Proposal for New International Teaching Agreement

This form must be completed in order to submit a proposal for a new international teaching
agreement between Loughborough University (LU) and another institution outside Europe. This
form should be completed using the attached Approval Guidance Notes and through discussion
with the International Partnerships Manager
Proposed Partner
Name and full address of institution.
Is the proposed partner institution of comparable national and international standing to LU?
Does your School/Department (or any other LU School/Department) already have
collaborative links with the proposed partner institution and, if so, in what capacity? If not,
has anyone from the School/Department and/or the University’s International Office visited
the proposed partner institution?
How will this agreement fit with the strategic objectives of the School and LU? Could this
proposed partnership lead to other opportunities for collaboration, e.g. research projects,
student/staff exchange, enterprise activities, etc.? Can the School commit the necessary
resources to this partnership in the long-term?
Proposed Programme of Study
In which academic year do you anticipate the agreement commencing and what is the
intended duration of the agreement?
Please provide full details of the proposed programme of study in section H, including level of
study, structure and delivery, assessment arrangements, award to be made, admissions
processes, and academic and English language entry requirements.
Student Recruitment Potential and Resource Requirements
What is the anticipated number of students who will register at LU for this programme each
year? What evidence is there to support this (e.g. existing demand for overseas study at the
partner university, academic eligibility of students, affordability for students, competitor
activity and potential market share for LU)?
Have the resource requirements to develop, manage and review the partnership been
considered and are they sustainable in the long term? Please include confirmation that the
following have been considered: administration and management of the partnership; the
number of visits to the partner annually; and marketing and promotional activities.
Will scholarships, bursaries or other fee discounts be offered and at what level? What is the
rationale behind these?
Revised 27 July 2015
Academic Considerations
What are the academic standards of the partner and do they equal those of LU? How has
this been measured?
Are the degree programmes at the partner comparable to LU’s (programme level, content,
learning outcomes and degree award requirements)?
What is the language of delivery and can students meet LU’s minimum English language
What impact, if any, will additional students from this partnership have on the student
learning experience in your School/Department? Is there capacity to accommodate these
How will you monitor and review the overall academic and financial success of the
partnership? What processes will be put in place at Department/School level to measure the
student intake against targets and the strategic objectives of the partnership?
Who will be the main contact at LU with responsibility for:
managing the partnership (typically a member of academic staff);
maintaining and operating the agreement (typically a member of administrative staff).
Who will be the main contact at the partner university with responsibility for:
(a) managing the partnership (typically a member of academic staff);
maintaining and operating the agreement (typically a member of administrative staff).
(Please provide full contact details.)
When this form has been completed, please ensure that you have attached a copy of the draft
agreement and then follow the instructions overleaf with regard to the approval procedure.
Please direct any queries to Claire Atkins, Assistant Registrar, PQTP Office, Academic
Registry, email, tel 01509 222241.
Revised 27 July 2015
This section should be completed by the Academic Lead for the partnership for the School in
which the agreement will be operated.
Comments from Academic Lead:
Signature and date:
This section should be completed by the International Partnerships Manager, International
Office, who has been consulted during the preparation of this form.
Comments from International Partnerships Manager:
Signature and date:
This section should be completed by the School Dean in which the agreement will be
operated. The Dean is required to approve the proposal on behalf of the School’s Senior
Management Team and provide written confirmation that the agreement has the full support
of the School for the duration of the agreement
Comments from Dean:
Signature and date:
When the proposal has been approved by the Dean please forward it to Claire Atkins, PQTP,
who will check the draft agreement and refer any queries to the originator before it is
progressed any further.
Comments from PQTP:
Signature and date:
PQTP will submit the proposal to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching) for approval. The final
decision will then be communicated to all relevant parties.
Comments from Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching):
Signature and date:
Revised 27 July 2015
Agreement Details
Type of Partnership Agreement
Type of Partnership Agreement
(e.g. 2+2, 3+1+1)
No. of students expected to enter the university in
each academic year through this partnership
List all Programmes to which students can articulate
Year of Entry (e.g. Part B of UG Programme),
If advanced entry is anticipated, has the syllabus of
the partner institute been approved as appropriate
for advanced entry by the School/department
Will students be expected to participate in a work
placement, internship or sandwich year?
If yes please give details.
Is Loughborough expected to make the award of a
degree or other qualification following successful
completion of the programme? e.g. BSc.
Financial Arrangement (see Guidance Notes)
Will scholarships, bursaries or other fee discounts be
offered to students linked to this agreement?
Please give details of proposed Bursaries
Please give details of proposed Scholarships
Please give the GPA and other criteria for the award
of a Scholarship
Will any of the University’s appointed recruitment
representatives (agents) by used to assist the
students in applying to the University – for which a
commission payment is expected?
If Yes - please give details of the University’s
Are there expected to be any other payments to a
third party for support in the recruitment of these
students e.g. payments to the partner
For programmes lasting more than one year please
state whether the scholarship can be renewed
Give the criteria for renewal of scholarship e.g.
minimum 65% average in Part B of the programme
Entry Requirements
What qualification are students studying for at the
partner institution?
e.g. HND, Diploma, Bachelor degree.
Academic criteria to be used in selecting students for
this agreement e.g. minimum GPA plus any subject
specific requirements
Please confirm that students are expected to meet
LU’s normal entry requirements for English language
for the programme for which they are seeking entry.
e.g. IELTS 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each
element. This will be higher for some of LU’s
Will students be expected to complete any English
language programme as part of this requirement?
Please list the requirements
Revised 27 July 2015
Approval Guidance Notes
Preliminary Discussions
Before completing an approval form it is advisable to alert the PVC(T) and the International Office
to the potential partnership. Consideration should be given to the reputation and standing of the
proposed partner and the likelihood of an agreement being successful in terms of progression of
students to LU.
Submission of Proposal
Please return completed proposals to Claire Atkins, Programme Quality and Teaching
Partnerships (PQTP) ( Forms should be accompanied by evidence of
approval from the Dean of School. PQTP will then draw up a draft agreement to be agreed with the
School and partner before all documentation is forwarded to the PVC(T) for approval/signing off.
The University uses a template of agreed terms for such agreements, amendments and additions
can be included with the approval of the PVC(T).
Financial Arrangements
Details of any payments, including fee discounts (scholarships and bursaries) and representative
(agent) commission payments that will reduce the net fee received by the University should be
included in the proposal form.
Bursaries and Scholarships
Bursaries (as detailed in the agreement) will be automatically awarded to all students who join LU
under the agreement. Scholarships will be awarded to outstanding students. The criteria for the
award of a scholarship will need to be agreed with the Director of the International Office as part of
the approval process. (PQTP will liaise with the International Office over formal approval, but it may
be helpful to discuss informally as part of the proposal preparation).
Operations Committee have approved standard bursary and scholarship levels for such
agreements of:
20% for students who receive a bursary or 25% for students receiving a scholarship.
Levels above this can only be included in agreements if formally approved by Operations
Committee. For advice on formally submitting a case to Operations Committee please contact
Kirsty Carter, Planning Office ( Proposals for new agreements should
not be submitted until such approval is granted (where they include bursary and scholarship levels
above the standard levels above).
Commission Payments
If commission payments to agents are to be included these will normally be at a rate of 10% of the
first year of tuition fees paid by the student attending a programme at the University. If 10%
commission is paid to an agent the payment of bursaries and scholarships to the students
concerned will automatically be reduced by 10%, unless Operations Committee has approved
increased levels for the agreement concerned.
Progression requirements
For students spending more than one year at the University, progression criteria is required for the
continuation of the award of a Scholarship. Operations Committee have approved a minimum of
65% average in modules for the undergraduate year leading to progression to the next Part of the
Programme. Schools can set higher criteria or choose not to continue the award of a scholarship
beyond the year of entry. Note that, if the award of the scholarship is discontinued, the student will
be entitled to receive a Bursary.
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Language of Agreement
All agreements will be drawn up in English. The Academic Registry has no provision for checking
the accuracy of versions of agreements in a foreign language and Schools/Departments will have
to provide assurance that any foreign-language versions to be signed are true to the original
English version.
The PVC(T) will be the signatory for LU but it is possible to add the LU Dean’s signature if desired.
Please indicate this on the approval form.
Ideally, a signatory of equivalent stature should be provided for the partner institution.
Further Advice
If you have any queries relating to the approval of a Teaching Partnership agreement contact
Claire Atkins, PQTP (
Revised 27 July 2015