Dear Parents and interested volunteers, ANCASTER SOCCER

Dear Parents and interested volunteers,
ANCASTER SOCCER CLUB is offering a FREE Leadership Academy for boys and girls in
grades 7 and 8 to learn about leadership. Participants must complete the attached registration
form and attend all sessions. With advanced notice, leaders may miss 1-2 weeks (for illness or
for vacation). Please note: Any absence in excess of 2 will end your involvement with One
Dream Leadership Academy
Who May Participate? Any Middle School aged student in grades 7 through grade
9. Enrolment is limited but older candidates may apply!
The Leadership Academy experience offers participants the opportunity to share in a dynamic
and unique leadership training experience. The Academy includes formal leadership training
lead by Dr. Cathy Klein, as well as activity-based leadership experiences. Each participant will
function as Assistant Soccer Coach for the “Soccer Pups” Developmental Program for children
3-5 years of age.
What does Each Participant Receive?
Leadership T-shirt
Certificate of volunteer hours completed
Written Leadership Evaluation
Practical skills applicable for first resume
$200.00 Stipend (or volunteer hours towards high school graduation)
Candidates are asked to meet at Ancaster High School Football Field on Tuesday evenings at
5:30 – 8:00 pm. The entire Leadership Academy includes Week 1 through Week 12 and
includes formal teaching sessions and activity-based leadership experiences. Participants must
attend all 12 weeks to be a part of this experience.
There will be ONE training and orientation meeting in May (date and Time TBA). The
Leadership Academy begins May 27, 2014 and runs until August 12th, 2014. We will be
contacting all registered as soon as possible! Email for more
information. Thanks for your interest!
314 Wilson St. East Ancaster, ON L9B 2G9 ● T: (905) 304-1491 ● F: (905) 304-6687,
The Leadership Academy begins May 27, 2014 and runs until August 12th, 2014
*Please print neatly and attach any additional information that you think is relevant
GRADE IN SCHOOL (as of Sept 10): _____________________________________________
LEADER’S EMAIL ADDRESS: __________________________________________________
LEADER’S CELL PHONE NUMBER _______________________________________________
PARENT’S HOME PHONE NUMBER ______________________________________________
HOME MAILING ADDRESS (so final check can be sent) _______________________________
I understand that as a leader my attendance at all 12 sessions is mandatory, and that I am
asked to communicate directly with Dr. Cathy Klein myself. I also realize that I am expected to
arrive by 5:30 pm, wear my Leadership T-shirt and bring my clip board and pen to every
Leader Signature _____________________________________________________________
Parental Signature_____________________________________________________________
314 Wilson St. East Ancaster, ON L9B 2G9 ● T: (905) 304-1491 ● F: (905) 304-6687,