POLICY AND PROCEDURE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANS SECTION 1 DISASTER PLANS Outline of Disaster Plan Facility Disaster Plan Evacuation Floor Plans Community Disaster Plan POLICY AND PROCEDURE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANS SECTION 1 Outline of Disaster Plan1 Page 1 of 2 1. Evacuation routes are to be posted in each section of the facility. 2. A copy of the Disaster plan will be maintained in the Nursing office/med room. 3. New personnel will be expected to learn the Disaster Plan as part of their orientation. 4. The facility shall conduct the following drills: a. Twelve (12) fire drills, one conducted on each shift at least every three (3) months to familiarize staff members and Residents with signals, evacuation procedures and emergency action required under varied conditions. Fire exit drills shall include the transmission of a fire alarm signal and simulation of emergency fire conditions except that the movement of infirm and bedridden residents to safe areas or to the exterior of the structure is not required. Fire drills shall meet the following requirements: 1) Each staff member shall participate in at least one fire drill annually; 2) One staff member shall be designated to observe and evaluate each drill and shall not participate in that drill; 3) Residents capable of self-evacuation shall be actually evacuated to safe areas or to the exterior of the home in at least two fire drills a year on each shift. Movement of nonambulatory Residents to safe areas or to the exterior of the home is not required. 4) Drills conducted between 9:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. may use a coded announcement instead of an audible alarm. 5) The facility shall ensure that alarms are reset after each drill. b. At least two disaster preparedness drills per year, one of which shall be a tornado drill which shall occur during the months of March through July. The facility shall investigate all problems encountered in the drills and take corrective action. The facility shall keep a written record and evaluation of each fire drill which shall include the date, time, staff member attendance, effectiveness of the drill procedures, number of residents evacuated, total time for evacuation, and the weather conditions during the evacuation, and of each drill. The records shall also describe any problems encountered and the corrective actions taken. This record shall be on file in the facility for three (3) years. The facility shall require at least one responsible staff member to attend a fire prevention training course each year. 5. The home shall post in a conspicuous place in each section of the home a wall-specific floor plan designating room use, locations of alarm sending stations, evacuation routes and exits, fire alarms and fire extinguishers and flow of Resident evacuation. 6. The Administrators must be notified of any fire/disaster. 1 Ohio Department of Health Rule 3701-17-54 C2C, 3701-17-63, I3, J1, A, B, C, J2, K, L, M, N, P. Q, T, U Ohio Revised Code 3721.071 POLICY AND PROCEDURE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANS SECTION 1 Outline of Disaster Plan Page 2 of 2 7. The state or local Fire Department will conduct a Disaster In-service for all personnel once a year. 8. The facility shall conduct at least monthly a fire safety inspection which shall be recorded on forms provided by the department and kept on file in the facility for three (3) years. 9. The facility shall report any incident of fire, damage due to fire and any incidence of illness, injury or death due to fire or smoke inhalation of a Resident within twenty-four (24) hours to the office of the state fire marshal on forms preceded by the office. 10. The home shall prominently display emergency telephone numbers at each telephone provided by the facility. 11. The facility maintains a written transfer agreement with other facilities that can meet the needs of Residents who require transfer because their health and safety is, or potentially is, adversely affected by conditions in the facility. The Residents shall be transported to the alternate facility by personnel with facility vans and private autos. They will be cared for there as long as necessary. 12. The facility is equipped with both an automatic fire extinguishing system and fire alarm system. 13. All Residents will receive training on admission and during the facility drills on the proper actions to take in the event of a fire. POLICY AND PROCEDURE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANS SECTION 1 Facility Disaster Plan2 Policy It is our policy to provide a written plan of action to be used in time of disaster for the facility, utilizing its maximum resources. Therefore, by this action, the facility will be in a position to render the greatest possible service to the care and safety of moving Residents to a place of safety or possible evacuation. Definitions/Types of Disasters 1. Internal: Those disasters that may occur within the facility such as fire, explosions, etc. 2. External: Those disasters that may occur outside of the facility, such as storms, tornadoes, etc. People Involved The entire facility will function on a team basis with the following people making up the team: 1. Facility Personnel will be assigned specific positions and it will be their responsibility to assume those positions in time of disaster. 2. Administrators. 3. Chief of Police. 4. Chief of Fire Department. 5. Medical Director. 6. Civil Defense or Rescue Squad. Evacuating Residents with Impaired Mobility In the event of evacuating Residents, all Residents will be moved per their normal daily mode of mobility. All Residents at this facility are either ambulatory, walk with the assist of staff, walker, cane, or can be transferred into a wheelchair. All Residents have their own wheelchairs, or walking device. NOTE: there may be Residents under Hospice care who cannot be transferred into a wheelchair; staff would need to evacuate those Residents in their hospice bed. 2 Ohio Department of Health Rule 3701-17-63 I 1A POLICY AND PROCEDURE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANS SECTION 1 Community Disaster Plan Page 1 of 2 Policy: Each public institution in a community, including this facility, must be able to receive as many injured people as possible in case of a disaster. This facility shall serve the public in any capacity possible in case of a disaster affecting the community. Procedure This facility shall: 1. Receive trauma victims that do not need skilled treatment and attention. 2. Provide trauma care and treatment that we are able to administer. 3. Follow all instructions as issued by authority in charge. 4. All off-duty personnel shall be called back to duty. 5. Provide any available supplies, equipment, and/or staff if required when disaster is in another facility. Responsibilities Administrative Department 1. Responsible for receiving, identifying, and placing victims. 2. Prepare a list of disaster victims. 3. Assist where needed. Nursing Department 1. Responsible for basic care of victims, i.e., food, hygiene, warmth. 2. Treatment of wounded as able. 3. Maintain safety and comfort of victims as able. 4. Follow doctors/administration orders to assist in anyway possible. Dietary Department 1. Prepare to furnish quantities of coffee, fruit juices, soup, etc. 2. Contact local merchants or wholesalers to obtain an emergency food supply if necessary. 3. Assist where needed. Housekeeping Department 1. Keep work areas as neat and clean as possible. 2. Assist where needed. Laundry 1. Prepare to keep a continuous staff in the laundry department to keep a supply of linens and laundry. 2. Assist where needed. POLICY AND PROCEDURE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANS SECTION 1 Community Disaster Plan Page 2 of 2 Maintenance Department 1. Be prepared to keep emergency generator and power units activated. 2. Assist where needed. Volunteers 1. Assist where needed.