Testing and Materials, E779, the air leakage can be calculated from these measurements.i Please see Appendix X for information on this calculation. The infiltration is the measurement at whichever pressure is of interest. Measuring Air Leakage of U.S. Homes There is a large database of blower door tests collected by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Persily et al. completed the most recent analysis of this database in 2006, in order to classify the typical normalized leakage of single-family homes in the United States.ii The final result of this paper is the following table: Table 1. Normalized Leakage based on floor area and year The approach he took to calculate these numbers is based on the following chart from a paper by Chan et al. in 2003. Table 2. Statistics of the normalized leakage of conventional houses that are not participants of low-income or an energy efficiency program The values in the box are the geometric means of normalized leakage for the type of home specified by area and year. Persily then averaged the numbers by year for the floor areas below and above 139 m2. This produces the chart seen in Figure X. Figure 1. Normalized Leakage Versus Year Built Persily did a linear regression of these lines and found the values of normalized leakage in 1940, 1955, 1979, and 1998, approximately. These values are reported in the table, above. Values of Normalized Leakage As discussed above, there have been measurements made on the United States housing stock to determine typical air leakage. In addition to the values found in the Persily table above, Sherman measured the average normalized leakage for new, conventional homes to be 0.55 in a paper in 2002. It is important to note that a conventional home in this context is one that was “not built as part of any energyefficiency program. Most of them were measured as part of some voluntary program. Many of the builders knew that their houses would be tested, but no special energy efficiency features were installed.” [Sherman, 2002] There is one standard, ASHRAE 119, which bases its standard on normalized leakage. This is by region and, in Chicago, any value of normalized leakage below 0.57 is considered sufficient. In addition, there are two methods of determining whether mechanical ventilation is required based on normalized leakage. The first is found in ASHRAE 119 and has three categories: required ventilation, unknown, and ventilation not required. The second is in a paper by Sherman, which has four divisions including required balanced and unbalanced ventilation, either, and no ventilation required. These measures can be found in the following graph, along with a box-and-whisker plot of the MIT ICF data. Figure 2. Normalized Leakage As can be seen in the figure, the median of the data is similar to the range found by Persily for new, conventional homes. In addition, it is in a vague zone in terms of ventilation for both standards. Values of Air Changes per Hour There are many standards in air tightness that are based on the concept of infiltration. The following table contains these, in units of air changes per hour at 50 Pascals of pressure. Standard Passivehaus Building America Program EPA Energy Star German Building Code Swedish Building Code Czech Republic Building Code IECC 2009 ASHRAE 90.2 modeling value Value (ACH@50) .6 3 3 or 5 (climate dependent) 3 3 4.1 Source <passivehouse.us> Lstiburek, 2010 Lstiburek, 2010 7 10* IECC 2009 ASHRAE 90.2 Erhorn, 2008 Lstiburek, 2010 Erhorn, 2008 Table 3. ACH Standards *This value was given as .5 ACH@4 Pa. Based on [Sherman, 1998] this can be converted to ACH@50 Pa using the following equation: ACH 50=20*ACH4 These values can be seen on the following chart, overlaid onto the MIT ICF data as a box and whisker plot. Figure 3. Air Changes Per Hour Although the ICF homes can be considered tight, they are similar to newer, European standards. Appendix X. Air Leakage Calculation This is a brief description of the process in ASTM standard E779-2010 Methodology Seal the house and create a uniform pressure throughout Install air moving equipment Increase the pressure from 10 to 60 Pa, in steps of 5 or 10 Pa Determine the airflow to maintain the pressure Measure indoor and outdoor temperature, and elevation Calculation Correct the pressure based on the average zero-flow measurement Correct the flow based on the indoor and outdoor densities Calculate the natural logarithm of the correct pressures and flows Find the variances and the covariances of these natural logarithm values Calculate n and C in the following equation Q = C∆Pn Q = flow, m3/s Covar iance n= Variance(ln( P)) C exp(ln( Q) n * ln( P)) 1.458 *10 6 (T 273).5 , kg/(msK.5) 110.4 1 T 273 µ0 = µ(T = 20 C) .0065 * 600 5.2553 293 1.20411 T 273 293 T = indoor or outdoor temperature, C Then find the corrected C, C0, using the following equation 2n 1 1n C0 C 0 0 Finally, the air leakage can be calculated 2n 1 1n AL C0 , m2 0 0 The confidence limits of n, C and AL are found using the variance of these values and the two-sided T statistic ADD THIS INFORMATION AFTER CONFIRMING THAT THE EQUATIONS ARE CORRECT (ESPECIALLY SINCE THEY REFER TO VARIANCE BUT USE THE SYMBOL FOR STANDARD DEVIATION) Appendix X NOTES – NOT PART OF THE REPORT Air Leakage/Infiltration Standards 3ach@50 Pa – Swedish building code Source: Lstiburek, “Just right and airtight” ASHRAE Journal. 3ach@50 Pa – Building America Program Source: Lstiburek, “Just right and airtight” ASHRAE Journal. 3ach and 5ach@50 Pa – EPA Energy Star. Depends on climate. Source: Lstiburek, “Just right and airtight” ASHRAE Journal. 7ach@50 Pa – IECC 2009 ASHRAE 90.2 – must meet ASHRAE 119. For modeling, there are three options but the important value is .5 ACH = 10 ACH@50 based on [Sherman, 1998] Please see [Erhorn, 2008] Passivehaus test buildings = average .37 ACH (2000) to .46 ACH (2002) at 50 Pa Czech Republic – 4.1 ACH@50 Pa Germany – 3 ACH@50 Pa or 7.8 m3/h /m2 floor area or 3 m3/h/m2 surface area Denmark – 1.5 l/s per m2 floor area Norway – 3 l/h Airtight building shell ≤ 0.6 ACH @ 50 pascal pressure (http://www.passivehouse.us/passiveHouse/PassiveHouseInfo.html) ASHRAE standard 119 -1988 – in Chicago, less than NL = .57 Measured Values Sherman, 1998; Chan 2003/2005; Persily combined these into Normalized Leakage Year Built Floor area < 148.6 Floor area > 148.6 Before 1940 1.29 .58 1940-1969 1.03 .49 1970-1989 .65 .36 1990 and newer .31 .24 [Sherman, 2002] – average NL for new, conventional homes = .55 Mechanical Ventilation Persily 2006 – Used 6.1 L/s/m2 (balanced) for any home with a central system [ASHRAE 1989] ASHRAE 119 Normalized Leakage Mechanical Ventilation Class A – C Less than .2 Required Class D-F .2 < NL < .57 Unknown Class G-J Greater than .57 Not required ASHRAE standard 62.2 – 2010 ASHRAE 90.2 Minimum 50 cfm outdoor air (when summer design infiltration rate is less than 0.35 ACH) - calculate according to equation 6-1 Please see [Erhorn, 2008] Czech Republic – 1.5 ACH w/o recuperation, 1 ACH with recuperation Germany – 1.5 ACH@50 Pa or 3.9 m3/h /m2 floor area or 3 m3/h/m2 surface area Denmark – 1.5 l/s per m2 floor area Norway – 3 l/h [Sherman, 1998] NL<.14 – Balanced .14<NL<.28 - Either .28<NL<.8 - Unbalanced NL>.8 - None ASTM Standard E779, 2010, "Standard Test Method for Determining Air Leakage Rate by Fan Pressurization," ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2003, DOI: 10.1520/E0779-10, www.astm.org. ii Persily A, Musser A, Leber D. “A collection of homes to represent the U.S. housing stock.” National Institute of Standards and Technology, NISTIR 7330; 2006. i